Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 81 A Rare Opportunity

"call out."

There was an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, and a half-curved cyan wind blade shot at the gray bear beast that had just escaped the fireball attack.


The gray bear, whose attention was attracted by the fireball, just escaped the enemy's fireball attack, when it was hit by a half-arc cyan wind blade that struck at extreme speed.

" didn't hit its head, it's a pity." Lin Li grunted regretfully, then raised his hand again, and first shot a fireball to attack the gray bear beast, and after a delay of two seconds, he shot another blue one. wind blade.

The gray bear beast that was hit on the shoulder by the half-curved cyan wind blade had a deep wound on its shoulder cut by the sharp cyan wind blade.

Blood gushed out from the wound, and after a while, it dyed the gray hair near the wound red.


The gray bear beast just let out a roar, and saw that hateful human being launched a supernatural attack on him again.

Just like before, in order to avoid the oncoming fireball, it chose to dodge to the side, but as soon as the gray bear and strange beast dodged, a semi-curved cyan wind blade hit.

The blazing hot fireball and the semi-arc-shaped blue wind blade, one in front of the other, the interval is very short, which makes it impossible for the gray beast that dodged the attack of the fireball to dodge the attacking wind blade.



The gray bear, which was cut open again with a deep wound, screamed in pain.

Thinking that he was injured twice by the same method by the hateful human in front of him, this made the gray bear and strange beast very anxious while being furious.

The gray bear beast knew that if he couldn't crack the opponent's attack mode, it would be completely reduced to a target.


The gray bear and strange beast saw another small fireball the size of a pigeon egg appear in Lin Li's hand, and knew that the opponent was about to launch a third wave of attacks on him.

So it let out a low growl, and its huge body of [-] meters stood up, stretched out its broad paws, uprooted a small tree the size of a bowl, and then threw it at Lin Li who was about to throw a small fireball. past.

"Damn... this gray bear is so strong that it even pulled up a small tree directly."

Lin Li was taken aback when he saw the gray bear's tree-pulling operation.

Facing the small tree that was hitting him head-on, Lin Li had no choice but to extinguish the unformed fireball in his hand, and then quickly dodge to the side.

"call out."

Just dodging the oncoming small tree, Lin Li heard the sound of objects piercing the air.

He heard the sound and looked over, and saw a big stone.

Good guy, that gray bear beast actually picked up a big rock from the ground and threw it at people.


The long sword, a spiritual tool with a faint golden aura, was placed across his chest, and with a strong swing, he directly sent the big stone thrown by the gray bear beast to the side.

"That's a lot of force." Lin Li, who backhanded the boulder thrown by the gray bear and strange beast, felt his right hand holding the sword go numb from the shock.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The bear is very smart, seeing that the small trees and big rocks he threw made Lin Li suffer, so it followed suit, repeated its attack operation just now, and kept picking up the big rocks on the ground and throwing them at Lin Li.

"Is there anything wrong? You are a wild beast, why do you still pick up things and hit people like others?"

Lin Li, who kept dodging from the boulder thrown by the gray bear and strange beast, had no free time to use his supernatural powers to counterattack. He did not expect that the offensive and defensive momentum would be reversed in an instant.

However, this advantage did not last long, because the gray bear beast could pick up fewer and fewer big stones.


Lin Li, who had been jumping up and down and hiding for a while, gasped slightly. He looked at the gray beast that had no stones to pick up, and laughed and mocked, "You bastard, you keep picking up stones and throwing them at me!"

"Roar..." Faced with Lin Li's ridicule, the bear and strange beast let out a low growl. It really wanted to smash the hateful human in front of it to death with a stone, but it looked around and couldn't find any big ones that it could throw out. Stone.

"It's my turn now, let's die!" Lin Li said, raising his left hand, and launching a supernatural attack on the gray bear beast.


"call out."

The blazing hot fireball and the semi-curved cyan wind blade shot out one after another.

Seeing that nasty human being attacking him in the same way as before, the gray bear and strange beast's eyes showed fierceness, and he chose not to hide or evade, and rushed towards Lin Li.



The scorching fireball hit the gray bear's body, scorching its thick gray hair, with faint sparks sticking to it.

Then the sharp wind blade hit it, cutting a third bloody wound on its majestic body.

"Is this gray bear so brave?"

Lin Li didn't expect that the gray bear beast would dare to carry its own supernatural attack and charge towards him. This operation shocked him.

Seeing how ferocious the enemy was, Lin Li immediately condensed another fireball in his hand and hit the opponent. Before he could send out another wind blade, the gray beast that had swallowed his own fireball attack rushed forward.

The gray bear beast that wanted to avenge its dead friend, although the gray hair on its body was scorched by the fireball in many places, and there were several bloody wounds, but this did not cause it a very fatal injury. The combat power is basically preserved intact.


With a loud roar, Lin Li was shocked, and the huge bear's paw that came from the front slammed towards his chest.

He raised his spirit weapon, the long sword, across his chest, and Lin Li, who was blocking the attack of the gray bear, was sent flying by the gray bear's slap, even with the sword.


Lin Li, who was slapped flying by Lian Ren with a sword, and hit the ground heavily, ignored the pain in his body, and hurriedly got up from the ground.

But at this moment, he felt his feet being entangled by something.

The body that had just stood up was jerked by something wrapped around his feet, and he fell to the ground again.

It is the hair of the gray bear and strange beast.

Seeing that the attack he launched at the cost of his injury worked, the gray bear beast naturally would not let go of this rare opportunity.

It immediately activated its own awakening ability, and the hair on its body instantly swelled, and then entangled Lin Li's feet.


The gray bear beast saw that the gray hair controlled by its ability had successfully entangled the hateful human, and roared excitedly.

Immediately, he twisted his body and dragged the entangled hateful human being to the side.


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