Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 5 Marrying Bai Fumei and going to the pinnacle of life

Lin Li walked quickly to the ordinary small tree. This small tree was two meters high and did not grow luxuriantly, giving people a feeling of malnutrition.

Looking at the egg-sized and brightly colored fruit on the small tree in front of him, Lin Li fell into deep thought.

Just when he was considering whether to pick off the red fruit, a pale golden light suddenly flashed on the surface of the fruit.

Lin Li couldn't be more familiar with this color of light... This is aura!

After seeing the pale golden light flashing across the surface of the fruit, Lin Li didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately reached out to pick the small fruit on the small tree.

This fruit seemed to be ripe. After Lin Li stretched out his hand to grab it, he didn't use much strength at all, and the small fruit on the tree was immediately picked off.

Looking at the fruit he picked, Lin Li suddenly smelled a mouth-watering fragrance.

This kind of fragrance is emitted from the fruit in the hand... It's amazing, there is no smell at all before picking it off.

The seductive fragrance became more and more intense, and Lin Li, who was holding this magical fruit in his hand, felt something... If he didn't eat it as soon as possible, the fruit in his hand would disappear.

"Although I've never seen this type of fruit, it smells so fragrant, so it shouldn't be poisonous."

Lin Li, who was worried that he would be poisoned after eating the fruit, comforted himself in his heart, then gritted his teeth and stuffed the fruit in his hand into his mouth.

"Swipe the card, click..."

The teeth collided up and down, and the small red fruit in the mouth was instantly shattered.

The sweet juice flowed between the lips and teeth, and Lin Li couldn't help being addicted to the sweet taste.

"This is the most delicious fruit I've ever eaten. It doesn't even have a core, so it saves trouble." Lin Li muttered after eating the small red fruit.

"There seems to be no reaction at all! Could this little fruit be an ordinary and delicious fruit?"

The disappointment in Lin Li's heart didn't last for three seconds before he felt a sudden warm current gushing out of his body.

This warm current is very familiar to him, it is the feeling that his body absorbs the free spiritual energy in the air every time he exercises before.

"It's coming, it's coming... I knew this little red fruit was special." Lin Li felt the warm current growing stronger and stronger in his body, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

There is a word called... Extreme joy begets sorrow.

"Slow down, slow down, don't come so fast, I can't take it anymore!"

Lin Li felt that the warm current in his body was getting more and more fierce, and he felt that this warm current was going to explode his body.

"No!" The expression of surprise on his face turned into panic at this moment.


Unable to hold back, Lin Li yelled and passed out.

After fainting, a pale golden aura bloomed on Lin Li who fell on the grass.

As time went by, if there were practitioners present, one could clearly perceive the rapid increase in the spiritual fluctuations in Lin Li's body.


"I, I'm still alive...?!"

I don't know how long it has passed, but when Lin Li opened his eyes, seeing the familiar scene before him, he hurriedly got up from the grass.

He groped his body back and forth with his hands to make sure that he didn't lose any arms or legs, and he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh? Why do I have such ample spiritual energy in my body?"

Lin Li suddenly sensed the changes in the spiritual energy in his body, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

If his previous spiritual energy was a ladle of water in a ladle, then the amount of ideas in his body is now a bucket of water, or a large bucket of one meter high and half a meter wide.

Although he doesn't know what level his current cultivation level is, Lin Li is very sure that he has definitely become a practitioner.

"Hahaha...I became a"

Lin Li, who was laughing loudly, laughed, and suddenly stopped laughing, then looked at his right hand dully, and saw a small fireball appearing on his finger.

This fireball is the size of a pigeon egg and emits an orange-red light.

"Ability, I, I have awakened an ability..." Looking at the small fireball that appeared on his fingertips, Lin Li murmured.

Anyone who reaches the age of 15 has a certain chance of awakening spirituality, and then becomes a practitioner by exercising and absorbing the free spiritual energy in the air.

And after becoming a practitioner, a very small number of practitioners will be lucky enough to awaken some strange abilities, making these people the best among practitioners of the same level.

If we say that through hard work, insist on exercising and awakening spirituality, most of them will eventually become practitioners.

However, such things as abilities cannot be obtained through hard work!Those practitioners who have awakened their abilities can almost be said to be the preference of the heavens for these practitioners.

But now, on the mysterious island, Lin Li just ate a small red fruit, not only greatly increased his cultivation in a short period of time, but also gained additional fire powers.

If he were to tell others about this, they would definitely not believe it, and would only think that the person who said such a thing was a madman with an abnormal mind.

If it is said that eating the fruit containing spiritual energy will greatly increase the cultivation base in a short period of time, it is possible, because there are some plants in this world that have become spiritual plants due to spiritual energy, and some of them will bear fruit that can increase people's cultivation. For the spiritual fruit.

However, no one has ever seen a spiritual fruit like Lin Li that can gain supernatural powers after eating it.

"big big big……"

Lin Li looked at the small fireball the size of a pigeon egg on his fingertips, and while mobilizing the spiritual energy in his body to inject it into the small fireball, he shouted loudly.

After being injected with spiritual energy by Lin Li, the small fireball continued to grow in size. When it became the size of a football, Lin Li felt that the spiritual energy in his body was about to bottom out, so he quickly stopped and continued to enter the small fireball. The act of infusing psionic energy.

"Let's go..."

Lin Li waved his hand towards the water surface in the distance, and he condensed the small fireball the size of a football and shot it out with a bang.


After the small fireball shot out at extremely high speed fell into the water, a violent big explosion occurred immediately.

A water wave several meters high was set off by the explosion of this small fireball, and then quickly rushed towards Lin Li standing on the shore.



Lin Li, who was startled by the power of the small fireball explosion, had no time to dodge the three-meter-high water wave that rushed towards him, and was immediately thrown to the ground by it, and his whole body was soaked in water.


Lin Li, who was thrown onto the grass by the water waves and got wet all over, didn't make any dissatisfaction, but lay down on the grass and laughed loudly.

"I'm going to take off... This time I'm really going to take off... To marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life, this dream is finally more than just a dream."


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