Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 6 Your meat is not fresh, I don't like it

After a burst of ecstasy, Lin Li restrained his excitement, got up from the wet grass, and then quickly walked to the ordinary little tree in the center of the island.

"I didn't expect you to look ordinary and look malnourished, but you turned out to be a big baby."

Lin Li carefully looked at the humble two-meter-tall tree in front of him, thinking to himself.

"When I came to this mysterious island earlier, this little tree obviously didn't bear any fruit. Why didn't it last for a day, but it grew such a magical little fruit.

Since it can grow one, does that also mean that it can grow a second one?How can I make it continue to grow small fruits? "

Just as Lin Li was staring at the little tree in front of him, thinking with doubts in his heart, he reached out and touched the trunk of the little tree in front of him.

Just when his fingers touched the trunk of the little tree, a piece of information related to the little tree appeared in his mind out of thin air.

"So that's how it is. If you want this magical little tree to continue to thrive and grow that kind of magical little fruit, you need a lot of flesh and blood from different animals!"

Lin Li, who had obtained the method of cultivating the magical little tree, had a happy smile on his face. He decided to go to the vegetable market tomorrow to buy some exotic animal meat and test whether this method is feasible.

The fireball that was shot with the ability just now almost exhausted the spiritual energy in Lin Dong's body.

Just after Lin Li decided to go to the vegetable market to buy some exotic animal meat tomorrow morning, his vision went dark, and he quit this mysterious island just like last time.

After Lin Li disappeared, the mysterious island returned to calm. The calm water surface, the slowly floating white mist, the malnourished magical small tree, and if the grass on the edge of the island was not full of moisture, everything would be as usual. the difference.



"it hurts……"

Lin Li, who appeared on the sofa out of nowhere, raised his right hand and tapped his head, and it took half a minute to recover.

"Hey, although the pain is still within my tolerance, there's no need to ask for trouble like this. From now on, I should take it easy when using psychic powers, and I can't use up my psychic powers completely."

After the headache disappeared, Lin Li estimated the time it would take him to recover to full power next time, and suddenly, he froze.

"This... my spiritual energy recovery speed, why has it become so much faster?

Could it be that that miraculous fruit can also improve my cultivation aptitude? "

If Lin Li exhausted his spiritual power before and needed a day to recover all his spiritual power, now, the recovery time has been shortened by one-third.

Feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body, an ecstatic smile appeared on Lin Li's face again. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


Early the next morning, when the first ray of sunlight appeared from the east, Lin Li, who had been tossing and turning in bed all night, immediately lifted the quilt and got out of bed, got dressed and ran to the bathroom to wash up.

The whole process of washing his face and brushing his teeth took him less than 3 minutes. After finishing, he didn't even eat breakfast, so he left the house in a hurry and went to the vegetable market.

The merchants in the vegetable market started their business before dawn. When Lin Li came to the vegetable market, many people who came to buy vegetables were already visiting the vegetable stalls.

Lin Li's goal was very clear. He walked directly through ordinary vegetable stalls and walked towards a very luxuriously decorated store in the vegetable market.

This is a shop specializing in the sale of exotic meat. Although the price of exotic meat is much higher than that of ordinary meat, there are quite a lot of people who come here to buy exotic meat.

When Lin Li came to this shop selling exotic animal meat, there were already many people queuing up to buy meat.

"There are so many people! If I knew it, I would have gotten up earlier and gone out." Lin Li muttered, and came to the back of the queue.

"Boss, when did you get this exotic meat?"

"Old Zhang, don't worry! My exotic meat is absolutely fresh, I just bought it this morning.

The wholesaler who wholesaled the meat of these alien animals told me that the death of these alien animals did not exceed 24 hours. "

After queuing for more than ten minutes, it was finally Lin Li's turn.

"Young man, how much do you want?" The butcher, wearing an apron and holding a shiny meat cleaver in his hand, was slightly surprised to see a young man like Lin Li come to buy meat so early in the morning. .

After all, young people who can get up so early in the morning to buy vegetables at the vegetable market are almost very rare to meet.

"Give me three catties!" Lin Li wanted to experiment first, so he didn't ask for more.

"Okay." The butcher's boss nodded, raised his knife and cut up three catties of exotic animal meat for Lin Li very neatly.

"Drip." After receiving the three catties of exotic animal meat handed over by the butcher, Lin Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket, scanned the QR code, and paid 300 yuan to the other party.

What Lin Li bought was wild boar meat, which cost 100 yuan a catty. The current price of ordinary domestic pork is about 20 yuan, a difference of almost five times.

Lin Li, who bought the meat of the alien animal, left the vegetable market quickly. He couldn't wait to find a place where no one was around and enter that mysterious island.


After leaving the vegetable market, Lin Li crossed the road and walked into a park near the vegetable market.

Because the area of ​​this park is small and the location is relatively remote, there are not many people who come here for morning exercises in the morning.

Originally, after Lin Li entered the park, he wanted to find a deserted forest to hide in and go directly to the mysterious island.

But after thinking about it, he decided it was better to be on the safe side, so he walked into the public toilet in the park, found an unoccupied cubicle, locked the door, and then a faint golden aura flashed across his body, disappeared into the toilet.


The barren island, ordinary small trees, calm water, and white mist, everything was no different from when Lin Li left last night.

Lin Li, who appeared on the mysterious island, took out the piece of exotic animal meat he just bought from the plastic bag, and put it under the tree of the magical little tree.

1 minutes, 2 minutes, 5 minutes.

Lin Li stared at the piece of alien meat placed under the tree for a full 5 minutes, but did not see any change in the alien meat he bought.

"Why hasn't it changed at all? Could it be that the information that came to my mind yesterday was wrong?"

Just when Lin Li was very disappointed, a message suddenly popped up in his mind.

'The alien animal meat in front of me is not fresh, and the alien animal meat needs to be killed within an hour. '


Lin Li was stunned when he saw the information that popped up in his mind. He never expected that the magical little tree in front of him would have a requirement for the freshness of the meat. Contrary to his expectations.


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