Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 4 Why is there an extra fruit on the tree

As night falls, the dim street lights on the street light up at the same time, providing light for pedestrians on the road.

"I'm so full! How do you feel that Su Yue's cooking skills have improved a bit compared to last time?!"


Lin Li, who was overwhelmed, burped, and walked out of the Xingfu Garden community slowly.

Today I helped Su Yue clear the sewer, and had a delicious lunch at her home at noon, which she cooked herself. She was planning to go home after eating, but she was dragged by the other party to play together after the meal Game for a while.

Although Su Yue is an elementary school music teacher, she is actually a game lover, mainly playing mobile games, and rarely playing end games.

The time of playing games always passed quickly, an afternoon seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and it was time for dinner... And then! Lin Li naturally had another dinner at Su Yue's house.

Just when Lin Li, who was full of food and drink, was walking slowly towards the community where he lived, a large truck drove out from a distant street corner, carrying a giant wild boar three meters in length and two meters in height...

Pedestrians on the road started talking after seeing the giant wild boar transported by this large truck.

"Wow... What a big wild boar, to kill such a big beast, and deal with its beast hunter, you need to have the strength of the second level to do it, right?"

God is fair.

In this wonderful world where psychic energy floats in the air, human beings can become practitioners with extraordinary strength by absorbing the psychic energy floating in the air...

In contrast, those ordinary animals living in the wild can also obtain extraordinary power through the same method.

And those animals that can use spiritual energy are also collectively called strange beasts by humans.

Alien beasts are much more terrifying than ordinary animals. They are smarter and more ferocious. If humans appear in their sights, most of them will choose to attack.

Nowadays, there are a lot of strange beasts in the wild, which pose a big threat to the safety of human cities.

Therefore, some practitioners will choose to become hunters to kill those alien beasts. Practitioners like them who fight with alien beasts in the wild are called alien beast hunters.

Alien beast hunters who risk their lives to fight with alien beasts can earn a fortune while protecting the city.

Because the meat of these strange beasts has one more thing than ordinary chickens, cattle, pigs and sheep, that is, their meat contains a trace of spiritual energy.

Long-term consumption of this kind of alien meat containing spirits, although it will not make your cultivation advance by leaps and bounds, but it will help to some extent.

Therefore, practitioners who are now determined to break through to a higher level usually eat meat from these wild animals.

If there is demand in the market, many people will naturally become beast hunters and do this quick-money business.

With the development of the times, various cities now have established Alien Beast Hunters Guilds under the promotion of the local government.

In order to prevent some cultivators who were obviously not up to the standard but risked their lives in the wild hunting wild beasts for money, the Alien Beast Hunters Guild issued corresponding regulations.

The regulations clearly stipulate that only practitioners whose strength has reached the peak of the first order are eligible to participate in the assessment in the Alien Beast Hunters Guild.

After passing the assessment, you will get the corresponding certificate and officially obtain the title of Alien Beast Hunter, so that you can engage in the work of hunting Alien Beasts. At the same time, you can also get various information about Alien Beasts from the Alien Beast Hunters Union. intelligence.


"Such a big wild boar beast can be sold for a lot of money!" Lin Li watched the big truck going away, and secretly estimated the price of this huge strange beast in his heart.

5 yuan.

A wild boar is worth 5 yuan, and there are a lot of wild animals. If you have the strength to become a wild beast hunter and are not afraid of danger, you will soon become a rich man with a lot of money.

The big truck carrying the huge beast disappeared at the end of the street, Lin Li also looked away, and then continued walking towards his home.

Before today, Lin Li gave up the idea of ​​becoming a practitioner a few years ago, and planned to be a salted fish at home safely in this life.

However, as he owns that magical island, his originally calm mood set off waves again.

Although at present, it seems that the barren island can only grow vegetables, but Lin Li does not want to use the island to grow vegetables so early.

He felt that the small island must have its wonders, but he hadn't discovered it yet.

"I read so many novels in my previous life, and none of the golden fingers obtained by people who were reborn in parallel worlds was useless. I don't believe it. My luck would be so bad that the golden fingers I got could only be used to grow vegetables. .”

Lin Li was thinking about the magical island while walking quickly in the direction of his home.


"According to the latest news from our station, at ten o'clock last night in this city, a leopard beast sneaked across the line of defense and attacked a village on the outskirts of the city. Fortunately, a beast hunter passed by nearby and killed the leopard beast on the spot ..."

Lin Li, who was sitting in the living room, was watching the TV quietly, as if the content on the TV was very attractive to him. If you observe carefully, you will find his eyes looking at the clock hanging on the wall behind the TV from time to time. one time.

There were still three minutes before ten o'clock, and the psionic energy in his body was almost fully recovered.

"Tick tock tick tock..."

Time flies so slowly!

Seeing that the time was getting closer and closer to ten o'clock, Lin Li, who was sitting on the sofa, became more and more excited.

When the time came, he felt all the psychic energy in his body recover, as if he was born to enter that mysterious island, Lin Li had a thought, and a pale golden aura bloomed on his body, and then he disappeared on the sofa out of thin air.

"Mr. Li, thanks to you yesterday, otherwise, many people would have died in the mouth of that leopard beast."

"This is what I should do. Killing the hateful beasts is the duty of each of us beast hunters..."

On the widescreen LCD TV, the reporter was interviewing the person who killed the leopard beast last night.

There was no one in the empty living room, only the sound from the TV echoed in the room.


"Here I am again... This time I must dig out your secret..."

Lin Li appeared behind this mysterious island with an area of ​​[-] square meters surrounded by white mist, and muttered to himself.

I looked around, felt around, drank a little sweet water, but didn't get anything.

"Isn't it? Could it be that this place can only be used to grow vegetables?" Lin Li stood on the shore, looking at the white mist in the distance, and said a little discouraged.

Just when he was about to leave the small island, his eyes glanced at the ordinary small tree growing in the center of the island, and because of this casual glance, Lin Li instantly stopped thinking of leaving the island.

"I remember that the little tree didn't bear fruit before!"


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