Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 49 Hey, you are too good!

Wind blade!

A pale golden aura flashed across Lin Li's palm, and a cyan half-curved wind blade with a diameter of fourteen to five centimeters instantly condensed into shape.


With a sound of "咻", the cyan half-curved wind blade pierced the air, and shot towards the gray wolf beast that was in an attacking stance at high speed.

The speed of the cyan half-curved wind blade was so fast that the old gray wolf beast couldn't react at all.



The wind blade hit the gray wolf beast's body, cut a deep bone wound on its body, and knocked its body sideways and fell down.

"This...? Hey, you are too good! You will be knocked down with one blow, I just want to test you!"

Lin Li saw that his blue wind blade had seriously injured the gray wolf beast with one blow. He couldn't help complaining to the gray wolf beast in his heart, and then showed a happy expression on his face.

Through the actual combat just now, he has a better understanding of the power of the new ability he has obtained. At the same time, he also knows that the old gray wolf beast in front of him cannot escape his grasp.


Originally, it wanted to take down the human being in front of it and have a good meal, but it struggled to get up from the ground after its body was severely injured. After a wail, it looked at Lin Li again, revealing full of fear.

"Yo, you are really not good at this strange beast, are you afraid now?"

Lin Li read the other party's fear from the gray wolf's eyes, and then laughed at it, "You sent it to the door yourself, I didn't come to you, so you just stay here obediently." , feed the magical little tree!"

"Aww..." The gray wolf beast let out a bluff growl at the laughing Lin Li, and then turned around to run away.

If it wasn't injured, the gray wolf beast would still have a great chance of escaping from Lin Li's grasp with its own speed.

now!In the case of serious injuries, the chance of escape can be said to be very slim.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Just as the badly injured gray wolf beast turned its head and was about to turn around and run away, there were several sounds of breaking through the air immediately behind it.

Several cyan half-curved wind blades shot at extremely fast, and landed on the seriously injured gray wolf beast in the blink of an eye.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Some of the cyan half-curved wind blades hit the seriously injured Gray Wolf Beast's neck, and some hit its legs, and most of them fell on the gray wolf's vital parts.


The gray wolf beast, which had been hit hard one after another, let out a mournful howl, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Its body twitched continuously, and a large amount of blood gushed out from the wound cut by the blue wind blade.


After the Gray Wolf Beast fell, a figure appeared beside it, and the long sword, a spiritual tool with pale golden aura, pierced into the head of the Gray Wolf Beast that had just been lifted up like lightning.

One hit kill.

Lin Li withdrew his spirit weapon long sword, squatted down, and was about to reach out to take this gray wolf beast into the mysterious island.

Just when he was about to think, the movement of his hands paused.

"Eating a pack of instant noodles doesn't seem to be enough, so let's have some barbecue! If you are full, you will have the strength to work in the afternoon!"

Lin Li had a thought, and a dagger appeared in his hand.

This dagger is exactly the same dagger that was inserted into the heart of the white ape beast.

After the flesh and blood of the white ape and beast turned into white mist and became the nourishment of the magical little tree, the dagger fell to the grass.

Lin Li didn't know at the time that this dagger was a spiritual weapon. He only thought it was an ordinary small dagger. When he picked it up, he found that it was very light.

Compared with ordinary daggers of the same size on the market, the weight of this dagger may only be a third, or even a quarter of those ordinary daggers, anyway, it is ridiculously light.

Such a light dagger, and thinking of the identity of the middle-aged man as a beast hunter, Lin Li immediately knew that the dagger in his hand was most likely a spiritual weapon dagger.

The result was just as Lin Li had imagined, when he mobilized the spiritual energy in his body and poured spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon dagger, the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand accepted his spiritual energy infusion very smoothly, and instantly bloomed pale gold aura.

The difference between spiritual weapons and ordinary weapons lies in the difference in forging materials.

One is forged with psionic materials, and the other is forged with ordinary materials. The former is very smooth when infused with psionic energy by the practitioner, while the latter is a little laggy.

Moreover, although weapons forged from ordinary materials can also be infused with spiritual energy by practitioners, if a practitioner uses a weapon forged from ordinary materials and infused with spiritual energy, the loss of spiritual energy will be huge when fighting the enemy.

Therefore, when it comes to buying weapons, practitioners will basically choose spiritual weapons with less spiritual energy consumption.


Looking at the spirit weapon dagger he found in his hands, Lin Li couldn't help but smile happily when he thought of its official price.

Through the photos taken by the mobile phone, he searched the pictures on the Internet, and after a while, he knew the official selling price of this spiritual weapon dagger.

120! ! !

Yes, that's right, the official price of this spiritual weapon dagger is 120 million.

When Lin Li saw the search results, he was shocked.

You know, he spent half of his savings to buy the spirit weapon long sword, which is only 49 yuan, and the official price of this spirit weapon dagger is actually the price of the spirit weapon long sword he bought. More than double.

At that time, after learning that the official price of the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand was 120 million, the first thought that popped up in the excited Lin Li's mind was to sell the spiritual weapon dagger to fill his somewhat dry wallet.

However, he quickly calmed down, because any psychic weapon sold in the weapon shop on the market must be registered in the register.

If you want to resell second-hand, the seller must have a formal invoice to prove that the item you sell is your own...

This spirit weapon dagger was obtained by picking up leaks, and there must be no formal invoices. If you want to sell it, you can only sell it in some non-compliant places.

However, the government severely cracks down on such non-compliant transactions. If you are caught, you will not only be fined, but also recorded on the blacklist. If the amount involved is large, you will be arrested and jailed for a few days meal.

Lin Li has always been a law-abiding and good citizen, and he doesn't want to leave any stains on his life history.

According to my current plan, move forward step by step, making money in the future is not as simple as drinking water, there is no need to take risks for millions of dollars.


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