Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 50 Where Are Your Teammates?Why are you the only one left here?

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Li gave up on the idea of ​​selling the spiritual weapon dagger. It happened that he also lacked a spiritual weapon dagger, so he kept it for his own use.

Inject some spiritual energy into the spiritual weapon dagger, and a pale golden aura immediately appeared on the blade.


Lin Li raised the knife in his hand, and the dagger, a spiritual weapon with a pale golden aura, easily cut off a large piece of meat from the gray wolf and strange beast.

After taking a large amount of the beast's meat, Lin Li put his hand on the body of the gray wolf's beast, and took it into the mysterious island.


After washing the bloody gray wolf alien meat with water, he broke off a branch from the tree, put on the meat, and put the branch next to the campfire to roast.

Picking up the unfinished instant noodles, Lin Li sat on the small bench, eating the instant noodles, and occasionally raised his head to look at the strange beast barbecue being roasted by the fire.

Under the roasting of the flames, the meat of the alien beast inserted on the branch was roasted until oil came out after a while.

"Zi la, zi la..."

As the roasted oil dripped into the bonfire, the flame would go up and down from time to time.

"Gudong, gudong..."

"Ha..." After eating the instant noodles, Lin Li drank all the soup.Then take a breath.

It will take a while for the alien meat to be cooked. There is a small stream not far ahead. Lin Li got up to pack the dishes and went to the stream to wash the dishes.



In the crystal-clear stream, you can occasionally see some small fish swimming by, and the bright sunlight shines on the stream, shining golden light.

Lin Li squatted by the creek to wash the dishes. After washing the dishes, he put all the pots and pans into the mysterious island.

"It's really hot!" After squatting by the stream and washing the dishes for a while, Lin Li felt a little sweat on his body. Looking at the sun in the sky, he muttered, then he reached out to pick up some stream water and poured it on his face.

After washing my face with the cold stream water, I just feel refreshed.

Then Lin Li got up and went back to the bonfire, reached out to pull out the branches stuck in the ground, and leaned close to the barbecue to smell it.

"It's really fragrant. After roasting for a while, the gray wolf meat should be cooked."

Lin Li took out two small bottles containing seasoning from the plastic bag beside him.

Sprinkle some salt on the gray wolf and strange beast barbecue, and then sprinkle some chili powder.

"Barbecuing meat in this uninhabited and dangerous wilderness, it's a special taste!"

Sitting on a small bench, holding a barbecue and turning it on the bonfire, Lin Li looked at the endless wilderness in the distance, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After a few more minutes, the strange beast barbecue in Lin Li's hand was completely cooked.


He blew on the steaming barbeque, and then took a light bite.

"It seems that there is too much salt. Next time, I will put a little less. The chili powder is just right. If there is more, it will be too spicy."

Lin Li ate the barbecued meat of the strange beast mouthful after mouthful. He ate half of it. He felt a little regretful that he didn't bring the fat house happy water when he came out this trip.

"These days, I come out from dawn to dusk to hunt strange beasts. The food I purchased last time is almost finished. After returning home, I will go to the supermarket to purchase again.

This time, buy some more shelf-stable food and put it on the mysterious island... Well, this time, I can't forget about the happy water in the fat house, buy a few boxes of it and drink it slowly. "

While Lin Li was eating the delicious barbecued meat, he was thinking about going to the supermarket to make big purchases after returning home.

There was another noise from the thick grass where the gray wolf and strange beast jumped out earlier.


Lin Li, who was sitting on a small bench and eating the barbecue of exotic animals, heard the movement, and then stood up again. Then he looked at the bushes making noise in the distance with a puzzled expression, and thought of it with a little surprise in his heart.

"No, I'm so lucky today. In a short time, another strange beast came to my door."

Soon, three figures walked out of the grass.

After seeing these three figures, a look of disappointment flashed in Lin Li's eyes, and then he sat down again.

While eating the alien beast barbecue in his hand, he looked at the three alien beast hunters who were looking at him in the distance.

These three were wearing camouflage uniforms, carrying backpacks, and carrying different spiritual weapons in their hands, including long swords, long knives, and a long gun.

The three beast hunters originally had vigilant expressions on their faces, but when they saw Lin Li sitting in the shade of a tree and eating barbecue, their vigilant expressions instantly turned into astonished expressions.

Living in the wild and cooking, after the smoke column produced by the bonfire is seen by the alien beast, there is a high probability that the alien animal will come in the direction of the smoke column, and then launch a sneak attack on the person who made the bonfire.

Therefore, when the vast majority of alien hunters go hunting in the wilderness, they are hungry and eat the convenient food they carry with them.

For example, self-heating box lunch, self-heating hot pot, energy bars, canned food and so on.

Although the taste of convenience food is not very good, and it will get greasy if you eat it often, but they don't need to light a fire, save time, and are easy to carry, which is very important for a beast hunter.

Of course, if you have confidence in your own strength, are not afraid of being attacked by strange beasts, and do not bother cooking, you can start a fire and cook.

"Hello! Friends, how about lunch?" The leader, a man in his early forties, came to a place five or six meters away from Lin Li, and greeted Lin Li who was eating the barbecue of exotic animals.

The three alien hunters were two men and one woman. The leader was a man in his early forties with an inch-cut head, and the other two were in their early thirties. The man had a bald head, and the woman had short hair that reached her ears.

Seeing the other party come to say hello, Lin Li swallowed the barbecued meat in his mouth, and responded to the inch-cut man, "Well, have you guys had lunch yet?"

"We've eaten."


The inch-cut man looked around and asked Lin Li again, "Friend, where are your teammates? Why are you here alone?"

"Teammate?" Lin Li shook his head and said, "I don't have any teammates, I'm the only one here."

"Just you?!!!" The three beast hunters were shocked when they heard Lin Li's words.

The inch-cut man had been a beast hunter for some years. As a senior beast hunter with the strength of the first stage of the second stage, after being surprised, he looked at the young man in his early twenties and frowned.

"Hey, another inexperienced but daring rookie, what are these young people thinking, are they really not afraid of death?" The inch-cut man made a judgment for Lin Li in his heart.

Then he said, "Little brother, you have just become a beast hunter not long ago!"

Lin Li, who was eating the alien beast barbecue, nodded, and then said to the man with short hair, "I have just become a alien beast hunter for less than ten days."


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