After a burst of laughter, Lin Li calmed down his agitated emotions, then he looked around, and a thought flashed in his mind, and a message instantly appeared in his mind.

Island area: [-] square meters.

This time, Lin Li ate the small blue fruit grown from the magical little tree, and his cultivation successfully broke through to the early stage of the second stage, and he also obtained the second supernatural power.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that the size of the mysterious island would increase as one's cultivation became stronger.

"The last time this mysterious island changed from [-] square meters to [-] square meters, this time I broke through to the early stage of the second stage, and it directly expanded to [-] square meters, and the area has more than doubled.

In the future, as my cultivation continues to increase, will it expand to tens of thousands or 10,000+, or even millions of square meters?

If it can really expand to millions of square meters, if I reclaim the land at that time, wouldn't I directly become a big landlord with tens of thousands of mu of fertile land? ? ! ! ! "

Lin Li imagined that the mysterious island might become a large island in the future as his strength increased, and he could practice farming and farming at that time, so he couldn't help showing a silly smile on his face.

Speaking of farming, I thought of those white radishes planted in the fields. After these few days of growth, the white radishes in those fields have all matured.

According to the normal growth cycle, it usually takes about [-] days for the white radish planted in the ground to be harvested.

However, it only took a week for the white radishes planted by Lin Li on the mysterious island to grow to the point where they could be harvested.

Roughly calculated, the growth rate of these white radishes planted on the mysterious island is seven times that of the real world.

Moreover, there is no need to worry about any pests and diseases, and no need to fertilize the farmland on the mysterious island.

Lin Li stood next to the farmland that he had reclaimed with one hoe after another, looking at the white radishes that could be harvested in the field, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Even if I give up going to the wilderness to hunt animals now, I choose the original path and live a life of being a salted fish at home.

With the miraculous effect that this mysterious island can make crops grow rapidly, I can live comfortably without worrying about food and drink for the rest of my life..."


Looking at the white radishes in the field, I suddenly felt a little hungry.

Thinking about it, it's already past twelve noon, and it's time for lunch.

"Let's have lunch first! I'll pick up these white radishes later."

With a thought, Lin Li left the mysterious island and returned to the real world.


The sky was clear and the sun was scorching hot. On the dangerous wilderness, beside a clear stream, under the shade of a big tree with luxuriant branches, there was a figure preparing his own lunch.

Returning to Lin Li in the real world from the mysterious island, he first picked up some dry branches around, and then came to the shade of the big tree, lit the branches with a small fireball, and started a fire.

After raising the fire, he had a thought, and some tableware such as pots and pans, and a bag of ingredients appeared in his hands. These were all prepared when he went out this morning.

Putting the picnic pot on the blazing fire, Lin Li took out a bucket filled with water from the mysterious island and poured water into the pot.

After a while, the water in the pot boiled. At this time, Lin Li took out two eggs from the plastic bag.

One for the left hand and one for the right hand, knock each other a bit, and then crack two eggs into the boiling water.

After the poached eggs were set, Lin Li took out another pack of instant noodles from the bag. After opening it, he put the noodles and seasonings in. After a few seconds, he put in some green vegetables.

Stir with chopsticks, and wait for tens of seconds to be out of the pot.

"Got it, got it..."

There are many cicadas hiding in the leafy trees, and their tireless chirping adds a bit of excitement to the quiet wilderness.

"Suck it, suck it..."

Under the shade of the tree, Lin Li sat on a small bench, holding a bowl in his hand, eating the instant noodles he had just cooked with relish.


There was a sound in the grass in the distance, which made Lin Li, who was eating lunch, stop his movements immediately.

He stood up immediately, looking vigilantly at the swaying grass in the distance.

A figure jumped out from the grass, it was a two-meter-long gray wolf with mottled fur.

Judging from its appearance, it should be quite old, and it may be for this reason that it was expelled from the wolf pack and became a lone wolf wandering in the wilderness.

It has been some days since this gray wolf beast was expelled from the wolf pack, and it has never had a full meal these days.

Not long ago, when the gray wolf and strange beast wandered around here, they suddenly smelled a fragrant and seductive smell in the air.

The gray wolf, which was already very hungry, immediately followed the direction where the smell came.

The gray wolf and strange beast that jumped out of the grass moved its nose, sniffed the tempting fragrance in the air, and immediately locked its eyes on the steaming bowl of instant noodles in Lin Li's hand.

"What a bad time to come! Can't you wait until I finish lunch?"

Lin Li, who was holding instant noodles in his hand, put the bowl on the small bench, then picked up the spiritual weapon long sword leaning on the tree, and walked unhurriedly towards the gray wolf beast that suddenly appeared.


The hungry grunting gray wolf was drooling, and looked at Lin Li who was slowly walking towards him with ill intentions. It began to mobilize the spiritual energy in its body and assumed an attacking posture.

Lin Li, who has become a second-level practitioner, at the moment when the gray-blue beast mobilized the spiritual energy in his body, his spiritual power perception unfolded, and he immediately judged the opponent's cultivation level.

"The intensity of this psychic energy fluctuation is... the first-level high-level, and this gray wolf beast is a first-level high-level strength.

This strange beast is so weak! It's so much weaker than me, it's just looking for its own death! But I'd better be careful, maybe it pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, and it doesn't show its full strength. "

Although Lin Li didn't feel in his heart that the old gray wolf beast in front of him would cunningly hide his true strength, but this did not prevent him from being careful and wary of it.

The distance between the two sides was fifteen or six meters, and there were some hungry red-eyed gray wolf beasts, staring fixedly at Lin Li, making low-pitched growls while dripping saliva on the ground.

"I'd better test it with the ability first to see if it hides its strength."

Lin Li, who was holding the spirit weapon long sword in his right hand, thought in his heart, then he raised his left hand and pointed his palm at the gray wolf beast not far away.


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