Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 47 New abilities

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Excitement surged up, heartbeat quickened.

Lin Li first wiped his clothes with his hands, then reached out and grabbed the small green fruit the size of an egg. With a little force, he picked the small green fruit off.

When this small blue fruit was only the size of a grain of rice, Lin Li still thought that the blue color was the color of the small fruit before it was ripe.

After the small fruit matures, it should turn red like the small fruit I ate for the first time.

At that time, he had another guess, that is, if the small green fruit was still green after it matured, if he ate it at that time, he might awaken another ability.

Two guesses, after so many days of hard work, half of the answer has been revealed, and then you only need to eat it to get the real result.

Just like the small red fruit that Lin Li ate for the first time, after the small blue fruit was picked, the small fruit immediately exuded an attractive fragrance, constantly tempting those who smelled this fragrance, quickly Order it and eat it.

With his first experience, Lin Li didn't hesitate this time. After smelling the alluring aroma of the small green fruit, he immediately opened his mouth and swallowed the small egg-sized fruit in one gulp.

"Crack, click..."

The teeth collided up and down, and the small blue fruit in the mouth was instantly shattered.

The sweet juice flowed between the lips and teeth, and Lin Li couldn't help being addicted to the sweet taste.

"This small fruit from the magical little tree is indeed the most delicious fruit I have ever eaten." Lin Li sighed after eating the small green fruit, "Unfortunately, it is not easy to eat this small fruit once..."

Lin Li let out his thoughts for a while, and immediately calmed down, feeling the changes in the spiritual energy in his body.

Just like when he ate the small red fruit for the first time, after eating the small blue fruit, about three seconds later, a huge warm current suddenly gushed out of his body.

This sudden warm current was spiritual energy. A huge amount of spiritual energy gushed out of his body and quickly filled Lin Li's body.

"Damn, this sudden burst of psionic energy is exactly the same as the first time, it's still so surging... But I'm not what I used to be, to this level, I... Slow down, slow down, don't charge so hard Ah! I can't take it anymore."

Lin Li's face turned red. He thought that after eating the small blue fruit this time, relying on his current cultivation at the peak of the first level, he would not be in the same embarrassment that happened when he was not even a practitioner for the first time.

But who would have thought that the stamina of this huge psionic energy is much greater than the psionic energy produced by eating the small red fruit for the first time.

Ever since, Lin Li passed out again. Before he passed out, there was only one thought in his mind, "Damn it, I will never pass out again next time."


Unlike the first time he passed out, the posture of Lin Li who passed out this time was face down.

Fortunately, the grass on the small island was relatively strong. Lin Li fell on his face, but he was not injured, but it still hurt a little.

Lin Li, who was lying face down on the grass, fell into a coma, with a pale golden aura blooming from his body.

As time went by, the spiritual energy in his body increased rapidly, and the spiritual energy fluctuations in his body also gradually increased.


As if something had been pierced, an inaudible sound resounded in Lin Li's body.

After this inaudible sound appeared, the fluctuation of spiritual energy on Lin Li's body suddenly increased a lot.


It has been 5 minutes since he passed out after eating the small green fruit.


Lin Li, who was lying face down on the grass, slowly opened his eyes, put his hands on the ground, and got up from the ground.

"It hurts!" Lin Li rubbed his face, then took out his phone from his pocket to check the time, then he put away the phone and muttered, "This time the coma time is shorter than last time .”


After taking a deep breath, Lin Li began to feel the changes in himself.

If it is said that before eating the small green fruit, the spiritual energy in Lin Dong's body was a bucket of water, then the spiritual energy in his body now has directly multiplied several times, almost like five buckets of water.

Feeling the abundant spiritual energy in his body, Lin Li knew that he had broken through to the early stage of the second stage and became a practitioner of the early stage of the second stage.

After a practitioner breaks through his cultivation and becomes a second-order practitioner, compared with a first-order practitioner, in addition to multiplying the spiritual energy in his body by several times, there is also a qualitative change in his own spiritual power, and he can perceive the spiritual power of other practitioners. Can fluctuate in strength.

Lin Li tried his best to mobilize the spiritual energy in his body, and suddenly, he felt that his body was emitting something invisible and intangible.

But he can clearly perceive the existence of this kind of thing. Presumably this is the so-called psychic energy fluctuation!

"That's all right now. If you encounter a strange beast in the future, you can judge the opponent's strength through the perception of mental power?" Lin Li smiled while sensing the fluctuations of spiritual energy emanating from his body.

But soon, he felt that judging the strength of others based on perception alone could not be absolutely accurate.

He used himself as an experiment, if he only mobilized a part of the psionic energy in his body, almost the peak psionic energy of the first order, the intensity of the psionic energy fluctuations emanating from his body would immediately weaken.

"This kind of mental power perception ability can't be trusted! Beware of the enemy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger."

Lin Li felt the changes in his strength when he first entered the second level, and then he began to experiment with the new abilities he obtained by eating the small green fruit.

Yes, just as Lin Li speculated, eating the small blue fruit grown from the magical little tree really got the second ability.

This newly acquired ability seemed to be born with him. Lin Li raised his right hand and aimed his palm at the water outside the island.

I saw a pale golden aura flashing across his hand, and then, a semi-curved cyan wind blade with a diameter of about [-] to [-] centimeters appeared in front of his palm out of thin air.

With a thought in Lin Li's mind, the cyan half-curved wind blade burst out.

"call out."

Accompanied by the ear-piercing sound of piercing the air, in the blink of an eye, this semi-curved cyan wind blade shot into the white mist in the distance and disappeared without a trace.

Such a fast speed, faster than the speed of the small fireball by more than 01:30.

The semi-curved cyan wind blade is small in size and has a small contact area with the air, while the spherical volume of the small fireball has relatively large air resistance, so the speed cannot compare with the cyan wind blade.

Lin Li tried the newly obtained ability, and thought about it wildly, and then he couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha... Now I am also a dual-power practitioner who has awakened two kinds of abilities... No, it's more than that, as long as I continue to work hard to hunt the strange beasts, I will awaken more abilities."


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