Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 404: Exercise before meals is good for cooking

The sun is shining brightly, and the breeze is blowing.

"Da da da……"


Two women in black dresses galloped quickly on the field outside the city on two maroon horses.

The woman who ran ahead was 22 years old, young, with a handsome face, neat short hair, a slim figure and full of heroism.

The woman who was one step behind was in her 40s, with a curvaceous figure and a half-mature woman.

While following the woman running in front, a faint golden light flashed in her eyes from time to time, paying attention to the movement around her, she didn't relax a little until the tall city gate appeared in front of her.

When the two women rode their horses and approached the gate of the city, they pulled the reins in their hands a little, and the horses under their crotches understood and slowed down a little bit.

There are soldiers on duty at the gate of the city, and one of the recruits just took up his post today and saw two women riding horses preparing to enter the city.

And their speed is a bit fast, according to the regulations, they need to be stopped and reminded that their speed should not be too fast, so he is going to raise his hand to signal the other party to stop.

And at this time, among the soldiers on duty together, there was a veteran in his 40s, who quickly grabbed the newcomer's arm, "Young man, what are you doing?"

"Uncle Wu, those two people are riding fast. According to regulations, we need to stop them and remind them not to run so fast after entering the city." The young soldier said.

"Idiot, didn't your instructor tell you during the newcomer training, who can stop and who can't?" said the middle-aged soldier.

"Eh... the instructor said, Uncle Wu, you mean that the identities of these two people are not simple?" said the young soldier.

The middle-aged soldier nodded, then looked at the two women in black dresses who were getting closer to the gate of the city, and whispered to the newcomers.

"Look at the horses they are riding, and carefully look at the style of the bridle on the horse's head. It is only used by people in the City Lord's Mansion. Now do you understand?"

"City Lord's Mansion?!

! "The young soldier was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect that the two people he was going to stop came from the City Lord's Mansion.

As a soldier guarding the city gate, a member of the City Lord's Mansion, how could he provoke him!

After being reminded by the old seniors, the young soldiers no longer dared to stop the two women who were wearing black outfits and riding BMWs, who were about to enter the city quickly.

"Miss, we are going to enter the city soon. We are going too fast." He Manyu, who was in her late teenage years, reminded the heroic girl who was running ahead when she was about to reach the gate of the city.

"Understood, Aunt Yu." The girl turned her head and responded, then pulled the rein in her hand a little harder, and the speed of the horse under her crotch immediately slowed down significantly.

When the two women in black costumes passed through the city gate, the speed of their mounts had dropped to within the prescribed speed range in the city.

After entering the city, two women on horseback stopped at an intersection.

"Miss, why did you stop? Don't you want to go home?" He Manyu turned her head to look to the side and asked the heroic girl.

"Don't go home yet."

"Where are we going then?"

"To my uncle's house."

After the words fell, the heroic girl flicked the rein in her hand, and then rode her horse towards the right hand side of the intersection. Seeing this, He Manyu, a half-aged lady, immediately drove her mount to catch up.


Both sides of the street are lined with trees, covering a huge area, in front of the magnificent mansion.


Two women in black dresses stopped in front of Zhu's mansion.

The guards of Zhu's family standing guard in front of the vermilion gate saw the two women in strong clothes get off their horses, and immediately went up to meet them.

"Miss Li, guard He." Two strong Zhu family guards came to the two women, greeted them respectfully, and took the reins from each other's hands.

"Take them to eat something, and give them a bath." Li Qian ordered the two guards of her uncle's house as if she was at her own home.

"Yes." The two guards nodded, and one of them led two panting horses, preparing to enter the mansion from the side door, take them to the stables, and ask the groom to feed and bathe the two horses.

"Are my uncle and cousin at home?" Li Qian asked the guards at the side while walking towards the mansion.

"Master, he went out to run some errands, Miss is at home." The guard replied.

Li Qian nodded, "Go and tell my cousin that I'm here, and let her come out to see me quickly."

After finishing speaking, she was about to walk towards the living room, but at this moment, the guard's words made her stop immediately, and then she looked surprised.

"Miss Li, miss, she is meeting guests by the lake, so she can't come to see you for the time being." The guard said with a embarrassed face.

"Passing guests? Men and women?"

"It's a son."


! "Li Qian, whose face was full of surprise, was suddenly filled with curiosity when she heard what the guard said.

She knew her cousin very well.

When visitors of the opposite sex come to visit, they will meet in the reception hall at most. It is simply incredible that she can take the visitors of the opposite sex to chat by the lake in the mansion.

"You don't need to report, I will go to the lake to find my cousin." Li Qian said, and then took her guard He Manyu, and walked quickly to the artificial lake in the mansion.

"..." The guard who received Li Qian and He Manyu was left on the spot. He raised his hand and scratched his head, then turned and left, and returned to the door to stand guard.


Time flies by, and before you know it, the sun has come to the top of people's heads.

In a little while, it will be almost time for lunch.

As the sun rose, the temperature also increased a lot, but there was a large lake with rippling blue waves in front of it.

Sitting in the gazebo, the wind blowing from the lake wave after wave does not feel hot at all.

"Chunxiang, get someone to bring some fruit..." Zhu Xinru saw that the fruit on the table was almost eaten, so she turned her head, looked at the maid standing beside her, and ordered.

"Yes, miss." Chunxiang nodded, and went to ask the little maid to bring some fruit.

"You don't need to take any more fruit. You can eat the ones on the table." During the chat, I almost wiped out all the fruits on the table before I knew it. Now I heard that the host is going to bring me some fruit again. , Lin Li said with some embarrassment.

Zhu Xinru thought for a while, she would be able to have lunch in a while, she nodded, and then signaled to her personal maid that she didn't need to ask people to get fruit.

"Mr. Lin, you travel alone, do you often encounter strange beasts on the road?"

Lin Li took a sip of tea, put down the teacup, and said casually, "Fortunately, the number of encounters with strange beasts is not too many, and even if they do, they are not the type that cannot be dealt with."

"Then what does the most dangerous beast you meet look like?" Zhu Xinru asked curiously.

Lin Li thought about it, and he decided to use the strange beast that was forced to flee to the mysterious island for the first time after he came to the spirit world as an example.

"The most dangerous beast I have encountered is a giant goshawk that looks like a fighter jet.

Its strength is much stronger than that of me at that time. Fortunately, I have some means to avoid its attack, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous. "

Lin Li recalled the scene when he was attacked by a giant goshawk and strange beast, and described it calmly to Zhu Xinru.

"A fighter jet?" Zhu Xinru asked in confusion after hearing Lin Li's description.

"A fighter jet is a very common flying tool in my hometown. You haven't seen it before, so don't worry too much..." Lin Li realized that he had accidentally slipped his mouth, and quickly explained it with a smile.

Zhu Xinru was about to ask what this flying tool called a fighter jet looked like, when a crisp shout came from behind.


Zhu Xinru turned around and looked in the direction of the voice, and found that it was her cousin, and stood up immediately.

Lin Li also looked at the other party at this time, and saw a tall woman about his own age and a middle-aged woman in her 40s walking towards the gazebo.

Li Qian walked into the gazebo, her gaze quickly shifted from her cousin to the young man sitting on the stone bench.

"This man is handsome, not tall, and not very handsome. Why does my cousin treat him so differently?"

"Cousin, this Mr. Lin Lilin is the savior I told you about earlier." Zhu Xinru introduced Lin Li to Li Qian, and then she turned her head and introduced Li Qian to Lin Li, "Mr. Lin, this It's my cousin Li Qian."

"Hello, Miss Li." Lin Li stood up and nodded to the other party.

Originally, Li Qian thought that this young man was only good-looking and had no merits, but now that she heard Zhu Xinru's introduction, her eyes lit up immediately.

Why is this girl looking at me like that?It feels like she wants to fight with me... Lin Li found that Li Qian's eyes were staring at him suddenly, and his heart groaned.

"Cough..." He Manyu, who was standing behind Li Qian, naturally knew what her lady was thinking at the moment, so she quickly pretended to cough, reminding her to restrain herself and pay attention to her image.

What a pity!He Manyu's reminder did not make Li Qian, who wanted to compete with Lin Li very much at the moment, restrain herself in any way, she still looked at him with piercing eyes.

"Cousin." Zhu Xinru looked at Li Qian, who had bright eyes and was staring at Lin Li. She was smart, and with a twist of her mind, she immediately knew what was going on in her heart, as a cousin who was keen on cultivation and liked to find others to learn from. She also yelled.

He Manyu's shouting failed to make Li Qian restrain herself, but Zhu Xinru's shouting had an immediate effect.

"What are you doing?" Li Qian turned her eyes away from Lin Li, looked at her cousin, and asked.

"Mr. Lin is my guest." Zhu Xinru reminded her cousin implicitly, the meaning in the words was to tell her not to go too far.

The two played together when they were young, and Li Qian immediately understood what Zhu Xinru said, but if she wanted to, she was a practitioner!It is normal to exchange ideas, and it is not impolite to send out an invitation to exchange ideas.

"Mr. Lin, thank you for helping my cousin out last time." Li Qian thanked Lin Li.

Mr. Lin?Hey, this title sounds so awkward... Lin Li nodded uncomfortably, and responded politely.

"You don't need to be thankful. It's what everyone who has the ability to deal with such things should do when seeing injustice."

After hearing Lin Li's response, Li Qian's favorability immediately increased a little, and then she didn't beat around the bush, and said bluntly, "Mr. Lin, I want to discuss with you, can I?"


! "It never occurred to Lin Li that this is the first time they met, and this tall and heroic girl in front of him would actually invite him to compete.

"Cousin." Zhu Xinru called Li Qian speechlessly, and then explained to Lin Li embarrassingly.

"Mr. Lin, my cousin is always keen to discuss with her peers. Don't worry about it, just ignore her."

"Xinru, it's normal for practitioners to compete with each other. You are also a practitioner yourself, so you should understand! Why do you say that like I'm a weirdo..." Li Qian protested to his cousin.

"Yeah, it's normal for practitioners to exchange ideas with each other, but it's not good for you to invite others to exchange ideas as soon as you meet them! And it's going to be lunch soon." Zhu Xinru said.

"It's time to have lunch soon! That would be better, and the meal will be more delicious after the discussion." Li Qian automatically ignored the first half of what Zhu Xinru said, and said.

"Miss..." He Manyu, who was standing behind her own lady, had a better meal after listening to what she said.

"Cousin, you don't need to be so anxious to compete with Mr. Lin later." Zhu Xinru said.

"Oh, isn't it just a discussion! It won't take much time to get things done in a while, so what are you waiting for!" Li Qian said carelessly.

Then she turned her head and refocused her eyes on Lin Li, who was silent at the side.

What she meant was obvious, that is, it was up to Lin Li to decide whether or not to discuss the matter. If he disagreed, then that's all.

This girl's personality is really straightforward... Lin Li knew that Li Qian had no malicious intentions, but simply wanted to discuss with him.

He doesn't dislike this kind of straightforward girl, and as Li Qian said, it doesn't take much time to learn from each other and get things done in a while.

So, under the watchful eyes of the three people, Lin Li nodded with a smile, "It's really good to do some exercise before dinner..."

"Hee hee..." When Li Qian heard Lin Li's answer, a hearty smile appeared on Li Qian's handsome face, and then he looked at his cousin, "Look! Mr. Lin thinks the same as me."

"..." Zhu Xinru looked at her cousin very speechlessly, and He Manyu, who was the personal guard, also looked helpless.


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