Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 403: One Will Going Away

There are white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the airport in the suburbs is very lively. From time to time, there are large passenger planes taking off or landing from the flat airport runway.

At ten o'clock in the morning, an international flight arrived in the airspace of Rongcheng.

"Dear passengers, the plane is about to arrive at Rongcheng Airport, please fasten your seat belts..."

The international flight landed on the runway of Rongcheng Airport. After the plane stopped, the cabin opened. Under the guidance of the tall stewardess, the passengers got off the plane one after another, got on the airport bus, and headed for the exit of the airport.

A moment later, a middle-aged man with a height of 1.8 meters, a body full of knotted muscles, no hair on his head, sunglasses on his face, a black suit, and a briefcase in his hand appeared in front of the crowd. Inside the crowded airport hall.

After looking around, he didn't see the person who picked up the plane. The middle-aged man with a bald head and a muscular body reached out and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Just as he was about to make a call, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Wang Hao."

Wang Hao heard the familiar voice from behind, and immediately turned around to look behind him.

Chen Xiaoyan, who has a beautiful appearance and a charming figure, appeared in front of him.

Seeing that the other party was holding a tissue in his hand, and the tissue was a little wet, he immediately guessed that the other party should have gone to the bathroom just now.

"Let's talk after we get out of the airport." Wang Hao saw that Chen Xiaoyan opened his mouth to say something, and he noticed the airport security officer in the distance walking towards this side. He was very vigilant and immediately interrupted Chen Xiaoyan.

"Okay." Chen Xiaoyan also noticed the security guard at the airport who was walking this way in the distance, nodded immediately, and then led Wang Hao to the outside of the airport.




Wang Hao and Chen Xiaoyan got into the car, when the car started and left the airport.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Wang Hao took off the sunglasses on his face, glanced gloomyly at the bustling street scene outside the window, then turned his head to look, and asked Chen Xiaoyan who was driving.

"Has Liu Menglong still not heard from him?"

Chen Xiaoyan drove the car towards the city center, and when she heard Wang Hao's question, she nodded and replied, "Yes, since he left the house the day before yesterday, there has been no news about him."

"All Worlds"

"..." Wang Hao once again heard that his friend's whereabouts were unknown, his gloomy face became more and more ugly, and he could vaguely feel the psychic energy fluctuations in his body churning rapidly.

"Have you tried to find his whereabouts by location?"

What Wang Hao said about finding the whereabouts of Liu Menglong through location refers to using mobile phone location.

Because in the Black Lin Society, as long as members perform undercover missions, the mobile phones they use will be installed with positioning chips.

Chen Xiaoyan, who was driving the car, slowed down a little, then she first sighed, and then explained.

"Sigh... I tried to find his whereabouts through positioning, but the positioning signal of his mobile phone was blocked, so I couldn't locate him."

Wang Hao was silent for a few minutes, and then he asked again, about the man named Huang Liu who paid Liu Menglong to do it in the first place.

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【Start with a mysterious island】【】

"After Liu Menglong's accident, I also tried to call that person, but the phone on the other side was turned off." Chen Xiaoyan said.

"Would that man named Huang Liu be a drunkard? His goal is actually Liu Menglong." Wang Hao squinted his eyes and speculated.

"You mean, this matter was a trap from the beginning to the end?" Chen Xiaoyan listened to Wang Hao's conjecture, with an expression of disbelief on her gorgeous face.

"Well, I have such a feeling now. Of course, this is just my speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence to confirm it." Wang Hao said.

"From what you've said, that man named Huang Liu is indeed very suspicious.

Since he came to the door that time and paid a part of the spirit stone as a deposit, he never contacted us again.

The whole person seemed to have evaporated from the world, and there was no longer any news. "Chen Xiaoyan said in a solemn tone.

"Now take me to the residence of the young man Liu Menglong wants to kill." Wang Hao said suddenly.

"This... what are you going to do?" Chen Xiaoyan asked in surprise.

"What else can I do? Naturally, I want to capture that young man and ask him some questions face to face." Wang Hao said.

After Chen Xiaoyan heard what Wang Hao wanted to do, she immediately shook her head and opposed his approach.

"No, you can't do this... If you break into that young man's house like this, if someone sees you and calls the police, things will go wrong.

If the relevant departments are alarmed, the troubles that will arise at that time will not be easy to solve. "

Wang Hao thought for a while and said, "In the current situation, this is the most effective way to solve the problem. The longer the delay, the probability that Liu Menglong's life will be in danger will increase exponentially. "

Chen Xiaoyan bit her lower lip with her teeth, and said worriedly, "Your method of going directly to the door is indeed very, very effective, but the 'superior' has repeatedly warned us to be careful when doing things in Rongcheng, and don't disturb the local supernatural power management. bureau."

Although Wang Hao has a lot of contacts in the Black Lin Society, and his own status is not low.

But as Chen Xiaoyan said, the higher-ups had issued an order not to alarm the local Ability Management Bureau. If his actions alarmed the local Ability Management Bureau, even he would face severe punishment.

However, if other people's whereabouts are unknown, it's fine. Liu Menglong, whose whereabouts are unknown now, is his life-and-death friend!

In order to find out whether his friend is alive or dead as soon as possible, and what the situation is now, Wang Hao decided to disobey an order from a high-level executive.

"Just do as I say! If anything happens afterwards, I will bear all the responsibilities..."

"Wang Hao, don't be impulsive! You think about it seriously. Once this kind of thing becomes a big deal, even if you have a second-level high-level cultivation, you will not be able to get out of your body in the end." Chen Xiaoyan made her last effort , persuaded.

"If Liu Menglong hadn't rescued me ten years ago, I would have died long ago. Now his life and death are uncertain. No matter what the price is, I will find out the truth..." Wang Hao said with firm eyes.

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【Start with a mysterious island】【】

Seeing that Wang Hao's attitude had been decided, Chen Xiaoyan showed a complicated expression on her face.

Then, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and while driving the car to the community where the young man named Lin Li lived, she called Zhu Daqi, who was in charge of monitoring his movements.

"Hello, Miss Yan."

"Zhu Daqi, how is that person doing now?"

"Tell him! Ever since I got up early in the morning and went to the jewelry store, I haven't left the community since I got home."

"Okay, I'll go find you now."

"Ah, sister Yan, are you coming over now?"

"Yes, if that person goes out when I'm looking for you, call me immediately."


After talking on the phone with Zhu Daqi, who was in charge of monitoring Lin Li, Chen Xiaoyan put away her phone, stepped on the accelerator, increased the speed of the car, and accelerated to her destination.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Wang Hao put on his sunglasses again, closed his eyes and rested his mind, thinking about what was going to happen later.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

A high-end and elegant luxury carriage entered Fugui Road under the protection of a group of guards, and stopped in front of a magnificent mansion with a huge area.

"Miss is back."

The guard standing guard at the gate saw the carriage, then turned around and shouted to the mansion, and then several little maids came out of the mansion.


! ”

"Who is this man?"

The little maid who came out of the mansion originally came to greet her own lady, but it turned out that a strange man they didn't know came out of the carriage, which surprised them a lot.

Lin Li, who was the first to get out of the carriage, jumped down. After landing, he looked at the mansion surrounded by high walls in front of him, and he was amazed, "The wall of Zhu Xinru's house can't be seen at a glance, but it's really big enough what!"

The huge mansion in front of him can be regarded as the largest mansion Lin Li has ever seen since he came to Dongwu City.

Before he sneaked into the mansion of the leader of the Red Blood Gang, he felt that his house was big enough, but compared with Zhu Xinru's house, it can only be said that it is insignificant.

"Miss." The little maids who came to welcome Zhu Xinru shouted when they saw Zhu Xinru coming out of the carriage.

Zhu Xinru nodded to the little maids, then got off the carriage, and then she came to Lin Li who was looking at her house.

"Mr. Lin, it is quite sunny outside now, please follow me into the humble house to avoid the sun."

Lin Li, who was looking at the mansion in front of him, heard what Zhu Xinru said next to him, then turned his head and said to her with a smile.

"Miss Zhu, what you said is too modest. If your house is a humble house, there will be no humble house in this world."

Zhu Xinru smiled, and then led Lin Li to the house.

The little maids who came out to greet Zhu Xinru looked at Lin Li in surprise.

It was the first time for them to see a man who could talk and laugh with their lady like this and make her smile sincerely.


Step through the vermilion gate and walk into the magnificent mansion.

Pavilions, towers and pavilions, withered railings and jade, in the corridor that can't be seen at a glance, a man and a woman walk in the front, followed by seven or eight pretty little maids in uniform costumes.

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【Start with a mysterious island】【】

"Ta Tata..."

In the quiet corridor, there were only sparse footsteps, and Lin Li who followed Zhu Xinru had a look of surprise on his face.

Although before he came in, he had thought that the interior of the mansion was not low in luxury, but when he really saw the pavilions and pavilions inside the mansion, he found that his imagination was a bit exhausted.

"This Zhu Xinru's home is really luxurious! It's not inferior to the mansions of princes and nobles in some ancient costume TV."

After walking by Zhu Xinru's side for more than ten minutes, a vision suddenly opened up.

The artificial lake with an area of ​​tens of mu is rippling with blue waves, and many willow trees are planted on the shore of the lake.

With the occasional wind blowing, the branches of these willows dance gently, together with the sparkling lake surface due to the sunlight, forming a beautiful picture.

A gazebo was built on the shore of the artificial lake, and Zhu Xinru led Lin Li to the pavilion before stopping.

"Mr. Lin, please take a seat."

Lin Li heard Zhu Xinru call him to take a seat, so he looked away at the lake in the distance, and then sat down on the stone bench in the gazebo.

"It's good that Chunxiang is here, you go down!" Zhu Xinru said to the little maids.

"Yes." Although the pretty little maids really wanted to stay, but the young lady spoke, they could only salute regretfully, and then retreated.

After these pretty little maids left, news about Lin Li quickly spread, and the servants all knew about it. Now, in the gazebo of the artificial lake, there was a man talking cordially with the lady.

Everyone was very curious, what was the origin of this man, so that his lady could invite him to go to the artificial lake together.

You must know that in the past, many powerful and rich men came to visit her young lady, and she only chatted with them in the reception hall for a few words, and then sent them away.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think of this place?" Zhu Xinru asked with a smile.

Looking at the rippling artificial lake in front of him, and all kinds of exotic flowers and plants planted on the shore of the lake, Lin Li truthfully expressed his feelings, "This is a very pleasing place."

Zhu Xinru was very happy to hear what Lin Li said, because she also likes this place very much.

Usually, if she has any troubles, she will come to the gazebo here to stay alone for a while.

"There was originally a small boat that could be used in the lake, but unfortunately there was something wrong with that small boat yesterday.

Otherwise, we can take that small boat to the center of the lake, and being there is another feeling. "Zhu Xinru said with a smile.

"Yeah." Lin Li nodded, "It should be interesting to fish in the center of the lake."

"Fishing?" Zhu Xinru froze for a moment after hearing what Lin Li said.

She has never fished in the center of the lake. She usually takes a small boat to the center of the lake to read books and play the piano.

"Yes, have you never tried fishing in the middle of the lake?" Lin Li asked back.


"Then you can try it in the future. There is such an artificial lake that belongs to you alone. It would be a pity if you don't experience fishing by boat."

Zhu Xinru nodded, thinking to go back and try again.

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【Start with a mysterious island】【】

At this time, a few pretty little maids appeared in the distance, carrying pastries and fruits in their hands, and walking quickly towards the gazebo.

Chunxiang, Zhu Xinru's close maid, reached out to take the pastries and fruits brought by these little maids, and placed them on the stone table.

After delivering the cakes and fruits, the little maid secretly looked at Lin Li, her eyes full of curiosity, before leaving.

"You don't need to let people serve so much food, I'll leave after a while." Lin Li said to Zhu Xinru, looking at the food on the table.

"Mr. Lin, it's only been a while, you're in such a hurry to leave!" Zhu Xinru said, her tone full of convincing meaning.

"Mr. Lin, you don't have anything urgent to do now. I just informed the kitchen and asked them to prepare lunch. You can have lunch with my lady before leaving!" Chunxiang, the maid standing beside Zhu Xinru, suddenly said Said.

"That's it! Okay, then I'll have lunch before leaving!" Lin Li heard the other party say that he had asked the kitchen to prepare lunch for him. After thinking about it, he agreed.

Zhu Xinru turned her head and glanced at Chunxiang beside her, and gave her close maid an appreciative look.



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