Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 405: Strength is the source of confidence

In the magnificent Zhu family mansion, there is a practice field the size of four or five basketball courts.

On weekdays, the guards of the Zhu Mansion would exercise here, or compete with each other to hone each other's fighting skills.



The breeze blows the lush vegetation growing around the training ground, and the branches and leaves collide with each other, making a burst of noise.

A man and four women came out from the corner of the corridor in the distance, and walked straight to the location of the exercise room.



"Bang bang bang..."

There is a ring in the training ground, and the area of ​​the ring is nearly the size of a basketball court.

At this time, there were two strong bodyguards with short hair, sweating, fighting fiercely back and forth on the ring.

In addition to other guards watching the battle, there were also many servant girls and servants who had finished their work to watch the fun.

Everyone looked at the two people fighting fiercely in the arena, and shouted and cheered for them.

"Miss." A little maid inadvertently glanced to the side, saw Zhu Xinru, and then let out an exclamation.


Hearing the little maid's exclamation, the guards, servants, and maids who were watching immediately stopped shouting, and then hurriedly greeted Zhu Xinru.

Of course, everyone also greeted Li Qian who was beside Zhu Xinru.


"Miss Li."

Greetings sounded in unison, and the two guards who had been fighting fiercely in the arena also stopped at this moment, panting to greet them.

The servants present were all puzzled. My lady would hardly come to this practice field on weekdays. Why did she come today and brought Li Qian with her.

Just a few seconds after the doubts arose in their hearts, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Li who was beside Zhu Xinru again.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this man who was warmly received by the lady, who was dressed in plain linen.

Facing the greetings from the servants at home, Zhu Xinru smiled and nodded to them.

Before she could open her mouth, Li Qian, who couldn't wait to compete in the arena beside her, spoke out first, "I want to use the arena, you two come down here."

The two panting guards on the ring nodded after hearing what Li Qian said, and immediately jumped off the ring.

"Miss Li wants to use the ring! Who is she planning to compete with?"

The servants present were all very familiar with Li Qian, and knew that she was passionate about cultivation and liked to find others to compete with, so when they heard that she was going to use the ring, they immediately knew that she was going to compete with others in person.

The servants and maids are just ordinary people who eat melons, some of them are fine, but the guards have completely different ideas from them.

When they heard Li Qian say that they would use the ring, they couldn't help but feel tense, wondering whether Li Qian would randomly pick one or a few of the guards present to compete with them on the stage later.

Li Qian inherited her father's cultivation talent, and has already reached the early stage of the second stage of cultivation at a young age.

Among the guards present, there were only four or five guards who were over 40 years old, and their strength was comparable to Li Qian's. The others were no match for him one-on-one.

In the past, Li Qian had one-on-one battles with guards who were as strong as her, or singled out multiple guards who were weaker than her.

Everyone knows that Li Qian is the cousin of my young lady and the daughter of the city lord, and her status can be said to be very noble.

Being selected by Li Qian to compete in the arena, the guards actually couldn't let go of their hands and feet. In the end, not only did they get beaten in vain, but also made Li Qian unhappy because they didn't do their best. It can be said that it was difficult to compete with him Unflattering thing.

From January of this year to now, Li Qian has not consulted with the guards of Zhu's family again. The guards thought that there would be no more errands in the future.

In this situation, they all looked bitter and prayed in their hearts, hoping that God would help them so that they would not be selected.

Li Qian saw two guards who were sparring on the ring jump off the ring, she walked forward, and the servants around the ring immediately made way for her.

When she arrived in front of the arena, Li Qian immediately jumped up and jumped onto the arena. Then, under the watchful eyes of the guards who looked bitter and nervous, she raised her right hand and waved to Lin Li who was standing beside Zhu Xinru.

"Mr. Lin, hurry up! Lunch will be ready soon, we start and end early."


! ”

Seeing Li Qian calling Lin Li into the ring, the servants and maidservants turned around and looked at Lin Li with surprise on their faces.

At the same time, I prayed in my heart that I would not be selected by Li Qian's guards, and a happy smile immediately bloomed on their faces.

"Mr. Lin, my cousin is very strong. She is about to break through to the middle of the second stage. Be careful." Zhu Xinru reminded Lin Li who was about to step forward.

Although she was surrounded by thieves before and was rescued by Lin Li, she had seen Lin Li crush the thieves with his own strength.

But she knew her cousin very well, and felt that although Lin Li was strong, she had little hope of defeating her cousin.

"At the beginning of the second stage? Your cousin is very good! Thank you for reminding me, I will be more careful..." Lin Li said with a smile.

But what he was thinking was something else. He decided not to defeat Li Qian all at once when they fought against each other later.

After all, defeating her with a crushing force will make the other party very embarrassing. After all, she is Zhu Xinru's cousin, so she has to deal with it for six or seven minutes before defeating her.

Zhu Xinru saw that the smile on Lin Li's face remained unchanged, and she knew that he didn't take what she said too seriously, so she sighed in her heart, and then added.

"Mr. Lin, when you compete with my cousin, don't be careless. Her awakened ability..."

Before Zhu Xinru finished speaking, she was interrupted, "Xinru, don't let me know!"

"Cousin, I told you about Mr. Lin, now you know what abilities he has awakened, but he doesn't know what abilities you have awakened, this is very unfair..." Regarding Li Qian's protest, Zhu Xinru Then he retorted.

"Eh..." Li Qian thought for a while, and it was indeed the case. She couldn't refute it, so she said with a smile, "Okay, tell her!"

"Mr. Lin, my cousin is awakened..." Zhu Xinru wanted to finish what she hadn't said just now, but at this time, Lin Li did not give her a chance. He smiled at Li Qian and walked straight forward , jumped onto the ring.


! ”

Li Qian looked at Lin Li who jumped onto the ring and stood four or five meters away, looking at her Lin Li, and asked in surprise.

"Mr. Lin, why didn't you wait for my cousin to tell me about my awakened abilities before you came up?"

"No, for me, it doesn't make any difference whether I know your awakened ability or not." Lin Li said with a smile, revealing a strong confidence in his whole body.

"..." Li Qian fell silent after hearing Lin Li's explanation, and a few seconds later, a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Okay, if you have personality, I appreciate someone like you who is very confident in your own strength. However, self-confidence is self-confidence, and it is not good to go too far."

The smile on Lin Li's face remained unchanged, and he did not respond to Li Qian's words.

"This young man is so arrogant, does he not know Miss Li's strength?"

"The last person who sparred with Ms. Li and said something similar, was severely taught by Ms. Li in the end."

All the servants gathered around the ring to watch the battle complained to Lin Li in their hearts.

If they all knew that Lin Li was their lady's guest, they would have poured out their complaints about Lin Li in their hearts.

"Hey..." Zhu Xinru looked at the two people on the ring who were about to start their sparring, and sighed slightly in her heart.

"Miss, you don't have to worry. For your sake, Miss Li won't hit Mr. Lin very hard..." Chunxiang, the maid, saw the worry in her lady's heart, and immediately comforted her.

"Cousin, she handles things well, but once she enters the arena to compete with others, it's like a different person, and it's easy to be indifferent when making a move." Zhu Xinru said.

"..." Chunxiang scratched her head, but said nothing.

At this time, the two people on the ring also began to fight.

"Are you ready?" Li Qian asked the smiling Lin Li.

"Okay, how about you?" Lin Li responded.

"I'm ready too, let's start now!"


After the simple conversation, the expression on Li Qian's face gradually became serious, and the spiritual energy in her body was running rapidly.

The spiritual fluctuations at the beginning of the second stage suddenly appeared, and the aura displayed on his body quickly increased. This was more than a step stronger than the two guards at the beginning of the second stage who were competing in the ring.

"It's such a strong psychic energy fluctuation. Miss Li's cultivation has increased a lot. It seems that within this year, she should break through to the middle of the second level. She really deserves to be one of the few cultivation geniuses in our East Wucheng."

The few guards around the arena who were at the beginning of the second stage of cultivation, sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations on Li Qian's body, and they all let out a sigh of amazement.

"Aunt Yu, if my cousin can't hold back her strength in the process of sparring later, please just take a shot to stop her..."

When Zhu Xinru heard the exclamation from the guards, the worry on her face became more intense, then she turned her head, looked at He Manyu who was standing beside her, who had never spoken much, and asked for it.

"En." He Manyu nodded, looking at Lin Li with doubts in her eyes.

Her experience is very rich. After Li Qian showed her strength, the expression on Lin Li's face still did not change. This is too strange.

Logically speaking, a Tier [-] cultivator with perceptual ability, after the opponent reveals his strength.

If you find that the intensity of the opponent's spiritual fluctuations is stronger than your own, it will be difficult to maintain a calm look.

"Could it be that this young man..."

Li Qian frowned slightly when she saw that Lin Li's expression remained unchanged after she showed her strength, and she did not mobilize the spiritual energy in her dantian.

But now she mobilized her psychic energy and entered a fighting state. It was not her style to think too much.

Since the other party didn't make any moves, then he would try it first.

"Tread, step, step..."

Li Qian, who exudes the intensity of psionic fluctuations that far exceeds that of practitioners of the same level, sprints forward in great strides. In the blink of an eye, her speed has increased to a level that ordinary people cannot match.


With a low shout, Li Qian, who had approached Lin Li, raised her right arm, and a pale golden fist emerged, punching Lin Li's chest.


Li Qian's fist was blocked, and the huge impact disappeared invisible.

Lin Li, who was raising Li Qian's fist when he raised his hand, exuded the spiritual energy fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage at this moment.

The second-level practitioners who had the ability to perceive found that the fluctuations of the early-stage second-level spiritual energy emanating from Lin Li's body were no weaker than Li Qian's.

"This, this person actually has the same level of cultivation as Miss Li!

! ”

A few guards with the first stage of the second stage of cultivation said with a look of shock, and the other melon eaters also showed the same expression on their faces when they heard the words.

"This Mr. Lin is not simple!" He Manyu looked at Lin Li and said.

"Huh..." Zhu Xinru's heart sank when she saw her cousin launch an attack. When she saw her cousin's fist being blocked by Lin Lifeng lightly, she immediately relaxed and let out a soft breath.

But knowing her cousin, she didn't think Lin Li could win her cousin.


After being blocked from the attack, Li Qian immediately let out another low shout. She waved her left hand and punched out.


This time, Lin Li fought back with his fists. Their fists collided with each other, making a slight collision sound, and then they each took a few steps back to distance themselves.

In the first round of the fight, the two sides were tied, and no one took advantage.

Although the attack was blocked, the corner of Li Qian's mouth was raised with a serious expression, showing a smile on her face.

"It's up to me next." Lin Li didn't want to stand up and be beaten, so he grunted, then stepped on the ground with both feet, and shot out of his body.

The speed of attacking was even faster than Li Qian's speed of rushing towards him in the first round just now.

"Well done, it's interesting." Li Qian saw Lin Li take the initiative to launch an attack, and the happy smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

As the daughter of the city lord, Li Qian, who likes to find people to compete with, sends out invitations to compete with others, and few people will refuse.

But when the opponents are in the ring, they have scruples about his identity as the city lord's daughter, so when fighting in the ring, no matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, they often dare not give their best, and most of them are passive.

Now that there is such an opponent whose psychic energy fluctuations are almost the same as her own, and who dares to attack with all her strength, Li Qian is really happy from the bottom of her heart.




The spiritual light bloomed, and the fists with psychic energy collided. The two figures fought back and forth on the ring, with a speed as fast as a gust of wind. The servants watching the battle under the stage were overwhelmed.


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