Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 400: Amazing ability to withstand pressure

Zhang Yuxi heard Lin Li say that he would be in a hurry later, so he stopped delaying his time, stood up, and led him to the warehouse on the third floor.

"Just put it in this room." Because there was not much space left in the room where the pearls were placed last time, Zhang Yuxi changed the room for Lin Li to put the pearls this time.

The room where the pearls were placed this time was bigger than last time. Lin Li nodded, and then with a thought in his mind, he took out the baskets of pearls that were placed on the mysterious island. After a while, they were more than half full. room.

Although Zhang Yuxi has seen Lin Li use this method several times, if he sees it again, he will still be shocked by his ability to take out piles of pearls out of thin air.

"Okay, the [-] pearls that your friend needs are all here. Next, let your accountant use his ability to count the number!" Lin Li turned his head and said to Zhang Yuxi who was behind him.

Although he knew in his heart that if he said this, the other party would definitely say that there was no need to count them as last time, but he felt that he still had to say something.

Just as Lin Li thought, Zhang Yuxi smiled and shook her head when she heard what Lin Li said, "There is no need to count the quantity, I believe you."

If the target of this transaction is Zhang Yuxi, Lin Li will not insist on it after hearing what she said, but the target of this transaction is Zhang Yuxi's friend, Lin Lijue, he does not know the other party, so he should check and compare it is good.

After all, he has never counted the number of pearls in the basket himself. If the number is wrong, based on the current relationship between the two of them, Zhang Yuxi will not have a lot of grudges in his heart, but her friend who is far away in the capital can Can't tell.

"Let's count the quantity! After all, I also purchased these pearls from others.

The quantity is counted by the other party. Although I believe they will not give me any shortfalls, they will make some mistakes during the counting process.

If it is a transaction with you, the quantity is wrong, just a word, I will make it up for you.

And this time the goods are for your friend, if there is an error in the quantity of these pearls, you will lose face, and I feel embarrassed. "Lin Li insisted that Zhang Yuxi count the number of pearls traded this time.

"Okay, I'll ask Aunt Liu to help count the number of these pearls." Zhang Yuxi felt that what Lin Li said made sense, then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket and called Liu Lan who was drinking tea in the accounting room , let her come here for a trip.


In the quiet room, dozens of large bamboo baskets filled with pearls were placed on the floor.

Liu Lan, who had a faint golden aura in her hands, stopped casting her supernatural power, then turned her head and said to Zhang Yuxi beside her, "These pearls are exactly the right amount..."

"En." Zhang Yuxi nodded, and then looked at Lin Li who was waiting at the side.

Just when Lin Li was about to speak, the mobile phone in his pocket rang slightly. He took out the mobile phone and glanced at it. It was a text message from the bank about the change of the account balance.

"Dear Customer: Hello……"

600 million has arrived!


A pearl is two hundred yuan, and the payment for one hundred thousand pearls is 2000 million.

The extra 600 million should be what Zhang Yuxi said, and 30% of the total transaction amount of [-] pearls this time will be used as a deposit...

Lin Li looked at the text message sent by the bank, his eyes lit up, his face remained unchanged, and he said to Zhang Yuxi calmly, "That friend of yours, transfer the payment and deposit for this transaction to my bank account gone."

"Really? That's good." Zhang Yuxi smiled and nodded, "Since she has already sent you the payment and deposit, I will send someone to send this batch of pearls to her in the afternoon."

"It will take a lot of courier fees to send so many pearls to the capital..." Lin Li said, looking at the dozens of large bamboo baskets containing pearls in the room.

Just when he was about to transfer a sum of money to Zhang Yuxi to count as the courier fee, he heard the other party say, "The courier fee is payable, and she will personally inspect the goods when she receives them.

Although I have been friends with her for many years, if the product is not the right version, she will return it to me on the spot. "

Lin Li (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 400: Amazing ability to withstand pressure (two chapters in one)

Hearing that it was payable, he stopped mentioning the courier fee, and then he exchanged a few words with Zhang Yuxi, then took his leave and left.

When only Zhang Yuxi and Liu Lan were left in the room, Liu Lan said to Zhang Yuxi with a smile.

"Mr. Lin is also a real person! Look at his appearance just now. If you didn't say that these goods are paid on delivery, he should plan to pay the express fee for these goods himself."

"Yes! Lin Li is indeed a real person. The quality of his goods is very rare in the market at such a unit price.

Any jewelry store that receives such quality goods will feel that they have taken advantage of it. No one will let the seller pay for the express fee out of their own pocket, unless they don't want any face. "Zhang Yuxi said with a smile.

"This time we found such a good and high-quality supplier for Ms. Wang in Beijing, and she owes us a big favor!" Liu Lan said with a smile.

Zhang Yuxi's matchmaking this time not only helped Lin Li open up a new sales channel, but also helped his good friend in the capital get a high-quality supplier, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

She smiled, didn't say much, changed the subject and said to Liu Lan, "Aunt Liu, please contact the courier company for me, and ask him to arrange someone to come to the store as soon as possible to help us pack these goods and send them out. "

"Okay, I'll call the courier company right away." Liu Lan nodded, then took out her mobile phone from her pocket, called the courier company she often cooperates with, and went to the financial room.

"Hey, I was thinking about delivering the delivery of the [-] pearls, and then asking him to have lunch at noon. Now I can only wait for the next time."

When Zhang Yuxi was left alone in the room, she said to herself with some regret, then left the room and walked to the office on the second floor.


The sun was shining and the weather was fine.

After Lin Li came out of Zhang Yuxi's jewelry store, the calm expression on his face disappeared, and a happy smile bloomed on his face.

"Twenty-six million! Counting the balance on the bank card before, I now have more than thirty-one million in cash alone.

It is really easy for me to make money now!As long as I want to become a billionaire, at the current rate of making money, I will soon be able to achieve it. "

Lin Li, who was happy in his heart, muttered while walking towards his parking spot.

When he came to the parking place, he looked at the plain silver-white van in front of him, and wondered if he should change to a fancy car with so much money in his account now.

As soon as the idea of ​​changing the car arose, Lin Li snuffed it out.

"Forget about changing the car! If you change to a fancy luxury car, when Su Yue sees it, she will definitely ask me where I got the money to buy the luxury car. There is no way to explain it.

And the ancients didn't often say that wealth should not be exposed, and now my cultivation is not invincible, and it is better to keep a low profile. "

Lin Li gave up the idea of ​​changing the car, took out the car keys from his pocket, opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, fastened his seat belt, and when he was about to start the car, he glanced at a car parked on the side of the road in the distance. The black coupe.

"Strange, why do I feel that the black car looks strangely familiar..."

With a casual glance, without paying much attention to it, Lin Li grunted, and then looked away. He started the car, then turned the steering wheel, and drove the car towards home.

Zhu Daqi, who was secretly following Lin Li, saw Lin Li glance at where he was, and immediately frowned, thinking in his heart.

"Isn't that guy suspicious? Uh... probably not, I've been following from a long distance, he probably just glanced at me inadvertently..."

Seeing Lin Li starting the car and leaving, Zhu Daqi didn't immediately follow.

When Lin Li's car was far away and out of sight, Zhu Daqi turned on the tracking software on his phone, looked at the moving little red dot representing the car, started the car, and quickly followed.


The street is lined with trees.

On the flat asphalt road, a silver-white van turned out from a far corner, and then the target was clear (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 400: Amazing ability to withstand pressure (two chapters in one)

Indeed, drive to the location where Ping An Garden Community is located.

After Lin Li entered the community in an unremarkable silver-white van, after a while, a black car followed the route he came back and stopped under a tree on the street diagonally opposite the community.

"It's really back, what is this guy doing! Woke up early in the morning, went to the jewelry store, and then walked out of the jewelry store empty-handed."

After Zhu Daqi parked the car, he looked at the residents coming in and out of the gate of the community, and said to himself in bewilderment.

And there was another person who was also puzzled. Li Ying held a small telescope in his hand and observed the mission target from a distance.

"The behavior of this mission target is really confusing. Forget it, this kind of thing is irrelevant and there is no need to delve into it. I just need to wait for the changes and wait for the good show to unfold."

After Lin Li returned to the community, he parked the car and got out of the car. He looked around and looked for the whereabouts of the two little wild cats.

As a result, he searched around, but did not see any trace of the two little guys.

Originally, he planned to feed the two little wild cats some food, but since he couldn't find them, he had no choice but to go home.

After a while, Lin Li, who returned home, drank a large glass of water, and then went straight to the bedroom. The rustling sound of changing clothes came from the bedroom.

As a wave of spiritual energy flashed across the bedroom, the bedroom became quiet. If someone took a look into the bedroom at this moment, they would find that there was no one in the bedroom.


The vast and boundless spiritual world.

A huge sun hangs high in the blue sky, and the golden sunlight covers the earth.

East Wucheng of Chu State.

Because of a fire, a part of the Red Blood Gang base camp that had been reduced to ruins, a young man in gray linen clothes appeared out of thin air in the ruins.

Lin Li, who was wearing a black hood, looked around and saw that there was no one around the ruins. He immediately tore off the hood, put it in the mysterious island, and left quickly.

Walking quickly through the ruins, after a while, Lin Li left the sphere of influence of the Red Blood Gang.

On the hillside, standing under a big tree, Lin Li looked into the distance, and had a panoramic view of the sphere of influence of the Red Blood Gang.

A part of the base camp of the Red Blood Gang that was destroyed by the fire was dead silent, and no one could be seen.

Turning your attention to the area that was not affected by the fire, you can see people coming and going in and out of the intact area.

On the pier a little farther away, a large number of porters were busy unloading the goods from the ship. The lively scene on the pier was no different from that before the fire broke out.

When he came to this place again after two days, Lin Li did not expect that the Scarlet Blood Gang would be able to resume operations so quickly after being hit by him and suffered such serious losses. This ability to withstand pressure made him sigh with emotion.

"The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang are more resilient than I thought! But I want to see how many blows you can withstand."

Because it was broad daylight and it was inconvenient to move around, Lin Li planned to wait until after dark to reenact the scorching fire scene for the Red Blood Gang.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze away from the busy pier in the distance, turned and walked towards the bustling urban area.


In a small, intact hospital in the headquarters of the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang, who had been treated in the hospital and had almost healed from his injuries, was pale, and now it was almost impossible to see that he had been seriously injured a few days ago.

"Dong Dongdong..."

There was a knock on the door, and Fang Jingtang, who was flipping through the accounts, raised his head abruptly when he heard the sound, his heartbeat accelerated slightly, apparently startled by the sudden knock on the door.

If it hadn't been for the attack of that terrifying masked assailant a few nights ago.

It is impossible for the ordinary knock on the door to startle Fang Jingtang, who has always been calm.

Other members of the Scarlet Blood Gang who had the same experience are even more afraid to go out alone at night.

They can be regarded as a stress response in this way!May take time to smooth out.

"Guard Master." The person outside knocked on the door, but seeing that there was no response, he called out.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 400: Amazing ability to withstand pressure (two chapters in one)

His heart beat faster, and Fang Jingtang, who looked a little nervous, heard a familiar voice from outside the door. After recognizing the other party's identity, his nervousness began to calm down, and then he spoke.

"Come in."

The people outside the door got a response, and then opened the door to enter. Liu Qizhi, the little leader of the Red Blood Gang with a haggard look, walked into Fang Jingtang's study.

In the attack by masked thugs that happened a few days ago, many small leaders of the Red Blood Gang were killed.

Although some important people sent people to help the Red Blood Gang after the incident, and stabilized the overall structure of the whole gang, those people who came to help were outsiders after all, and they were not familiar with the business of the Red Blood Gang.

Therefore, many affairs of the Scarlet Blood Gang are now on Liu Qizhi's shoulders.


Chapter 400: Amazing ability to withstand pressure (two chapters in one)

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