Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 401: Talking about scenes, there will be no loss

In the past two days, he had to deal with the police sent by the government to investigate the attack, and deal with many affairs on the pier, so he didn't have much time to take a good rest, which made Liu Qizhi look very haggard.

"Liu Qizhi, sit down." Seeing Liu Qizhi's haggard look, Fang Jingtang quickly greeted him to take a seat. After the other party sat down, he came to the table himself and poured him a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Lord." Liu Zhi felt warm when he saw Fang Jingtang pouring tea for himself.

"...We are short of manpower now, and a lot of things have fallen on your shoulders, and you have to work hard for days. I, the leader, am really sorry for you!" Jing Tang said with a face of guilt. Is very handy.

"This is what I should do." Liu Qizhi put down the teacup in his hand, "Master, this time we have killed so many brothers, no matter what, we must avenge this enmity.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the man sent by that adult will help us support the Scarlet Blood Gang. After a long time, the brothers under him will find various ways to leave.

When Fang Jingtang heard the words, what happened to him two days ago immediately appeared in his mind.

Not far away was the raging flames. The terrifying murderer with a black hood and whose face could not be seen clearly killed them with unrivaled power.

"Master, are you okay?" Seeing that Fang Jingtang hadn't spoken and his face was not very good-looking, Liu Qizhi immediately asked with concern.

Jingtang accidentally fell into that unbearable memory again, following Liu Qizhi's shout, he came back to his senses, then twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a very disapproving smile on his face.

"I'm fine, you're right, we must avenge this revenge...

This time the lord sent so many people to me, it must not be just what we saw, simply helping us to maintain our unity. "

"Guangzhu, what do you mean?" Liu Zhi didn't understand the deep meaning.

Fang Jingtang didn't explain right away, he picked up the teacup on the table and poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and said to Liu Qizhi.

"After I tell you about this, don't tell the outside world."

Liu Qizhi nodded with a serious face, and Fang Jingtang continued to explain, "The confidant of the lord previously told me that the attack that happened to us this time made that lord very angry.

Through his narration, and the next day, the adult asked his confidants to appoint many people to help us.

It can be seen from this that the lord was intent on killing the masked assailant who attacked us. "

Liu Qizhi's eyes lit up when he heard Fang Jingtang's speech.

He said to Fang Jingtang just now that he must take revenge on the masked murderer who attacked the Red Blood Gang, but he knew it very well in his heart.

In its heyday, so many little bosses working together couldn't deal with the masked murderer, not to mention the heavily injured Red Blood Gang, it was even more impossible to deal with the masked murderer.

Saying that he must find the masked murderer for revenge is just a scene.

Knowing that it is impossible to succeed in revenge, there will be no loss if you say something in front of your superiors, and you can make yourself more perfect as a person who is loyal to the gang. Why not do it?

However, the development of things is always unexpected. After talking about the beautiful scene, Liu Qizhi did not expect to get such an unexpected answer.

The Red Blood Gang, which was hit hard, had no chance at all to take revenge on that masked murderer.

But now that their big backer, the adults behind them decided to kill the masked murderer, the possibility of successful revenge suddenly changed from impossible to possible.

For the Scarlet Blood Gang, that terrifying masked murderer is invincible, but in the eyes of the big shots behind it, this is not a problem at all.

"Okay, that's all about the masked murderer! Be careful that walls have ears." Fang Tang saw Liu Qizhi's reaction, smiled, and asked)

"You came to me, is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

Liu Qizhi nodded, and said, "Guangzhu, it's like this, Laoqian came to me just now.

He told me that he found out that it was captured by us before (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 401: Talking about scenes, there will be no loss (two chapters in one)

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Those children ran home unscathed, and he wanted to ask, should he arrange some arrangements to capture them again? "

For those girls who were left early by Lin Li and were arrested by the Red Blood Gang to repay their debts, the Red Blood Gang didn't find their remains in the ruins of the fire, and they guessed in their hearts that the girls should have taken advantage of the fire. Luan ran away.

Although we know that the girls who were finally caught to repay the debts ran away because the family couldn't pay the debts, but because the gang encountered such a disaster, everyone didn't have the heart to catch those girls back, so this matter was put on hold for the time being. .

A few days later, Liu Qizhi brought up the matter about those girls again, and Fang Jingtang, who was a little dizzy from a bunch of affairs, just happened again.

"You can tell Lao Qian later that those girls who escaped in the chaos, even if we send someone to catch them back now, there is nowhere to put them.

So let them stay here for the time being, and wait for us to deal with all the things at hand, and then go to catch them again, and let him care that those children will disappear without a trace..." Fang Jingtang said.

In fact, the main reason why he said that was because that terrifying masked murderer hadn't been found and killed by the big shots behind him until now.

In the case where the other party may come to the door again at any time and launch an attack, it is necessary to waste manpower on those girls.

Moreover, the matter of dealing with the girls who ran away in the chaos was simply not a priority among the pile of affairs he had to deal with.

"Okay, I'll go talk to Lao Qian later." Liu Qizhi replied.

While the two high-ranking members of the Scarlet Blood Gang were discussing matters, there was a sudden knock on the door of the study.

"Dong Dongdong..."

After knocking on the door, the person who knocked on the door pushed the door and entered without waiting for Fang Jingtang to open the door.

In the Red Blood Gang, who dared to come directly after knocking on the door like this, except for the big shots behind, those personnel sent to the Red Blood Gang to help, no one else did this.

"Fang Jingtang, I have something to tell you)" The visitor was a young man with a height of 1.7 meters 27 and a age of [-] or [-] years.

Although this young man only had a first-order peak cultivation base, and his strength was far inferior to Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi, his behavior was quite arrogant, with a blank expression on his face, and he looked down on the appearance of the two of them.

Because he was sent by a big shot, this status gave him the right to ignore Fang Tang and Liu Qizhi.

Fang Jingtang and Liu Qizhi didn't dare to have any dissatisfaction because of each other's identities.

After this arrogant young man proposed to talk to Fang Jingtang alone, Liu Qizhi got up and left, and when he walked out of the room, he also closed the door.

"Brother Lu, please sit here." After Liu Qizhi left, Fang Jingtang greeted this very impolite young man to sit down with a smile on his face.

Lu Tao sat down in the chair, watched the other party pour tea for him courteously, didn't say thank you, just picked up the teacup and drank it.

In the Wu family, although Tao is just a servant with no status, in his heart, he is a servant, but he is a servant of the Wu family.

His status is much more noble than these vile gangsters, so naturally he doesn't need to give them any face.

"I don't know what you came here to discuss, Brother Lu?" Fang Jingtang asked with a smile, pouring another cup of tea into Fang's empty teacup.

"That's it, Angkor, let me tell you, don't leave after dark, stay here directly, and at night, it's best to go out from time to time for inspection." Lu Tao said.

"..." Fang Jingtang's smile froze when he heard what the other party said.

Ever since that night, after personally experiencing being attacked by that ferocious masked assailant, Fang Jingtang did not dare to spend the night in the base camp of the Red Blood Gang again.

Whenever the sun was about to set, he would choose to leave the base camp of the Red Blood Gang and rest in other houses.

It is also a helpless choice to make this choice to live in another place. After all, before the terrifying masked murderer escaped (this chapter is not over!)

Chapter 401: Talking about scenes, there will be no loss (two chapters in one)

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, is to let go of the harsh words.

It is said that as long as the Red Blood Gang is there for one day, he will come to the door again. For his own safety, it is humane to change his residence.

If it weren't for the need to stabilize people now, Fang Jing would really like to change the place where he handles affairs to other places.

Now I heard from Lu Tao that it is bad news for Fang Jing to let him stay in the base camp at night and visit the surroundings from time to time.

Seeing that the smile on Jingtang's face froze, Lu Tao raised his corners and immediately showed a disdainful smile. He thought to himself, Fang Jingtang, a humble guy, is really timid, and he is the leader of a gang who has been blinded for nothing.

Seeing the disdainful smile on Lu Tao's face, Fang Tang felt a lot of anger in his heart, but when he thought of Fang Ke's servant, he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Lu, what does Guard Wu mean by this?"

Tao, who already looked down on Fang Jingtang, didn't bother to explain to him.

He picked up the teacup in front of him, drank the tea in one gulp, and then stood up.

"You understand what it means. If you don't understand it, don't think about it. Just do what Angkor said. I have other things to do, so I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Lu Tao turned around and left Fang Jingtang's study room, which was called a neat and tidy)

In the quiet study room, Fang Jingtang's expression changed again and again. He drank several cups of tea in a row before calming down the anger in his heart.

After his emotions stabilized, he thought about it seriously and had some ideas.

"Wu Xiong, did I do this because I wanted to use me as a bait to lure out the masked murderer who disappeared without a trace?"

As this idea came into being, the more Fang Jingtang thought about it, the more he realized it was a possibility.

At this time, the terrifying and ferocious appearance of Mengtu who slaughtered all directions appeared in his mind again, and the expression of fear gradually appeared on his face.

After a long time, there was a deep sigh in the quiet study.


"That's all, let's take the photo! Since Wu Xiong asked me to do this, he must have considered protecting my personal safety.

After all, I am still useful now, if I was killed by a masked murderer when I was making bait, it would be difficult for him to explain to that adult..."

Fang Jingtang comforted himself in the room, then got up and went back to the desk to sit down, opened some accounts in front of him, and casually dealt with the affairs at hand.


In the bustling restaurant, shopkeepers with plates in their hands came and went, delivering the dishes in their hands to the table of each guest.

"What? You want 20 pearls?" In the corner of the restaurant, Liu, who was recruiting VIPs, couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard the VIPs say they wanted to buy 20 pearls.

Because it was not long after the last purchase, and they came to the door so soon, and the quantity of purchases this time has doubled.

"Yes, I want 20 pieces, why? Can't I get these goods now?" Seeing Liu Yun's shocked expression, Lin asked back.

"Eh..." Yun, who was in charge of dealing with Lin Li's transactions with the restaurant shopkeeper who hadn't come yet, calmed down the shocked expression on his face, and then said to Lin Li apologetically.

"Mr. Lin, it's not that we can't produce the goods you want to purchase, the main reason is that the interval between the last transaction is so short, and you are purchasing such a large amount at one time, we need some time to get it together, and there is no way to give it to you on the same day. get ready."

Lin Li thought about it. Not long ago, he just delivered a batch of [-] pearls, which was enough for Zhang Yuxi, a friend in the capital, to sell for a while, so he didn't have to live to collect the remaining [-] pearls.

He told Zhang Xi before that he would be able to pay the difference in a day or two, but now he probably has nothing in a day or two, so he has to call the other party later and ask her to wait a little longer. a few days.

"How long will it take you to get the twenty pieces?" Lin asked.

"Um...noon the day after tomorrow at the latest, before the sun goes down." Liu Yun calculated in her heart, and then reported an approximate time to Lin Li.

(This chapter is not over!)

Chapter 401: Talking about scenes, there will be no loss (two chapters in one)

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Before the sun goes down the day after tomorrow, it’s pretty fast. I told Zhang Yuxi to get it together within a day or two, so I’ll come to pick up the goods the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. It’s not beyond the time I said before... Lin Li said to himself, and then nodded to Liu Yun head.

"Okay, I'm not in a hurry. I'll come to pick up the goods in the afternoon the day after tomorrow... Well, do you need me to give you some money as a deposit?"

When Liu Yun heard Lin Li's words, she immediately smiled and shook her head, "No need, the shopkeeper told me before going out that as long as it's Mr. Lin, you don't need a deposit when you negotiate business with us)"

Later, after Lin Li and Liu Yun finalized the business of purchasing 20 pearls, he declined the other party's dinner invitation, turned around and left the restaurant.

After this special guest left, Liu Yun immediately started to raise pearls.

Although several restaurants sell raw oysters that are not sold outside, they will produce a lot of pearls.

However, the number of pearls produced by the restaurant every day is obviously far from the 20 pearls that Lin Li needs, and it will take some time to collect this amount.

At present, the output of his own restaurant alone cannot meet the demand. Therefore, Wang Yun needs to send people to collect pearls from his colleagues.


Chapter 401: Talking about scenes, there will be no loss (two chapters in one)

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