Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 399: Different Coping Attitudes

on the balcony.

"Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling..."

Small fireballs the size of eggs are suspended under the grill, and slices of marinated lamb are grilled by flames, exuding a tempting aroma.

The golden sunlight shone into the balcony, reflecting on Lin Li who was turning the mutton.


Lin Li felt that the meat was almost roasted, so he sprinkled a little cumin powder on the lamb, picked it up with a talon, blew it with his mouth, and put it in his mouth.

"It's ripe."

After tasting a piece of roasted mutton, Lin Li immediately put all the fully cooked mutton on the grill into a bowl, and then started to eat it.

The side effects of eating the miraculous little fruit have been slightly relieved today, but the appetite is still very large. After eating six or seven catties of roast mutton in a row, Lin Li felt that his food was almost enough.

When he extinguished the small fireballs under the grill and was about to pack the barbecue utensils on the table, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Drip ring..."

He took out his phone and looked at the screen. The name on the caller ID was Zhang Yuxi.

After answering the phone, Lin Li asked, "Hi, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yuxi, wearing a white shirt and tube skirt, just came to the jewelry store, and she made herself a cup of coffee in the office.

After that, he dialed Lin Li's phone number while drinking coffee.

After the call was connected, Zhang Yuxi put down the coffee in his hand, smiled and explained the reason why he called in the morning.

"Lin Li, good morning! That's it. My friend called me last night and asked if I could send her the one hundred thousand pearls in your hand first."

Naturally, Lin Li would not refuse such a request from a major customer, "Of course, I will go out to your store after I deal with the matter at hand, and hand over the batch of pearls to you..."

"Okay, then I'll welcome you in the store." Zhang Yuxi joked.

"What a grand visit! What you're saying, I'm just an ordinary small merchant selling pearls..." Lin Li said modestly.

The two chatted for a while, and when they were about to end the call, Zhang Yuxi asked, "Did my friend send you the deposit of 30 pearls?"


"I haven't called you yet! Then I'll call her later and ask her to transfer the deposit and the payment for the [-] pearls to your account."

"sorry to bother you."

"You're welcome……"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li cleaned up the barbecue utensils on the small table, and took them to the kitchen to clean them.

After everything was done, Lin Li changed out of his vest and beach pants, and went out with an ice cream in his hand, wearing a white T-shirt and slacks.

Originally, his plan for today was to go to Dongwu City in the spirit world after breakfast, and collect the 30 pearls that Zhang Yuxi's friends needed, which was short of 20 pearls.

Now that the other party called and wanted the one hundred thousand pearls first, Lin Li could only go to Zhang Yuxi's shop to deliver the goods first, and then go to Dongwu City in the spiritual world.


Outside the Ping'an Garden Community, a black car came out from the corner of the street, and then parked under the roadside tree diagonally opposite the gate of the community.

The driver sitting in the driver's seat lowered the window and stared at the neighborhood not far away.

Zhu Daqi looked away, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and turned on the tracking software.

Same as what I saw when I went out, the Zhu Daqi point representing the target on the tracking software still stayed in place.

Now that Liu Menglong's whereabouts are unknown and there is no news, although Zhu Daqi and Chen Xiaoyan both feel that it is impossible for Lin Li to fight back against the mighty Liu Menglong.

But in this situation, apart from Lin Li's clue, they have no other starting point for them to start. Therefore, the tracking of Lin Li must continue.

"Won't that guy stay at home all day again?" Zhu Daqi looked at the Zhu Daqi point displayed on the tracking software, representing the target, and said to himself.

Just as he was about to take out his own breakfast from the bag on the passenger seat, the phone rang suddenly.

It was Chen Xiaoyan who called, and Zhu Daqi quickly answered the phone and asked earnestly.

"Sister Yan."

"Zhu Daqi, are you going out now?"

"I've already gone out, and I'm currently monitoring that man named Lin Li, Sister Yan, do you have anything to tell me to do?"

"About Liu Menglong, I told a friend that he will fly to Rongcheng this morning to help us investigate.

I originally thought, let you drive me to the airport to pick me up, since you are monitoring that man named Lin Li, then forget it, you continue to monitor him, and I will go to the airport to pick up that friend by myself. "Chen Xiaoyan said.

"Sister Yan, I've installed a tracker on the target's car, so it's okay to pick you up at the airport after leaving for a while..." Zhu Daqi said.

"Now that man named Lin Li is our only clue. Just to be on the safe side, keep an eye on him. You can stay there and monitor him. As for picking him up at the airport, I'll go alone." Chen Xiaoyan thought for a while, Said.

Seeing what Chen Xiaoyan said, Zhu Daqi no longer insisted on following him to the airport to pick him up.

The two hung up the phone, Zhu Daqi continued to stay outside the community, monitoring Lin Li's movements, while Chen Xiaoyan left the house and drove to the airport to pick him up.

When Zhu Daqi and Chen Xiaoyan were on the phone, there was a small cart selling breakfast a little further away.

Early in the morning, many people lined up in front of this breakfast stall to buy breakfast. Li Ying, with her hair cut, was queuing up while casually looking at the cars parked under the trees on the street in the distance.

"Wang Hao will go to Rongcheng today, and that woman named Chen Xiaoyan should go out to the airport to pick her up right now.

According to the description of Wang Hao in the data, this person has a tyrannical personality and is very impulsive. After he arrives in Rongcheng, he should non-stop come to find trouble with the mission target. I just need to hide and observe from a distance. "

Li Ying looked at Zhu Daqi's car and thought about it in his heart. At this moment, a voice pulled him back from his thoughts.

"What would you like for breakfast, young man?"

The old man who sold breakfast saw Li Ying in a daze, and immediately yelled at him.

"Give me a fried dough stick, two meat buns, and two tea eggs."

Li Ying, who was brought back to his senses by the yelling of the old man selling breakfast, turned his head to look at the other party, talked about the breakfast he needed, and then took out cash from his pocket and handed it to the other party.


"Dad, I have a stomachache. Why don't you ask the teacher for a day off today! I won't go to school until my stomach pain is gone." A chubby little boy said to his father with a painful expression on his face.

"Okay! I'll call your mother right now and ask her to ask Teacher Zhang for leave." The chubby middle-aged man glanced at his son who didn't want to go to school and pretended to be sick, and said with a smile.

"Don't, don't, don't call mom, I don't have a stomachache anymore." The little boy who didn't want to go to school was shocked when he heard his father say that, and then all the painful expressions on his face disappeared .

"Hurry up and get in the car! Don't be late." The chubby middle-aged man opened the car door and beckoned the little boy to get in the car.

In the green belt in the distance, there are two little wild cats who have a panoramic view of the scene of the father and son communicating.

"Meow... This little fat man who was spanked by his mother actually wanted to pretend to be sick and not go to school." The little black cat said.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong likes to go to school, why doesn't he like to go to school?" The little white cat murmured to himself suspiciously.

After speaking, it turned its head to look at the corridor of Building No. [-] in the distance, and then said to the little friend beside him, "Zhou Tongtong has come out."

Hearing the words, the little black cat turned its head and looked at the corridor of Building No. [-]. After a while, Zhou Tongtong with a ponytail came out of the corridor bouncingly. Her mother followed her and called her Slow down, don't fall down.

The two little wild cats stared at Zhou Tongtong, and Zhou Tongtong immediately looked at where they were, and then waved at them.

"Xiaobai, Xiaohei, I had a strange dream yesterday, I saw you in the dream..."

"Tongtong come here quickly, we have to leave quickly, otherwise we will be late." Xia Qing pushed the electric car out of the shed and said to her daughter.

"I'm going to school. I'll tell you about my dreams about you after school." Zhou Tongtong said to the little black cat and the little white cat, and then got on the electric car.

The little black cat and the little white cat looked at Zhou Tongtong and her mother leaving, and were very curious about what Zhou Tongtong said about them in their dreams.

"That person has come out." The little white cat turned his eyes to the corridor of Building No. [-] again and said.

The little black cat on the side naturally knew who the person his little friend was referring to, but after a while, Lin Li came out of the corridor with the half-eaten ice cream in his hand.

"The weather is nice today..." Lin Li walked out of the corridor and looked up at the sky.

Then, he ate all the ice cream left in his hand, threw the small wooden stick into the trash can on the side of the road, and walked to the parking place.

"Those two little wild cats are staring at me again..." Lin Li noticed the little black cat and the little white cat squatting on the grass as they passed by the green belt, looking at him in unison.

"Hey, did you guys have breakfast?"


Facing Lin Li's inquiry, the two little wild cats remained silent.

With a thought in Lin Li's mind, a pack of ham sausages appeared out of thin air in his hand.

The little white cat and the little black cat were stunned when they saw a pack of ham sausage appear out of nowhere in Lin Li's hand, and then they saw Lin Li peeling a ham sausage, and waved to them.

"The allure of ham sausage doesn't seem to work for them... By the way, how did Zhou Tongtong establish a good relationship with these two little wild cats, making them very clingy to her?"

Lin Li recalled how well-behaved the two little wild cats were under Zhou Tongtong's hands, and said to himself, then he threw the ham sausage in his hand at the two little wild cats.

Because he still had other things to do, Lin Li didn't have time to tease the two little wild cats. After throwing the ham sausage at them, he left.


The silver-white van started, and Lin Li drove the car out of the community, and drove quickly to where Zhang Yuxi's jewelry store was.

Seeing Lin Li driving away in the car, the little black cat and the little white cat turned their eyes to the grass not far from them, staring at the delicious ham sausage.

"Meow... that person didn't have anything at first, and then a pack of ham sausage suddenly appeared, did you see it?" said the little black cat.

"Meow...Of course I saw it! I'm not blind." The little white cat responded.

"Meow... do you know what's going on?" the little black cat asked.

"Meow... When we were wandering in the park before, we saw some candies conjured out of thin air.

At that time, those onlookers said that this magician is very powerful, maybe he is a magician! "The little white cat guessed.

The little black cat nodded, and then stopped thinking about seeing ham sausage appear out of thin air in Lin Li's hand just now.

It is now paying more attention to the ham sausage lying on the grass not far away, exuding a tempting aroma.

Afterwards, the two little wild cats divided the ham sausage fed by Lin Li into two, and ate it with relish.


The explosive music was playing in the carriage, and Zhu Daqi shook his head and hummed along with the beat.

Suddenly, he closed his mouth and stared at a silver-white van driving out of the gate of the community in the distance.

"I thought you guys were going to stay at home all day today! I didn't expect you to go out so early."

Zhu Daqi watched the car pass by, and after the other party drove tens of meters away, he immediately started the car and followed.

Because he was afraid of being followed by the other party, and with the help of a tracker, he didn't have to worry about losing his target, so he kept a long distance and followed him from a distance.

After tracking for more than 20 minutes, Zhu Daqi saw the car finally parked in the parking space in front of a jewelry store.

"Going out early in the morning, I came to a jewelry store to buy something...?!

! ”

Just when Zhu Daqi was surprised that Lin Li went out to the jewelry store early in the morning, Li Ying, who was quietly following behind him, was also surprised.

On the second floor of the jewelry store, under the guidance of the clerk, Lin Li came to Zhang Yuxi's office.

"Dong Dongdong..."

"Boss, Mr. Lin is here."

After the knock on the door, there was a pleasant voice in the room.

"Please come in."

Opening the door, Lin Li walked into the room. When Zhang Yuxi saw Lin Li, he immediately got up from the chair and invited him to sit on the sofa.

"It came so soon, it seems that you didn't encounter traffic jams on the road!"

Lin Li sat down on the sofa, saw Zhang Yuxi pouring tea for himself, and responded with a smile, "I'm lucky today, and the journey was smooth."

"Come on, have a sip of tea first." Zhang Yuxi put the teacup in front of Lin Li.

Lin Li took a symbolic sip of tea, put down the teacup and said, "I still have some things to deal with. I'll give you the one hundred thousand pearls, and I'm about to get busy."


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