Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 398: Single dog and strict wife control


The electric wind kept blowing out heat waves, and Su Yue, who was sitting in front of the dressing table, raised her slender hands and fiddled with her soft hair.

It took a moment before she dried her damp hair.

After blowing her hair, Su Yue reached out and tore off the bath towel around her body, and the spring was endless for a while.

After a while, Su Yue, who was wearing a light silky white suspender nightdress, came out of the bedroom swayingly.

When she came to the living room, she was about to pick up her phone and contact Lin Li to play games together.

At this time, the mobile phone rang first, and it was a video call request from her mother Zheng Qiuyi.

"Ding Dong."

Qing Cong's slender fingers touched the screen lightly, and the video call was connected.

With a mask on her face, leaning against the head of the bed, an aged woman in a white bathrobe appeared on the screen.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Su Yue asked her mother.

"If I'm fine, can't I come to you?" Zheng Qiuyi said as she patted the mask with her fingers.

One thing falls one thing, Su Yue looked at her mother who was applying the mask, and said helplessly, "That's not what I meant."

Zheng Qiuyi saw her daughter defeated and smiled triumphantly, "Next Friday, your father and I will go back. Do you have anything to buy? I'll bring it for you."

Su Yue thought about it carefully, she didn't lack anything now, so she shook her head, "I have nothing to buy."

"Forget it, it's useless to ask. I've been shopping outside for the past few days. Isn't it going to be autumn soon? Let me buy you some clothes!" Zheng Qiuyi said.

"Mom, don't buy it for me. I can only wear the clothes you bought on a daily basis, and I can't wear them to school." Su Yue quickly refused.

What she said didn't mean that the clothes Zheng Qiuyi bought for her were tacky and unsuitable for her.

With Zheng Qiuyi's taste, the clothes she bought were naturally not bad, mainly because the clothes she bought for Su Yue were not cheap.

As an ordinary teacher teaching in school, it is really inappropriate to wear a dress that starts at a minimum of [-] yuan.

"Then you just wear it normally! When you go to school, you wear the clothes you bought yourself." Zheng Qiuyi said indifferently.

"Okay! You can buy it if you want!" Su Yue knew that her mother had already made up her mind, so she stopped persuading her.

The mother and daughter chatted for a while, at this moment, Su Yue suddenly asked, "Where's Dad?"

Seeing her daughter asking about her husband's whereabouts, Zheng Qiuyi said with a smile, "Your father went out to meet an old friend."

"Oh." Su Yue nodded when she heard the words, but didn't ask carefully. After all, her father had a lot of friends, and she didn't know them all.

"Okay, let's do this first! Tomorrow Monday, you have to go to work, go to bed early... By the way, when I go shopping, I will take a few photos and send them to you before buying clothes. If you don't reply If so, I will make my own decision.”

"Yes." Su Yue nodded, and then hung up the phone with her mother.

After finishing the call, she checked the time, then found Lin Li's chat window, and sent a message to the other party.

Soon, there was a response from Lin Li, and then the two of them started a voice call, and they formed a team to play games together.


Several moths were flying around the street lamps. Occasionally, a moth would descend from the sky and land in the grass beside it, fluttering a few times without making a sound.

The dim street lamps illuminated a small area. On the bench by the roadside, sat two middle-aged men, one with a dignified appearance and a refined temperament, and the other with a rough appearance and a wild temperament.

"Would you like a cigarette?"

"No, I have to go home later, if my wife smells smoke on me, she will nag me again."

"Tsk... Oh! It's terrible that the wife is so strict."

"It's not about being strict with my wife. Smoking is harmful to my health, and she's doing it for my own good."

"All right, all right, you're right, you're not a strict wife..."

"Liu Shijie, in the past ten years, you have rarely returned to Blue Star. Even if you did, you only stayed for a few days, and then returned to the spirit world. This time you returned to Blue Star and stayed for so many days. What's wrong with you?" Something?" Su Chen asked.

"Huh..." Liu Shijie took a long breath, and a white column of smoke spewed out from his mouth, and then said to his old friend.



"Well, this time I returned to Blue Star and stayed for so long, mainly because I wanted to recruit some people, and then explore a dangerous place after gathering the manpower." Liu Shijie explained.

"With the current strength of your team, you actually need to increase your manpower. It seems that the dangerous place you are going to explore this time is quite dangerous!" Su Chen said.

"Do you want to know? If you want to know, I can tell you about the dangerous place we are going to explore." Liu Shijie said with a smile.

Su Chen looked at the smile on his old friend's face, and shook his head, "Forget it, I've already quit, and there's no need to know too much about related matters."

"..." Liu Shijie fell silent when he heard the words, and then he took a deep breath, and the cigarette in his mouth burned quickly.


A long column of smoke spewed out of Liu Shijie's mouth again, only what he said.

"The Hero Tomb in Wenrou Township, what the ancients said is true... I think back then, when I met you, you used to say the phrase 'Life is endless, adventure is endless', but now things are different. what!"

"..." Su Chen was silent for a while, then said to his old friend with a smile, "Using the words of young people nowadays, single dogs cannot understand the happiness of people with wives and daughters."

After speaking, he couldn't help but think back to himself back then.

At that time, the high-spirited Su Chen always felt that going to the spirit world to take risks and explore unknown places was the most worthwhile thing for a man to do, until he met Zheng Qiuyi.

After having a daughter, he felt that the latter was more important to him than guarding his wife and daughter by taking risks in the spirit world and exploring unknown places.

"You... What's wrong with being single? Why are you so proud? I still think it's pitiful that your wife is so strict!" Liu Shijie said without anger.

Two good friends who hadn't seen each other for many years were sitting on a bench by the side of the road, laughing and cursing at each other. They didn't say goodbye to each other until it was getting late. As for when they would see each other next time, it was uncertain.


The bedroom door opened, and Su Chen pushed the door in. Seeing his wife leaning on the head of the bed with a mask on her face and holding a mobile phone, she said with a smile, "It's so late, you haven't slept yet!"

Zheng Qiuyi paused the video she was watching, raised her head and looked at her husband who came back, "I'm waiting for you to come back! Liu Shijie hasn't contacted you for many years, so he suddenly asked you out this time, what's the matter?"

Su Chen came to the bed and sat down, took out the mobile phone from his pocket and put it on the bedside table, "It's nothing, I just came to catch up with you."

"Oh." Zheng Qiuyi nodded, and then she suddenly put her head next to her husband's neck and sniffed.

"What are you doing!" Su Chen asked suspiciously when he saw his wife's actions.

"It smells like smoke, are you smoking?" Zheng Qiuyi frowned and said.

"No, that guy Liu Shijie smoked it. I sat next to him and chatted with him, so it's inevitable that I would get some smoke." Su Chen explained.

"Then go wash it up! It smells so bad." Zheng Qiuyi said.

Knowing that his wife didn't like the smell of cigarettes, Li Ying immediately sat up, took her pajamas and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Listening to the sound of water flowing from the bathroom, Zheng Qiuyi recalled the scene when she had a big belly and her husband brought Liu Shijie to see her and introduced his good friend to her.

"After so many years, Liu Shijie is still taking risks in the spirit world. I hope he will be safe forever."


Banyan City.

In an urban village awaiting demolition, a figure was walking on a dark street.

Because it is already very late now, the village in the city is sparsely populated. At this time, there are almost no people on the street.

"If Liu Menglong wasn't here, something might have happened as I speculated..." Li Ying murmured to herself, and walked straight to the remote corner of the urban village awaiting demolition.

The old small one-story house is brightly lit, and the sound of the TV can be heard from time to time in the living room. If you listen carefully, you can know that the program broadcast on the TV is the midnight news.

"According to the news received by this station, in the early hours of last night, investigators from the Ability Management Bureau saw the previously reported beast hunter in the wilderness on the outskirts of the Eastern District, a few kilometers away from the safe zone. The alien beast of the team.

After reconfirmation by the investigators, the strange beast that is suspected to be a new species indeed has a cultivation base of the second-order peak..."

On the sofa in the living room, Chen Xiaoyan, who was wearing cool pajamas, was lying on her side, thinking about something, while watching the noon news being broadcast on TV.

In the afternoon, she talked with Wang Hao on the phone.

The other party will come to Rongcheng tomorrow. At that time, with the help of a combat power with a second-level high-level cultivation base like him, the investigation of Liu Menglong's whereabouts is unknown, and the whereabouts of Liu Menglong who has no news should be resolved soon.

If Liu Menglong is still alive, then everything is fine. On the contrary, as the partner of Liu Menglong who came to Rongcheng to perform the mission this time, the corresponding punishment is inevitable.

"Hey... I knew it would happen, I should have tried my best to dissuade him..."

"Now we can only wait for Wang Hao to come and see the results of his investigation..."

"Liu Menglong, don't let anything happen to you! Otherwise, I will suffer..."

Chen Xiaoyan, who was lying sideways on the sofa, recalled the scene where the mysterious man came to look for Liu Menglong, feeling a burst of regret in her heart.

If she objected at that time, as the partner of this mission, Liu Menglong would not be able to persist.

It's a pity that there is no medicine for regret in the world. Things have already happened. No matter how much you regret the wrong decision you made at that time, it will be irreversible.

Standing by the window, a figure stood outside the wall, listening to the noises coming from the living room, and the voice of Chen Xiaoyan talking to herself also entered the ears of this figure.

When Chen Xiaoyan turned off the TV, turned off the lights, and went back to the bedroom to rest, Li Ying, who was eavesdropping behind the wall, also ended the eavesdropping.

A faint golden light flashed in his eyes, and his body slowly sank into the shadow under his feet before disappearing.

At the exit of the village in the city, under a big tree with luxuriant branches, a figure emerged from the shade of the tree.

After Li Ying, who had sneaked a long distance in the shadows, appeared, his face was full of smiles.

"I didn't expect that I guessed it right. When I was looking for revenge on that traitor, Liu Menglong attacked the mission target."

"Now his whereabouts are unknown and there is no news. There is a high probability that something happened."

"According to the information provided by the organization, Liu Menglong's strength is considered top-notch among the members of the Black Lin Club with middle-level second-level cultivation. In a one-on-one situation, practitioners with the same cultivation level cannot take him down... "

"He went to attack the mission target this time, but in the end, his whereabouts were unknown, and there was no news, which indirectly proved that the mission target, as I reported to the superior before, has a second-level high-level cultivation base..."

As Li Ying walked outside the village in the city, he analyzed it in his heart.

Although he couldn't witness it with his own eyes because of the revenge of the traitor, but if he reported this result to his superiors, then his task this time could be considered complete.

"Wang Hao was mentioned in the information revealed by the woman just now, if it wasn't the same name.

Then he should be the Wang Hao who is nicknamed the bloody hand in the Black Lin Society and has a second-level high-level cultivation. "

"Since that Wang Hao will come to this city tomorrow to help that woman investigate the whereabouts of Liu Menglong who has not been heard from, I will continue to observe secretly, collect more evidence, and then report to my superiors. "

"Tsk... This time, I used the people from the Black Lin Society to help me verify the real situation of the mission target. It was a good move! I am really a genius."

Li Ying thought in his heart that the people of the Black Lin Society were manipulated by him to help him complete the task. This feeling of using others as pawns gave him a great sense of satisfaction in his heart.


In the early morning of the next day, a fish-belly white rose from the sky, and the golden sun pierced through the night, quickly eliminating all the darkness covering the earth.

Sunlight squeezed into the room through the gaps between the curtains, hitting spots of light on the floor.

As time goes by, the rising sun in the sky gradually rises, and more and more creatures wake up on the earth.


The early bird gets the worm, and as the sun rises, more and more birds wake up over time.

They flapped their wings and flew out from the luxuriant trees, and flew towards the suburbs in groups to look for food, leaving bursts of melodious calls in the sky.

In the dim room, Lin Li was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. The sound of birdsong came from outside the window, and Lin Li slowly opened his eyes when he was disturbed.

"It's noisy."

He lifted the quilt and got out of bed, went to the window and opened the curtains, only to see a bird standing on the outside of the air conditioner and singing. When he noticed a human being suddenly appeared in front of the window, he immediately flew away in fright.

"Disturbing the dream, if you dare to do this again next time, I won't let you slip away as easily as today." Lin Li looked at the little sparrow that woke him up and flew away, and said to himself.


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