Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 397: A chance to reach the sky in one step


After taking a shower, Su Yue opened the bathroom door, and walked out of the misty bathroom wrapped in a white towel.

The wet hair is scattered on the shoulders, exuding a refreshing and elegant fragrance.

With white and tender cheeks, the skin is like cream, and the whole person exudes charming charm.

When she came to the sofa in the living room and sat down, Su Yue picked up her phone to unlock the screen, and saw that the same person called her several times when she was taking a shower just now.

"It's him! Why did you call me so many times?" Su Yue looked at the name of the caller displayed on the screen of the phone, and muttered.

It was Zhang Xiaohao who hadn't contacted for a while who called Su Yue.

The other party made so many calls while Su Yue was taking a bath. Su Yue thought, if there was something important to do when he called herself, and considered whether to call the other party back.

"Drip ring..."

Just when Su Yue was considering whether to call Zhang Xiaohao back, the cell phone in her hand rang.

"Okay! Now I don't have to think about calling him back."

Zhang Xiaohao called again, and Su Yue tapped the screen with her slender fingers like green onions.

I made several calls just now but they were not connected. Zhang Xiaohao thought that Su Yue did not answer his call on purpose, and felt very disappointed.

After waiting for a while, he was full of reluctance and tried to make a phone call. He didn't have much hope at first, but he didn't expect that the other party got through, and immediately let out a pleasantly surprised voice.

"Su Yue, is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

"Sorry, I was taking a shower just now, so I didn't hear you calling me." Su Yue explained, and then asked Zhang Xiaohao, "What's the matter with you calling me?"

After listening to Su Yue's explanation, Zhang Xiaohao felt relieved when he knew that the other party didn't answer his call on purpose, and then explained the reason for his call.

"It's like this. My parents asked me to call you. I want to ask you. Next week is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Do you plan to go home for the festival? If you don't go back, you can come to our house to celebrate the festival together."

After listening to what Zhang Xiaohao said, Su Yue gave Zhang Xiaohao who was on the opposite side of the phone very disappointed by the answer he gave.

"Please thank my uncle and aunt for me. I have already agreed with my parents. Next week, I will go home for the holiday."

"That's it! That's fine, I'll talk to my parents later." Although Zhang Xiaohao was very disappointed in his heart, it didn't show in his tone, and he responded politely.

"Is there anything else?" Su Yue asked.

"I went on a business trip abroad some time ago. I just came back today. I bought some local souvenirs and brought you a copy. When you are free, I will send them to you." Zhang Xiaohao said.

"No need! You can keep the gift and give it to others!" Su Yue refused.

"I have prepared for others, and it's not a valuable gift. You don't have to be polite to me..." Zhang Xiaohao said with a smile. In fact, the gift he prepared for Su Yue was different from others, and it took him a lot of thought .

"Okay! Tomorrow afternoon, after I get off work..." Seeing that she couldn't refuse, Su Yue told the other party the time.

After agreeing on the time, she hung up the phone, Su Yue put her phone on the sofa beside her, got up and went to find a hair dryer to dry her hair.

I made an appointment with Lin Li to play games and take him flying, so I had to dry my hair quickly.


In a villa complex in the North District of Rongcheng, in the study room on the second floor, Zhang Xiaohao, who was wearing an expensive famous brand and dressed very handsomely, put his phone on the table after making a call, and then picked up a file in front of him to look through it. up.

He paid someone to investigate this information for him, not the one he just got today.

Zhang Xiaohao has looked through the information in his hand many times, and every time he read it, he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

"This guy named Lin Li is just a stinking slut. He doesn't see any advantages at all. How can he become such good friends with Su Yue?"

"Dong Dongdong..."

Just when Zhang Xiaohao was annoyed, someone knocked on the door of his study room, and then the gatekeeper pushed the door open and entered.

"Mom." Zhang Xiaohao saw his mother walking into the study with a small plate of cut fruits in his hand, and called out, then put the researched materials in his hand into the drawer of the desk with a natural expression.

Wu Guilan, who was a bit fat, came to her son's desk, put a small plate of cut fruits in her hand on the table, and said.

"You've been very angry recently, and the corners of your mouth are bubbling, eat some fruit!"

"En." Zhang Xiaohao nodded, then picked up a piece of fruit from the small plate and ate it.

After Wu Guilan put down the fruit, she didn't leave her son's study immediately. After seeing her son eating some fruit, she suddenly asked.

"During dinner, your dad and I asked you to call Su Yue and ask her if she went home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Did you ask?"

Zhang Xiaohao swallowed the fruit in his mouth, and responded in a low mood, "I called to ask about it just now, and she said that she would go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

As I said at dinner just now, there's no need to ask, after all, it's only a few hours' drive to Yuwan Town, and she will definitely go home for the Mid-Autumn Festival. "

"The reason why your dad and I insisted on asking you to ask is because we know that her parents are currently working in the capital.

If Su Chen and his wife haven't finished their business in the capital, they won't have time to come back. Su Yue will most likely have to stay alone in Rongcheng for this year's Mid-Autumn Festival.

Now I heard you say that Su Yue is going back for the holidays, then, it means that Su Chen and his wife's business in the capital has been dealt with. " Wu Guilan said.

"So that's the case! Mom, do you know what the couple went to the capital to do?" Zhang Xiaohao asked curiously.

"I don't know exactly what happened, but Su Chen and his wife have stayed in the capital for so long this time, so they can probably guess that they should be negotiating a big business with the relevant department," Wu Guilan said.

"..." Zhang Xiaohao nodded, at this moment, he heard Wu Guilan say to him.

"I say you! When you were in school, you were very powerful. As long as it was a girl you liked, you could easily catch up with her. Now that you and Su Yue have known each other for so long, why is there no progress at all? "

When Zhang Xiaohao heard his mother mention this matter, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed when he thought that it had been several months since he and Su Yue knew each other, and the progress could be said to be negligible.

"Mom, Su Yue is different from those girls." Zhang Xiaohao said.

"That's true, after all, she is Su Chen's daughter, so it would be very strange if she was chased so easily.

But you also work hard for me!You know how much it will benefit our family if Su Yue is caught. " Wu Guilan said.

"Understood, is there anything else? If not, I will be busy with work." Zhang Xiaohao said a little irritably.

He actually wanted to tell his mother that he had made a lot of efforts, but those efforts had no effect on Su Yue.

But he couldn't express these thoughts in his heart, because he was a very proud person, and he didn't want others to know that after his hard work, the results were ineffective, even if it was his own relatives, he didn't want to be known.

"Oh, you child, you think I'm long-winded after just a few words, okay, I won't say anything more, and I'll leave after I tell you one last word... Su Chen is not just a billionaire Entrepreneurs are that simple."

After finishing speaking, Wu Guilan turned around and walked towards the door of the study, but Zhang Xiaohao was stunned for a moment when he heard what his mother said, then stood up quickly and called to his mother who was about to leave.

"Mom, what do you mean by that? Why do you say he is not just a billionaire entrepreneur?"

Wu Guilan stopped when she heard her son calling her. She turned to look at her son and explained.

"Let me tell you! I also accidentally revealed this statement when I went to a banquet the day before yesterday and heard a few people chatting...

What exactly do you mean?They didn't say anything, but the identities of those few people were not simple, and they all held high positions in the government. "

After Wu Guilan finished speaking, she left her son's study room. Originally, she didn't intend to tell her son the gossip she had overheard at the banquet, but she wanted to let her son go all out to chase Su Yue, so she decided to Speak up.

As for the effect, it can only be said that it did. After Zhang Xiaohao heard the unintentional gossip from his mother, he became more and more eager to pursue Su Yue.

For such a girl with impeccable looks, figure, and temperament, even if she was born in an ordinary family, he would still be extremely moved.

Not to mention that Su Yue's family background is extraordinary, once he can catch her up and finally marry her, his life trajectory will undergo a huge change, it can be said that he will reach the sky in one step.


Zhang Xiaohao pondered for a while, reached out to open the drawer, and took out the information about Lin Li that he put in the drawer just now.

Looking at the photos of the characters on the information, Zhang Xiaohao's eyes were full of disdain.

"It's just a stinky wimp, how could I lose to you, although I don't know what method you used to win Su Yue's favor, but as long as I get serious and want Su Yue to hate you, it can be said that easy."

In the quiet study room, Zhang Xiaohao was holding the materials that recorded Lin Li in his hand, thoughts were churning in his mind, and a despicable plan was rapidly forming.


Beijing, as the capital of a country, is second to none in the country for its prosperity.

The frequent ups and downs of planes in the direction of the airport, and the busy streets with people coming and going, all show the prosperity of this city.

There are many high-rise buildings in the city, and the exterior walls of the buildings are covered with neon lights of various colors, overlooking the whole city from a high altitude.

The colorful and colorful neon lights seem to put on this modern city with a population of more than [-] million, a beautiful dress woven by brilliant lights.

Far away from the bustling city, there are also strange beasts in the wilderness on the outskirts of the capital.

However, compared to other cities in the country, the range of wild beasts in the wilderness is far away from the safe area of ​​the city.

Because this city is the capital of a country, the defense force can be described as extremely strong.

The strange beasts living in the wilderness on the outskirts of the capital city have been cleaned up by the city's defense forces over and over again for more than a hundred years, and they all know it subtly. They must not get too close to the city's safe zone, or they will suffer disaster.



Under the dark night, the breeze blows the flowers, plants and trees in the wilderness, making noises. Listen carefully, and the grass is full of insects.

In such a dark wilderness, there unexpectedly appeared a bright human base.

Logically speaking, the human base should be built in a safe area, so as to avoid being harassed by strange beasts in the wilderness.

The reason... The wilderness on the outskirts of the capital is quite special. Even if humans built their bases in the wilderness, those strange beasts would not dare to make trouble.

It can only be said that in the face of absolute force, even ferocious beasts must follow their hearts and choose to stay away from human bases.

After a middle-aged man of medium build, handsome appearance and elegant demeanor showed his ID, the staff on duty at the gate of the base immediately saluted him respectfully, and then let him go.

Su Chen drove the car to the parking spot of the base. After parking the car, he opened the door and got out of the car.

"I haven't been here for many years." Su Chen who got off the car looked around and murmured to himself, then he walked forward relying on the old memories in his mind.


! ”

When Su Chen left the parking lot and passed a flower bed, something happened suddenly.

"Hugh, huh..."

One after another vines full of thorns shot out from the flower bed, overwhelmingly swarming towards Su Chen.


The moment the vines covered with thorns were about to attack the target, Su Chen, whose face remained unchanged, disappeared instantly.

Tens of meters away, Su Chen looked at the thorny vines that failed to attack him and hit the ground, he frowned and said.

"Did you call me here just to do this kind of thing? If that's the case, then I'm leaving..."

As soon as the words fell, a deep voice came from the flower bed.

"Oh, it's just a joke. Could it be that Boss Su, who is worth a lot of money, doesn't even allow jokes among friends now?"

The thorny vines twisted and twisted as if they were given life, they quickly intertwined, and then turned into a human shape.

With the blooming of the aura, a 1.9-meter-tall, muscular, burly middle-aged man exuding third-order psionic fluctuations appeared in front of Su Chen.

"It's been so many years, why are you still so boring! What about the others?" Su Chen said unceremoniously to the powerful practitioner in front of him, who exudes third-order psionic fluctuations.

"They haven't returned from the spirit world yet!" The burly middle-aged man said to his old friend with a smile.


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