Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 394: Psychic energy enters the body, sharing against common sense

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was blue and the sun was still shining brightly, but the hottest time of the day had passed.

In the green belt, under a big tree with lush branches, two little wild cats, one black and one white, were lying on the grass, with their eyes closed and squinting.


As these two little things dozed off with each breath, the free spiritual energy in the surrounding air was slowly absorbed into their bodies by them.

As the spiritual energy absorbed into the body is refined by them, it can be felt that the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the two little wild cats gradually increase.

Although the efficiency of unconscious cultivation is not high, but if things go on like this, judging from the progress they are taking in absorbing the free spiritual energy in the air to make themselves stronger, it can be said that breaking through to the early stage of the first stage is just around the corner.

"Tread, step, step..."

In the corridor of Building No. [-] in the distance, there was a sound of footsteps.

After a while, a little girl with a ball head and a cute pink skirt walked out quickly from the corridor with a small iron basin in her hand.

After the cute little girl Zhou Tongtong came out of the corridor, she felt something in her heart. She turned her head to look at the green belt in the distance, and then walked over with a clear goal.

Under the shade of the big leafy tree in the green belt, lying on the grass and dozing off, the two little wild cats seemed to have noticed something.

Their small ears trembled a few times, then slowly opened their eyes, raised their heads and looked forward.

Zhou Tongtong walked into the green belt with a small iron basin, saw two dozing little guys under the big tree woke up, looked up at her, two dimples appeared on her face immediately, and said hello to them road.

"Xiaobai, Xiaohei, good afternoon!"

"Meow..." The little white cat and the little black cat got up from the grass and responded to Zhou Tongtong who was walking towards them.

Zhou Tongtong came under the big leafy tree, squatted down, and put the small iron basin containing mung bean soup in front of the two little wild cats.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, what is this?" asked the little black cat who had never had mung bean soup before.

"This is the mung bean soup my mother cooked for me. It's delicious. It's so hot now. Drinking this mung bean soup can relieve the heat. You should drink some too!" Zhou Tongtong explained.

The little white cat lowered its head and licked the mung bean soup in the small iron basin. Zhou Tongtong asked with a smile, "How is it, little white? Is the mung bean soup made by my mother delicious?"

"Meow... delicious." The little white cat looked up at Zhou Tongtong and nodded.

The little black cat on the side heard the little white cat say that the mung bean soup is delicious, it immediately leaned forward and lowered its head to drink the mung bean soup in the small iron basin.

"Meow... A few hours ago, I saw your mother go out on an electric bike." The little white cat recalled what it saw a few hours ago, and said to Zhou Tongtong.

"Yeah." Zhou Tongtong nodded, "I know that. Before my mother left the house, she left me a note saying that she was going out to do some things."

"Meow...tomorrow is Monday, you have to go to school again." said the little white cat.


"Meow... have you finished your homework?"

"I finished writing yesterday."

"Meow... that's good. At noon today, I saw a little fat man in Building No. [-] who ran out to play because the homework assigned by the school teacher was not finished. He was spanked by his mother and cried. It's a sputtering, it's miserable."

As the little white cat said, the scene of a chubby human cub that it saw running out of the house to play with other friends at noon immediately came to mind, and then was caught by his mother and went back to do homework.

"I only come out to play after finishing the homework assigned by the teacher, and my mother has never spanked my ass..." Zhou Tongtong said.

She knew the little fat guy in building No. [-] that the little white cat mentioned. She was in the same school, the same grade, and in the next class.

When I go to school in the morning, I occasionally run into each other by chance.

"Meow... Has your mother ever spanked you? Then you are amazing!


After coming to this community, I have seen many children being spanked by their mothers. "The little black cat raised his head and said something, then lowered his head and drank mung bean soup.

Zhou Tongtong narrowed her eyes when she heard the little black cat praise her for being great.

"Meow... save some for me! Don't drink it all by yourself." The little white cat raised its paw, and pushed the head of the little black cat who was buried in mung bean soup.

The little black cat whose head was pushed immediately raised its paws to resist.

Zhou Tongtong saw two little wild cats fighting over mung bean soup, so she immediately reached out and patted their heads.

"Don't quarrel, you two! I still have a lot of mung bean soup at home! I'll serve it for you after you finish drinking it."

The two little wild cats calmed down immediately, and then drank the mung bean soup brought by Zhou Tongtong very harmoniously.

And at this time, Zhou Tongtong's little hands on the heads of the two little wild cats also began to move down, gently stroking the backs of the two little wild cats.

Watching the two little wild cats drink sweetly, Zhou Tongtong's smiling eyes flashed a faint golden light.

Immediately afterwards, she stroked the fingertips of the two small hands on the backs of the two little wild cats, faintly faint spiritual energy flowed out, and quickly penetrated into the bodies of the two little wild cats.

"Woo..." The two little wild cats who were drinking mung bean soup felt very comfortable and let out a pleasant snort.

Originally, the free spiritual energy in the air is disordered. When someone is practicing, they will be drawn, and then they will flow towards the practitioner's body in an orderly manner, gather around him, and then be absorbed into the body for refining .

At this moment, under the bright sunshine, in the shade of a big leafy tree.

The little human girl who has no awareness of cultivation draws the free spiritual energy in the surrounding air and gathers them around her body.

The gathered spiritual energy was absorbed into Zhou Tongtong's body, and then quickly refined.

Then, it was released unconsciously by her, penetrated into the bodies of the two little wild cats, and accelerated their breakthrough to the initial stage of the first stage.

As we all know, the spiritual energy obtained by each practitioner through cultivation can only be used by himself and cannot be shared with other practitioners.

Moreover, the researchers of the Institute of Psionic Energy have also done experiments, not only for practitioners, but also for strange beasts.

But now, Zhou Tongtong, who didn't know it, was injecting the psionic energy he had refined into the bodies of the two little wild cats.

Under normal circumstances, if a practitioner did this, the spiritual energy injected into the two little wild cats would be rejected on the spot and dissipated into the air.

And the scene that is happening now is really shocking.

The two little wild cats who had already awakened their spirituality smoothly absorbed the psychic energy injected into them by Zhou Tongtong, and quickly used it for their own use, without any rejection at all.

After absorbing the psychic energy that Zhou Tongtong injected into their bodies, the psychic energy fluctuations emitted by the two little wild cats increased visibly to the naked eye.

This scene that violated common sense just happened in the green belt of this ordinary community, and no one knew about it.

It is conceivable that once this kind of thing spreads, it will definitely hit the headlines of the news, and it will also attract some people with malicious intentions.

When Zhou Tongtong unknowingly injected his refined psychic energy into the bodies of two cheerful little wild cats drinking mung bean soup.

Xia Qing, who had her hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a white T-shirt and jeans, was in the Public Security Bureau at the moment, looking expressionlessly at a middle-aged couple locked in the iron fence.

"Miss Xia, the owner of the car said that if he doesn't pay the money, he won't sign the letter of understanding..." said the lady security officer at the side.

"What on earth are you thinking? You didn't say anything about scratching someone else's car, but you started fighting with the car?" Xia Qing suppressed the anger in her heart, and questioned Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan in a tone without any emotion arrive.

"It wasn't our fault, it was him who suddenly drove the car out of the alley, causing our tricycle to bump into his car.

And after the collision, he opened his mouth and yelled at us after getting out of the car, so we started to attack him..." Wang Haiyan said.

Zhou Dazhuang sat on the bench without speaking, with his head down, wondering what he was thinking.

When the security officer heard what Wang Haiyan said, she immediately corrected her and said, "You went the wrong way and violated the traffic rules. It's your fault. The owner of the car has nothing wrong with it."

Xia Qing raised her hand and rubbed the center of her eyebrows. Originally, when her daughter was taking a nap in her room, she was going out to the bank to do some errands. After she was done, she planned to go to the vegetable market to buy some vegetables before going home.

As a result, when she was about to arrive at the vegetable market, she suddenly received a call from the Public Security Bureau, asking her to come to the Public Security Bureau.

Confused, Xia Qing quickly asked the security officer what she was going to do in order to go to the Public Security Bureau. After understanding the situation, Xia Qing was very angry.

But after all, she was not a hard-hearted person. After answering the call, she changed her direction and went to the Public Security Bureau to deal with the matter.

"Xia Qing, you have to help us! Otherwise, we will be detained for fifteen days." Wang Haiyan begged Xia Qing with a miserable face.

"I'll help you one last time. If this kind of thing happens again in the future, I won't bother you anymore." Xia Qing said expressionlessly.

Then he turned his head and talked to Miss Security, and left the place where the detainees were held together with her.

A moment later, after Xia Qing paid the compensation in advance, Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan were released.

"Xia Qing, thank you. After we earn money, we will definitely return it to you..." Wang Haiyan said to Xia Qing gratefully.

"Yeah." Xia Qing didn't say much, just responded softly, then walked to the place where the electric car was parked, plugged in the car key, started the car, and headed towards the vegetable market.

"Why are you so proud? Isn't it just how much money you have? The money is not left to them by my brother..." Zhou Dazhuang, who had been silent all this time, murmured after Xia Qing left.

"I blame you. If you hadn't repeatedly used the money Xia Qing gave us to gamble secretly, we wouldn't have become like this." Wang Haiyan scolded angrily.

"Uh..." Zhou Dazhuang, who was wronged, was speechless after being scolded, and then he turned and left.

"It's going to be dark soon, where are you going?" Wang Haiyan shouted when she saw Zhou Dazhuang leaving.

"I'm going to play with my friends, I won't be going home tonight, you can eat dinner by yourself!" Zhou Dazhuang said.

"..." Wang Haiyan looked at her husband who was going further and further away, and cursed angrily, "Don't come back from now on, just die outside!"

After cursing angrily, she left on an electric tricycle selling snacks.

Zhou Dazhuang, who was walking far away, stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at his wife who was leaving on an electric tricycle selling snacks, and said to himself.

"Made, isn't it just money? As long as I want to, I can make a lot of money very quickly."

Zhou Dazhuang, who had been standing on the side of the street for several minutes, took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called a friend.


"it's me."

"It's you, call me, what's the matter?"

"Didn't you introduce me to a job last time?"

"That's right! Didn't you say you didn't want to do that job last time? Why, have you changed your mind now?"

"My money is tight and I need a lot of money urgently, so..."

"I understand, I understand, come and find me! I'll make arrangements for you right away."

After the call ended, Zhou Dazhuang walked to the bus station in the distance.


The silver-white van drove into the community, and after parking in the parking space, the door opened.

Lin Li and Su Yue got out of the car, and then the two of them moved out the camping equipment placed on the car, and walked into the corridor.


! ”

The emergency lights in the corridor turned on, but there was no number displayed on the elevator.

Lin Li put the two big bags full of things in his hands on the ground, and said, "It's a power outage!"

"I'll go to the group to see what's going on..." Su Yue said, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and clicked on the residential group of the community.

"Urgent notice, because of a circuit failure, the community will be without power for an hour to an hour and a half, please wait patiently."

Su Yue read the emergency notice issued by the residential committee of the community, put away her mobile phone, and turned to explain to Lin Li.

"It's going to stop for an hour to an hour and a half! The electricity has been out for a long time. It seems that we can only have dinner outside." Lin Li said.

"It's okay. I have candles at home. I'll make dinner early while the sky is still bright." Su Yue said with a smile.

"Eh..." Lin Li said in surprise, "You actually have candles at home?!

! ”

In this day and age, power outages are rare.

Even if there is a power outage, under the repair of the master electrician, the power will be restarted soon, so people nowadays basically do not have candles in their homes.

"The candles in my house are scented candles, which were given to me by my colleagues..." Su Yue explained, if it wasn't for this kind of candles given by her colleagues, she would have to go to a grocery store outside to buy them.

"So that's the case!" Lin Li nodded, and then he and Su Yue started to take things upstairs.

Fortunately, the floor where Su Yue lived was not high, otherwise, going up and down without taking the elevator would be quite tiring. Of course, the person who would be tired was naturally talking about Su Yue.


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