Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 393: A sudden big business

The sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves and shines on the ground, forming golden spots of light.

With the occasional gust of wind, the golden spots under the shade of the trees sway with the wind.

After dealing with the bastard who betrayed him, Li Ying started to look for Zhu Daqi, and along the way, he came to the outside of the community where Zhu Daqi lived.

Standing under the roadside tree, with his back against the big tree, through the golden spots among the leaves, it reflected on Li Ying's body. At this moment, he frowned, looking at a small red dot displayed on the phone screen.

"Liu Menglong's subordinate is really unreliable! After only a few days of tracking, he started to be lazy, or I'd better install a tracker on the van of the mission target, and track the mission target directly, which would save trouble. "

Li Ying looked at the situation displayed by the tracking software on his mobile phone, feeling very disappointed. After thinking for a few minutes, he denied his rash idea.

"Forget it, it's too radical to directly install a tracker on the van of the mission target. I'd better play it safe and don't expose myself."

After exiting the tracking software, Li Ying opened her cell phone address book, found out Liu Menglong's phone number, and dialed it.


"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area, please try again later."

Li Ying hung up the phone with a puzzled look on his face.

Originally, he was thinking of making a call to Liu Menglong, urging him to act on the mission target quickly, but now that the phone was not connected, he couldn't help guessing that Liu Menglong had already started to attack the mission target.

In order to verify his guess, Li Ying turned and left, and went to the residences of Liu Menglong and Chen Xiaoyan to check the situation.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The sound of the gurgling stream is continuous, and in the crystal-clear stream, you can see some small fish swimming around from time to time.

After Lin Li and Su Yue finished their lunch, they rested for a while, and then they started to pack their things and go home.

"I'll take these two big bags back to the car first, and you can put away the tent later." Lin Li picked up the two big bags containing camping equipment, and held the mobile phone in his hand, looking through the pictures he took on the hill earlier. Su Yue of some photos said.

Su Yue let out a "hmm", then put away her mobile phone, and started to dismantle and put away the tent.

Lin Li saw that Su Yue began to pack the tent, carrying two large bags containing camping equipment, and quickly walked to the parking place.

At this point in time, many people who came to camp here, like Lin Li and Su Yue, began to pack their things and prepare to go home.

There was a family of four packing things. The youngest girl, six years old, sat on a pony and watched her parents and sister pack up camping equipment. She idly hummed and waited to go home.

At this time, she saw a big brother carrying two super big bags not far away, and thought to herself, this big brother is so strong!

Lin Li left the camping site, and when he walked to a place where Su Yue couldn't see him, a thought moved in his heart, and the two big bags containing camping equipment in his hand disappeared in an instant.

Putting things into the mysterious island, Lin Li's footsteps became faster and faster until he started running.

The six-year-old girl sitting on the ponytail stared blankly at Lin Li who ran away with empty hands, and then disappeared.

"Sister, sister, I saw a big brother disappear two big bags with many things in his hand." After the little girl came back to her senses, she turned her head immediately, and tied her hands to a man who was packing up. The high school girl with ponytail said.

"Really? Where is the person you mentioned?" The female high school student with ponytails put an iron basin in her bag, turned her head, and asked her sister.

"He went in that direction." The little girl pointed to the direction Lin Li left and said.

"Oh, they've already left." said the high school girl with ponytails, and continued to help her parents pack their things.

The little girl saw that her elder sister was busy with other things, so she stopped saying anything, and kept thinking about the miraculous scene she had just seen in her mind.

With empty hands, Lin Li ran wildly all the way, although the road under his feet was a dirt road stepped on by human beings, which was uneven and not very easy to walk on.

But for Lin Li, who often acts alone in the dangerous wilderness in recent months.

This kind of dirt road that ordinary people don't think is easy to walk, in his eyes, it is actually a good road.

After all, when Lin Li was hunting exotic animals in the dangerous wilderness, there were no decent roads under his feet in most of the places, and he opened them up on the spot.

Running at full speed, Lin Li walked out of the forest in a few minutes and arrived at the place where he had parked earlier.

He took out the car keys from his pocket, opened the door of the van, and then took out the two large bags containing camping equipment that were collected on the mysterious island and put them in the compartment.

After putting the things away, he closed the car door and was about to return to the camping site. When he was going to move his things again, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Drip ring..."

Lin Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket, glanced at the name displayed on the screen, connected the phone, and asked with a smile.

"Zhang Yuxi, what's the matter?"

Inside the three-story villa, Zhang Yuxi, wearing a light silk nightgown, was sitting on the sofa in her living room at the moment.

"Lin Li, I contacted a friend of mine in Beijing last night and recommended your pearls to her."

While answering the call, Lin Li walked towards the camping site.

Hearing Zhang Yuxi talking about helping her recommend pearls to her friends, she immediately lifted her spirits, "Does your friend need it?"

"Well." Zhang Yuxi nodded, and said with a smile, "The pearls of excellent quality in your hand are not worrying about selling. As soon as I mentioned it to her, she immediately asked me to contact you as soon as possible and give her the price as soon as possible. The goods are delivered."

"That being said, I still have to thank you. Without your help to recommend, I would have spent a lot of time selling my pearls." Lin Li thanked with a smile.

"You're welcome." Zhang Yuxi, who was sitting on the sofa, heard Lin Li thanking him, and the smile on his face immediately rippled and became very bright.

"How many pearls does your friend need?" Lin Li asked.

"She told me how much I wanted, and then I asked more specifically, and she told me to get 30 pieces first, do you have so much in hand?" Zhang Yuxi said.

"I only have [-] pieces on hand now, give me a day or two, and I will be able to make up the shortfall.

Speaking of which, your friend purchases so many quantities at one time, can she digest it? "

Because Lin Li traded [-] pearls with Zhang Yuxi last time, Zhang Yuxi said it would take a while to digest.

So now that Zhang Yuxi said that her friend would buy 30 pearls at a time, he would inevitably worry that the other party would not be able to digest them.

If other customers approached Lin Li to purchase so many pearls, Lin Li delivered the goods, and after receiving the money, he didn't care whether the other party could digest them or not.

But now he and Zhang Yuxi are friends, and the client he introduced to him is her friend. For Zhang Yuxi's sake, Lin Li has to think about what might happen after the sale.

When Zhang Yuxi heard that Lin Li was worried that her friend would not be able to digest so many pearls, she immediately explained with a smile.

"Lin Li, you don't have to worry about this, my friend, she does a lot more business than me, 30 pearls is not a difficult amount for her to digest.

Based on my current understanding of her business, she may be able to sell all of such a batch of pearls within three months. "

Lin Li had a surprised expression on his face. From his point of view, Zhang Yuxi was already a jewelry merchant with a big business. He didn't expect that the friend she introduced who was doing business in the capital had a bigger business than her.

"Okay, then I'll make up the missing 20 pearls in a couple of days, and I'll call you when I'm done," Lin Li said.

"Okay, I'll call my friend later and ask her to pay you part of the deposit." Zhang Yuxi said with a smile.

Lin Li didn't expect that Zhang Yuxi would ask for a deposit, he was thinking about it.

After I went to the spirit world to collect the insufficient 20 pearls, I went directly to her, and then paid the money and delivered the goods.

"That person is your friend, so there is no need for the deposit. After I have collected the insufficient amount, I will hand it over to you. You can ask her to pay me the full amount directly." Lin Li said.

Zhang Yuxi was very happy to hear that Lin Li said that he didn't want the deposit because of his own face.

"Lin Li, although she's my friend, she's doing business! One size counts for one size. Now she wants so many goods at once, and you need to spend time to prepare, so you still have to pay the deposit."

"Okay!" Lin Li thought for a while, and felt that what Zhang Yuxi said made sense.

Afterwards, the two chatted casually again. When Zhang Yuxi knew that Lin Li was camping outside with her friends, she felt that it was inconvenient to disturb her any longer, so she hung up the phone.

After finishing the call, Lin Li stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and then quickly ran to the camping site.

By the clear stream, a family of four is busy packing things. The little girl sitting on the pony saddle is humming songs idly, waiting for her parents and sister to pack up and go home.

Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure running from a distance, passing by the camping site of their family of four.

"Sister, sister, the big brother I mentioned just now, who disappeared from the big bag with many things in his hand, appeared again."

The little girl stood up from the pony pony, ran to the female high school student who was packing up, reached out and tugged at her skirt, and raised her finger to Lin Li who was running past.

The female high school student with a ponytail first pushed away the little hand of her sister who was pulling her skirt, and said, "Oh, don't pull my skirt! I've told you several times."

Then, she raised her head and looked in the direction her sister's little hand was pointing at.

"The big brother you mentioned, do you mean the guy in the white T-shirt?"

The little girl nodded vigorously, "Yes, it's him, just now, with a swipe, the two big bags containing many things in his hands disappeared in an instant."

Lin Li, who was heading to the camping site, heard the silver bell-like voice of a little girl behind him. He subconsciously slowed down and turned to look at her.

As far as he could see, he saw a female high school student with ponytails and a little girl no older than six looking at him.

"Oh, put your hand down quickly, don't keep pointing at others." The female high school student with a ponytail saw Lin Li looking this way, and quickly pressed the hand of the younger sister who was pointing at Lin Li. down.

The little girl seemed a little shy. When she saw Lin Li looking towards her, she immediately hid behind her sister. Then she couldn't help being curious, poked her head out, and looked at where Lin Li was.

Lin Li smiled at the little girl who was looking at him, and then continued to run towards the camping site.

"That person has already left, so you don't have to hide. Oh, I've told you several times, don't keep pulling my skirt! What if you tear it off?"

The female high school student with a ponytail said to her younger sister who was hiding behind her, and then pushed her little hand away from her skirt.

"Qianqian, come here and help me, pack it up early, and let's go back early." The female high school student with ponytails named Wang Qianqian, she heard her mother who was packing the tent calling for her, and immediately stepped forward to help.

The little girl Wang Duoduo saw her sister leave, she stood where she thought for a while, and decided to go to the stream to pick up a beautiful pebble and bring it back.

When I go to school tomorrow, I will take the pebbles to school and give it to my good friend Zhou Tongtong.


In Ping'an Garden Community, Zhou Tongtong, who woke up from a nap, rubbed her eye sockets, lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and walked out of the bedroom yawning.

The house was quiet, there was no sound at all, Zhou Tongtong, who was sleepy, came to the living room and saw a note on the coffee table.

She picked up the note and took a look. It was left for her by her mother. It said that when her mother went out to do errands, she told her to drink mung bean soup after she woke up.

"Mom went out to run some errands. I drank the mung bean soup and went downstairs to play with Xiaobai and Xiaohei."

After reading the note Xia Qing left, Zhou Tongtong twisted the note into a ball, threw it into the trash can, and ran into the restaurant.

There was a large porcelain basin on the table, which contained mung bean soup that Xia Qing cooked for her daughter.

Zhou Tongtong took a small bowl, and then filled a bowl of mung bean soup for herself with a spoon. After drinking the bowl of mung bean soup happily, she came to the entrance and suddenly paused when she was about to go out.

Turning around and returning to the kitchen, Zhou Tongtong found out the small iron basin that she usually feeds the little white cat and the little black cat, and then she filled the small basin with a small half of mung bean soup.

"It's so hot outside, bring some mung bean soup for Xiaobai and Xiaohei to cool them off."

Zhou Tongtong carried a small half pot of mung bean soup and went out while muttering.


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