Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 395: A flash of inspiration, Zhou Tongtong's strange dream

The sun is about to set, and there is only the last afterglow left in the sky.

The scented candles sent by Su Yue's colleagues smell quite nice after being lit.

Lin Li had a candlelight dinner at Su Yue's house, helped wash the dishes, and then left.

The silver-white van drove out of the community and headed quickly towards home.

In a green belt somewhere in the Pingan Garden Community, two little wild cats stared intently at a van parked in a parking space.

After Lin Li parked the car, he got out of the car, glanced at the green belt beside him, and immediately saw two little wild cats squatting on the grass and looking at him.

"These two little guys..." Lin Li thought for a while, and felt that these two little wild cats often looked at him like this.

Withdrawing his gaze from the two little wild cats, Lin Li turned and left. At this moment, the little black cat said to his companion, "Meow... let's go!"

The little white cat nodded, and then the two little wild cats ran towards a big leafy tree next to the wall of the community at high speed, climbed up the tree very deftly, and then climbed out of the wall.

"Ding Dong."

The elevator door opened, and the crisp child's voice came to my ears immediately.

Lin Li walked out of the elevator and looked towards the place where the child's voice came from.

Zhou Tongtong, who had her hair tied into a bun and was wearing a cute little skirt, was sitting on the steps with her chin propped on her two little hands, humming nursery rhymes.

"Two tigers, two tigers, running fast, one has no ears, the other has no tail, it's so strange, so strange..."

"Zhou Tongtong, are you...?" Lin Li looked suspiciously at the little girl who was sitting on the steps humming nursery rhymes.

"Brother Lin Li!

! "Zhou Tongtong heard a familiar voice, looked up, and then let out a cry of surprise.

"Are you locked out?" Lin Li asked after guessing.

"Yeah." Zhou Tongtong nodded, and then said to Lin Li, "I forgot to bring the key when I went out."

"Where's your mom?"

"Mom, she went out to run errands."

"That's it! Then come and sit at my house first!" Lin Li said, beckoning Zhou Tongtong to come to his house, then he took out the key from his pocket and opened the door of his house.

Zhou Tongtong, who had been sitting outside for about twenty minutes, had already sung several nursery rhymes.

Now when she heard Lin Li calling her to go to his house, she immediately picked up the small iron basin beside her, and followed.

It was going to be dark soon, and the room was dark and gloomy. Walking into Lin Li in the room, he immediately turned on the lights at home.

Seeing Zhou Tongtong sitting on the sofa in the living room, Lin Li took out a packet of biscuits from the bag on the coffee table and handed it to her.

"Eat something to fill your stomach first! I'll call your mother and ask when she will be back."

"Thank you brother Lin Li." Zhou Tongtong reached out to take the biscuit that Lin Li handed to him, and thanked him politely.

No one would dislike such a cute and polite little guy. Lin Li smiled, then he picked up the remote control of the TV, turned on the TV, and found a channel that played cartoons.

Zhou Tongtong, who was eating a biscuit, was quickly attracted by the cartoon on TV.

Afterwards, Lin Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the address book, found Xia Qing's number and dialed it.


A few seconds after the call was made, Xia Qing answered the call.


"Xia Qing, are you not at home?"

"Yeah! I went out to do some errands in the afternoon, and I'm shopping for vegetables in the vegetable market. I'll be back later. What's the matter?"

Lin Li looked to the side, probably heard him call her mother, and the little girl was looking at him at this moment.

"Oh, you're shopping for groceries and you'll be back soon... It's like this. I just got home and saw Zhou Tongtong shut at the door just now." Lin Li said.

"Tongtong was locked out?" Xia Qing, who was holding some vegetables she just bought, had a surprised expression on her face.

"Yes, she forgot to bring the key when she went out. Now she is at my house. I will let her watch cartoons for a while and wait for you to come back."

"Thank you, sorry to bother you."


After chatting briefly with Xia Qing, Lin Li hung up the phone.

Xia Qing, who was shopping for vegetables in the vegetable market, put away her mobile phone, and then she quickly walked to the place where the fish was sold in the distance.

If it weren't for the fact that she went to the Public Security Bureau to deal with the matter just now, she would have already bought vegetables at home by now.

"Your mother is shopping at the vegetable market and will be back soon." Lin Li put his phone on the coffee table and said to Zhou Tongtong.

"En." Zhou Tongtong nodded, then reached out to take out a small biscuit from the small bag and stuffed it into her mouth, Kacha Kacha began to eat it.

"I'll get you a bottle of drink." Lin Li said with a smile, then got up and walked to the kitchen.

"Brother Lin Li, you don't need to bring me a drink. I'll just drink some plain water." Zhou Tongtong said to Lin Li, looking at the kettle with cold boiled water on the coffee table in front of him.

"Don't be polite to me," Lin Li said.

"Later, my mother will make dinner when she comes back from buying vegetables. If I drink a drink, I won't be able to eat dinner." Zhou Tongtong said.

"So that's how it is! Alright then, I'll pour you some plain water." Lin Li took a small disposable paper cup and poured Zhou Tongtong half a cup of cool boiled water.

"Thank you." Zhou Tongtong took a small half cup of the cool white open, and drank it in small sips. Although the biscuits are delicious, if you don't drink some water, your mouth will still be very dry.

"I'll pour you some more." Lin Li picked up the kettle, and added some cold water to Zhou Tongtong's small paper cup.

"Brother Lin Li, have you had dinner?" Zhou Tongtong put the small paper cup on the coffee table and asked.

"I ate at a friend's house just now." Lin Li said while putting the kettle in his hand back on the tea table.

"Brother Lin Li, do you have a girlfriend?" Zhou Tongtong asked suddenly, Lin Li was caught off guard by this change of topic.

"Uh..." Lin Li didn't expect Zhou Tongtong to ask this question, he was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "No."

"Why not?"

"Because there is no, there is no!" Lin Li said nonsense.

"I saw that other big brothers in the community have girlfriends, why don't you have one?" Zhou Tongtong asked again.

"..." Lin Li fell silent when he saw Zhou Tongtong looking at him seriously and asking this question that he didn't know how to answer.

And just when he didn't know how to answer the little girl's question, his mobile phone on the coffee table rang suddenly, helping him out.

Taking a look at the phone, it was a video call from Su Yue.

Lin Li tapped the screen with his fingers to connect to the video call from Su Yue.

Su Yue's home is still in a state of power outage, so when the video call is connected, Lin Li sees a dark environment around her.


"It will be a while before the electricity comes out. Now the house is pitch black, so scary!"

"..." Lin Li had an expression on his face that you were teasing me, "Are you still afraid of the dark? It's fine if it's someone else, do you think you can fool me?"

"Hee hee... I really can't lie to you." Su Yue said with a smile, "The house is so dark, it's really boring, play games with me for a while! Sister will take you flying."

Lin Li glanced at Zhou Tongtong who was watching cartoons, and said to Su Yue, "Play the game later! I have guests at home now."

"Guests?" Su Yue heard Lin Li say that there were guests at home, a puzzled expression appeared on her delicate and charming face.

You know, Lin Li just had dinner at her home, and it took only ten minutes to get home. Why did there suddenly have guests at home?

"It's a child from the neighbor's house next door. Her parents were not at home, and she happened to have no keys, so she was locked out of the door. I asked her to come to my house to sit and watch cartoons for a while, and wait for the family members to come back. "

"Oh, that's it! That's fine, let's play games together later." The reasonable Su Yue nodded, and then ended the video call.

Lin Li sat down on the sofa, put his phone aside, and then accompanied Zhou Tongtong to watch cartoons with relish.

At this moment, Zhou Tongtong, who was watching a cartoon with a pack of biscuits in her hand, was thinking about one thing, "I think I've heard the voice of the elder sister who is on video call with brother Lin Li."

More than 20 minutes later, the doorbell at home was rang.

Lin Li, who was watching cartoons with Zhou Tongtong in the living room, stood up and walked towards the entrance.


Lin Li opened the door, with a calm and elegant demeanor, the tall and tall Xia Qing appeared in front of him with two bags of ingredients in his hand.

"you're back!"

"Well, Tongtong her?"

Lin Li turned his head and shouted towards the living room, "Zhou Tongtong, your mother is back."

As soon as the words were finished, a petite and cute figure ran out with an unfinished biscuit in one hand and a small iron basin in the other.


"You child, you even forgot the key when you went out. You should remember better next time." Xia Qing said, looking at her daughter who came to her.

Zhou Tongtong nodded. She had already checked herself in her heart about forgetting to bring her keys when she went out this time, and she should not make such a mistake again in the future.

"Mom, Brother Lin Li invited me to eat some biscuits..." Zhou Tongtong lifted up the unfinished half-pack of biscuits.

"Did you say thank you to Brother Lin Li?"


Lin Li watched the conversation between mother and daughter, and said with a smile, "You're welcome, it's just a biscuit."

Afterwards, Xia Qing thanked Lin Li again, and then led her daughter home.

After the guests left, the quiet home was only in the living room, and the sound of cartoons still playing on the TV echoed.

Lin Li came to the living room, turned off the TV, then went back to the bedroom to take his pajamas and take a shower.

Originally, he planned to take a shower as soon as he got home, but due to a temporary change, the time was slightly delayed.

Next door, Zhou Tongtong followed her mother back home. She put the unfinished half pack of biscuits in the living room, then went into the kitchen, and put the rice bowls of the little white cat and the little black cat on the stove.

Xia Qing was taking out the ingredients from the bag, preparing to wash the vegetables and cook, when she saw her daughter put the small iron basin on the stove, she asked curiously.

"What food did you give those two little wild cats?"

"I served them some mung bean soup cooked by your mother. After Xiaohei and Xiaobai drank the mung bean soup, they both said that the mung bean soup made by mother was delicious." Zhou Tongtong reported truthfully.

"Oh, so those two little wild cats still like to drink the mung bean soup I cooked!" Xia Qing jokingly responded to her daughter's words.

"Yes! I'll serve them more mung bean soup next time." Zhou Tongtong said seriously. She didn't realize that what her mother said was a joke, and the conversation between the mother and daughter was not on the same line.

"Then I'll cook more mung bean soup next time...Okay, go to the living room and watch TV for a while, and I'll call you when I finish cooking dinner." Xia Qing said.

"Yeah." Zhou Tongtong nodded, then left the kitchen, and when she came to the living room, she picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.


Watching the cartoon on TV, Zhou Tongtong raised her hand and yawned.

After waking up from the lunch break, she went out to play with the two little wild cats for a while, exhausting a lot of energy, and now she is a little tired.

After yawning, Zhou Tongtong lay down on the soft sofa, closed her eyes slowly, and fell asleep listening to the sound of cartoons coming from the TV.

And the moment she fell asleep, a pale golden aura appeared between her brows.

The pale golden aura that appeared between the little guy's eyebrows danced like a ball of golden flame... It only lasted for two or three seconds, and the pale golden aura that appeared between the eyebrows dissipated.

Dream, Zhou Tongtong who fell asleep on the sofa had a strange dream.

In the dream, she saw Xiaobai and Xiaohei, who were still in their infancy, confronting a strong adult tabby cat in a remote corner of a park.

The strong adult tabby cat is obviously a ferocious stray cat. It looked at the two little ones in front of it with disdain, and the latter glared at each other not to be outdone.

" two little guys, you came to my place to find food, do you want to die?" The strong and strong adult tabby cat threatened the little white cat and the little black cat in a bad tone.

"Meow... This park is so big, there are many mice, you can't eat them all by yourself." The little white cat said.

"Meow... We just came here to find food, what's the matter? Are you going to fight with us?" The little black cat replied.

"Meow... that crazy tone, that's fine. At first, I just wanted to teach you a lesson, but now it seems that I have to kill." The strong and strong adult big cat looked at the little black cat. , with a fierce glint in his eyes.

As soon as the words fell, its limbs suddenly exerted strength, and it rushed towards the little black cat.

And just before the strong adult tabby cat was about to attack, a golden aura flashed in the eyes of the little white cat, predicting the danger in advance and warning its little friends.

"Meow... Xiao Hei, pay attention, it is going to attack us."

It's a pity that although there is an early warning from the little white cat, the gap in strength lies.

The strong adult tabby cat attacked at such a fast speed that it was simply beyond the reach of the young black cat.


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