Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 392: High-five as an oath, force majeure and no breach of contract



The wind blows and shakes the surrounding flowers and trees, and the branches and leaves collide with each other and make a burst of noise.

"I know, I know, I know..."

The sun is slowly rising, and as the temperature continues to rise, the cicadas lying on the trees are singing more and more cheerfully.

Near noon, leaving the camp in the morning, the tourists who went to climb the mountain began to return the same way, returned to their camping points one after another, and then began to prepare lunch.

"So tired!" Su Yue, who returned to the camp, took off the backpack she was carrying, put it on the chair, and said while fanning herself with her white hands.

Although she usually does not lack of exercise and has better physical strength than most girls, climbing a mountain is particularly exhausting, and she is really tired after going up and down this trip.

Lin Li, who is not what he used to be, doesn't feel so tired. Seeing Su Yue's listless look, he thinks about being teased by her with sour oranges before, and now he will not let go of the rare opportunity to tease her.

"It's such a low mountain, you're so tired after going back and forth, your body is really weak!"

When Su Yue heard this, she immediately gave Lin Li a supercilious look, and retorted.

"The mountain road is very difficult to walk. It's not like you didn't miss it just now. Many people who climbed the mountain along the way were exhausted, and I'm not the only one like this."

After finishing speaking, she saw that Lin Li's expression was normal, and he didn't look tired at all, so she couldn't help being a little puzzled.

"Strange, I played badminton with you a few months ago. At that time, your physical strength was not much better than mine. Looking at you now, you don't feel tired at all. How did you change so much?"

Originally, Lin Li was still teasing Su Yue happily, but when he heard the other party's question full of doubts, the smile on his face froze.

Then, he turned his mind quickly and came up with a fairly reasonable explanation.

"Yeah! I played badminton with you a few months ago, and later found that my physical strength is not much better than yours, so after I go home, I will occasionally take time to exercise to improve my physical strength limit.

After so many months, the effect of exercise is really good. If we have another badminton match, you will be beaten by me. "

"Huh~" Su Yue heard Lin Li's confident speech, immediately snorted coquettishly, and said, "Hanging? You are a little too proud!"

"Don't you believe it? Well, let's find a time later and have another competition." Lin Li took the initiative to send an invitation to Su Yue, which was rare. He wanted to avenge his shame.

A few months ago, Su Yue asked him to go to the badminton hall to play badminton. At that time, Lin Li gave up exercising a few years ago because he knew that he had no hope of becoming a practitioner in this life.

In his spare time, he basically stays at home and plays games, and his physical strength is gradually declining.

Although Lin Li had awakened his spirituality and had a better foundation than ordinary people, but because he did not exercise consistently, once his physical strength declined, he would become no different from ordinary people.

And once he meets Su Yue who is exercising regularly, he will definitely be at a disadvantage.

As a result, no surprise, he lost to Su Yue in a fierce battle of back and forth on the badminton court.

At that time, not only did he lose a meal, but he was also teased by Su Yue after the game, saying that his physical strength was not even comparable to that of a girl.

It was rare for Su Yue to hear that Lin Li took the initiative to ask her to fight, so she naturally had no reason to refuse, so she agreed immediately.

"Okay! Just like last time, the loser will invite the winner to eat after the game. As for where to eat, the winner has the final say."

"It's a deal." Lin Li saw that Su Yue agreed to the invitation he sent, with a confident expression on his face that he was sure to win, and at the same time stretched out his right hand.

When Su Yue saw Lin Li stretching out her right hand, she also stretched out her right hand knowingly.


The high-five is an oath, and the two parties must not breach the contract unless it is a force majeure factor.

"Last time, you beat me up! This time, I will ask for twice as much. Be careful with your wallet." Lin Li said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it after you win!" Su Yue gave Lin Li a confident look, and then gave him instructions.

"I'll rest for a while to recover my strength. Go and wash the dishes. I'll make lunch later. After eating, we'll pack up and go home..."

"Oh." As soon as Chef Su said that he was going to cook, Lin Li's confident aura immediately disappeared, and he immediately went to take out vegetables, some meat and seafood, and walked quickly to the creek.

Su Yue looked at Lin Li washing vegetables seriously by the stream, the corner of her mouth, which was smiling like anger, faintly outlined an upside-down arc.


In the distance, in the woods on the hillside, the sound of cicadas rang continuously above their heads. Zhu Daqi and Chen Xiaoyan stared intently at the two talking and laughing people in the camp in the distance.

Chen Xiaoyan had read Lin Li's information, so she immediately recognized Lin Li as Liu Menglong's target.

"This target looks younger than the picture shown in the information!"

Standing aside, Zhu Daqi nodded, and then said, "Yes! Sister Yan, just such a young man who just graduated from university this year, even if his cultivation talent is very good, he has cultivated to the peak of the first order at such a young age.

But as long as the elder brother makes a move against him, with the cultivation base of the middle second stage of the elder brother, it is impossible for that person to cause any waves at all. "

Chen Xiaoyan carefully observed Lin Li, and found that the target was unscathed, and the other party was still in the mood to talk, laugh, and fall in love with his girlfriend just now.

This made her unable to help thinking that Liu Menglong might not have shot this target last night.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was wrong. What Liu Menglong wanted to do most now was to complete this business and get the final payment.

And before Liu Meng went out, what he told her was to come here to get rid of the target.

"Sister Yan."


"What should we do next?" Zhu Daqi asked.

Chen Xiaoyan thought about it seriously, and then replied, "Although what you said is very reasonable, and I also think so in my heart, but your eldest brother is missing now, and I always feel that I have something to do with the person in front of me."

"Sister Yan, let me tell you, let's stop being so tied up.

Later, I called my brothers, surrounded him directly, arrested him and tortured him, and all the truth will be revealed. " Zhu Daqi suggested.

"No, you can't do this. A group of you go to surround him. With his cultivation at the peak of the first level, even if he is indeed taken down by you in the end, this process will definitely cause a lot of commotion.

Once the trouble becomes big and law enforcement officers from relevant departments are attracted, the loss outweighs the gain. "Chen Xiaoyan immediately rejected Zhu Daqi's proposal.

"Let's be careful not to alarm the law enforcement officers of relevant departments." Zhu Daqi said.

"A large group of people surrounded him. I don't think you can do it without alarming the law enforcement officers of the relevant departments." Chen Xiaoyan said calmly.

The reason why she came to this conclusion was because she knew that Liu Menglong's subordinates were not of good overall quality.

"Sister Yan, we are looking forward and backward like this, so how can we find the clues of the elder brother!" Zhu Daqi said with a little disappointment when he saw Chen Xiaoyan decisively rejecting Ke's proposal.

"Don't worry, these things need a long-term plan, let's go back first." Chen Xiaoyan said.

Originally, before she came, she thought that Liu Menglong's life might be in danger because of Lin Li, but when she saw that Lin Li was unharmed and acted as if nothing had happened, her initial thoughts were shaken. .

Zhu Daqi nodded, and then he followed Chen Xiaoyan down the hillside, turned around and left, and after about ten minutes, they returned to the parking place.


When the car started, Zhu Daqi turned around and drove Chen Xiaoyan back the same way.

On the way home, the atmosphere in the car was a bit dull. After a while, Zhu Daqi, who was driving, suddenly asked Chen Xiaoyan who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"Sister Yan, what should we do if big brother really encounters an accident?"

Chen Xiaoyan, who closed her eyes and meditated, heard Zhu Daqi's question, opened her eyes, turned her head to look at him, and said calmly.

"If it is really confirmed that your eldest brother has encountered an accident, I will tell you what we should do next.

Now, don't think about this issue, everything is business as usual, by the way, after you go back, don't disclose this matter to others for the time being. "

"Okay, Sister Yan." Zhu Daqi stopped talking and drove seriously.

More than half an hour later, the black car drove into the urban village to be demolished.

When Chen Xiaoyan returned home, Zhu Daqi watched the swaying Chen Xiaoyan walk into the bungalow, his eyes suddenly shone with a strange brilliance, and he whispered to himself.

"If something really happens to the elder brother this time, it's actually pretty good..."


After returning home, Chen Xiaoyan walked into the living room, immediately turned on the air conditioner, picked up the kettle on the table, and poured herself a glass of water.

"Ton ton ton..."

After drinking the water, Chen Xiaoyan put the cup on the coffee table, then leaned back and sat heavily on the sofa, staring at the ceiling absent-mindedly, thoughts churning in her mind.

When she was alone, the expression on her face was no longer calm.

"This is terrible. If something happens to Liu Menglong, the superior will definitely ask me why I didn't report Liu Menglong's unauthorized actions..."

A cadre of the Black Lin Society told Liu Menglong and Chen Xiaoyan to the two of them directly when he arranged for them to go to Rongcheng to lurk.

If one of the two of them does something else without authorization, causing the latent plan to be frustrated, then the other party will also be jointly and severally liable.

"Drip ring..."

The mobile phone beside her suddenly rang, and Chen Xiaoyan, who was racing through her mind, came back to her senses.

She took the phone, glanced at the caller ID on the screen, and found that it was an unfamiliar phone number.


"it's me."

"you are?"

"Oh, Xiaoyan, why can't you even hear my voice?"

"You are... Wang Hao?!

! "Chen Xiaoyan thought about it quickly, and said in surprise.

"Yeah." Wang Hao said with a smile, "I heard that you and Liu Menglong were sent to Rongcheng to perform missions, so you are still in Rongcheng now!"

"Yes." Chen Xiaoyan replied.

"It's good to be here. I just want to go to Rongcheng to do some things. I will go to Rongcheng tomorrow, and I will go to find you at that time." Wang Hao said.

"By the way, I called Liu Menglong just now. Why does his phone show that he is not in the service area! Is he doing something important?"

"..." Facing Wang Hao's question, Chen Xiaoyan suddenly didn't know how to answer the other party's question.

Seeing that Chen Xiaoyan didn't speak, Wang Hao thought the call was disconnected. He took the phone away from his ear, looked at the screen, and found that the call was still in progress.

"Why don't you talk anymore! If it's because of the mission, it's not convenient, I just don't go to get together with you."

"Huh..." Chen Xiaoyan took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, and then he said to Wang Hao in a heavy tone, "Wang Hao, I have something bad to tell you, I hope you can help me Confidential."

"Tell me! I'll keep it a secret for you..." Wang Hao frowned when he heard that Chen Xiaoyan's tone was wrong.

"Something happened to Liu Menglong." Xiaoyan told the bad news.

"What's going on? How did something happen to him? What happened?" Wang Hao, who has a close relationship with Liu Menglong, was startled when he heard Chen Xiaoyan say that something happened to his good friend, and he quickly asked.

"The thing is like this, some time ago, a person came to us, he..." Chen Xiaoyan told Wang Hao carefully what happened.

It was precisely because she knew that Liu Menglong had a very good relationship with Wang Hao, that's why she told Wang Hao what happened now without reservation.

She hoped that the other party could help out with an idea. After all, she alone could not handle this tricky matter now.

It's only a few days before the time to report to the superior. At that time, the two of them will be present at the same time to report the latest situation to the superior.

Once the superior finds out that Liu Menglong is not present, Chen Xiaoyan will naturally be unable to hide the matter about Liu Menglong under questioning, and the superior will definitely be furious at that time, and she herself may be severely punished.

Now the only solution to prevent Chen Xiaoyan from being punished by her superiors is to let Wang Hao figure out a way.


After Chen Xiaoyan explained what had happened carefully, she didn't hear Wang Hao on the other side of the phone responding, but only heard a burst of rapid breathing.

Through this unusual rapid breathing, Chen Xiaoyan immediately pictured in Chen Xiaoyan's mind Wang Hao's anxious expression after hearing the news of his friend's accident.

"Okay, I know about this matter. Don't do anything now. I will talk about it in detail after I meet you when I arrive in Rongcheng tomorrow." After more than a minute of silence, Wang Hao expressed his anxious emotions. Press down, and said to Chen Xiaoyan.

"Okay." Chen Xiaoyan nodded, and then ended the call with the other party.

Putting the phone aside, a happy smile appeared on her face.

Because Wang Hao is a practitioner with a second-level high-level cultivation base, with the arrival of such a powerful combat power, it is tantamount to a great help in handling the matter.


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