Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 391: Hearty Revenge

Su Yue reached out and took an orange from Lin Li's hand. After peeling the skin, she tore off half of it and stuffed it into her mouth with a look of relish.

"How is it? Are these wild oranges sweet?" Lin Li asked.

"It's so sweet! I didn't expect the taste of this wild orange to be so good. Come and taste it." Su Yue finished eating the orange in her mouth and replied, then handed the remaining half of the orange to Lin Li's mouth.

When Lin Li heard Su Yue say this, and saw her handing half an orange to his mouth, he didn't think much about it, and opened his mouth to take it.

The teeth collided up and down, the orange flesh in the mouth was bitten by the teeth, and the juice filled the mouth instantly.

In an instant, Lin Li's face wrinkled, and he quickly spit out the orange in his mouth.

"Bah bah bah..."

"It's so sour! Where's the sweetness? Is there something wrong with your sense of taste?"

Su Yue saw Lin Li being soured, and the charming smile on her delicate cheeks suddenly became flamboyant, and then, she let out a series of giggling laughter like silver bells.

Lin Li saw Su Yue holding her belly in both hands, and the silver bell-like laughter could not stop coming from her rosy lips, he immediately understood, there is something wrong with her sense of taste!Su Yue's appearance just now was completely faked.

Presumably, when this woman tasted half a wild orange just now, she must have been too sour.

She didn't want to be sour by herself, so she showed off the sweet taste of wild oranges with superb acting skills, and Huyou Lin Li also came to taste it.

This woman is really too cunning. The way she looked just now made it impossible for anyone to see that she was lying... Lin Li said helplessly, "You are so naive!"

Su Yue stopped laughing, reached out and patted Lin Li's arm, "You, how did you fall for it so easily?"


Lin Li looked at the triumphant Su Yue, glared at him, then turned and walked forward.

"Oh! Are you angry with me?" Seeing this, Su Yue hurriedly followed.


Lin Li didn't answer, and walked forward silently, thinking, he must give this cunning woman a little color, lest she play himself in the future.

Seeing Lin Li ignoring her, Su Yue rolled her black and white eyes, and immediately had a countermeasure.

"When you're camping, the conditions for cooking are much worse than when you're at home.

Recently, I saw a food blogger on the Internet. He taught you a very good dish. When we go home after camping, I will make this dish at night. Do you want to eat it? "

"..." Lin Li originally planned to ignore Su Yue for a period of time to express his dissatisfaction, but Su Yue's way of dealing with it can be said to be a slap in the face, which immediately made Lin Li unable to continue. There was silence.

"What dish?" Lin Li asked curiously.

When Su Yue saw Lin Li's reply, the corners of her mouth curled up, and she said with a smile, "Squirrel mandarin fish, have you tried this dish?"

"I haven't tried it, but I've seen some food bloggers do it. The cooking method of this dish is quite troublesome." There are many rookies in cooking, and I feel that this dish is not something he can get involved in now. .

"Is it troublesome? I feel fine!" Su Yue said, "When we return from camping, go to the vegetable market to buy a mandarin fish, and then I will cook this dish for dinner."

Lin Li nodded, looking forward to it. At this moment, he raised his right hand, showed the remaining wild oranges in front of Su Yue, and said, "Since these wild oranges are so sour, I'll throw them away... ..."

Su Yue shook her head, "It's a pity to throw them away. Peel and taste all the wild oranges you picked back, maybe some of them are sweet."

"Okay! It's just that these wild oranges are so sour, I don't want to taste them, if you want to taste them, you can taste them slowly..." Lin Li stopped walking, and then put all the wild oranges he picked back in a plastic bag. In the bag, hand it to Su Yue.

"This orange is sweet." Su Yue peeled a wild orange, tasted a sip, her eyes lit up, and then she turned her head and said to Lin Li.

"..." Hearing what Su Yue said, Lin Li looked at her suspiciously. After all, he was cheated by the other party not long ago.

"I didn't lie to you, you have a taste." Su Yue broke off half of the orange in her hand and handed it to Lin Li's mouth.

"If you lie to me again this time, I'll leave you here alone." While threatening, Lin Li raised his hand to take the orange handed over by Su Yue.

"Oh, the trust between me and you is so fragile, it really hurts my heart." With a sad expression on Su Yue's face, she sighed, her grievance made people feel distressed.

"If you hadn't played me just now, would I have distrusted you so much?" Lin Li complained in his heart when he saw that Su Yue had started to play tricks again, and then he stuffed the orange in his hand into his mouth.

"How is it? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Su Yue asked with a smile when she saw Lin Li eating the orange, the sad expression on her face disappeared immediately.

"En." Lin Li nodded with a sweet taste filling his lips and teeth.

"These wild oranges that grow in the wild are not all sour!" Su Yue said with a smile, and then continued to take out the wild oranges from the bag for inspection.

This kind of method needs to be tasted by oneself to know whether it is sweet or sour. It gives people a feeling of opening a blind box, and Su Yue finds it very interesting.

Lin Li watched Su Yue frown sourly for a while, and smiled sweetly for a while, and felt quite funny in his heart.

"Here, I picked out the sweet ones." It took a while for Su Yue to taste all the wild oranges that Lin Li had picked, and she opened the bag in her hand to show Lin Li.

"Eat it yourself!"

"How can I eat so much by myself?"

"Okay!" Lin Li reached out and took out some oranges from the bag.

"How?" Su Yue asked.

"It's all sweet indeed."

"It's actually quite fun to pick out sweet oranges from a bunch of oranges."

"You are really idle!"

Afterwards, while eating oranges and chatting, the two walked slowly on the dirt road, with a clear goal towards the hill that was getting closer and closer.

As they got closer to the hill, they could see that some tourists who had arrived at their destination early had already climbed halfway up the hill.

"There are quite a lot of people!" Su Yue said looking at the tourists who were climbing the mountain in the distance.

"We have to speed up a bit, and try to climb to the top of the mountain faster and return to the camp earlier." Lin Li said.

"En." Su Yue responded, and then the two of them quickened their pace and walked towards the foot of the hill.


Sunny and cloudless.

A black car left the bustling urban area, entered the suburbs, and came to Chenghua Avenue.

There are fewer vehicles on the roads in the suburbs than in the city center, and there are fewer people coming and going on the streets.

After Zhu Daqi drove the car to Chenghua Avenue in the suburbs, because there were not many people and cars on the road, the speed increased a lot.

Glancing at Chen Xiaoyan who was sitting in the passenger seat, Zhu Daqi comforted him when he saw the worried look on the other side's brows.

"Sister Yan, maybe you're overthinking it. Big brother is quite capable. Maybe he just had other things to deal with temporarily, so he didn't go home and reply to your message."

Frowning, Chen Xiaoyan, who was full of thoughts, just nodded at Zhu Daqi's words and did not speak.

Zhu Daqi didn't know that Liu Menglong and Chen Xiaoyan were members of the Black Flag organization.

They are hiding in this city. According to the regulations of the organization, once these two people act separately from each other, they need to report their situation to each other every 8 hours to ensure the safety of each other.

Now the 8-hour period stipulated by the organization to report on their own situation has long passed.

Liu Menglong, who has always followed the rules of the organization, has not contacted him for a long time, so there must be a very serious problem.

Seeing that his consolation didn't work, Zhu Daqi just sighed in his heart, and then he stepped on the accelerator to continue to increase the speed of the car.

More than 20 minutes later, a black car drove into a lush forest and stopped by a clear stream.



Zhu Daqi and Chen Xiaoyan got out of the car and came to this place that had been there once yesterday. Zhu Daqi spotted the target car at a glance.

"Sister Yan, that silver-white van is the target's car, and there is no sign of it being moved.

It seems that the target is still camping in the mountains and has not left. "Zhu Daqi pointed to Lin Li's van and said to Chen Xiaoyan.

Chen Xiaoyan looked at the van and nodded, "Take me to the place where that person is camping."

"Okay." Zhu Daqi then stepped forward, leading Chen Xiaoyan to the woods ahead.

The two walked through the woods and walked quickly on the uneven dirt road. In the past ten minutes, they passed by the camping sites built by tourists by the creek, and finally saw the target camp.

"There seems to be no one in the camp." Zhu Daqi observed for a while, and seeing that there was no movement in the tents in the camp, he turned his head and said to Chen Xiaoyan beside him.

"Are you sure we didn't find the wrong place?" Chen Xiaoyan asked.

"Sister Yan, you can't make a mistake. My brother and I stood where we are now, observing the situation of the target." Zhu Daqi said.

"Then let's observe for a while." Chen Xiaoyan said, a faint golden aura flashed in her eyes.


There is an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the East District. There are screams coming from a warehouse that was originally used to store things in the factory.


"Brother Li, please forgive me! I know I was wrong."



Li Ying, who had short hair and was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, kicked the middle-aged man in front of him away.

Seeing him flying upside down, hitting the stone pillar, and rolling down to the mouth of the ground, vomiting blood, Li Ying's eyes didn't move at all.

"Brother Li, please, please spare me! I can give you all the money I have on me, just please forgive me just once."

Li Ying said in a cold tone, "Because of your betrayal last time, I was almost caught by investigators from the Ability Management Bureau. Do you think you can calm my anger by giving me money?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just rubbish, I hope you have a lot, don't bother with me..." The middle-aged man struggled to get up from the ground, ignoring the blood on the corner of his mouth, and kowtowed to Li Ying Make an apology.

"Speaking of which, you are really courageous. After betraying me, you escaped from this city, and now you dare to come back.

Tell me, what are you going to do when you come back at the risk of being caught by me? " Li Ying asked curiously.

"I, I came back to sell the house..." The middle-aged man replied truthfully. Now he dare not tell any lies, and he will answer Li Ying's questions.

When Li Ying heard the middle-aged man who had betrayed him say that he was selling a house, he knew what was going on when he thought about it.

The middle-aged man in front of him betrayed Li Ying for the bounty offered by the Ability Management Bureau.

Afterwards, when he learned that the investigators from the Ability Management Bureau failed to capture Li Ying, he immediately packed up some valuables in a panic and fled the city.

In another city, after he settled down, he started working on the original property.

He had to come back here because he needed to be present to sell the house.

With a fluke mentality, I thought that I would stay for one morning, and leave immediately after the real estate matter was settled, and nothing would happen.

Unexpectedly, Li Ying was very well informed, and soon received the news of his return here, and then came to the door.


Li Ying raised his foot and kicked the middle-aged man who betrayed him away again.


"Brother Li, please forgive me!"

There were endless screams and begging for mercy. Li Ying would not be merciful to the betrayer who betrayed her.

After a while, the screams and begging for mercy in the warehouse disappeared. Li Ying looked at the middle-aged man lying lifeless on the ground, stretched his neck, and let out a hearty laugh.

"Hehe, when you took my money back then, I clearly told you what would happen if you betrayed me, so you deserve it, don't think I'm cruel..."

Afterwards, Li Ying dealt with the scene and left the abandoned factory where few people came.


He took out a lighter from his pocket, lit a cigarette dangling from his mouth, took a deep breath, and then let it out.

The white smoke drifted away with the wind, Li Ying looked at the birds standing on the branches and jumped around, and thought to himself.

"The matter of the traitor is settled, now it's time to continue to watch Liu Menglong.

I told him that this matter is not in a hurry, you can take it slowly, but unexpectedly that guy really took it easy for me. This has been going on for several days, and there is no progress at all. "

Li Ying felt a little dissatisfied when he thought that Liu Menglong did not take action against Lin Li himself, but sent a younger brother to monitor him.

Originally, he wasn't in a hurry, but last night, a good friend of his who was on a mission overseas returned home, so he called him and asked if he had time to get together.

This made Li Ying want to complete the task of testing Lin Li's specific strength as soon as possible.


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