Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 390: Different Minds

A black car drove into the old urban village waiting for demolition, and came to the door of a two-story bungalow of some age.

Zhu Daqi turned off the car, opened the door and got off, pushed open the big iron gate, and walked into the yard.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Zhu Daqi raised his hand and knocked on the door. The moment the knock sounded, a mature female voice came from inside the room.

"Come in."

Pushing open the door and entering, hearing the sound of the TV in the living room, Zhu Daqi walked towards the living room.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Chen Xiaoyan looked at Zhu Daqi who was coming. She pointed to the sofa beside her and said, "Sit down!"

"Sister Yan, did you ask me to do something?" Zhu Daqi sat down on the sofa, looked at the gorgeous Liu Xiaoyan in a suspender nightdress, swallowed secretly, and then asked seriously road.

"I want you to take me to where the target you were following yesterday is now." Liu Xiaoyan said.

"It's this matter! It's okay, no problem..." Zhu Daqi thought it was such a big deal!It turned out to be such a trivial matter, but at this moment he suddenly thought of something.

"Sister Yan, why are you going to the place where the target is? Brother, he went to find trouble with that person yesterday, and now that guy is probably not there anymore."

"Your elder brother hasn't come back yet." Liu Xiaoyan was silent for a moment, then said.

"Ah?" Zhu Daqi, who was originally relaxed, was stunned when he heard this, and then he said in disbelief.

"Sister Yan, don't you mean that you think that the eldest brother went to that person to trouble him, and he hasn't come back until now, do you think that the eldest brother has fallen into that person's hands?"

Liu Xiaoyan nodded first, and then shook her head. Zhu Daqi, who was a little impatient, was very puzzled by her reaction.

Before Zhu Daqi could speak, Liu Xiaoyan explained, "I'm not sure now, did something happen to Liu Menglong?

I will ask you to take me to the location of the target and see how the target is before we can draw the final conclusion. "

"..." Zhu Daqi was silent and did not speak. As a confidant, he knew that Liu Menglong was a practitioner with a middle-level second-level cultivation.

In his opinion, the young man he was following who had just become a beast hunter, no matter how powerful he was, could not be his elder brother's opponent. How could his elder brother fall into the opponent's hands?

"I'm going to change clothes now, and then we'll set off." Liu Xiaoyan, who was wearing a cool suspender nightdress, said, then got up and walked to the bedroom.

After a while, Liu Xiaoyan, wearing a pink T-shirt and blue skirt, came out of the bedroom.

Originally, Zhu Daqi was still immersed in the state of shock that something might happen to Liu Menglong, but when he saw the appearance of Liu Xiaoyan in a gorgeous dress, he immediately came to his senses, and he couldn't help but have some other thoughts in his heart.

"If big brother really has an accident, won't Sister Yan become single again? Can I..."

Liu Xiaoyan didn't notice Zhu Daqi's wild thoughts, and now she was full of anxiety about what she would do if something happened to Liu Menglong.

"Let's go!"

"Oh, okay." Zhu Daqi, who was thinking wildly, came back to his senses, and then quickly left the living room with Liu Xiaoyan.

It was almost nine o'clock, and the sun hung high in the sky, emitting a fiery light.

However, because of the heavy rain, the ground is still wet, and the strong sunlight doesn't make people feel so hot.


The black car started, Zhu Daqi turned the steering wheel, turned the car, and left the urban village to be demolished.

"Sister Yan, can you tell me, brother, he went to trouble that person yesterday, how exactly did he do it?" Zhu Daqi, who was driving a car to the outskirts of the Eastern District, asked curiously.

He still thought that when Liu Menglong went to trouble Lin Li, it was either a simple verbal threat or a simple beating.

As for the fact that Liu Menglong went to Lin Li to kill him, Zhu Daqi never thought about it.

The reason for this is because Zhu Daqi works in an underground casino where Liu Menglong can't see the light.

His main job is to maintain the order of the underground casino, as well as to track down those gamblers who don't pay back their IOUs, and to collect debts and other things.

No matter how bad the work he did, he didn't dare to cause death.

Because Zhu Daqi and the other younger brothers who worked under Liu Menglong were not fools, they knew what could and couldn't be done.

After all, if they are doing the things at hand, if they are caught by the security guards, they will be thrown into prison for a few years at most, and if they kill someone, they will have to eat peanuts.

Naturally, Liu Menglong knew that the young men he had taken in were actually very timid, so he would not tell his subordinates about matters involving human life, even Zhu Daqi, who he valued a lot, would not disclose it.

As Liu Xiaoyan, who came from the same organization as Liu Menglong, naturally knew the situation of Zhu Daqi and other younger brothers very well.

Now Zhu Daqi asked curiously, how did Liu Menglong trouble Lin Li last night, Liu Xiaoyan must not be able to tell him the real situation.

"Your elder brother is going to break that man's hand." Liu Xiaoyan explained blankly.

"So that's the case!" Zhu Daqi nodded when he heard the words, because when he collected debts, those gamblers who owed money would break their hands if they didn't pay back the money, so after hearing Liu Xiaoyan's explanation, he was surprised. Not surprisingly.

Afterwards, he asked with some doubts, "I observed that person yesterday, and he didn't look like a gambler who owes money!"

"That person is indeed not a gambler who owes money, he offended someone, and the benefactor paid him to punish him.

It just so happens that the business of our casino is very bleak now, we are short of funds, and we can't pay everyone wages, so your elder brother took this job..." Liu Xiaoyan added.

"..." Zhu Daqi was very moved when he heard this, "Brother, he has no news for us now. If it is really confirmed that something happened to him, we must avenge him."

Liu Xiaoyan glanced at Zhu Daqi, who was full of emotion, and said nothing, thinking that this guy is too easy to deceive!

Just when Liu Xiaoyan was complaining about Zhu Daqi being so deceitful, Zhu Daqi, whose face was full of emotion, was also secretly regretting what he had said.

"What the hell am I talking nonsense about? Brother, he is a practitioner with a mid-level second-level cultivation, and even he went to trouble that person, and now his whereabouts are unknown.

If it is finally confirmed that the elder brother's accident is really related to that person, and it is just me and other people who go to trouble with that person, it will be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg in the end. "

The black car drove towards the outskirts of the Eastern District with a clear goal. A man and a woman sitting in the driver's seat and the passenger's seat had their own thoughts.

If someone could hear their inner voice at this moment, they would definitely show a playful smile.


This piece of mountain forest, which has only been released for a few months, originally had no roads. Because there are too many people walking, a dirt road that is not flat but can be passed is formed in the woodland.

Lin Li and Su Yue carried backpacks with food on their backs and set off from the campsite to climb the mountain. They talked while walking along the way, occasionally stopping to take pictures of the surrounding scenery.

Su Yue took her mobile phone, turned on the camera, and prepared to take some beautiful scenery photos.

Suddenly, she saw something yellow on the screen, and immediately zoomed in on the camera.

When he saw the appearance of the yellow-orange-orange thing clearly, he immediately turned his head and called out to Lin Li who was drinking water under a big tree behind him.

"Lin Li, come and have a look, I found a lot of wild oranges."

Lin Li, who was drinking mineral water, immediately walked to Su Yue's side, "Where are you?"

"There." Su Yue raised her slender arm, pointed to a place in the distance, and said.

The golden sun was a bit dazzling, Lin Li raised his hand to cover his eyes, looked along where Su Yue pointed, and said, "There are really a lot of wild oranges!"

"Help me carry the bag, I'll go over and pick some back." Su Yue said, then reached out to take off the backpack she was carrying, and handed it to Lin Li.

"Let me go! The slope from here is so steep, if you fall, you're afraid you'll just roll down the mountain." Lin Li said.

Then, he put the unfinished mineral water back into his backpack, walked out from the dirt road, and went straight to the place Su Yue found where the wild oranges grew.

"Slow down!" Seeing Lin Li moving fast on the hillside in the rugged area, Su Yue was very worried that he would fall, so she reminded her.

"Understood." Lin Li responded casually, and the speed under his feet did not slow down.

What a joke, if a dignified second-order peak practitioner can't even handle such a terrain, it would be ridiculous.

But after a while, Lin Li came to the place that Su Yue found was full of wild oranges.

There are more than a dozen orange trees growing on the steep slope. These orange trees are very lush. Judging from their appearance, the trees should be quite young.

However, because these orange trees are all wild, the oranges they grow are not that big, and they are far inferior to those sold in the market, which are grown by artificially cultivated orange trees.

"Lin Li, pay attention to the grass under your feet, don't step on the snake!"

Just when Lin Li was about to take off his backpack and reach out to pick some wild oranges to take away, Su Yue's reminder came from behind him.

He waved his hand indifferently, reached out and picked an orange from the wild orange tree in front of him, and put it in his backpack.

When he was about to pick the second orange, the grass three meters away suddenly shook, and then a 1.5-meter-long, black and white scary creature emerged, and it made a scalp-numbing cry at Lin Li.

Damn, Su Yue is really a crow's mouth... In this quiet orange grove, although the hissing sound of the black and white poisonous snake is faint, it can be heard clearly.

"Let's just taste it, you don't need to pick too much..." Because of the angle, Su Yue didn't know that Lin Li was staring at a black and white poisonous snake at the moment.

"Understood." Lin Li responded to Su Yue's call as if nothing had happened, while mobilizing the spiritual energy in his dantian.

A pale golden aura flashed across his right hand, and a palm-sized, sharp blue wind blade condensed and formed in an instant.

The venomous snake with a triangular head and a black and white body is just an ordinary wild animal, unaware that it is about to face catastrophe.

At this moment, it is very dissatisfied with this human who broke into its territory, and is going to give him a bite.


If it wasn't Lin Li who came here to pick wild oranges this time, but other ordinary people, if they encountered such a large poisonous snake and made a scalp-numbing sound at themselves, they would be scared to death. Legs go limp.

"What's fierce? Do you think you're going to eat me?" Lin Li saw the black and white poisonous snake screaming fiercely at him. He was not frightened by the opponent, but gave him a tit-for-tat stare.

Immediately afterwards, at the moment before the poisonous snake was about to attack, with a thought in Lin Li's mind, a condensed palm-sized cyan wind blade shot out in an instant.


The speed of the wind blade is very fast, and it is impossible for this ordinary black and white poisonous snake to avoid it.


In the blink of an eye, Lin Li was about to take a bite. The black and white poisonous snake was split in two by the sharp cyan wind blade, and blood gushed out from the cut, wetting the grass on the ground in a short while. took a small slice.

Although his body was cut off and he was doomed to die, because of the characteristics of snakes, the body that was divided into two parts was still writhing on the ground, which made people feel a little creepy.

Moreover, the dead snake will still bite people due to conditioned reflex in the following period of time, so the best way is to bury the snake's head.

Lin Li considered that this black and white snake was a poisonous snake, just in case, so as not to harm others.

So he took a few steps forward, and took out a shovel from the mysterious island where Su Yue couldn't see, dug a small hole in the ground, and buried the dead poisonous tongue in the hole.

"Ta Tata..."

After filling the hole with soil, Lin Li stomped on it a few times, and then he took the shovel back to the mysterious island.

"Lin Li, are you alright?" Su Yue yelled when she saw Lin Li went to pick oranges and didn't come back after going for so long.

"It will be ready soon." Lin Li responded, and then he quickly picked the wild oranges in front of him, picked more than twenty, and then started to return the same way.

Su Yue watched as she ran up from the bottom of the slope, returned to Lin Li on the dirt road, and walked forward quickly.

She stretched out her jade-white palm, took off the cockleburs stuck to his clothes, and threw them into the grass beside her, complaining, "You are really, you have stayed there for so long, and you are not afraid of meeting you." to the snake."

"Isn't it just a snake? What's there to be afraid of? If you encounter it, just shoot and kill it." Lin Li smiled very easily.

"Tch, just brag! If you really met a snake, you'd probably scream in fright." Su Yue grumbled, and took off the last cocklebur stuck to Lin Li's clothes.

Lin Li smiled without saying a word, then he opened the backpack on his back, took out a few wild oranges and handed them to Su Yue.

"The wild tangerines are back, try them quickly! Their appearance is quite different from the ones we buy in the market, and the taste may disappoint you."


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