Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 389: Anxiety without hearing from him




There was thunder and lightning outside, and the wind and rain were blowing, and the rain hit the glass windows, making a crackling sound.

It was already 04:30 in the morning, and the living room was still brightly lit.

Wearing a nightdress with suspenders, a gorgeous woman is sitting on the sofa in the living room, quietly watching the entertainment program being played on TV.

When the entertainment program being played on TV came to an end and it was time for commercials, the gorgeous woman in a nightgown with suspenders looked away from the TV, stretched her right hand with red nail polish to her side, and picked up her mobile phone.

Pressed the unlock button, tapped the screen with her finger, clicked on the social software, and looked at the message she sent more than an hour ago, like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any reply, she couldn't help frowning.

"It's raining so hard outside. If Liu Menglong has made a move on the target, he should be on his way back now. Why didn't I get any reply when I called or sent him a message?"

The gorgeous woman in a suspender nightdress looked at the chat window and muttered to herself.

After thinking for a few minutes, she exited the chat interface, opened the phone's address book, found Zhu Daqi's phone number and dialed it.

"Drip ring..."

In the dimly lit room, Zhu Daqi, wearing a vest and shorts, was lying on the bed sound asleep, when the phone ringing suddenly woke him up.

"Who the hell called me in the middle of the night?" Zhu Daqi muttered impatiently while reaching out to the bedside table.

He took the phone and saw the name displayed on the caller ID, and he woke up instantly.

"Hey, sister Yan, you called me, what's the matter?"

"Zhu Daqi, are you with Liu Menglong now?" asked the gorgeous woman in suspender nightdress.

"Sister Yan, I'm not with Big Brother. After I met Big Brother, Big Brother asked me to come back first." Zhu Daqi explained.

The gorgeous woman in suspender nightgown frowned when she heard this, she thought she could get news about Liu Menglong from Zhu Daqi, "Okay, I got it."

When the voice fell, the phone was hung up.

Zhu Daqi looked at the phone screen, raised his hand and scratched his hair, not wanting to understand, why would a gorgeous woman in a suspender nightgown call to ask himself such a thing in the middle of the night.


Drowsiness welled up, Zhu Daqi stopped thinking about the phone call, put the phone back on the bedside table, and fell back to sleep.

After the gorgeous woman in a suspender nightgown made the call, she felt uneasy.

"Liu Menglong won't have any accidents. His target is only a cultivator at the peak of the first level. With his cultivation in the middle of the second level, it is easy to deal with such a target."

In the slightly quiet living room, apart from the sound from the TV, there was only the voice of the woman muttering to herself.


After seven o'clock in the morning, the heavy rain that had been raining all night stopped.

The dark clouds dissipated, and the golden sun fell from the sky, covering the earth that had been baptized by the rain all night.


The birds stood on the branches covered with rain and sang happily, making a series of crisp and sweet sounds.

Under the sunshine, the water drops hanging on the branches reflect the colorful light.

Tourists who camped by the creek got out of their tents, listened to the crisp and melodious birdsong from the surrounding woods, and looked at the colorful and misty mountains in front of them. Everyone couldn't help being intoxicated by such natural beauty. .

The noise from outside woke up the sleeping Lin Li. He slowly opened his eyes, then took out his mobile phone and checked the time.

"It's almost eight o'clock!"

"Ha~!" He raised his hand and yawned, then turned his head to look beside him.

Half a meter away, the slender Su Yue turned her body sideways, her white arms stretched out from the sleeping bag, and were put up and down on her chest.

Her black hair spread out, her eyes were closed, her rosy lips breathed evenly, and she slept very peacefully, like the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale.

I didn't fall asleep until after one o'clock last night, and it's normal that I haven't woken up yet.

Last night, Lin Li had a battle with that second-tier peak alien beast in the wild. After returning, he was very tired and didn't have the energy to disperse his thoughts, so he fell asleep after a while.

Now when I wake up, I am full of energy, and the scent of orchid and musk floating around me can't stop drilling into my nose.

Now that it's all over, Lin Li's regular heartbeat can't help but speed up again, and his thoughts start to diverge indiscriminately.

"Um... It's not good to stay in the tent any longer, I'd better get up quickly!" Lin Li retracted his wandering thoughts, then got out of his sleeping bag, opened the door of the tent, and walked out.

The morning after the rain is very cool, not to mention being in the mountains now.

Take a deep breath of cool air and feel comfortable all over.

Because it's not too early now, basically all the people camping on the bank of the stream got out of their tents.

Tourists took the washing utensils and came to the clear stream to wash up. The cool stream water splashed on the face, which shocked people, and all the remaining drowsiness on the face disappeared.

"After the heavy rain last night, the temperature in the mountains has dropped several degrees." Lin Li felt that the surrounding temperature was a little low, and he murmured to himself, and then he went to the stream in front of him to brush his teeth and wash his face.



Because there were people downstream, Lin Li who was washing up spat out the mouthwash on the grass beside him.

Just as he was about to wet the towel and wipe his face, he saw a dozen small fish swimming in the stream two meters ahead.

After staring at the fish in the stream for a few seconds, Lin Li stood up and picked up a palm-sized stone from the bank.


Taking a deep breath, at the moment of exhaling, Lin Li threw the palm-sized stone vigorously towards the position where the little fish was.



The stone smashed into the stream, and immediately set off a big splash.

The small fishes swimming in the stream were stunned by the sudden impact of the stone and the splash of water, one after another they surfaced and floated downstream.

"It's done."

Lin Li looked at his results and smiled happily. Then he rolled up his trousers, took off his shoes, dipped his bare feet into the stream, and quickly chased after the small fish that were drifting downstream.

"One, two, three..."

A total of twelve small fish were picked up by Lin Li. When he returned to the shore, he happened to see Su Yue coming out of the tent yawning.

Su Yue, with messy hair, looks sleepy and cute, which is quite different from her usual, quirky, dignified and elegant appearance.

"Lin Li, good morning!"

Su Yue, who yawned, saw Lin Li staring at her, and immediately greeted her, and the cute look quickly dissipated.

"Morning." Lin Li smiled and said, "If you're sleepy, you can sleep a little longer, don't be so anxious to get up."

"I'm a little hungry and can't sleep." Su Yue said, and then she looked at the dozen or so small fish that Lin Li was holding in his hand.

"These are small fish I just caught from the stream." Lin Li said.

"None of us brought any tools to catch fish, how did you catch them?" Su Yue asked curiously.

"You don't need tools for catching fish, just pick up a stone on the ground."


"That's right! Throw the stones into the water vigorously, stun them, and you can catch them." Lin Li explained.

"That's it! You can catch fish by throwing a stone, so you are amazing." Su Yue nodded, "I'll wash up first, and I will use the small fish you caught to cook small fish porridge later."

"En." Lin Li put the dozen or so small fishes he was holding into a small basin, and then returned to the stream to continue washing his face.

Su Yue came to the stream with a toothbrush and a tooth cup, squatted down, and scooped a cup of water from the stream with the tooth cup.

Just as she was about to brush her teeth, Lin Li, who had washed his face, glanced at her sprained right foot last night, and asked, "Does the sprained area still hurt?"

"It's healed, it doesn't hurt at all, yesterday your massage effect is very good!" Su Yue said with a smile, and then began to brush her teeth.

"I'm going to deal with those small fish, and they can be used directly later." After packing up the washing utensils, he returned to Lin Li in the camp from the stream, and said something before leaving.

"En." Su Yue, who was brushing her teeth, nodded.

As the sun continued to rise, the mist lingering in the mountains and forests was gradually dissipated.

By the side of the clear stream, a human campsite started to light a fire and cook.

Cooking smoke birds, the alluring fragrance wafted out from the camps one by one. Suddenly there was a strong wind, and the alluring fragrance could float hundreds of meters away along the wind.

"Gollum, gollum, gollum..."

The hanging pot was burning on the bonfire, and the small fish porridge in the pot was tumbling, making a pleasant sound. The tempting fragrance made the mouth water, and I couldn't help swallowing.

Su Yue tidied up her messy hair, tied it into a ponytail, held a small spoon in her hand, filled it with small fish porridge, poured it into a bowl, and tasted the saltiness.

"The taste is just right, you can eat it." Su Yue turned her head, looked at Lin Li standing beside her with an expectant expression, and said with a smile.


"Go and get the bowl."


Lin Li turned around and came to the small table, took two bowls back to Su Yue, and handed them over.

"Here." Su Yue filled a large bowl full of small fish porridge for Lin Li, reached out to take the fragrant small fish porridge, Lin Li couldn't wait to take a sip, his eyes lit up with the delicious taste, and his face Show a happy smile.

Seeing the happy smile on Lin Li's face, Su Yue couldn't help but draw an upside-down arc at the corner of her mouth.

In front of the small table, two people sat on the ponytail, chatting while drinking the delicious small fish porridge.

"After breakfast, shall we pack up our things and go home?" Lin Li said, then he picked up a vacuum-packed sauced duck leg in front of him, opened it and took a big bite.

The side effect of eating the miraculous little fruit is still to increase the appetite. Although the taste of the small fish porridge is delicious, just drinking the small fish porridge will not make you hungry, you must eat some meat.

"Don't rush back, we came here yesterday for camping, it was dark after the tent was set up, and we haven't walked around yet.

After we had breakfast, we went to climb the hill in front of us, and then we had lunch at the camp, and then we went back..." Su Yue raised her finger to a 400-meter-high hill in front of her, and said.

"Yeah." Lin Li can go back anytime, because he has plenty of time, since Su Yue wants to climb the hill ahead after breakfast, that's it.

Afterwards, the two people who finished breakfast cleaned up the pots and pans.

Before they set off, they discovered a problem, that is, they must not bring too many things with them when going mountain climbing.

Both of them left the camp and set off to climb the mountain. What should we do if these things in the camp are left unattended?

It's a pity that I can't put these things into the mysterious island in front of Su Yue. It will take some time to move these things back to the car... Lin Li murmured to himself.

"If we put things in the tent, no one should come to steal our things." Su Yue pointed to some camping tourists some distance away from them.

"Look at those people, they should also be going to climb the hill ahead, they packed their things and put them in the tent, and then set off."

Lin Li's gaze followed the direction Su Yue pointed, and it was exactly as she said.

In the distance, some tourists who came to camp here really packed up their camping equipment, put them in their tents, and then started walking towards them.

"Let's get ready and go!" Su Yue said, and then she started to pack some camping equipment and put them in the tent. Seeing this, Lin Li started to do the same.

After a while, Lin Li and Su Yue packed up everything and put them in the tent.

The two men each carried a backpack, filled with some food and water, and began to follow the tourists who had already headed towards the hill.


The sun rose, and the golden sunlight shone through the glass into the living room.

The gorgeous woman in a nightgown with suspenders had red eyes because she hadn't slept all night, and her mental state didn't look very good.

"Why haven't you come back yet?"

She made a few more phone calls to Liu Menglong just now, and it showed that she was not in the service area.

"Did something really happen to him?"

The worried and beautiful woman in suspender nightdress didn't know what to do now. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and she thought of a way to verify whether something happened to Liu Menglong.

Picking up the mobile phone beside him, he immediately dialed Zhu Daqi's number.

"Drip ring..."

Zhu Daqi, who was about to go out for breakfast, heard the phone ringing in his pocket, so he took it out and took a look.

"Why did Sister Yan call me again?"

Line connected.


"Zhu Daqi, come over to me right now."


"Ah, what? Come here right away."

"Yes." Zhu Daqi nodded, and then he opened the door of the house and walked out, while asking the beautiful woman in a suspender nightgown who hadn't hung up the phone yet.

"Sister Yan, you asked me to look for you, what's the matter?"

"We'll talk about it when you get here."


After hanging up the phone, Zhu Daqi put the phone away with a puzzled look on his face, and then went downstairs.


A black car drove out of the community. Zhu Daqi, who was driving, saw a cart selling breakfast on the side of the road, and immediately parked the car in front of the other party.

"Boss, bring me three buns and a cup of soy milk." Zhu Daqi rolled down the window and said.


After receiving the breakfast handed over by the breakfast boss and paying, Zhu Daqi started the car while eating breakfast.


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