Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 388: The Few Clues



First, there was an earth-shattering thunder that exploded above the head, and then there was a continuous roar of machines from far to near.

"Captain, reinforcements are coming." The rookie investigator Xiao Wang raised his head and looked towards the position where the continuous roar of the machine came from.

"It's a pity! If it had come a few minutes earlier, that second-order peak beast would have been unable to escape." Liu Jialin said.

The helicopter flew to the target location, and the investigators who came for reinforcements opened the hatch and quickly jumped out of the helicopter.

These investigators were not carrying parachutes, and a group of more than a dozen people fell from the sky hundreds of meters high, and the speed of descent was very fast.

When approaching the ground at a distance of more than 30 meters, a pale golden aura appeared on one of the investigators, and then invisible ripples spread from the investigator's body to the surroundings.

Immediately afterwards, blue whirlwinds appeared under all the investigators.

These cyan whirlwinds that appeared out of nowhere supported the falling investigators and slowed down their falling speed.

At a distance of two meters from the ground, the cyan whirlwind disappeared, and the investigators who came to reinforce them fell steadily to the ground.

A group of more than a dozen investigators, none of them are Tier [-] practitioners.

However, in their group, there are two investigators who are at the peak of the second level, and the rest of them have at least the middle level of the second level.

Such a combination came for reinforcements, and it could be said to be sure against a second-order peak alien beast.

Liu Jialin looked at the group of reinforcements coming towards her, and found that one of them was an old acquaintance.

"Liu Jialin, where did that second-order peak beast go?" Wang Jing came to Liu Jialin and asked.

At this moment, her companion raised her right hand, creating white balls of light that rose into the sky, illuminating the thousands of square meters of the scene.

"The alien beast at the peak of the second order had already escaped a minute or two before your arrival." Liu Jialin said.

Under the illumination of white light spheres, Wang Jing and his party who came to support also saw the scene that had become a mess because of a fierce battle.

"Before we arrived, was there someone already fighting that beast at the peak of the second order?" Wang Jing looked away from the scorched black holes caused by the explosion of several fireballs in the distance, and turned to Liu Jialin and asked .

"Yes, not only before you arrived, but before we arrived, there was already a man fighting with that second-order peak beast." Liu Jialin said truthfully.

"Is that man a beast hunter?" Wang Jing asked.

The reason why she felt that the other party was a beast hunter was because if the other party was an investigator, the superior would inform them of the news.

On the way they came by helicopter, they didn't receive any news that the investigators at the peak of the second order had already arrived at the scene.

In the middle of the night, in this dangerous wilderness, there was no one else who would do such a thing except for the beast hunters of the beast hunters guild.

"I don't know if that person is a Beast Hunter from the Beast Hunter Guild." Liu Jialin said.

"Huh?" Wang Jing was puzzled when she heard the words, "Didn't you get in touch with that person?"

Liu Jialin raised her hand and brushed some of the hair hanging from her ears behind her ears, and smiled helplessly.

"Originally, we wanted to assist that person to deal with the alien beasts whose strength had been greatly reduced at the peak of the second order, but that person turned around and left before I could finish speaking.

Oh, by the way, he left almost at the same time as the second-order peak beast. "

"This... how could this happen?" Wang Jing said in disbelief.

"Hey, I knew that normal people wouldn't believe me when I said that.

But you ask them, they are just like me, they saw it with their own eyes..." Liu Jialin shook her head helplessly, asking her teammates who acted together to testify for what she just said.

"Captain, what she said is all true, and we don't understand why after we appeared, that person was still fighting fiercely with the beast one second, and left almost at the same time the next second. "

The rookie investigator Xiao Wang stood up to testify for Liu Jialin at the first time, and then the other teammates also talked with each other, talking about what they saw and heard at that time.

After Wang Jing and his party heard what Liu Jialin and the others said, they immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Not to mention that Liu Jialin and the others have never encountered such a thing, even the old members who have been investigators longer than Liu Jialin and the others have never encountered similar things.

"Have you seen clearly what the man who fought fiercely with the beast at the peak of the second rank looked like?" Wang Jing asked.

The reason why she asked this was thinking that after everyone returned to the Ability Management Bureau, Liu Jialin and his team would describe the man's appearance, draw a portrait of the man, and then search through the big data to find that man.

Although Wang Jing's idea was good, it's a pity that Liu Jialin and his party immediately shook their heads after hearing this.

"The light was too dark at the time, and we couldn't see the man's appearance clearly from a distance. We only knew that he was wearing a white T-shirt and slacks, not the camouflage that alien hunters usually wear when they come to hunt in the wilderness. Take it." Liu Jialin said.

Wang Jing frowned. In this situation, it was obviously impossible to find the mysterious person who was fighting fiercely with the second-order peak alien beast.

"The weather is so dark now, and there should be heavy rain in the near future. Since this matter has come to an end for the time being, let's go back to the game first!"

Walking with Wang Jing, a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and a second-order peak cultivation who came to support him spoke.

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and then the investigators reported the situation on the scene to their superiors, and then they left the messy battle scene and returned to the Ability Management Bureau.

The helicopter circling in the sky lowered its altitude, and Wang Jing and his party re-boarded the helicopter and flew back to the Ability Management Bureau.

As for Liu Jialin and her group, they went to the place where they parked and drove back.

"Captain, that mysterious second-tier peak cultivator is really powerful! He was able to engage in such a fierce battle with a second-tier peak alien beast alone without losing the wind." The newcomer investigator Xiao Wang said.

"It's not just that we are not at a disadvantage, the moment before we were forced to jump out of the grass, that beast at the peak of the second order seemed to be a little timid." Liu Jialin said, recalling the situation at that time.

Because of the angle, Liu Jialin and his party, who were hiding in the grass, did not see Lin Li eating the spirit fruit.

They only saw the scene where the red-horned purple-scaled lizard found out that Lin Li's spiritual energy had been restored, and his state was stronger than his own, so he wanted to quit.

"From this point of view, if we hadn't been forced to jump out of the grass, next, that mysterious second-order peak practitioner would be able to kill that strange beast by himself." The investigator with a high-nosed bridge speculated arrive.

"I can't say for sure. If you can't beat it, you can choose to run away. After all, it's not so easy to kill a second-order peak beast." Liu Jialin said with some reservations.

After leaving the battlefield, Liu Jialin and his party walked and chatted. The fierce battle they saw just now disappeared into the wilderness in a short while.

Not long ago, because of the fierce battle between the two second-order peaks, the battlefield became a mess. After everyone left, the scene became dead silent.



The sound of thunder and the howling of the strong wind became the main sounds of this battlefield, adding a bit of spooky feeling to the dead silence.

And more than ten kilometers away from this battlefield, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which was desperately fleeing, realized that there was no human chasing and killing it, so it began to slow down its escape speed.

However, out of safety considerations, it did not stop, but maintained a relatively stable speed, and continued to run towards the location of the lair it had robbed.


In the dark cloud-covered sky, silvery white lightning flashed frequently in the dark clouds, and the deafening thunder made the creatures on the ground tremble.

After spending more than half an hour, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard arrived at the muddy swamp that it snatched.


The muddy water was churning, and the tired-looking red-horned purple scaled lizard crawled in the swamp.

When it came to the central area of ​​the swamp, it lay down and sank its body into the swamp, leaving only one head sticking out of the water, looking around from time to time.

It did this to guard against that if any human beings tracked it to its old nest, it could find the enemy at the first time, and then continued to escape into the depths of the wilderness.

The tense red-horned purple scaled lizard beast paid attention to the movement around it. Half an hour later, with a deafening thunder above its head, heavy rain that had been brewing for a while came.

Bean-sized raindrops hit the top of the red-horned purple scaled lizard's head, and it raised its head to look up to the sky.

Under the illumination of the frequently flickering electric light, it can be seen that the raindrops are getting denser and denser, and soon they become rain lines.

Under the blowing of the strong wind, these rain lines are like dancers dancing happily, dancing with the wind enthusiastically.

"Roar..." As the rain became heavier, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard let out a low moan with ease.

It thought in its heart, now that the heavy rain is coming and the wilderness has become muddy, it is impossible for humans to track itself in such bad weather, and then it can rest peacefully.

Lowering its head, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard completely sank into the swamp.

Although the wounds on his body from the fierce battle with Lin Li had scabbed over, they were fine.

However, mental and physical exhaustion cannot be recovered in a short period of time. It needs a few days of rest to adjust the state of the body.

Before falling into a deep sleep, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, whose body sank into the swamp, quickly recalled the previous fierce battle with Lin Li, and came to a conclusion.

The more you go to the area with all kinds of light, the easier it is to encounter human beings. In the future, you must be careful and move as little as possible in that area.




Thunder and lightning flashed outside the tent, and the wind howled.

"Tick, tick, tick..."

The bean-heavy raindrops falling from the sky fell on the flowers, plants and trees in the mountains and forests, making a series of dense and crisp sounds.

The tent was shaken by the strong wind, Lin Li wondered if this tent could hold on, if he couldn't stand the devastation of the heavy rain, he and Su Yue had to go back to the parking place in the rain.

"Why are you in a daze? The wind outside is getting stronger and stronger, close the door quickly! Don't let the rain fly in." Su Yue reminded Lin Li.

"Oh." Lin Li stretched out his hand to close the zipper, completely blocking the passage of rainwater from entering the tent.

"You were really bold just now. You ran so fast and you weren't afraid of falling." Su Yue, who had already got into her sleeping bag, lay down and turned sideways with her head resting on her arms, facing the woman who was getting into her sleeping bag. Lin Li said.

"Isn't it because I was afraid that if I didn't get back to the camp in time, I would be drenched in the heavy rain, so I ran so fast." Lin Li responded with a smile, and then lay down too.

"This rain is really heavy!" Su Yue said softly as she listened to the sound of the pattering rain outside the tent.

"By the way, the tent you bought should be able to withstand the test of this heavy rain! Otherwise, we have to go back to the car to rest in the rain." Lin Li said.

"Don't worry! The quality of the tent I bought is very good. Unless there is a typhoon, otherwise, even if it is raining harder than the rain outside now, it will not be able to do anything to us." Su Yue said confidently .

"That's good, it's getting late, go to bed early!" Lin Li closed his eyes while talking.

"Yes." Su Yue replied softly.

Lin Li had previously fought against that second-tier peak alien beast in the wilderness.

Although the psionic energy he consumed could be recovered quickly by eating the spiritual fruit, the physical energy he consumed could not be recovered in a short time.

Now his body is very tired. After closing his eyes, the sound of wind and rain outside the window is like a lullaby, and he fell asleep after a while.

In the pitch-black tent where she couldn't see her fingers, Su Yue heard the sound of even breathing coming from her ears, and recalled in her mind the scene when Lin Li concentrated on pressing her injured ankle not long ago.

The corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly, and a bright and moving smile appeared on her face. Unfortunately, in such a dark environment, no one could see how happy she was now.

Time passed, and unconsciously, sleepiness surged up uncontrollably, Su Yue yawned, closed her eyes slowly, and soon fell asleep.




The sound of thunder, wind, and rain intertwined, and the sound of insects in the grass disappeared at the moment of heavy rain.

In the hazy rain, some of the tourists who came to camp in this mountain forest were awakened by the thunder, and some fell asleep to the sound of the rain.


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