Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 385: Early Warning, Highly Recognizable

In the urban area.

In a branch of the monitoring department under the Ability Management Bureau, the staff on duty are typing on the keyboard in front of the computer and processing some documents.

In the quiet office, only the crackling sound of typing on the keyboard echoed.


A staff member finished the work at hand, yawned, then turned his head and said to the colleague at the next station.

"I'm a little hungry. I want to order a supper. Would you like one?"

"Okay, order one more for me."

The development of science and technology provides convenience to human beings. Ordering takeaway after midnight would not be easy if it were ten years ago.

But now, as long as human beings turn on their mobile phones and click on the takeaway software, they can easily choose their favorite supper from a lot of food delivery stores and place an order.

After that, there are takeaway riders who will deliver the takeaway to you in the shortest possible time.

"I want some Malatang."


"I want super spicy food, do you want it?"

"I'm fine with a little spicy."

After ordering supper, the staff put the mobile phone back on the table, and was about to get up and go to the water dispenser to pour himself a glass of water. At this time, the fixed phone on his table rang.

"Drip ring..."

Put the water glass you picked up back on the table and answer the ringing phone.


"My place is monitoring point No. [-]. The spiritual weapon was detected on the outskirts of the eastern district, and a powerful strange beast appeared near the safe zone. Its psychic energy fluctuation intensity is at the peak of the second order."

"There are second-order peak alien beasts appearing near the safe zone?!

!How far is it from the safe zone now? "

"About two to three kilometers."

"So close."

"Yes, please report this situation to the higher authorities as soon as possible."

"Okay." After hanging up the phone, the staff immediately called their superiors to report the situation they had just received.

The news was passed to higher levels step by step, and the news quickly alarmed the main person in charge of the relevant departments of the Ability Management Bureau.

In the shortest possible time, the person in charge issued a series of orders.

There was a team of investigators who were patrolling the outskirts of the Eastern District. After receiving the order from their superiors, they immediately got into the car and rushed to the location where the strange beast appeared.

A new investigator who had just joined the job not long ago said to the captain Liu Jialin who was driving the car.

"Captain, that strange beast is a second-order peak cultivation. It is impossible to stop that strange beast with the strength of our team!"

Long wavy hair was tied behind her head. The tall and tall Liu Jialin glanced at the rearview mirror and said to the newcomer, "Xiao Wang, the superior has issued an order, and we will resolutely carry it out. Don't think about other things."

"Yes." Seeing what Liu Jialin said, the new investigator stopped talking. At this time, the senior sitting in the passenger seat explained.

"Xiao Wang, the superior also knows that the alien beast is very powerful, and we cannot deal with it. Now let's rush to the destination first, and just check the situation on the scene.

Even when we are invincible, we can also respond flexibly. There are no unexpected situations, and there is no need to smash the invincible beast.

Alien beasts of this level will have stronger combat power to deal with them in the future, so you don't have to worry too much. "

"Hmm." The new investigator was a little relieved after hearing the senior's explanation.

It's not that he is timid and afraid of death, it's just that he has just joined the job for a few days, so he will inevitably feel a little nervous when encountering such an unexpected situation, and he can't help but want to get answers when he has doubts.

After explaining to the newcomer, the senior investigator sitting in the passenger seat said.

"The incident of the herd of alien beasts that happened in the wilderness on the outskirts of the southern area before, not long after the dust settled, and now such an alien beast appeared close to the safe zone, which is a bit abnormal!"

Liu Jialin, who was driving the car, nodded and agreed.

"Yeah, it's indeed a bit abnormal. I heard that the leaders of the bureau had a discussion about this kind of thing during their meeting recently. They wanted to arrange personnel to investigate this abnormal phenomenon. What caused it? "

"It's best to find out the reason and then solve it. Otherwise, if we do this every now and then, even if we can solve it one by one, it will make the residents of the city panic." The senior investigator sitting in the passenger seat Said the member.

In the early morning, under the hazy night.

The five-person team led by Liu Jialin rushed to the scene of the incident quickly.

At the same time, the Ability Management Bureau also sent a combat force sufficient to deal with the second-order peak beasts, and took a helicopter to the scene of the incident to provide support.

After spending more than 20 minutes, the five-member team led by Liu Jialin came to the border of the safe zone.

"Captain, we didn't come to the wrong place, did we?" The newcomer investigator Xiao Chao looked out of the car window, and found that there was no sound around him, so he subconsciously asked.

"I didn't come to the wrong place, the positioning coordinates sent to me by the monitoring department are here.

But the place where the strange beast appeared is not in this place, we need to go two to three kilometers further. "

After Liu Jialin stopped the car, she answered the couple's questions, then she unbuckled her seat belt, opened the door and got out of the car.

Seeing this, the four investigators in the car got out of the car immediately.

In the border area of ​​the safety zone, although roads are built, there are no street lights installed. The only light source is the silvery white moonlight splashed by the bright moon in the sky.

After Liu Jialin and her party got off the car, they didn't immediately step into the wilderness to head for their final destination.

"I'll go ahead and open the way later, and you stay behind and cover me on the left and right sides." Liu Jialin, the captain, said her plan.

"Captain, let me open the way ahead! My awakened ability has sharpened my sense of smell.

If the second-order peak beast hides its spiritual fluctuations and hides in the grass.

In the case where I can't see the other party with the naked eye, I can use my keen sense of smell to detect some abnormal situations, and it is easier to detect it in advance. "

An investigator with a high nose bridge volunteered to come here. When he was speaking, a pale golden aura appeared on his nose.

"You cover me from behind, and you can also use your keen sense of smell to detect abnormalities around you. There is no need to open the way in front." Liu Jialin shook her head and rejected her teammate's request.

In her opinion, although what this investigator with a high nose bridge made sense, his strength was only at the beginning of the second stage.

If he is allowed to open the way ahead, even if he discovers the location of the alien beast first, but if the alien beast attacks at the same time, with the strength of this investigator, he will be hit by the alien beast Killed.

Of course, with Liu Jialin's cultivation in the middle of the second level, if she was attacked by an unknown beast with only the peak of the second level, she would not be sure that she would be able to block the opponent's blow.

But in terms of survival rate, it must be much higher than her weaker teammates.

Therefore, Liu Jialin would not allow the investigator with a high nose bridge to open the way in front of her instead. This is the responsibility of the captain.

"Captain, I..." The other investigators also wanted to ask for a job, but before they could say anything, they were interrupted by Liu Jialin.

"Okay, stop talking, I'm the captain, do as I say." Liu Jialin said with a very decisive attitude.

"Yes." When the team members saw Liu Jialin say this, they stopped insisting, because when performing tasks, obeying the captain's instructions is what every investigator must keep in mind and implement.

Although with the help of the silver-white moonlight splashed by the bright moon in the sky, you can see the road under your feet clearly, but the illumination limit of the moonlight is limited after all, and there is no way to make the sight far.

So, Liu Jialin took a small flashlight from her waist, and after turning it on, she said to her teammates, "Let's go."

The four investigators nodded, and then divided into two groups, spreading out on the left and right sides, preparing to follow Liu Jialin into the wilderness, and go to the location of the strange beast that the superior said.


Just as Liu Jialin and his party entered the wilderness and walked forward a distance of one kilometer, a shocking explosion sounded from a distance.

Liu Jialin and his group looked up to the location where the explosion sound came from, and they saw the flames soaring into the sky at the location where the explosion sound came from.

Immediately afterwards, a piercing beast roar full of anger followed.


After Liu Jialin and his party heard the sound of explosions and beast roars, they soon saw a huge creature in their field of vision.

"Captain, that should be the strange beast that the superiors mentioned!" Xiao Wang, a newcomer investigator, raised his hand and pointed at the behemoth that could be vaguely seen in the distance, and said.

"It should be. Let's sneak over there and see what's going on over there." Liu Jialin said with a serious face.

Then the flashlight in her hand went out, she took out her mobile phone, sent a message to her superior, and then took the lead and walked forward.

"Yes." The teammates nodded and followed behind Liu Jialin in an orderly manner.

Although Liu Jialin and his teammates wanted to go over there to see what happened there and what was going on.

But they didn't rush forward recklessly, but moved forward cautiously and slowly.

Every time a certain distance is advanced, it will stop, wait for a while, and then continue to set off.

"Bang bang bang..."

As Liu Jialin and his group approached the scene of the incident, the violent noises in their ears became louder and louder.

Soon, they came to the limit distance where they could roughly see the appearance of the behemoth clearly.

When Liu Jialin and his group saw the appearance of the red-horned purple scale lizard beast, they immediately thought of the beast that was reported in the recent news that attacked the beast hunter team.

No way, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard's body shape and appearance are too recognizable, as long as you read the latest news reports, you can identify its identity at a glance.


With a flash of inspiration, a blue wind blade with a diameter of 1.5 meters condensed into shape within a second or two, and then shot out from the hands of the practitioner who cast the supernatural power.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast immediately raised its claws wrapped in flames, and scratched and exploded the blue wind blades from the enemy.


The caught blue wind blade immediately turned into a gust of wind, blowing dust and shredded grass on the ground into the air.

"Roar..." The red-horned purple-scaled lizard let out a mocking roar after catching the enemy's supernatural attack.

If Lin Li could understand the language of beasts, he would know that the red-horned purple-scaled lizard was mocking the lack of power of his ability, and it did not pose much threat to it.

"Hmph..." Although Lin Li couldn't understand the animal language, he could feel the irony contained in the roar of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard. wind blade.

"Roar..." Facing the enemy's supernatural attack again, the red-horned purple scale lizard's reaction was not as disdainful as his previous reaction, but it responded very seriously.

Because only it can deeply understand how lethal the cyan wind blade shot by Lin Li is, and it is not so easy to deal with.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Turning around, flicking its thick tail, the blue wind blades were blown away by the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast with its tail with spiritual energy.

Lin Li's wave of supernatural attacks was once again taken over by the red-horned purple scaled lizard.

It seemed that he wasted his psychic energy in vain and made a wave of ineffective attacks.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the purple scales covering the psionic tail that exploded the blue wind blades this time have fallen off a lot after being attacked, and the wound is a lake of flesh and blood, and it is still ticking. blood.

Injured, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard was no longer unscathed as it was before against Lin Li's wind blade attack.

"Roar..." The pain from the injured tail stimulated the red-horned purple scaled lizard's nerves, and it immediately used its regeneration ability.

I saw the scales hit by the blue wind blade fall off, and the muscles at the wound of the lake of flesh and blood squirmed for a while.

The bleeding wound stopped immediately, and then began to scab. The recovery ability of this strange beast is still quite amazing, but the scales cannot grow back in a short time.

The purple scales on the red-horned purple-scaled lizard are the main factors that enable him to effectively resist spiritual weapon swords and various supernatural attacks.

Although its wound stopped bleeding and recovered to a normal state, the scales that could not grow back in a short period of time made it unable to effectively resist Lin Li's attack as before.

"Hehe, you finally showed your flaws. Don't be fooled, I spent so long with you. Next, I hope you can still maintain a calm look as always..."

Lin Li had a panoramic view of the position of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard's tail, and knew that the balance of victory was about to start to slide in his favor.

"Tread, step, step..."

After discovering the flaws of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, Lin Li immediately injected spiritual energy into the long sword in his hand, and then strode towards the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, preparing to expand his advantage in victory.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast saw the enemy rushing towards it with a smile on its face, and it couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

This is the first time since the beginning of the battle that it has experienced such a change in mentality. After a roar, it bites the bullet and greets it.

After a brief pause, the fierce battle between one man and one beast broke out again.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Clang clang..."

The continuous wind blade attacks and the spiritual weapon sword that shone with spiritual light hit the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, making a shocking sound.

In the distance, Liu Jialin and her party were hiding in the grass, watching with astonishment on their faces, the invisible figure in the distance who was fighting fiercely with a second-order peak alien beast.


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