Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 384: Rough skin and thick flesh, amazing recovery ability

Lin Li's strange and mysterious behavior did not make Liu Menglong's doubts last long, and he soon got the answer.

I saw Liu Menglong's eyes were wide open, and his mouth was opened to the limit at the same time, as if his jaw was about to fall to the ground in shock. The shocked expression was hard to describe in words.

"Tsk... My luck tonight is terrible! I ran into the wilderness in a random direction, and I met such a big guy.

And looking at the appearance of this big guy, isn't it exactly the beast described by the surviving beast hunter in the previous news report? Lin Li muttered to himself as he looked at the huge monster standing up from the grass.

The body is more than 20 meters long, and the whole body is covered with purple scales. There is a huge red horned lizard beast directly above the head, looking down at the two thin-skinned and tender-skinned humans in front of it.

Climbing out of the swamp to look for food, I didn't meet any decent prey along the way.

Originally, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard was lying in the grass, thinking to rest for a while, and then continue to move forward to the place where there is a light in front.

I didn't expect my luck to be really good. When I was resting, I was lucky enough to meet two delicious human beings in front of me.

Because I have eaten it before, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard is still full of interest in the thin-skinned and tender-fleshed human beings!


A deafening roar came from the mouth of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard. Its malice was not concealed in any way, making people clearly feel that it wanted to feast on a feast at the moment.


After the red-horned purple-scaled lizard roared, the strange beast suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and a slippery tongue covered in mucus shot out at such a speed that ordinary practitioners could not dodge.

Lin Li saw the strange beast attacking suddenly, so he immediately jumped to the side to avoid it.

"Help me..."

Panicked shouts sounded, Lin Li, who was dodging the attack of the alien beast, turned his head and looked towards the place where the shouts came from.

He saw the slippery tongue covered in mucus that he dodged, entangled Liu Menglong, who was beaten by him and was seriously injured.

After catching the prey, he immediately closed his tongue, and the [-]-[-] Jin Liu Menglong was pulled and flew towards the red-horned purple-scaled lizard with its mouth wide open.

"Help me, please."


The whole process was very short, only two or three seconds after Liu Menglong's cry for help, half of his body was swallowed by the red-horned purple-scaled lizard in one gulp.


Lin Li raised his right hand, quickly condensed a fireball the size of a millstone, and hit the strange beast that was swallowing Liu Menglong.

Facing the oncoming blazing hot fireball, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast that was swallowing its prey did not panic at all. It stood still and let the fireball attacking it bombard it.


The fireball, whose power was increased several times, hit the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast covered with purple scales, making a loud bang.

The bursting flames did not cause even the slightest damage to the beast that exuded a ferocious aura.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which was hit by the fireball, shook its head. At this time, it also finished swallowing.

Since then, an important combat force sent by the Black Lin Society to Rongcheng has unfortunately become the food of strange beasts in this deserted wilderness.

"It's a pity, before this guy died, I couldn't find out who was behind the scenes." Lin Li didn't have any sympathy for Liu Menglong's death, after all, this guy wanted to put him to death earlier.

For enemies who want to attack and kill him, he has always upheld the principle of reciprocal revenge.

Eating a delicious human with fine skin and tender meat is far from enough for the huge red-horned purple-scaled lizard.


The huge roar sounded again, and the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast attacked the delicious prey.

"Hmph." Lin Li snorted coldly when he saw the alien beast attacking him again, "You're still kicking your nose in the face, and you still want to use the same method to successfully capture it again?"

As soon as the words fell, following the thought in his heart, a long sword, a spiritual weapon, appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Taking out the spiritual weapon long sword from the mysterious island, Lin Li first took a step back to avoid the attack of the strange beast, then immediately swung his arm and slashed at the slippery tongue that was flying towards him.


Infused with psychic energy, the spiritual weapon long sword with pale golden aura emerged, like cutting tofu, easily cut off the tongue ejected from the red-horned purple-scaled lizard.


The severed tongue was two meters long, and after falling on the ground, it would writhe around alive and well, making people's scalp numb.


After the red-horned purple-scaled lizard had its tongue cut off, it just let out a cry of pain, and then Lin Li saw the severed tongue of the strange beast, and quickly wriggled a few times.

In a few seconds, the injured tongue grew back and returned to its original appearance.

"What a fast regeneration speed." Lin Li said in surprise, it was the first time he met a strange beast with such a regeneration speed.

Although having its tongue cut off is not a serious injury to the red-horned purple scale lizard, it also knows from the fight just now that the human in front of it is not as good as the human it ate earlier. deal with.


The scarlet eyes were wide open, staring at the prey in front of them.

The huge nostrils breathe in the air, and between inhales and exhales, you can clearly feel that the wind around you seems to have become a little rushed.

The psychic energy fluctuations of the second-order peak were constantly churning, and the aura of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard rapidly increased. It was preparing to capture the prey in front of it with its strongest posture.

"A strange beast with such a recovery ability is not easy to deal with!" Lin Li, who was holding a spiritual weapon and a long sword, sensed the changes in the strange beast, and his face became serious.


The deafening roar suddenly sounded, and Lin Li's eardrums were a little tingling.

He couldn't help frowning, and the next moment, he saw the red horn growing directly above the head of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, and a pale golden aura began to emerge.

In Lin Li's perception, the free spiritual energy in the surrounding air quickly converged towards the red pointed horn growing directly above the head of the strange beast.


A fireball with a diameter of one meter was born directly above the head of the strange beast in an instant, and the spiritual energy gathered around the sharp red horn, like a combustion accelerant, caused the fireball with a diameter of one meter to expand extremely rapidly.

In less than five seconds, the fireball, which was only one meter in diameter at the beginning of its birth, expanded into a giant fireball with a diameter of seven meters.

"This strange beast can use the fireball ability just like me, no wonder it was so resistant to my fireball attack before!

! " Lin Li said to himself in surprise.

After the red-horned purple-scaled lizard finished making the giant fireball, it immediately controlled it to attack Lin Li.


The huge fireball flew out quickly. Wherever it passed, the emerald green grass was instantly scorched yellow by the scorching heat emitted by the fireball, and then ignited.

"Roar...?" After the red-horned purple-scaled lizard threw out the fireball it made, it originally wanted to watch how the prey in front of it evaded, so that it could make the next reaction.

In the end, it didn't expect the prey to stand there blankly, motionless as if in a daze, which made it very puzzled.

Because the distance between them was not too far, even if Lin Li was very fast and immediately dodged to the side, there was no way to dodge such a close fireball attack, so he directly chose the optimal solution.


With the thought in his heart, the long sword in his hand disappeared, and his body became elemental immediately.

The moment Lin Li's human body turned into a body of flames, the huge fireball shot by the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast also landed on him.


With a diameter of seven meters, the huge fireball created by supernatural powers, the explosive power produced after landing is very amazing.

When a huge roar sounded, a terrifying heat wave splashed all around, devouring everything that could be devoured.

The shock wave generated by the explosion of the fireball raised the dust several meters high.

At the center of the explosion, the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of square meters was shrouded in smoke and dust, making it impossible to observe the internal situation with the naked eye.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard was very satisfied with the power of its blow, but its eyes were full of seriousness at the moment.

Because it just saw the changes in the prey one second before the fireball exploded.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust covering the explosion area.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looked at the empty explosion scene, and its eyes fell on the abnormal flames scattered on the ground.

"Peng." The clusters of abnormal flames that were being watched suddenly surged a few times, and then quickly flew towards the same position, merging together quickly.

In an instant, a large group of complete flames appeared in the eyes of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard.

The flame group twisted a few times, transformed into a human form, and then the flames went up, and Lin Li appeared intact in front of the red-horned purple scale lizard.

"..." The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looked at the intact prey with a solemn expression. At this moment, in its perception, the spiritual energy fluctuations on the prey were different from before, and it was actually at the same level as itself.

"Tread, step, step..."

Lin Li, who was released from the state of the elemental body, stepped forward, his speed getting faster and faster.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which had already listed Lin Li as a strong enemy, was highly focused. When it saw the enemy rushing towards it, it immediately went up to meet it.

While running, its two front feet ignited flames, and wherever it passed, all the plants on the ground were scorched and ignited.

After Lin Li launched the charge, the spiritual weapon long sword reappeared in his right hand, and then a pale golden aura flashed in his left hand, and then, a sharp blue wind blade condensed and formed in an instant.


! ”

Seeing this, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast, which was facing the powerful enemy, immediately widened its eyes. It was obviously shocked by Lin Li's method of using the wind blade.


Lin Li raised his hand, and a one-meter-long half-curved cyan wind blade burst out.


The speed of the wind blade is much faster than the speed of the fireball, and the sound of tearing the air is transmitted to the ears, and it can be known that its destructive power must be amazing.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard hurriedly stopped, raised its burning right limb, and grabbed the oncoming cyan wind blade with its extremely sharp claws.


The cyan wind blade collided with the sharp beast claws wrapped in flames, and the roar that resounded in all directions resounded in the silent wilderness again.

After the red-horned purple-scaled lizard grabbed the cyan wind blade with one claw, it immediately swung its tail, its thick tail like a crocodile's tail, whipping away to the side with howling wind.


Lin Li didn't expect the strange beast to react so quickly. He immediately squatted down to avoid it, and the thick tail whizzed past his head, whipping the air with a loud noise.

After dodging the beast's tail attack, Lin Li immediately kicked his feet on the ground, and jumped up. While pounced on the red-horned purple scale lizard beast, a long sword with a pale golden aura appeared in his hand, fiercely stabbed at his back.


The sharp sword, which was already extremely sharp, has been infused with spiritual energy, and its sharpness has risen to a higher level. It has always been invincible in the past, but this time it has little effect.

When the spiritual weapon long sword with pale golden aura appeared on the back of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard covered with purple scales, there was a piercing sound of metal rubbing first, and then sparks shot out.

The tip of the sword pierced through the purple scales of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard with great difficulty. Lin Li exerted force on his wrist, and if he wanted to advance an inch, the resistance was very strong and extremely difficult.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast felt the enemy standing on its back and attacking itself with a weapon, and broke through its own defense. He roared very angrily.

Then, the sharp red horn growing directly above its head glowed with pale golden aura, and a scorching flame was born out of thin air, spreading rapidly throughout the body.

Facing the engulfing flames, Lin Li had no choice but to retreat. He pulled back the right hand holding the long sword, the spiritual weapon, and kicked his feet with the weapon out. He jumped from the back of the red-horned purple scale lizard. And down.

After landing, Lin Li felt the danger approaching before he could stand firmly on his feet.

Looking up, it turned out that the red-horned purple-scaled lizard rushed up immediately after throwing off the enemy.

The beast claws wrapped in flames covered the top of the head, giving people an aura like Mount Tai's overwhelming pressure at this moment.


Facing the counterattack of the alien beast, Lin Li reacted very quickly, and disappeared in place with a flick of his body.

The huge beast's claw grabbed the air and hit the ground, smashing a shallow hole in the ground.

The flames wrapped around the claws splashed around, and some dry grass and trees were ignited again.

Avoiding the attack of the alien beast again, Lin Li immediately raised his left hand, and the pale golden aura flashed frequently, and he shot a dozen or so sharp blue wind blades in succession to fight back against the alien beast.

At this moment, he did not choose to use fireballs in the counterattack, because Lin Li already knew that the beast in front of him, which could only use flames, was very resistant to flames in the previous fight.

Continuing to use the fireball to attack the opponent is just a waste of psionic energy.

"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh..."


Facing a series of cyan wind blades coming towards him, the red-horned purple scaled lizard turned around and patted it with its huge tail.

"Peng, Peng, Peng..."

The thick tail covered with purple scales is covered with spiritual energy, and its defense ability has been strengthened. It can be said to be able to withstand the wind blade attacks of Lin Li with ease.

With a few flicks of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard's tail, all the incoming wind blades were blown away.

"In addition to its amazing recovery ability, this strange beast also has rough skin and thick flesh, so it's difficult to deal with!" Lin Li muttered after seeing his wave of supernatural attacks being easily blocked by the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast. .


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