Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 386: Nonsensical, a pedestrian in a mess in the wind

Liu Jialin and his party immediately rushed to the destination after receiving the task assigned by their superiors.

After they discovered the traces of the alien beast, they never thought that there would be someone fighting fiercely with such a ferocious alien beast in the wilderness at night.

"Captain, are we going to help?" The new investigator Xiao Wang lowered his voice and asked Liu Jialin beside him.

Liu Jialin shook her head and said, "We can't intervene in this level of battle. If we insist on going forward to help, it will easily backfire and not help."

"Then why should we just watch it now?" the new investigator Xiao Wang said.

"That's right! We can only watch now. We have to wait for the reinforcements from the Bureau to arrive before we can go forward to help that person deal with that ferocious beast." Liu Jialin said.

Afterwards, the group of five investigators hid in the thick grass, watching the battle between a man and a beast in the distance with a nervous mood.


Lin Li dodged the red-horned purple-scaled lizard's pounce. He stepped on the ground with his right foot, jumped up, swung the spiritual weapon long sword with a faint golden aura in his hand, and slashed at the red-horned purple-scaled lizard that couldn't dodge. on the back.


The long sword, a spiritual weapon that flashed with inspiration, landed on the back of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which was covered with purple scales. First, there was a piercing sound of metal rubbing, and then there was a crackling sound.

Lin Li's sword slashed down, and the lethality was not small. It directly smashed the long string of purple scales covering the back of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, leaving a huge blood-spattered lizard on its body. Wound.


The injured red-horned purple-scaled lizard screamed in pain, and then a pale golden aura flashed in his mouth, and an orange-red fire appeared in its mouth, and then, a hot pillar of fire gushed out.


The radiant fire pillar was one meter in diameter, and because the distance was very close, Lin Li couldn't dodge it, so he decisively made his body elemental.


The elemental body sprayed by the fire pillar exploded instantly, and the unusual flame clusters scattered all over the ground wriggled on the ground, ready to fuse together again.

At this moment, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard rushed forward immediately, and extinguished the unusual flame group with its claws.

"Bang bang bang..."

Every time the huge animal claws slapped, the flame ball was extinguished, leaving a shallow pit more than ten centimeters deep on the grass.

"Body elementalization?"

"This person who is fighting against a strange beast has awakened this rare ability!

! ”

"No, the ability this person has been using just now is the wind blade...he, he has awakened two abilities?!

! ”

Liu Jialin and her party, who were hiding in the grass, were all shocked when they saw Lin Li's body turning into elements.

"Captain, that strange beast is trying to extinguish that person's flaming body, we..."

The newcomer investigator Xiao Wang saw the behavior of the red-horned purple scale lizard, and his tone was a little anxious, but before he finished speaking, Liu Jialin, who was calm and calm, interrupted what he was going to say.

"Calm down, awakened practitioners who can turn into elements, how can they be killed so easily..."

As soon as Liu Jialin finished speaking, the situation in the distance changed, confirming that her statement was correct.

I saw the red-horned purple scaled lizard quickly waving its claws, slapping those unusual flame clusters wriggling on the ground, trying to fuse together.

After a while, half of the flames were completely extinguished by him.

At this moment, Lin Li also knew that it was not feasible for the red-horned purple-scaled lizard to fuse the scattered flames together to reduce the consumption of recovery, so he immediately gave up this approach.

All the wriggling flames on the ground stopped wriggling, and the psychic energy emitted by the flames a little far away from the red-horned purple-scaled lizard fluctuated violently.


The flame group expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, the expanded flame group turned into a human form, and then the flame dispersed, and Lin Li appeared on the spot intact.

After Lin Li resumed his human form, the remaining unusual flame clusters scattered around immediately lost their psychic fluctuations, and then all went out in an instant.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looked at the enemy standing in front of him intact, and felt a little regretful for the failure of his tactics.

However, although it did not achieve the effect of killing the enemy by extinguishing all the flames this time, it was not without any gains.

Lin Li was released from the state of the elemental body and turned back into a human body, because he was recovering through a single flame group this time, which made him consume a lot of spiritual energy.

Because alien beasts are born with stronger physique and spiritual power than human beings, under the same level of cultivation, humans and alien beasts are singled out one-on-one. Only the kind of talented human practitioners can crush the same cultivation For the alien beast.

Lin Li ate several miraculous little fruits, and he was greatly improved in all aspects, but he was still far from unrivaled talent.

If it's just an ordinary second-tier peak alien beast, with Lin Li's current combat power, he can still defeat it relatively easily.

But the alien beast that came to Blue Star through the space crack in front of him is obviously not an ordinary second-order peak alien beast.

It should have broken through to the peak of the second order for many years, and it is not too far away from breaking through to the third order.

This can be seen from the fact that after fighting for so long, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted from it have not shown any exaggerated decline.

Now, Lin Li, who had consumed a lot of spiritual energy, wanted to defeat the red-horned purple-scaled lizard. If he didn't use some means, even if he could win in the end, he would have to pay a heavy price.


At this time, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast also sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations on Lin Li, which had declined a lot compared to the beginning, which made it calm down immediately, and let out a triumphant growl. Voice.

"Hey, although this elemental body is easy to use, it consumes too much spiritual power. If I can't recover my spiritual power quickly, I will be defeated by this strange beast a few more times..."

Lin Li looked at the triumphant red-horned purple scale lizard, without any impatience.

He muttered a few words in his heart, then stretched out his half-held left hand, aiming at the red-horned purple-scaled lizard.

"???" Feeling that the balance of victory had slipped back towards his own red-horned purple scale lizard, seeing Lin Li's move, a string of question marks appeared on his face. He didn't know that this enemy who was starting to lose was what it was. what are you doing.

With a thought in Lin Li's mind, the mysterious island was surrounded by a vast white mist.

On the south side of the island, the spiritual plant with a height of about two meters and branches full of fruits that looked exactly like the little tomatoes on the blue star suddenly shook, and then several fruits disappeared from the branches.

Spreading his half-held left hand, five fruits that looked like little tomatoes appeared on Lin Li's palm.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looked suspiciously at the things that appeared in Lin Li's hands, and then it saw Lin Li eat all the things in his hands.

Within a few seconds, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which had calmed down, became tense again. It stared at Lin Li's big scarlet eyes, which were filled with unbelievable colors.

Lin Li had a fierce battle with the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, and less than three-tenths of the spiritual energy in his dantian was consumed.

After eating five spiritual fruits, the somewhat empty dantian was filled with a surge of spiritual energy, and within a few seconds, the spiritual energy in the dantian recovered to seventy-eight percent.

The consumed psychic energy has been restored, and the psychic energy fluctuations that had declined due to the consumption of psychic energy immediately returned to its original strong state. The red-horned purple scaled lizard that noticed the change of psychic energy fluctuations on Lin Li was naturally aroused. hit.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that! I was able to recover my spiritual energy so quickly, I made you happy just now, I'm really sorry." Lin Li taunted the shocked red-horned purple scale lizard.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast sensed that the enemy had recovered to a far better state than itself. Facing the enemy's taunt, it felt angry and anxious. With a roar, fire appeared in its mouth, and a pillar of fire with a diameter of one meter shot out from its mouth again. Spit out from the bloody mouth.

This time, due to the distance between them, Lin Li had enough time to react to the incoming fire pillar, so he didn't need to elementalize his body to avoid it.

Leaping to the side, the radiant fiery pillar was easily dodged by Lin Li.

After avoiding the attack of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard, Lin Li put away the smile on his face. He wanted to take down the opponent he had been wrestling with for so long in one go, but when he was about to do it, he suddenly heard a voice behind him. Come on for a while.

Liu Jialin and her party, who were hiding in the thick grass, saw the pillar of fire shot towards their position, which was avoided by Lin Li, and thought something was wrong in their hearts.


Liu Jialin, who was the first to react, gave a loud shout, then reached out and grabbed the arm of the new investigator Xiao Wang beside her, dragging him to take the first step and jump out of the grass, and the other senior investigators jumped out of the grass a little later.

Fortunately, the hiding place of Liu Jialin and his party was quite far from the place where the red-horned purple-scaled lizard spewed a pillar of fire, otherwise they would have suffered disaster.

The fiery pillar of fire hit the grass where Liu Jialin and his party were hiding, instantly igniting a large area of ​​grass.

Without the dense grass to cover their bodies, the group of five people was immediately exposed. Not far from them, the flames produced by the burning grass clearly illuminated the uniforms worn by the group of five people.

"There are investigators hiding there!

! " Lin Li was taken aback.

Because of the distance and the light, he couldn't see the faces of the five people who jumped out of the grass in the distance. He could only vaguely see the style of the uniforms they were wearing, and then judge their identities.

Not only Lin Li was taken aback, but the red-horned purple-scaled lizard was also taken aback by the humans who suddenly jumped out of the grass.

During the fierce battle between the man and the beast just now, they were all focused on each other, so they didn't notice some subtle noises around them.

With the traces of Liu Jialin and the five people exposed, the endless atmosphere between Lin Li and the red-horned purple-scaled lizard became a little subtle. At this moment, the idea of ​​evacuation came to them at the same time.

"I can't reveal that I have the cultivation base of the second-order peak now, so I have to leave here as soon as possible."

Lin Li, who originally didn't want to expose his strength to outsiders, became even more unwilling to expose his strength after knowing that there was an unknown enemy trying to mess with him.

"Hey... so this human being has other helpers! At this moment, my psychic energy is far inferior to him. If I continue to fight, I will gradually become no match for him.

Now he adds these helpers, once they surround me and surround me, I will definitely die, no, I have to retreat quickly. "The red-horned purple-scaled lizard analyzed nervously in its heart.

Seeing Lin Li and the red-horned purple-scaled lizard looking at them, Liu Jialin and his group felt a little embarrassed. Maybe it was because they sneaked around and hid in the grass to watch the battle!

Previously, the red-horned purple scale lizard was in a strong state. Even if Liu Jialin and his party wanted to come forward to help Lin Li fight against the enemy, they could not intervene. Now it is very different.

Although the red-horned purple-scaled lizard in a weak state is still very dangerous to Liu Jialin and his party, the threat to them has dropped several levels. If they step forward to assist at this moment, they can contribute a lot .

"Sir, we..." Liu Jialin, the team leader, reacted very quickly, and immediately proposed to assist Lin Li in besieging and killing the red-horned purple-scaled lizard whose strength was greatly weakened.

But just when she was halfway through her words, what happened next left Liu Jialin and his teammates stunned.

"Roar..." The strength dropped suddenly, and the red-horned purple scale lizard beast roared, then turned and fled.

It ran very fast, its huge body got into the tall grass of a person, and disappeared after a while, apparently exhausting all its strength to escape.

And when the red-horned purple-scaled lizard began to escape, Lin Li immediately turned around and retreated with his back to Liu Jialin and his party. However, his retreat speed was much slower than that of the red-horned purple-scaled lizard. After all, he was not affected by life. threaten.

"This..." Liu Jialin was stunned as she watched the two protagonists who were fighting fiercely enter the grass in an instant and disappeared without a trace. She didn't know what to say for a while.

"Captain, what's going on here?" Xiao Wang, a rookie investigator, asked in a daze.

"I don't know what's going on? I can understand that the beast ran away, but why did that person run away too?" Liu Jialin responded speechlessly.

It was the first time she encountered such a situation after being an investigator. If she told her colleagues in the bureau about it after returning home, no one would believe it.

Under the hazy night, a group of investigators standing beside the burning grass was thrown into a mess by the sudden strong wind.


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