Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 383: Strange Behavior of Mystery

The night is deep, the sky is full of stars, and the white full moon is surrounded by stars.


When Lin Li came out of the tent, a gust of wind happened to blow in his face.

Because it was already early in the morning, in this place far away from the busy city, on the bank of the stream among the mountains, a gust of wind suddenly blew, making people feel chilly.

After being blown by the chilly wind, Lin Li's pounding heart calmed down after a while, and the disturbing mood gradually disappeared.

Looking back at the tent, Lin Li thought about it and decided to go for a walk in the distance and come back to sleep after a while.

The bright moon hanging high in the night sky and the silver-white moonlight splashed down allow people to see the road conditions clearly without using a flashlight.

Lin Li left the campsite and walked along the bank of the stream towards the source of the stream.

Although the mountains are in the safe zone, it is certain that there are no strange animals in the mountains, but there are still ordinary snakes, insects, rats and ants.

In the middle of the night, walking alone by the creek, and going to places that are inaccessible, that is to say, Lin Liyi is a bold person. If it were other ordinary people, he would not dare to move alone at night like this.

The clear stream flows by, and if you look into the stream, you can see a beautiful white reflection on the water surface.

Walking along the creek all the way, unknowingly walking a long distance, at this moment, Lin Li, who had gone for a walk to calm his mind, stopped and picked up a pebble from the ground at random.


The pebbles thrown casually hit the moon shadow in the water, splashing a splash.

Twenty minutes had passed since leaving the camp, Lin Li thought about it, and felt that it was time to go back to sleep.

Just as he was about to turn around and return to the camp on the same road, there was a piercing sound of piercing the air, and a pale golden streamer shot out from the lush woods by the stream.


Because he was in the safe zone of the city, Lin Li was not as vigilant about his surroundings as he was when he was hunting in the wilderness.

When he realized that something was attacking him, he reacted belatedly.

If it were an ordinary person, facing such a sudden attack, they would probably feel cold immediately.

The enemy who launched the sneak attack should also feel that such a sudden attack can kill him with one blow.

It's a pity that the enemy who launched the attack was not at the same level as Lin Li. With Lin Li's cultivation at the peak of the second level, even if he reacted belatedly, he could still avoid the enemy's attack.

He took a step back, and on one side of his body, the pale golden streamer shot out from the woods, brushed against Lin Li's clothes, and with a slight bang, the pale golden streamer plunged into the ground.

"Flying knife?"

Lin Li looked at the thing that had plunged into the ground, and after the aura on its surface dissipated, he frowned and murmured to himself, then turned around and looked at the location where the flying knife was shot.


There was a sound in the lush forest, which was caused by the collision of branches and leaves with objects.

Soon, a tall man with a black mask came out from the woods.

The flying knife shot at Lin Li just now aimed directly at his heart. If he failed to dodge, the flying knife would kill him. Such a malicious attack made Lin Li feel a little annoyed.

"Why did you attack me?" Lin Li looked at the man wearing a black mask with a cold face and asked in a bad tone.

"..." Liu Menglong, who was wearing a black mask, did not speak. At this moment, he looked at Lin Li's expression under the mask, showing surprise.

Originally, he was thinking of going a little later, waiting until two or three o'clock in the morning before launching an attack on the target's tent. As a result, just after midnight, he saw the target come out of the tent and take a walk to a remote place alone.

The sudden appearance made him change his plan immediately, and then quietly followed.

After following the distance for a long distance, when he saw the target was about to return, he felt that this place was far away from the camping crowd, and he could do it, so he decisively shot the throwing knife, intending to kill the target with one blow.

Practitioners in the middle of the second level launch a sneak attack on the unsuspecting peak first-level practitioners. Logically speaking, they can definitely kill the opponent with one blow, but the result is beyond Liu Menglong's expected target, and the opponent escapes him. sneak attack.

"Are you dumb?" Seeing that the masked man who attacked him looked at him silently, Lin Li scolded him again.

The next second, as soon as he finished speaking, the enemy drew another throwing knife from his waist and waved his hand to attack him again.


The flying knife infused with psionic energy showed a pale golden aura, and its sharpness was even higher. It cut through the air and hit the target's neck directly.

Seeing the silent enemy, Lin Li launched a fierce attack on him again, and the anger in his heart rose again.


Quickly dodging sideways, the throwing knife, which Lin Li dodged lightly again, plunged into the ground again.

"Huh?" Liu Menglong couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise when he saw Lin Li dodge his attack for the second time.

If it is said that the first attack was dodged, it can be explained by coincidence, and the second attack was dodged again, which is a bit unusual.

Just when Liu Menglong was surprised that Lin Li dodged his attack again, he saw Lin Li suddenly turn around and run away very fast.

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"Hmph..." Seeing this, Liu Menglong snorted coldly, and while chasing Lin Li who was running away, he thought to himself, "It seems that I was thinking too much...Since I have decided to attack you, you have not run away." It might fall."

The place where Lin Li and Su Yue camped is in the mountains near Chenghua Avenue, some distance from the border of the safety zone, but not very far.

When Liu Menglong attacked him for the second time, Lin Li, who conducted a sensory investigation on him, immediately recognized that the masked man who attacked him was a practitioner with a mid-level second-level cultivation.

After finding out the enemy's cultivation base, Lin Li's heart was full of disdain.

If he does it, he can easily kill the enemy.

However, Lin Li considered that if he killed the enemy in the camping place, it would take some effort to deal with it later.

Because this area is now open, more and more people will come to camp here in the future.

If the enemy is killed but not cleaned up, and the campers later find some fragments of limbs, they will definitely report to the police, and there will inevitably be a lot of trouble after that time.

Therefore, he decided to lure the enemy to the border of the safe zone before attacking, and it would be best to lure the enemy to the wilderness outside the safe zone.

Everyone knows that the wilderness infested with strange beasts is very dangerous. It doesn't make people feel so strange that some practitioners die in the wilderness.


Two figures ran quickly in the woods, their bodies collided with branches and leaves, and the sound was endless.

After a while, Lin Li and Liu Menglong walked out of the woods one after another.

After running out of the woods, Lin Li continued to run forward. His plan was very clear, which was to lure the enemy attacking him behind him to the wilderness as much as possible.

"What the hell, how did this guy run so fast?" Liu Menglong, who was chasing Lin Li closely, found that even though he tried his best to catch up, he still couldn't shorten the distance, which made him a little anxious.

At this moment, he didn't realize that he was being deliberately lured into the wilderness by Lin Li.

It's quite normal to think about it, after all, he has a mid-level second-level cultivation, and feels that this target with a top-level first-level cultivation can't make any big waves in his hands.

Liu Menglong, who had been unable to catch up with the target, spoke at this time. He said to Lin Li, "Don't run away anymore. No matter how much you run away, I will never give up chasing you. You should obediently accept your fate!"

"..." This time it was Lin Li's turn to keep silent. He ignored the enemies who attacked him and continued to implement his plan.

Seeing that the target didn't respond, Liu Menglong thought that the target was running away desperately, and didn't care about responding to himself.

After ten minutes of running wildly, he ran seven or eight kilometers away. Just as Lin Li planned, he led the enemies behind him to the border of the safe zone.

"The wilderness is ahead, if you continue to run forward, you will enter the wilderness.

It is very dangerous to enter the wilderness at night, rather than being attacked by ferocious beasts and dying in pain, it is better for me to give you a happy..." Liu Menglong said again.

"Idiot." The moment Lin Li stepped into the wilderness, he turned his head and cursed at Liu Menglong who was following him closely.

"Hehe..." From Liu Menglong's point of view, the target was already a dying person, so he didn't feel angry because he suffered a simple insult.

After entering the wilderness and ran wildly for another 2 minutes, Lin Li felt that the distance was almost there.

At this moment, he stopped running and turned to look at the masked enemy.

Seeing the target stop, Liu Menglong thought that the target was exhausted, so he also stopped.

But the next moment, with the help of the silver-white moonlight, he found that the target was not as he had thought, with an exhausted look on his face.

On the contrary, I have exhausted a lot of physical strength because of running all the way, and I am panting constantly, and my state is far worse than the target's relaxed appearance.


After running wildly for nearly 10 minutes, Lin Li also expended some energy, took a few deep breaths, adjusted his breath, and prepared to kill the enemy in front of him.

"You..." Liu Menglong looked at Lin Li who was about to make a move. At this moment, he was full of himself and realized that something was wrong.

Just when he was about to speak, he saw the target's body burst out and rushed towards him.

"What a fast speed." Before being hit, Liu Menglong, who was shocked, had only this thought in his mind.

Lin Li, who burst out of his body, rushed to the front of the enemy all at once.

He waved his hand and punched the enemy directly in the chest. The difference in strength was manifested at this moment. Just as Liu Menglong wanted to raise his hand to resist, Lin Li's fist landed on his chest first.



The fist with a faint golden aura shattered Liu Menglong's breastbone, and the huge impact made his feet leave the ground and fly into the air.


Liu Menglong, who had been punched, hit the ground heavily and rolled around several times before stopping.

The blood flowed backwards, his face flushed red, and with a wow, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Because of the mask on his face, all the blood sprayed from his mouth was blocked, covering his face, and then the blood flowed out from the gap, dripping down his cheeks onto the grass.


Immediately afterwards, the severe pain from the injured area spread to the whole body, and a scream of pain came from Liu Menglong's mouth.

The pain of sternum shattering, even if the will is extremely firm, it is difficult to hold back the screams.

"Tread, step, step..."

For the enemy's wailing, Lin Li would not give any sympathy. He walked slowly towards the enemy who had been knocked down by his punch, and asked indifferently.

"Why did you attack me? Did you mean it yourself, or who ordered you?"


After screaming a few times, Liu Menglong regained his strength, and he kept sucking in air.

At this moment, his eyes were full of horror, looking at the target approaching him, the thoughts in his mind were chaotic... Didn't the data say that the target was a practitioner at the peak of the first order?

"Aren't you going to answer? Well, you have a lot of backbone..." Lin Li raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

He only heard a "pop", flames shot out from his fingertips, and a fist-sized fireball condensed and formed in an instant.

With a wave of Lin Li's hand, the condensed small fireball flew out immediately.


The small fireball hit the mask Liu Menglong wore on his face, and the blasted flames scorched his hair, and the mask began to melt due to the flames.


Liu Menglong screamed again and again from being burned. He didn't care about the severe pain on his body, and quickly raised his hand to take off the mask that melted on his face and threw it aside.

Without the cover of the mask, Liu Menglong's appearance can be seen at a glance.

Lin Li looked at Liu Menglong, who looked very vicious, and thought, "I don't know this guy at all! It seems that someone ordered this guy to attack me.

By the way, who did I offend?How could someone order a practitioner in the middle of the second stage to kill me? "

"Tell me, who ordered you to attack me? If your answer satisfies me, I can spare your life." Lin Li looked at the miserable Liu Menglong with no expression on his face, and asked forcefully.

"You, why are you so strong? Isn't your cultivation at the peak of the first order? How could it be..." Liu Menglong felt the fluctuation of the second-order high-level psionic energy emanating from Lin Li's body, and the expression on his face was full of despair.

"Peak of the first order? It seems that before you attacked me, you did a detailed investigation on me!"


"My time is very precious. I have to go back to sleep in the middle of the night. Don't waste my time. Answer my questions quickly."

"I'll tell you the truth, will you really spare my life?"

"As long as the content of your confession does not lie to me, I will spare your life..."

"..." Liu Menglong fell silent when he heard the words. He didn't believe Lin Li's assurance, because he had said similar things to others, and those who told him the truth would die in the end.

Seeing the enemy in front of him hesitate, Lin Li rubbed another small fireball casually.

Just when he was about to give the opponent another experience of the heat of the flame, he suddenly changed the target of the attack, turned around and threw the small fireball in his hand towards a certain position behind him.


The fist-sized fireball flew into the grass in the distance, made a slight bang, and then fell silent.

"Huh?" Originally, Liu Menglong wanted to beg for mercy when he saw Lin Li rubbed a small fireball and was about to hit him again.

In the end, he didn't expect that Lin Li didn't attack him with the fireball, but threw the fireball behind him. This strange and mysterious behavior made him stunned for a moment, his eyes full of doubts.


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