Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 382: Beasts are not as good as beasts, how should I choose?

If it was a few months ago, the bank of the stream at this campsite would have become dark after the sun went down.

But now, with the arrival of human beings, camps with dimly lit yellow lights are spread out along the banks of the creek in a patchwork pattern, extending all the way to the distance, with no end in sight.

People who come here for camping, or a family or friends meet.

Walking along the creek, every time you pass a camp with dim lights, you will hear different laughter coming from the camp.

"It smells so good!" Lin Li looked at the noodles tumbling in the pot, moved his nose, smelled the tempting fragrance, and let out a sigh of emotion.

"It's ready, it's ready to eat." Su Yue said with a smile, and sprinkled a handful of green onions into the pot, "Give me your bowl."

Lin Li handed the big bowl in his hand to Su Yue, and then he watched Su Yue fill himself with noodles.

"Here, let's eat it!" Su Yue filled Lin Li with a large bowl of noodles, and Lin Li took the noodles to the small table and sat down, and immediately picked up the noodles and ate them.

Although it was just a simple bowl of vegetable and shredded meat noodles, after Su Yue cooked it, it tasted very good, much better than Lin Li's cooking at home.

Su Yue came to the small table with a small bowl of noodles and sat down. Looking at Lin Li who was eating the vegetable and pork shredded noodles with relish, she said with a smile, "The noodles I cooked are not bad!"

"It's delicious." Lin Li swallowed the noodles in his mouth, praised them concisely, and then started to eat the noodles again.

"Oh, don't eat in such a hurry! No one will grab you, don't burn it." Seeing Lin Li eating quickly, Su Yue reminded.

Lin Li let out a "hmm", and then slowed down his eating speed a little.

He couldn't explain it to Su Yue, because he had eaten the miraculous fruit, and the side effects hadn't disappeared yet, and he was very hungry. If it was normal, he wouldn't have to worry about eating noodles.

"By the way, I remember I bought some vacuum-packed marinated chicken legs." Su Yue took a bite of the noodles and remembered some cooked food she bought in the supermarket before, so she immediately stood up and rummaged through the bag containing snacks for a moment.

"If you just eat noodles, you shouldn't be full. Let's go with some chicken drumsticks!" Su Yue, who went back and forth, brought back seven or eight braised chicken drumsticks, put them on the table, and said to Lin Li.

Lin Li nodded, opened a vacuum package, ate a mouthful of braised chicken legs, and then a mouthful of noodles.

"Although this braised chicken leg tastes good, it's better if you marinate it yourself." Su Yue also disassembled a marinated chicken leg bought in a supermarket, tasted it, and said, "Next week, I will teach you how to make braised chicken leg." !"

"Okay! Actually, I prefer fried chicken legs to stewed chicken legs..." Lin Li said after taking a sip of the noodle soup.

"That's it! Let's do the two together! Anyway, it's quite simple to make." For Su Yue, who is a superb cook, this is not a problem.

While Lin Li and Su Yue were eating and chatting, on the hillside by the bank of the stream tens of meters away from their camp, a man with a ferocious appearance and a man with dyed blond hair looked at him with flickering eyes. them.

"Big brother."

"You've done a good job this time, and you'll have nothing to do next, so go back!"

"Ah?" Zhu Daqi was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he asked curiously, "Brother, what are you going to do next?"

Liu Menglong turned his head and cast a glance at his little brother, who immediately shivered.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't. If you are told to go back, go back. There are so many nonsense." Liu Menglong said with a serious face.

"Yes, yes, I'll go back now." Zhu Daqi nodded quickly, and then went down the hillside.

He looked at the uneven road under his feet by the dim lights emanating from the tourist camps on the bank of the stream, and walked towards the place where he parked without stopping.

Liu Menglong, who was standing on the hillside, watched Zhu Daqi walk away, then turned his gaze away from Zhu Daqi, and turned his head to look at the camp where the target was.


Under the moonlight, the desolate wilderness was coated with a layer of silver-white moonlight, making it even colder.

Around a piece of muddy swamp, there is no sound of insects, which is very unusual.

Suddenly, the sound of rattling rattled in the swamp. Hearing the sound, he looked around and saw signs of muddy water surging in the middle of the originally calm swamp.


Some beast roars from Hanhu came from the muddy swamp, and after a while, a huge creature stood up from the muddy swamp and crawled towards the shore.

The huge soles of the feet stepped on the grass, the body shook, and the muddy water stuck to the body was thrown around.

Illuminated by the silver-white moonlight, this lizard is more than 20 meters long, covered with purple scales, and has a huge red horned lizard right above its head. fear.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard, which had slept in the swamp all day, immediately climbed up to the shore after being hungry, ready to find food to fill its stomach.

He looked up at the moon in the sky, which was much smaller than the moon in his original world, then it chose a direction and began to crawl forward.

If there are humans present, you will find the red-horned purple-scaled lizard beast crawling towards the human city.

Originally, in some areas outside the swamp, the sound of insects in the grass could be heard endlessly, but when the red-horned purple-scaled lizard passed by these areas, the sound of insects in the grass disappeared immediately.

Some strange beasts that came out to look for food at night, after seeing the red-horned purple-scaled lizard from a distance, trembled with fright, and after regaining their senses, they turned around and ran away.

The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looking for food looked at the little ones who were running away, but didn't chase after them.

Because it spends all its energy chasing those little ones, and the catch is not enough for it to squeeze between its teeth. What it needs is a big prey.

As time went by, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard got closer and closer to the edge of the human city, and gradually saw something that represented human civilization.


The red-horned purple-scaled lizard looking for food stopped in its tracks. It looked at the shining human city in the distance, and its eyes were full of doubts.

After hesitating for a few minutes, the red-horned purple-scaled lizard continued to move towards the shining human city.


After eleven o'clock at night, the lights of a human camp by the creek were extinguished one after another, and men and women got into the tents to prepare to rest.

"Lin Li, go around there and throw a grenade into the room." Su Yue manipulated the game character to squat next to the door, and said to Lin Li.

"Okay." After receiving the instruction, Lin Li immediately followed what Su Yue said, manipulating the game characters to the predetermined location, and threw the grenade through the window into the room.

"I lost the grenade."

Su Yue heard Lin Li's reply, and immediately manipulated the game characters to rush into the room.


As the grenade that Lin Li threw into the room exploded, the enemies hiding in the room were immediately attracted by the exploding grenade.

At this time, Su Yue also just rushed into the room, and with the weapon in her hand, shot at the unresponsive enemy.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

After the gunshot, the enemy fell down, and as the last enemy was killed, the word victory was displayed on the game screen immediately.

"I won, No.1." Lin Li, who was taken away, turned his head to look, and said with a smile to Su Yue who was flexing his fingers.

"As long as you follow my sister's command, take No. 1 as you like." Su Yue said triumphantly.

"Can't you be more humble?" Lin Li looked at the complacent Su Yue speechlessly.

"What's the point of being modest, what? Am I wrong?" Su Yue asked back.

"Eh..." Lin Li looked at Su Yue who had been flying him for several rounds, and was speechless.

"Hehehe..." Seeing that Lin Li couldn't refute her, Su Yue couldn't help laughing, and made a series of melodious voices like silver bells.

After laughing for a while, she stopped, and then exited the game, "It's getting late, let's stop here today!"

Lin Li checked the time and found that it was almost 11:30, which was indeed a bit late. He nodded and quit the game.

The two got up from the pony, washed up by the stream, and then came to the tent.

Su Yue took off her shoes and got into the tent first. Then she saw that Lin Li didn't follow in, but was still standing outside the tent, so she urged, "What are you doing? Come in quickly."

"Eh..." Lin Li thought that he would be in the same tent with Su Yue soon, and his heartbeat started to speed up involuntarily.

In the afternoon, he heard Su Yue say that the tent is big enough to sleep four people, so one is enough.

He didn't think much about it at the time, but now, when he really wanted to stay in the same tent together, he realized that he was thinking too simply.

"It's late, don't stand around stupidly." Su Yue urged again.

"Huh..." Lin Li took a deep breath, took off his shoes, and got into the tent.

As Su Yue said, the interior space of this tent that can accommodate four people is indeed quite large, and it is more than enough for two people to sleep in such a tent.

Because she didn't take a nap this afternoon, and she had been busy camping here for a while, Su Yue accumulated a lot of fatigue, and she couldn't stop feeling drowsy.

"Ha~" Yawning, Su Yue got into her sleeping bag, turned her head and looked at Lin Li who was half a meter away from her, sitting at the door of the tent, and said, "Close the door! I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep first. "

After speaking, she closed her eyes.

Lin Li looked at Su Yue who was sleeping with her eyes closed, and her beating heart gradually returned to calm. At this moment, he said to himself.

"You are now a cultivator with a peak second-order cultivation! I didn't expect that your mentality would be inferior to that of a girl with no cultivation. What a shame...!

! ”

After self-examination in his heart, Lin Li pulled the zipper and closed the tent door.

Then he turned off the camping light hanging from the top of the tent and got into his sleeping bag.

With the camping lights turned off, the inside of the tent became instantly invisible.

The pitch-black tent was quiet, and even breathing could be clearly heard.

The sleeping bags between Lin Li and Su Yue were half a meter apart. With such a distance, Lin Li could clearly smell the unique fragrance wafting from beside him.

He is very familiar with this unique smell, and he is used to it, but he doesn't feel much about it.

But now in this tent where you can't see your fingers, and smelling such a unique fragrance again, it makes the heartbeat that has just calmed down start beating faster again.

"Why are you jumping so hard? It's really disappointing." Lin Li reprimanded his pounding heart, and then he immediately recited the heart-purifying mantra that only he knew in this world.

"Prosperity, civilization, freedom, equality, justice, integrity..."

On the side, Su Yue, who had already closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep, suddenly opened them.

A moment ago, she couldn't stop feeling drowsy, but when she closed her eyes and was about to go to sleep, she clearly felt that Lin Li got into the sleeping bag beside her, his heartbeat started to speed up, and the drowsiness began to dissipate.

Chaotic thoughts began to gradually dominate Su Yue's mind. For some reason, a funny story that she had read on the Internet before appeared in her mind. The name of this story was 'Beasts are worse than beasts'.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Inside the tent where you can't see your fingers, the heartbeats of both people are constantly beating faster.

In this way, the two of them didn't fall asleep until after twelve o'clock in the morning, but became more and more energetic.

"I can't go on like this, I have to go out and calm down." Lin Li, who had practiced the Mantra of Purifying the Heart for countless times, found that his pounding heart still had no intention of calming down.

He opened his eyes immediately, then unzipped the sleeping bag and sat up.

Su Yue, who was full of thoughts in her mind, heard the sound of the sleeping bag being unzipped beside her. She immediately came back to her senses, and closed her eyes, her beating heart beating even faster.

"Lin Li, what is this for? Could it be that he thinks I've fallen asleep, so he wants to..."

At this moment, Su Yue's attention was highly concentrated, and she listened to the movement around her.

Looking through the sleeping bag, one can see Su Yue's two white and tender hands in the sleeping bag, holding them tightly at this moment, which shows how nervous she is.

Don't look at Su Yue's carefree and defenseless look in front of Lin Li.

If things really got to a certain point, like Lin Li, she had never been in a relationship at all, and she was a rookie with no experience in certain things, and she would be beaten back to her original form on the spot.

Lin Li came to the door of the tent, unzipped the zipper of the tent, opened the door, and got out.

"..." Clenching her fists tightly, Su Yue, who was highly focused, suddenly opened her eyes when she heard Lin Li leaving.

Turning her head and seeing the hazy figure walking away from the tent, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Why was I so nervous just now? This wooden man is a coward, even if I lend him ten guts, he wouldn't dare to do anything..."


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