Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 381: Nothing to lose

"I know, I know, I know..."

The chirping of cicadas at the end of summer is still loud, and these cicadas in the woods may also feel that summer will pass soon, so they mustered up their energy and chirped loudly.

Lin Li and Su Yue walked through the woods where the sound of cicadas could not stop singing, along the bank of the creek, all the way to the upstream of the creek.

"There are so many people camping here!" Lin Li glanced at the tourists who had already set up tents by the stream bank, and said to Su Yue beside him.

"If we walk further, there should be fewer people. If there are still so many people in front, we will find a camping spot in another place." Su Yue said.

The two carried backpacks and continued to move forward on the dirt road.

The further up the stream you go, the more you can feel the surrounding temperature drop, and at the same time, there are fewer tourists camping by the stream.



From time to time, there will be a gust of wind blowing on both sides of the creek, and the flowers, plants and trees will shake gently and make a burst of noise.

After about ten minutes, Lin Li and Su Yue stopped.

Although it is still possible to continue walking along the bank of the stream, it is no longer necessary.

Because the place they came to now has fewer people camping around, and the terrain of this place is very flat, it is a very good camping place.

"There's no one here, let's set up a tent here!" Su Yue said, satisfied with the flat place in front of her.

Lin Li nodded, and then they took off the backpacks on their shoulders.

"Huh..." When Su Yue put the backpack on the ground, she let out a soft breath.

Along the way, the road is actually not easy to walk, and there are a lot of things in the backpack, which is not light. Su Yue, who is just an ordinary person, must feel a little tired.

"You can rest here! I'll just go back and move things." Lin Li said to Su Yue who was about to follow him back to the parking place to get the rest of the camping gear.

"There are still a lot of things left in the car. When are you going to move alone? I'd better go back with you!" Su Yue said.

"There are actually not many things left, I'll just move them a couple of times, and I asked you to stay here to rest, not to let you do nothing, you take advantage of the time I'm moving things, Put up the tent," Lin Li said.

"Okay!" Su Yue nodded, and did not continue to insist on moving things with her.

"By the way, do you know how to pitch a tent?" Lin Li asked before leaving.

"It's just a tent. It's not that difficult. Go and move things quickly! When you come back, the tent should have been set up." Su Yue said confidently.

"Then I'm leaving." Lin Li turned and left, and hurried to the parking place.

Watching Lin Li's leaving back, Su Yue smiled slightly, and seeing Lin Li's figure disappearing around the corner in the distance, she retracted her gaze, then stretched her waist with her arms outstretched, and she could see her slender figure at a glance.

"I want to set up the tent quickly. If Lin Li comes back later and sees that I haven't set up the tent yet, he will definitely make fun of me."

Su Yue lightly opened her vermilion lips, muttered in her mouth, then stretched out her hand to open the small bag containing the tent, and started to set up the tent.


A black car came from a distance and slowly stopped on the side of the road.

Following the prompt of the tracking software, Zhu Daqi arrived at the destination.

After he stopped the car, he looked around and saw a very conspicuous silver-white van parked on the grass not far from the creek.

"It's strange that the target is not in the car. What is he doing here?" Zhu Daqi murmured to himself in confusion. At this moment, he saw the target appear in his field of vision.

Lin Li came out from the distant woods and came to the front of the van.

He opened the door of the van, looked at the two large handbags, a refrigerated incubator, and two small Maza in the compartment, thought for a while, then reached out and touched the refrigerated incubator and the two small Maza .

In an instant, the refrigerated incubator and the two small vests touched by Lin Li's hands disappeared.

"This way, I won't have to come to the car to pick up things again next time." Lin Li put some of his things into the mysterious island, then picked up two handbags with things in them, and returned to the camping place.

In the distance, Zhu Daqi, who was sitting in the driver's seat of a black car parked on the side of the road, saw Lin Li walking towards the woods with two large handbags filled with things. Now he knew clearly that the target was This is the place to camp too!

"This guy is actually camping in this place..." Zhu Daqi murmured to himself, then he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket and dialed his elder brother's number.

In a small one-story house in a remote corner of the urban village to be demolished, Liu Menglong, wearing a vest and beach pants, sat on the sofa in the living room, trimming his nails with nail clippers.

"Jingle Bell……"

Suddenly, the mobile phone beside him rang. Liu Menglong heard his own mobile phone ringing, then put down the nail clippers and took the mobile phone.


"Brother, the target is out today, and he's camping in the suburbs of the Eastern District."

"Camping on the outskirts of the Eastern District? Are there many people there?" Liu Menglong asked with his eyes narrowed after listening to his younger brother's report.

Zhu Daqi looked at the many cars parked around, and replied, "I saw a lot of cars in this place, there should be quite a few people camping here."

Liu Menglong heard Zhu Daqi say that there were many people in the camping place, he pondered for a few seconds, and then gave an order, "Please show me where he is camping, and then call me."

"Okay, brother, I'll go and see where he is camping." Zhu Daqi said.

Afterwards, the two ended the call, and Zhu Daqi immediately got out of the car and chased after Lin Li in the direction he left.

In the quiet living room, the news was being broadcast on the TV. Liu Menglong, who had ended the call with Zhu Daqi, sat on the sofa with a blank expression, thinking about the information he had just obtained in his mind.

"Although there are many people in the target camping place, it doesn't mean that I don't have a chance to do it.

In the dead of night, all the campers are asleep. If I launch a sneak attack at this time, with my strength, it would be an easy task to kill a beast hunter with only a first-order peak cultivation. "

Liu Menglong's thoughts were churning, the more he thought about how easy it would be to do, the psychic fluctuations began to emanate from his body, and gradually increased.


The sun in the sky changed into bright clothes, dyeing half of the sky red and bright.

When Lin Li returned to the camping site with two large handbags containing a lot of things in his hands, he saw Su Yue with her hands folded around her chest, looking at the big tent he had built with pride.

Hearing footsteps coming from behind, Su Yue looked back, "You're back, look, I've already set up the tent."

"I saw it from afar." Lin Li put the two large handbags in his hands on the ground, and then went to the tent that Su Yue had set up, checked the tent, and found that Su Yue The tent that was set up was unexpectedly solid.

"How is it? The tent I set up is pretty good, right?" Su Yue said triumphantly.

"The tent was set up very well. It exceeded my expectations. I thought I would have to set up the tent again after I moved the things back!" Lin Li said with a smile.

Su Yue was a little unhappy when she heard this, "What! You have no confidence in me?

It's just a tent, even if I've never set it up before, I can set it up just by reading the instructions, not to mention that I haven't set up a tent before. "

Lin Li smiled, and then pointed to the two large handbags he brought back, "I'm going back to the car, bring the rest of the things back, and you take out the things in the bags and tidy them up."

"En." Su Yue nodded, squatted down, and began to take out the pots, pans, and other picnic utensils in the large handbag.

Zhu Daqi, who was following Lin Li all the way, was standing tens of meters away, holding a tiny telescope in his hand, pretending to be a camping tourist looking at the surrounding scenery, but actually staring at two people who were chatting in the distance.

"Tao, this kid actually has such a beautiful girlfriend, what a flower stuck in cow dung..."

Zhu Daqi has a panoramic view of the situation in the distance through the micro-telescope.

At this time, he saw that the target left the camping site and walked towards his direction, so he quickly put down the miniature telescope in his hand and walked up the mountain by the road.

Climbing up a high slope, holding the trunk of a big tree beside him with his right hand, he picked up the micro-scope to inspect the surrounding scenery again, as if admiring the scenery.

Lin Li was walking on an uneven dirt road and passed by Zhu Daqi.

"The goal is to return to the parking place and continue to get the camping stuff." Zhu Daqi thought to himself as he looked at Lin Li who was walking away.

Then, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called his elder brother.

Press the dial button, and the call just dialed is immediately connected by the opposite party.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Brother, the target camping place is a bit out of the way, and there are very few people around."

"Okay, I see, you go back to the car first, I'll be there in a while."


After hanging up the phone, Zhu Daqi felt happy, "Great, brother is coming, my surveillance mission this time will be over soon."


Just when Zhu Daqi was rejoicing that his surveillance mission was about to end, he suddenly saw that the target he left had returned.

As for what the target was going to do, he knew a general idea in his heart, and the reason why he made a surprised sound was because he found that the target who had gone and returned came back too quickly.

"What's the situation? Why did he come back with his things so quickly? Could it be that he ran all the way where I couldn't see him just now, and ran back to the parking place to get his things?"

Zhu Daqi looked at Lin Li holding a refrigerated incubator with a large capacity, and there were two small horses on top of the box, and felt that it was very difficult to run all the way on such a difficult dirt road with so many things. difficulty.

"Forget it, what are you thinking about so much? I can finish the mission when the elder brother comes."

Zhu Daqi stared at the goal of returning to the campsite with a refrigerated incubator with a large capacity in his hand, thinking in his heart, then he came down from the hillside and walked to the place where he parked.


Su Yue, who was arranging the camping gear, saw Lin Li coming back with his things in his arms, she asked in surprise.

"Lin Li, why did you come back so soon?"

Lin Li walked halfway just now, directly took out the items placed on the mysterious island, and then returned. Now when he heard Su Yue's question, he responded with a smile.

"Is it fast? It's okay, it may be because I was trotting all the way just now, that's why it looks fast."

When Su Yue heard this, she didn't think much about it, she turned to remind Lin Li.

"The road here is not easy to walk. You don't have to be so anxious to move things back. If you accidentally fall and get hurt somewhere, it will not be worth the loss."

Lin Li nodded, and then placed the freezer incubator in his hands on the ground.

Then, he took down the two folded ponytails, and handed one of them to Su Yue, "I'm tired from squatting, you should sit and tidy up!"

Su Yue gave a "hmm" and took the small mat that Lin Li handed over. After opening it, she sat on it and continued to organize the items in her handbag.

Lin Li opened the small horse in his hand and put it aside, then took a few brackets and started to build a stove for cooking dinner later.

After some busy work, the sky became darker and darker, and the temperature by the creek continued to drop.

A gust of wind passed through the forest, and the tents built by the tourists swayed slightly. Many tourists in thin clothes shivered.

Su Yue, who was wearing long sleeves and trousers, didn't think it would be cold, but she thought that Lin Li was still wearing short sleeves, so she turned her head, looked at Lin Li who was taking vegetables out of the bag, and asked, "Lin Li, will you Do you feel cold?"

"I'm fine, what's the matter, do you feel cold?" Lin Li put some small green vegetables, golden needles and shallots into the basin, and when he heard Su Yue's question, he looked up and responded.

"I'm wearing long sleeves, so I don't feel cold. I'm worried about you! After nightfall, the temperature will drop a few degrees, so you won't catch a cold." Su Yue said with concern.

"Don't worry! It's just that the temperature has dropped a little, so you won't catch a cold." Lin Li said with a smile, and then he took the vegetable basin in his hand and went to the stream in front to wash the vegetables.


The sun is setting, darkness covers the earth, the bright moon hangs high in the night sky, and the stars are all over the sky.

A gray car left the bustling urban area and entered a slightly deserted suburb.

Liu Menglong, who had a somewhat ferocious face, quickly came to the area where Lin Li and Su Yue were camping according to the location provided by his subordinates.

"Brother, I'm here!" Zhu Daqi, who was standing on the side of the road waiting for Liu Menglong's arrival, saw the familiar car and the well-known license plate number in his eyes, and immediately waved.

Liu Menglong, who was wearing a black T-shirt and dark green slacks, stopped the car. After turning off the engine, he opened the door and got out of the car. At this moment, Zhu Daqi came to him immediately.

"You didn't alarm the target, did you?"

"Brother, I have a lot of experience in stalking, the target definitely hasn't noticed that I'm stalking him." Zhu Daqi said confidently.

"Very good, now take me to see the specific location of the target." Liu Menglong said.

Zhu Daqi nodded, and took the first step towards the distant woods, leading the way for Liu Menglong.


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