Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 380: Like and dislike, 1 pun

"Okay, let's make a decision like this. Let's rest for a while. After the most intense sunshine period, we will go out to the camping site." Su Yue said with a smile.

"Eh..." Lin Li looked at Su Yue in surprise, and asked very puzzled, "What? You said you're going to go camping later?"

"Yes! Is there a problem?"

"I thought that when you said you were going camping, you were planning to go next weekend! After all, we don't even have the most basic tents needed for camping now."

"You said a tent! I've prepared this in advance. I just arrived last night. Come on, come with me and have a look at the tent I bought online."

As Su Yue said, she turned and walked out of the kitchen. Lin Li looked surprised. He untied the apron on his body, hung it on the hook on the wall, and followed out.

The two came out of the kitchen and walked into the study. Lin Li saw a lot of things on the floor of the study, not only the tents needed for camping, but also various other camping equipment.

"Look, I have all the things I have prepared for camping!" Su Yue looked at Lin Li with a sluggish face triumphantly.

Lin Li looked at the small tables, small benches, lamps, tents, sleeping bags, small axes, moisture-proof pads, gloves and other things needed for camping on the ground, and knew that Su Yue had come prepared, and her idea of ​​going camping was old. Already had it.

"It's very complete, let me ask you! When did you have the idea of ​​going camping?" Lin Li asked.

"From the day we came back from our trip to Qiongcheng, the idea of ​​camping suddenly came up, so I started planning to find a time to go camping.

These days, I went online to learn about relevant knowledge, and then prepared the equipment needed for camping one after another. "Su Yue thought about it and said.

"Okay! Now that you're all ready, let's rest for a while as you said, and wait until the hottest part of the sun has passed. Let's go out and buy ingredients first, and then go to the camping place." Lin Li said.

"Hee hee... Let me tell you! I have prepared all the ingredients needed for camping. We will pack up our things later and go directly to the camping place." Su Yue laughed.

"You are really well prepared! If I don't want to go camping with you, do you want to go alone?" Lin Li asked curiously.

"It's so boring to go alone! I know you will go together." Su Yue said firmly, as if everything was under her control.

"So confident, how do you know that I will go with you?" Lin Li asked in surprise.

"If I go camping in the suburbs alone, are you at ease?" Su Yue looked at Lin Li with a smile in her bright eyes, and asked back.

"Er..." Lin Li heard Su Yue's rhetorical question, and he already knew why Su Yue was so sure that he would go camping with her.

Just as Su Yue thought, when Lin Li knew that Su Yue wanted to go camping, he would go to a place in the suburbs that was closer to the wilderness.

If he doesn't go together and Su Yue insists on going, he will definitely feel worried that Su Yue will go camping in such a place alone, and he will definitely go together in the end.

"Why don't you talk? I'm asking you! If I go camping in the suburbs alone, are you at ease?" Seeing that Lin Li didn't answer her own question, Su Yue asked again.

"You're not going camping alone in the suburbs now, so what's the answer?" Lin Li pouted and said.

When Su Yue saw Lin Li's reaction, the answer was self-evident, and the smile on her face was as bright as a flower, bright and moving.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing Su Yue's face full of smiles, Lin Li asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I just want to laugh!" Su Yue said cheerfully.

It's really hard to guess what a woman's heart is like... Lin Li complained in his heart. Then, he looked at the only tent on the ground and asked, "Why did you just buy a tent?"

"One top is enough!"

"But there are two of us."

"The tent I bought is a large one, which can sleep four people."

"Uh... let's do it!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, I'll give you something." Su Yue changed the subject.

"What? What are you going to say about me?" Lin Li asked curiously.

Su Yue came to a bookshelf in the study room, reached out and took a brand new photo album from it, turned around and handed it to Lin Li.

"This is?" Lin Li took the photo album that Su Yue handed over, and when he opened it, what caught his eye was a group photo of two people at the beach.

The background is the endless blue sea, the sky is full of white clouds, there are seagulls circling, on the soft sand, the expression on Lin Li's face is full of helplessness, Su Yue is holding his arm, leaning on him, her face is full of soul-stirring smile.

"We took a lot of photos when we traveled to Qiongcheng before, and after I came back, I picked some out and asked the photo studio to develop them for me.

Last night, I received a notice from the proprietress of the photo studio, and I went to pick it up this morning. There are two copies of the album, and this one is for you. "Su Yue said.

When I traveled to Qiongcheng, I seldom took pictures of myself. Basically, you called me to take pictures of you. The photos in this album are probably your personal photos... Lin Li glanced at Su Moon glanced, muttering in his heart.

Then, he flipped through the photo album in his hand. As he expected, the first few pages of the photo album were his few personal photos and the group photos with Su Yue, and the rest were basically Su Yue. I took a personal photo.

Although Lin Li's photography skills are not good, but fortunately, Su Yue is very photogenic, and the photos she takes are extremely beautiful. If someone uses them to make posters, many people may mistake them for a new debut star.

"How is it? Are the photos I picked out good?" Su Yue asked Lin Li who was flipping through the album with a smile.

"Well, it's pretty good..." Lin Lihanhu responded, and then closed the unfinished photo album.

"Like it?"


"Do you like this photo album?"


"If you like it, you like it. If you don't like it, you don't like it. What is it?" Su Yue was very dissatisfied with Lin Li's unclear answer, and immediately rolled her eyes at him.

"Uh... I'll accept this photo album, thank you." Lin Li didn't answer, and then walked out of the study with the photo album.

"You haven't told me if you like this photo album yet?" Seeing Lin Li leaving, Su Yue immediately chased after him, as if she would not let Lin Li go without giving a clear answer.

"You are so annoying! I like it, I really like this photo album, is it okay?" Lin Li said with a helpless expression on his face.

"Hee hee..." Su Yue said with a smile, "If you like it, just say so! What's there to hide?"

Lin Li sat down on the sofa in the living room, put aside the photo album Su Yue gave him, looked at Su Yue who was sitting next to him, and felt that what she said had other meanings.

"By the way, I went out to pick up the photo album in the morning. On the way back, I went to the supermarket and bought a lot of ice cream. Do you want some?" Su Yue asked.

Lin Li's thoughts were interrupted, he nodded, and watched Su Yue stand up and sway towards the kitchen.

Taking advantage of Su Yue's time to go to the kitchen to get ice cream, Lin Li picked up the photo album beside him, opened it, and continued to look through it.

Looking at the photo, Su Yue, who was posing in various poses in front of various scenic spots, thought to herself, "This woman is really photogenic!"


After three o'clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the day is almost over.

Outside the Xingfu Garden community, Zhu Daqi, who was parked in a car under a tree by the side of the road, was sitting in the driver's seat with the air conditioner blowing, and looked at the community in the distance a little impatiently.

Several hours had passed since the target entered the community.

So far, there was no sign of the target coming out, and the place where he parked happened to be under the direct sunlight. Although the car had the air conditioner on, it was still quite uncomfortable.

Now Zhu Daqi very much hopes that the target can come out and return to the community where he lived, so that he can change to a place with shade for surveillance.

"Damn, why don't you just forget about it today! Anyway, I installed a tracker on his car, so I'll go home and have a rest, and it's fine." Zhu Daqi, who had been following him for a long time, lost most of his patience, and said to himself .

He thought for a while, made a decision to go home, and then started the car and started to go home.

And just ten minutes after Zhu Daqi left, a silver-white van drove out of the community and headed towards the outskirts of the Eastern District quickly.

"Let's go, go camping."

"Isn't it just camping, look how excited you are..."

"It's been a while since I went camping!"

"When was the last time you went camping?"

"A few years ago! It seems to be when I was a sophomore in college, how about you?"

"Me! When I was in high school, every once in a while, I would go camping on weekends. After college, I didn't."

When Lin Li was driving the van and carrying Su Yue to the camping site, Zhu Daqi, who decided to go home to rest, was about to arrive home.

Suddenly, the phone in his pocket rang loudly.

"Ding Dong."

Zhu Daqi took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the tracking software on the mobile phone and took a look.

As a result, seeing this made him very angry, because he found that he was following the target, and he was driving the car.

"What the hell... I've been staring at you all day, but you didn't move much. When I decided to go home, and I was about to get home, you moved me now. What do you mean?"

Looking at the moving target point on the tracking software, Zhu Daqi felt like he was being tricked.

Because the task of tracking the target was given by my elder brother, if the target didn't move, it didn't matter if I was lazy, but now the target moved, so even if I didn't want to go home and take a break, I had to change the plan immediately.

And this time the target started to move, not in the direction of his original residential area, he had to follow up immediately.

Slowing down the speed of the car and turning the car, Zhu Daqi looked at the display of the tracking software on his mobile phone and quickly chased after the target.


In the afternoon, the road conditions on the street were very good. Lin Li drove the van through several traffic lights without encountering traffic jams.

Leaving the bustling urban area and entering the suburbs, you can feel that the green belts on both sides of the street have undergone obvious changes.

"I feel that the vegetation in the green belts in the suburbs is longer than those in the urban area!" Su Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said looking at the green belts on both sides of the street outside the window.

"Maybe it's because it's close to the wilderness, and the concentration of free psionic energy in the air is higher than that in the bustling urban area!" Lin Li replied.

"So it's like this!" Su Yue nodded, suddenly realizing.

"I just said it casually, just listen to it, don't take it seriously." Lin Li said, "Further on, you will reach Chenghua Avenue. Where is the camping place you mentioned?"

Su Yue withdrew her gaze from the green belt on the street, and took out her mobile phone from her bag.

After opening the phone map, she looked at the camping site she had marked before, and then began to give Lin Li directions.

"Turn left at the intersection ahead, then go straight until you get to Penglai Road..."

Afterwards, under Su Yue's guidance, Lin Li spent nearly three to ten minutes arriving at the camping place.

At this time, it was already early four o'clock in the afternoon, and in more than an hour, the sun hanging in the sky would disappear.

"Let's get out of the car!" After the car was parked, Su Yue, who was sitting in the passenger seat, immediately unfastened her seat belt, said to Lin Li, and then opened the door first and got out of the car.



After Su Yue got out of the car, Lin Li also got out of the car, and looked around. The surrounding mountains and rivers were beautiful and the scenery was pleasant.

At this moment, the two of them were at the foot of a group of mountains, surrounded by green trees, and in the distance there was a small stream flowing down from the mountain.

The crystal clear stream flowed not far from where they parked.

"How is it? The camping place I chose is cool, right?" The cool wind blowing from the mountains made Su Yue's smooth hair flutter, and she raised her hand to stroke her hair that was blown by the wind. Turning his head, he said to Lin Li beside him.

"This place is quite cool, but... I remember that tourists are not allowed to camp in this place!" Lin Li said doubtfully.

Then, he looked at a location more than ten meters away. There were still a few cars parked there, and some cars were parked further away. From this, it can be known that there are many people camping in this place.

"It was true that people were not allowed to camp in this place before, but now, let's let it go this summer!" Su Yue said with a smile.

"So that's how it is!" Lin Li nodded, and then said, "In more than an hour, the sun will be setting. We have to find a place to set up camp."

"Yeah." Su Yue nodded, and then she opened the compartment of the van, ready to take down a lot of camping equipment.

"There are a lot of things, let's take some of them first! After you find a camping place, come back and get the rest..." Lin Li said, looking at a large pile of camping equipment in the van's compartment.

At the same time, he thought to himself, it's a pity that he couldn't put this huge pile of things into the mysterious island in front of Su Yue, otherwise, he could take all the things in the carriage away at once, which would save a lot thing.

Su Yue nodded. When she went out, she changed into a light long sleeve and trousers.

She bent over and carried a backpack with a lot of things on her back. Then, she pointed to the direction of the stream and said.

"Lin Li, let's go over there and find a place to camp!"

"I just saw a few people walking in that direction." Lin Li said.

"I saw it too, it doesn't matter, let's go over there first to see, if there are many people, then change to another place." Su Yue said.


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