Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 379: Chenghua Avenue?I am very familiar with that place, okay? ! !

The further one walked into the magnificent mansion, the fewer servants came and went in the corridors.

"Tread, step, step..."

In the quiet corridor, only Wu Xiong's footsteps were left, and he came to an area where only guards stood guard, and there were not many maids and male servants coming and going.

Walking in this heavily guarded area, feeling the occasional powerful spiritual energy fluctuations from the guards standing guard, one can't help but feel nervous.

Walk out of the corridor and walk into a small courtyard. The small courtyard Wu Xiong came to is very simple, and it looks a little different in this magnificent mansion.

Just when Wu Xiong was about to continue walking forward, an old man with gray hair came out of a room in the courtyard, the other party closed the door casually, and then walked towards Wu Xiong.

"Wu Xiong, you're back."

"Yes, Steward Wu." Wu Xiong responded respectfully to the white-haired old man in front of him.

"You have something to report to the master!" the white-haired old man asked.

"En." Wu Xiong nodded.

"Then go in quickly!" The white-haired old man didn't ask Wu Xiong what he wanted to report, but after a casual question, he turned and left to deal with other matters.

Wu Xiong watched the white-haired old man leave respectfully. He didn't continue to walk to the front study until the other party disappeared in the corridor.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Before coming to the study, he raised his hand and knocked on the door, and soon after the knock on the door, a steady voice came from the room.

"Come in."

With the permission of the people in the house, Wu Xiong immediately opened the door and walked in.

The interior space of this study in the yard is not small. There are bookshelves against the wall, and there are various books and handicrafts that are expensive at first glance.

"Master." Wu Xiong came to the elegant middle-aged man who was reading a book, and greeted him with a serious expression and a correct attitude.

Sitting on the master chair, leaning against the back of the chair, the middle-aged man with a book in his hand looked up at Wu Xiong, and asked, "How did you go about what I told you to do?"

"Master, according to your instructions, I went to find Xia Jingtang. His current physical condition is not serious. After the doctor's treatment, he can recover after a few days of recuperation." Wu Xiong will see Fang Jingtang's situation before, Report truthfully.

"Is what happened last night as described in the news I received?" asked the middle-aged man with a refined temperament.

"Yes, master, just as you told me before, Fang Jingtang and the others were indeed attacked by murderers last night, and lost a lot of manpower, among which the loss of backbone strength was very serious. From now on, the Red Blood Gang will become a second-rate gang." Wu Xiong said.

"Heh..." The middle-aged man with a refined temperament heard the words, shook his head with a smile, "Fang Jingtang came to see me before, and I gave him a chance to see me.

At that time, he swore in front of me that he would do better than the dead Hong Jiu, and asked me not to give up the Red Blood Gang and continue to be their backer.

It's only been a few days?It's ridiculous that this happened. "

"..." Wu Xiong didn't speak, he knew that his master hadn't finished speaking, it was not suitable for him to interrupt at this time.

"At that time, I thought that Fang Jingtang was a talent, so I decided to give him a chance, and then rewarded him with a gold medal, which prevented the Red Blood Gang from being annexed by other gangs.

Many forces in the city know that I am supporting the Scarlet Blood Gang. Now that this kind of thing happened, those guys who didn't deal with me, after knowing this, I am afraid that they are all laughing now. "The middle-aged man with elegant temperament sighed.

"Master, if anyone dares to laugh at you because of this incident, I will definitely not make it easy for him." Wu Xiong said with a serious face, his loyal appearance made people look sideways.

Wu Xingao, the head of the Wu family, looked at this. Wu Xiong, who was his personal servant when he was a child and became his personal bodyguard when he grew up, said with a smile.

"Wu Xiong, you have been by my side and served me for at least 30 years. I will not doubt that you are loyal to me. You don't have to say such things like other people."

Wu Xiong heard what Wu Xingao said, and immediately responded, "Master, what I said is not empty words, I will do what I say, and I will do what I say."

Wu Xingao looked at his confidants and smiled, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip of tea, then changed the subject, and said, "This time you go to find Fang Jingtang yourself, have you heard anything about it that I don't know about?" .”

Wu Xiong nodded, and reported to his master what he heard from Fang Jingtang, which the outside world does not know now.

"Fang Jingtang told me that the assailant who attacked their base camp, before he fled, let go, saying that as long as the Red Blood Gang exists for a day, he will come to trouble the Red Blood Gang again in the future."

Wu Xingao, who was holding a teacup in his hand, frowned when he heard this, and then he put the teacup back on the table.

"What an arrogant murderer, but it's normal for him to dare to say such cruel words. To be able to fight fiercely with that guy Liu Yuancheng and then run away, such strength is his arrogance."

At this time, Wu Xiong asked in a very suspicious tone, "My lord, that murderer only has the cultivation base of the second-order peak, but he was able to escape from Liu Yuancheng's grasp successfully.

I was wondering if it was Liu Yuancheng who knew that the backer of the Red Blood Gang was you, the lord, so he let that murderer go on purpose. "

Wu Xingao thought for a few seconds, then shook his head firmly.

"No, although Liu Yuancheng doesn't deal with me, but he is upright and upright. When encountering such a murderer who disrupts the order in the city, he will not deliberately let the murderer go because I am the backer of the Red Blood Gang."

When Wu Xiong heard Wu Xingao's firm answer, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Since Liu Yuancheng won't let that murderer go on purpose, with his cultivation at the peak of the second level, he can fight fiercely with the practitioners at the beginning of the third level, and he still has the strength to escape in the end.

From this point of view, the murderer who attacked the Scarlet Blood Gang was really powerful, and his strength must be a rare opponent among practitioners at the peak of the second order. "

Wu Xingao put his right hand on the table, and lightly tapped the table with his fingers, making a "dongdongdong" sound.

Seeing this, Wu Xiong knew that his master was thinking about something, so he kept silent.

After a while, Wu Xingao's voice sounded in the quiet study room.

"Later, you pick some people and let them go to the Red Blood Gang to help Fang Jingtang stabilize the pier."


"Also, you take my wrench to find that person, and tell him about the current situation of the Red Blood Gang.

Tell him, no matter what method is used, I want the head of that arrogant murderer. "Wu Xingao said, and took off a clean, flawless, warm and smooth jade wrench from his thumb.

"Yes." Wu Xiong took the personal token handed over by Wu Xingao with both hands, and then saw that his master had nothing else to say, so he turned and left the study to carry out the tasks assigned by the master.

When Wu Xingao was left alone in the study, the elegant temperament of this middle-aged man disappeared immediately.

He had a gloomy face, flashes of spirituality in his piercing eyes, and powerful spiritual fluctuations exuded from his body. The items on the bookshelf trembled slightly, and he said to himself in a cold tone.

"This time it made me lose face. At the peak of the second order, the strength is good, but in my eyes, it is just a stronger ant."

As Wu Xiong told Fang Jingtang earlier, many people now know that the backer of the Red Blood Gang is Wu Xingao, the head of the Wu family.

People with a little bit of power, as long as they know that the backer of the Red Blood Gang is Wu Xingao, they dare not or feel that there is no need to annex the Red Blood Gang for a pier, and then offend the other party.

And just when everyone thought that the Red Blood Gang would continue to grow and develop with Wu Xingao's protection.

The murderer who came out of nowhere did not give Wu Xin high face at all, and attacked the Red Blood Gang, knocking them down from a first-rate gang to a second-rate gang.

This kind of behavior is tantamount to slapping Wu Xingao hard on the face, making him the laughing stock of many big shots after dinner.

For a powerful person like Wu Xingao, the loss of money is secondary, the loss of face is more annoying to him than the loss of money several times.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the murderer who attacked the Red Blood Gang as the chief culprit will definitely be hated by Wu Xingao, and then he will use various methods to find the murderer and kill him.

The Scarlet Blood Gang encountered such a calamity. At the beginning, everyone thought that the Feilong Gang, which was their deadly enemy, was the biggest suspect.

But as time went by, various news became more and more detailed, and everyone felt that the Feilong Gang could not be the mastermind of this incident.

This can be seen from the fact that Wu Xingao didn't allow his subordinates to deal with the Feilong Gang. After all, although the Feilong Gang is a first-class gang, it is nothing in the eyes of a powerful and powerful person like Wu Xingao.

Since it wasn't the Feilong Gang who did it, then what is the origin of that masked murderer?Why would such a cultivator with a peak second-order cultivation base actively attack the Scarlet Blood Gang?

Some people speculated that it was because the members of the Red Blood Gang were usually too arrogant and offended such a powerful practitioner, but they were immediately refuted by others.

The reason for the rebuttal is that the murderer is a practitioner at the peak of the second order.

The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang will only offend such an enemy that they can't afford to offend unless their brains are broken. Therefore, it is impossible for the members of the Red Blood Gang to offend the other party and cause disasters to come to their door.

At that moment, all the forces in Dongwu City were guessing about the origin, motive and hiding place of the murderer who attacked the Red Blood Gang that night.

These people are afraid that if they want to break their heads, it is impossible for them to think that the extremely arrogant murderer in the mouth of the people is in another world at this moment.

After lunch, the other party was wearing an apron and was washing dishes in the kitchen while chatting with a slim, beautiful girl.

Regarding yesterday's attack on the Scarlet Blood Gang, the murderer didn't care at all now.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Lin Li quickly put the bowl smeared with detergent under the tap to rinse it, and standing beside him, Su Yue suddenly said, "Let's go camping!"

"Huh?" Lin Li, who was washing the bowl quickly, was stunned for a moment when he heard what Su Yue said.

Then, he quickly put the washed bowls in his hand into the cupboard, turned to look at Su Yue with a serious face, and said, "I said, are you okay? It's so hot outside now, what's there to do camping? Stay at home Is the air conditioner uncomfortable?"

"It's pretty hot outside, but it's just hot in the city, and once we get to the suburbs, it'll be much cooler.

I tell you!I know a place that is quite cool, and camping there is very comfortable, no worse than blowing the air conditioner at home. "Su Yue said mysteriously, confident in the camping place he mentioned.

"Where is the place you mentioned?" Lin Li asked curiously.

"Near Chenghua Avenue, oops, you don't know the situation there, anyway, you must be right, when we get to that cool place, you will definitely like it..." Su Yue said.

Lin Li frowned immediately when he heard this. In other places, he might really not know the surrounding situation as Su Yue said, but he is familiar with Chenghua Avenue in the East District.

After all, after passing through Chenghua Avenue, and going a little further, you will be out of the safe zone.

Every time he drove the van to the wilderness on the outskirts of the East District to hunt exotic animals, he had to pass through Chenghua Avenue, and he had walked that road many times.

It's just that it's not easy for him to explain this kind of thing to Su Yue. If she says that she is familiar with the situation near Chenghua Avenue, if she asks why she is so familiar, she will have no way to explain it.

However, to put it another way...

"Although I don't know the situation on Chenghua Avenue, I read a news not long ago. The host mentioned Chenghua Avenue, which is located in the suburbs of the Eastern District, right?" Lin Li pretended to think about it , and then ask.

"Yes, that Chenghua Avenue is on the outskirts of the Eastern District." Su Yue nodded. She didn't know about that avenue at first, but she checked it online beforehand, so now she seems to understand it.

"The news said that a terrible strange beast appeared in the wilderness on the outskirts of the Eastern District recently.

Let ordinary people like us not cross Chenghua Avenue and wander around the safe zone to avoid personal danger, so let's not go there! " Lin Li said.

"Hee hee..." Su Yue smiled and said, "I also read the news you mentioned this morning.

The news reminded not to wander around the safe zone, and the camping place I mentioned just now is near Chenghua Avenue, but it is a long distance from the safe zone, so it is safe.

Do not worry!If it was dangerous, I would not choose that place as a camping site. "

Lin Li originally thought that he could dispel Su Yue's idea of ​​camping near Chenghua Avenue through this news report.

Hearing what Su Yue said now, he knew that his method of persuasion had failed.


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