Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 378: An Existence Far More Terrifying Than the Enemies at the Early Stage of Level 3

The owner of the beef seller is a gray-haired old man who may be in his 60s. When he saw standing in front of his stall and looking at his own beef, he immediately yelled with a smile.

"Young man, you want to buy beef! You can definitely choose my family. This beef is just bought from the cattle farm on the outskirts of the city today. It is very fresh."

Lin Li looked at the brightly colored beef on the counter, nodded, and then said to the gray-haired boss, "Boss, your beef looks really fresh."

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the three big pieces of beef on the counter, and added, "This piece, this piece, and this piece, I want these three pieces, please weigh them for me, and calculate the total." How much?"

The gray-haired boss looked at the three big pieces of beef that Lin Li had ordered, and was taken aback for a moment, "Young man, are you sure you want these three big pieces of beef?"

"Yes, I want all three pieces of beef..." Lin Li said with certainty.

"Young man, do you run a restaurant? If not, there is no need to buy so much beef at once. After all, it will not be fresh after a long time, and the taste will be quite different." The gray-haired boss asked.

The boss who sells beef will ask this question, and he is also a kind-hearted person.

Because the three pieces of beef specified by Lin Li weighed [-] to [-] catties in total, except that restaurants would buy so much at once, how could anyone buy so much beef at once to eat at home?

"I don't run a restaurant, but I buy it for myself. Boss, you don't have to worry that I won't be able to finish it. Hurry up and help me weigh it and calculate how much it costs!" Lin Li said.

"Um..." The gray-haired boss opened his mouth. He wanted to persuade him again, but seeing the firm attitude of the customer in front of him, he swallowed back the words.

Kindly persuade, if the customer still insists on buying so much meat in the end, then there is no need to persuade.

After all, they are open for business, and there is no reason why the money sent to them is not profitable.

Anyway, in the end, if you can’t finish eating it in a short time because you bought too much, at worst, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it, and then you can eat it slowly. It’s just that the taste is not as good as fresh meat.

"The three pieces of meat are [-] catties in total, totaling [-] yuan." The gray-haired boss weighed the three pieces of beef that Lin Li had chosen, and then quoted a price.

"I remember that the price of beef seemed to be 40 yuan a while ago, but now it has dropped to 30 yuan." Lin Li said with a smile after hearing the price.

Then, he took out his mobile phone, scanned the payment code that the gray-haired boss put on the booth, and paid the money.

"Yes! Recently, a large number of cattle have been slaughtered, so the price of meat has dropped." The gray-haired boss glanced at the more than 2000 yuan received on his mobile phone and responded with a smile.

Then, he put the three big pieces of beef into three big bags, and he was very enthusiastic to help Lin Li transport it.

"Young man, you bought so much beef all at once, it's quite heavy, and it's not easy to carry it. Let me help you carry it outside the vegetable market!"

"Thanks, I can take care of it." Lin Li declined the other party's kindness, then raised his hand and quickly touched the three big bags containing beef. In the blink of an eye, the three big bags containing beef disappeared on the counter. not see.


! "An exclamation came from the enthusiastic boss, his eyes widened, and he looked at the empty counter.

"Okay, I've already paid the money and put away the meat. I'm leaving." Lin Li said, and before the enthusiastic boss came back to his senses, he turned and left.

"I didn't expect this young man to be a cultivator who has awakened his ability! He has awakened the ability of storage space, right?"

Although the enthusiastic boss is just an ordinary person, he usually likes to watch news programs about practitioners, so when he saw Lin Li put away the beef he bought just now, he immediately thought of the ability of storage space.

After Lin Li bought the beef, he returned to the stall where he bought the fish. At this time, the fish boss had already disposed of the two big grass carp he bought.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, it should be done."

After Lin Li thanked the fish boss for his arrival, he carried a large bag of cut fish fillets and walked out of the vegetable market.


! ”

Boss Yu looked at Lin Li who was leaving, and suddenly saw that the large bag of fish fillets that he was carrying was missing.

At first, he thought he was dazzled, so he raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. When he opened it again, he found that the large bag of fish fillets that the customer was carrying in his hand was indeed gone.

"what happened?!

! ”

"Such a big bag of fish fillets, why is it missing?"


Outside the vegetable market, under the scorching sun, a black car was parked by the side of the road.

In the driver's seat, Zhu Daqi looked at the vegetable market that the target entered in the distance.

He waited on the side of the road for about 10 minutes, and found that the target came out of the vegetable market.

"Is there something wrong with this guy? He hasn't even bought a single vegetable after going to the vegetable market for so long. Did he go in and wander around?" Zhu Daqi looked at the target who came out of the vegetable market empty-handed, and complained without hesitation.

"It's so hot! Now that the ingredients have been bought, hurry up and go to Su Yue's house!"

Lin Li, who came out of the vegetable market, was hit by the oncoming heat wave on the street, and immediately felt uncomfortable all over. Then he walked quickly to the place where he parked his van.

Across the street, Zhu Daqi, who was tracking the target, saw the target coming out of the vegetable market with empty hands, got into the van, and he immediately started the car.

When Lin Li drove the van out of the parking space in front of the vegetable market and headed towards Su Yue's community, Zhu Daqi judged the distance and followed.

"Damn, this guy didn't go out just to sneak around the vegetable market! If that's the case, then I really have to wonder if there is something wrong with the target's brain."

Zhu Daqi, who was driving a car to follow, found that the target was driving along the route he came from, and thought that the target was going home. This made him feel puzzled, and at the same time couldn't help but uttered a few foul words.

When performing tracking tasks, the most troublesome thing is that the target does some meaningless things, which will make the person in charge of tracking very anxious.

Zhu Daqi is also a person with rich tracking experience, because he has tracked several targets before, and the behavior of those targets is very clear, and he can complete the tracking task within a few days.

And now the target being tracked, during this time, first went to the Ability Management Bureau, and then stayed at home directly, and now went to the vegetable market, and walked out with empty hands, it is so strange to think about it.

Zhu Daqi followed the target all the way, and later he found that the target drove the car into an unfamiliar neighborhood, not the neighborhood where he lived.

"Tsk..." Parked the car on the side of the road, looked at the community the target entered, "Xingfu Garden Community, why did he come to this community?"

Lin Li drove his van into the community, found a place to park the car, and then walked towards the building where Su Yue lived.

After a while, the elevator opened, and Lin Li came out carrying a large bag of fish fillets.

"Ding Dong."

He raised his hand and rang the doorbell, and after a while, the host opened the door.

Su Yue is wearing a white V-neck camisole today, which is a style with ruffles on the waist. The lower body is matched with a pair of light-colored hot pants, showing an amazing slim figure.

Lin Li looked at Su Yue who was smiling like a flower in front of him, and couldn't help but think in his heart, God is really eccentric sometimes.

Su Yue's appearance is already flawless and impeccable, but her figure is also so convex and curvy. Fortunately, she is a man. If she were a woman, she might be very jealous.

"Why are you in a daze? Come in quickly!" Su Yue greeted Lin Li who stood at the door and looked at her in a daze.

Then, she turned around, went to the shoe cabinet in the entrance, took off a pair of men's slippers specially prepared for Lin Li, and put them on the ground.

Bending over, the seductive curves can be seen at a glance, Lin Li standing behind Su Yue saw this scene, his heartbeat immediately accelerated, he quickly moved his eyes away in order not to make a fool of himself.

Even though he had fought fiercely against enemies at the beginning of the third stage in the Eastern Wucheng of the spiritual world yesterday, his heartbeat had never accelerated.

Now, Su Yue's inadvertent action made her heart pound. Could it be that she is far more terrifying than the enemies at the beginning of the third stage?

"Give me the processed fish!" Su Yue raised her hand and brushed the hair hanging from her ears, and said with a smile.

"Hmm." Upon hearing this, Lin Li, who was a little distracted, hastily passed a large bag of fish meat to Su Yue, and then put on the indoor slippers in front of him.

"Hehe, it's quite heavy! How many catties did the two fish you bought weigh?" Su Yue took the big bag of fish meat that Lin Li handed over, feeling a sinking feeling in her hand, she asked curiously.

"The two fish weigh ten and a half catties," Lin Li replied.

"You actually bought two such big fish?" Su Yue said in surprise, "Do you really want to cook all these fish?"

Lin Li knew that Su Yue was thinking that if he boiled all the fish in a big bag, he was worried that he would not be able to finish it. He smiled and raised his hand to pat his stomach, and said, "It's all cooked, don't worry! Eat it! It's over..."

"Okay, since you said so, then I'll cook it, come with me, I'll teach you how to cook boiled fish and pickled fish." Su Yue said with a smile, and then called Lin Li to come to the kitchen with herself.

Lin Li followed Su Yue into the kitchen, and what happened next was somewhat similar to what happened when he was learning potatoes and goulash last time.

After entering the kitchen, Su Yue immediately took off her apron from the hook on the wall, and put it on for Lin Li.

Although Lin Li didn't have the habit of wearing an apron when cooking, but here, Chef Su asked him to, so he could only obey.

Su Yue watched Lin Li put on her apron with a smile, she was very happy, and then she began to teach Lin Li how to cook boiled fish and pickled fish.

Although the Internet is developed now, there are many video bloggers who record cooking videos for the general audience to learn from, but watching videos to learn how to cook is not as fast as teaching them face to face.

Coupled with Su Yue's craftsmanship, it's amazing, with a chef like her teaching cooking skills.

Even for a rookie like Lin Li who has no cooking talent, even if he can't reproduce a dish made by Professor Su Yue [-]% in the end, the taste of what he cooks will not be that bad.

A very attentive professor, a serious study, and soon, under Su Yue's guidance, Lin Li made two large pots of boiled fish and fish with pickled cabbage full of fragrance and good taste.

"Very good, according to the method I taught you just now, you have mastered these two dishes." Su Yue tasted the boiled fish and pickled fish cooked by Lin Li, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Chef Su for teaching us today..." Lin Li, who had learned two more dishes, said happily to Su Yue.

Seeing the happy smile on Lin Li's face, the smile on Su Yue's face also became brighter and more charming.

"Okay, you bring these two pots of boiled fish and fish with pickled cabbage to the table. I'll mix a few cold dishes next, and we can have lunch."

"En." Lin Li nodded, and then brought the two large pots of boiled fish and pickled fish out of the kitchen.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

A surging river runs through the entire Dongwu City from north to south.

Trees line the banks of the river, such a good location with beautiful scenery is often the first choice for many powerful people to build their mansions.

A mansion with a large area, located on the bank of the river that runs through Dongwu City, the best location.

"Captain Wu, are you back?" The guard standing guard at the gate of the mansion said with a smile after seeing a group of men on horseback coming from a distance.

"En." Wu Xiong got off his horse, nodded to the guards who greeted him at the door, and then he said to his companions, "Go to your own affairs! I'll see the master."

"Yes." The guards responded, and then led the horse towards the stable.

The mansions of powerful and wealthy families are not small. This mansion on the bank of the river is full of pavilions and pavilions. There are people coming and going in the corridors. Judging by the clothes of these people, they are all the servants and maids of the mansion. .

"Hello, Captain Wu." The servants in the past greeted Wu Xiong very respectfully after meeting him.

Wu Xiong rushed to report to his master about the Red Blood Gang, instead of responding to the guards standing guard at the door as before, he ignored the servant who greeted him, and left quickly.

"Guard Wu left in such a hurry! Is there something wrong?" A maid casually asked the servant beside her.

"Hush..." The servant who was questioned hastily raised his right hand and put an index finger in front of his mouth, "Let's just do our own thing well. Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. If the housekeeper finds out, you're just asking around." Things, you know the consequences..."

"Uh..." The servant girl who asked casually closed her mouth immediately after being reminded by the servant.

Then, she recalled that last month, there was a servant girl who had just entered the mansion for a few days, was not familiar with the rules of the mansion, and liked to inquire about things. Scared look.


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