Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 377: Psychic energy enters the body, accelerating mutation

"Oh, what are you people doing? I have already reminded you that there are enemies over there, why are you still going there?"

Lin Li manipulated his own game characters, lingering in the grass, watching passers-by and his teammates disobeying advice, and then being killed one by one by the enemy, feeling very depressed.

Now he was the only one left in the five-member team. Just as he was about to show off his skills and win the final victory by himself, a grenade flew from behind and fell into the grass where he was hiding.


! ”

Seeing the grenade falling beside him, Lin Li was stunned for a moment, and then only heard a loud noise.


The phone screen went dark, and the screen showed that he was eliminated.

"I'm Zhuo... so insidious! He even sneaked around behind me and attacked me." Following in the footsteps of his teammates, Lin Li, who was eliminated, stopped forming a team with passers-by, and quit the game.

"It's too uncertain to team up with passers-by, let's play with Su Yue later!

It's almost time, I can go out..." Lin Li looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, played the game for a while, and before he knew it, it was 10:30.

Now go out to the vegetable market to buy the ingredients needed for boiled fish, and when you arrive at Su Yue's house, you can start cooking.

He got up from the sofa, walked into the bedroom, changed his clothes, and then went out.


The bright sunshine shines on the community, and the temperature in early September is not low, and it still maintains the scorching heat of summer.

Under a big leafy tree in the green belt, in the cool shade, there is a little girl in a pink sleeveless skirt, squatting, with her hands on her cheeks, looking at the food with a smile on her face. Two little wild cats holding something.

"Eat slowly, don't choke." Zhou Tongtong said, with a faint golden aura occasionally flashing through her big round eyes.

Hearing this, the two little guys immediately slowed down their eating speed. In front of Zhou Tongtong, the two of them were very well-behaved, not like wild and unruly little wild cats at all.

After a while, the small half of the pot of diced beef was eaten up by two little wild cats.

"Meow... so full!" The little black cat licked its lips, then lay down on the ground, showing its belly, exuding a lazy breath.

The little white cat ate less than the little black cat, and its stomach was not particularly full. It raised its hand and scratched its cheek, then said to Zhou Tongtong.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, it's hot outside, hurry up and go home!"

Zhou Tongtong smiled and said, "It's okay! It's actually quite cool under this big tree. I'll go back after playing with you for a while."

After finishing speaking, she took out a toffee from her pocket, unpacked it, stuffed the white toffee into her mouth, and then stretched out two white and tender hands, stroking the bellies and heads of the two little wild cats.


The little black cat and the little white cat let out comfortable sounds after being stroked, and this time, they clearly noticed that the warm feeling in their bodies was stronger than before.


Although the two little guys were puzzled, why this time the warm feeling was stronger than ever before, but they were also puzzled in their hearts and did not say it out loud.

Zhou Tongtong's two white and tender hands were caressing the two little guys.

The faint golden aura that flashed from the fingertips quickly penetrated into the bodies of the two little guys, and then accelerated the two little guys' absorption of the spiritual energy emanating from the yellow ox meat.

If there are second-level practitioners present at this moment, they can clearly perceive that the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the little black cat and the little white cat are increasing at an accelerated rate.

"You two are still too young, you need to grow up quickly! Only when you grow up can you protect yourself from being bullied..."

Zhou Tongtong said while stroking the two little wild cats, the spiritual energy in his body penetrated into the bodies of the two little ones in an orderly manner.

The little white cat whose head was being touched by Zhou Tongtong suddenly turned to look at Building No. [-] outside the green belt, and shouted, "Meow...someone is going to come out of the corridor."

Zhou Tongtong and the little black cat heard the words and looked towards the location of Building No. [-]. At first, they didn't see anyone coming out of the corridor.

Then, two or three seconds later, they saw Lin Li walking slowly out of the corridor of Building No. [-].

"It's brother Lin Li!" Zhou Tongtong saw Lin Li coming out of the corridor of Building No. [-], then stood up and waved to Lin Li who was looking at him from outside the green belt.

"Zhou Tongtong, it's so hot today, you still ran out to play with the little wild cat!" Lin Li responded with a smile to Zhou Tongtong who was greeting him.

"It's cool under the big tree, Brother Lin Li, do you want to come and play with us?" Zhou Tongtong extended an invitation to Lin Li.

Lin Li, who was about to go to the vegetable market to buy ingredients, smiled and shook his head, "I have something to go out now."

"Oh, Brother Lin Li, be careful on the road." Zhou Tongtong said.

Afterwards, Lin Li bid farewell to the cute little girl and went to the place where he parked his car.


The sound of the car starting sounded, and the silver-white van left the Ping'an Garden District and headed towards the vegetable market.

"Little Bai, how did you know that brother Lin Li was going to come out of the corridor?" Zhou Tongtong asked after Lin Li drove the van and left the community, looking down at the little white cat squatting on the ground.

"I can't explain it clearly, but there is a feeling reminding me that he is going to come out of the corridor..." The little white cat raised its head, looked at Zhou Tongtong and said.

"Feeling?" Zhou Tongtong didn't understand what the reason was. She couldn't figure it out and didn't struggle. Then she stretched out her hand and stroked the little white cat's body, praising it.

"You can know in advance that brother Lin Li is going to come out of the corridor by feeling, you are so amazing!"

"Meow..." The little white cat enjoyed Zhou Tongtong's touch, and when she heard her praise herself, she was very happy and let out a comfortable and joyful cry.

There was a little black cat lying on the ground. Seeing the little white cat being praised by Zhou Tongtong, I was very envious. At this time, it said to Zhou Tongtong, "Meow... I will grow bigger! It's amazing."

"Xiao Hei, you said that you will grow bigger again! If you are really going to grow bigger, then quickly change into one and show me!" Zhou Tongtong said, now she does not believe that the little black cat is like it said will become larger.

"Eh..." The little black cat was speechless for a moment, and then responded in a low voice, "Meow... I haven't found a way yet, when I find a way, I'll show it to you as soon as possible, and then you will know that I have a solution." How amazing."

"All right, all right, then I'll just wait, you hurry up and find a way to grow bigger!" Zhou Tongtong imitated the appearance of an adult, showing a helpless look, and reached out to touch the little black cat's belly as a sign of encouragement .

Afterwards, Zhou Tongtong played with the two little wild cats for a while, and felt that the time was almost up, so he went home with a clean little basin.

"Meow... Xiaobai, you have seen me grow up before, why didn't you testify for me just now?" The little black cat looked at Zhou Tongtong who was leaving, and said to his little friend.

"Meow... If you can't show her the change in front of her, what's the use of my testimony?" The little white cat replied.

"Meow... This is, alas, how can I grow bigger again?" The little black cat murmured impatiently, and then it had an idea and came up with a way. It looked at the little white cat.

"Meow...why are you looking at me like this? What's your plan?" The little white cat looked at his little friend vigilantly and asked.

"Meow... Xiaobai, may I discuss something with you?" said the little black cat.

"Meow... what's the matter?"

"Meow... the reason I was able to grow bigger last time was because you were bullied by that big orange cat, so I thought, why don't we go find that big orange cat again, and then let him bully you, when the time comes I can..."

Before the little black cat could finish speaking, he was interrupted by his little friend.

"Meow... what do you think? I won't promise you this."

"Meow...please! I want to grow bigger again, maybe I can feel the feeling of growing bigger again, and I will be able to master the method of becoming bigger as I want."

"Meow... no, I don't want to be pinned to the ground by that big orange cat again."

"Meow... please!"

"Meow... No, no, no, don't mention it again."

In the shade of the big tree, two little wild cats tugged at each other.

An aunt of the household committee passed by the green belt and heard two little wild cats meowing under the big tree in the green belt. She looked at them very puzzled, wondering why these two little guys kept barking , is something wrong?


Under the scorching sun, the air on the street was distorted visible to the naked eye.

In a black car on the side of the street, Zhu Daqi was blowing the cool air from the car's air conditioner while watching short videos.

Performing the task of tracking and monitoring, once the target does not make any movement, it will appear very boring and boring.


Fortunately, there are many things to do to kill time now, which makes Zhu Daqi, who is in charge of monitoring the target, not so boring.

Seeing the beautiful young lady twisting and turning in the short video, Zhu Daqi couldn't help showing a smile that anyone with a discerning eye could understand.

Suddenly, at the gate of Ping'an Garden Community, a silver-white van drove out, and then drove past the car where Zhu Daqi was.

Zhu Daqi, who was watching the beautiful young lady dancing in the short video, glanced at the van passing by his car. He was stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked at the license plate of the van.

The familiar license plate number immediately evoked some of his memories, "Damn, that target who likes to stay at home has gone out."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Daqi immediately started the car to follow, and at the same time turned on the tracking software installed on the phone.

"This guy has finally gone out. Next, if he only needs to go to the suburbs, I will tell my brother the news, and this monitoring mission can be over."

Zhu Daqi has done this kind of task of monitoring others many times, so he is quite experienced.

In order to avoid being discovered by the target, he did not follow very closely. At this time, the tracker he installed earlier took effect.

Keep a relatively undetected distance, and don't worry about losing the target, because the tracking software on the mobile phone can let him know where the target is all the time.

Lin Li drove the van to the outside of the vegetable market. After parking the car, he got out of the car and walked into the vegetable market where there were not many customers.

Most people choose to come here early in the morning to buy vegetables. Lin Li walked into the vegetable market at this time, so of course he would not encounter crowds.

Boiled fish generally use grass carp, silver carp, snakehead and catfish. Because grass carp has more meat and less spines, many restaurants will choose grass carp as the material for boiled fish.

When Lin Li came back to this vegetable market, he also bought grass carp as the material for cooking boiled fish at noon.

He came to a place in the vegetable market that sold aquatic products, searched for it, and soon found a stall selling grass carp.

Because it was close to noon and there were few customers in the vegetable market, the boss who sold aquatic products sat on a chair and dozed off.


Lin Li coughed lightly, and the dozing Boss Yu immediately woke up.

"Handsome guy, do you want to buy fish?" Boss Yu raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and asked Lin Li.

"Boss, please bring me two five-jin grass carp..." Lin Li said to the boss, looking at the big water basin with grass carp in front of him.

"Good..." The fish boss was very happy when the business came. He didn't expect that there would be customers coming to buy his fish before lunch.

"Handsome guy, did you buy this grass carp to make boiled fish or fish with pickled cabbage?"

"Yes, boss."

"Do you need me to help you handle the fish and cut them into fillets?"

"Yes, please."

"You're welcome, it should be done."

Afterwards, Boss Yu picked out two lively and large grass carp for Lin Li, weighing ten and a half catties in total.

With Lin Li nodding in agreement, he began to deal with the two alive and kicking big grass carp.

Boss Yu has been running a fish stall for more than ten years. After so many years, the number of fish he has processed cannot be counted, and his knife skills are amazing.

With a knife in hand, three strikes, five cuts and two cuts, the two lively big grass carp were knocked out by the fish boss, and their stomachs were ripped apart. Immediately afterwards, the fat and large pieces of fish were cut into pieces.

Both Lin Li and Su Yue like to eat thicker fish fillets, seeing that the fish owner cut the fish fillets were a bit thin, he immediately said, "Boss, I like to eat thicker fish fillets, please cut them thicker. "

"Okay..." The fish boss saw that the customer wanted the fish fillets to be thicker, so he immediately made adjustments.

The two grass carp weighed about ten kilograms in total, and it would take some time to cut them all into fillets. Taking advantage of this time, Lin Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket, scanned the payment code on the stall of the fish boss, and transferred the two fish's The money is paid first.

"Boss, I'll go to other stalls to buy something, you deal with it first, and I'll come to get the fish later..."

"Well, go! I'll help you pack it up..." Boss Fish said with a smile.


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