Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 376: The road to change, the straw to save life

"Tread, step, step..."

There was a rush of footsteps from the corridor outside the door, from which it can be seen that the person who made the footsteps was very anxious.

"Dong Dongdong..."

Fang Jingtang, who was lying on the hospital bed, heard someone knocking on the door of his ward, and he spoke.

"Come in."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the ward was pushed open, and two men, one tall and one short, walked in.

"Old Qi, Liu Qizhi, it's you!" Fang Jingtang saw that the person who came was a member of his own gang, and immediately greeted him.

"..." Liu Qizhi saw Fang Jingtang's pale face and many white gauzes wrapped around his body, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, and fell silent immediately.

Lao Qi, a member of the Red Blood Gang, saw that Fang Jingtang was about to sit up, so he hurried up, "Master, your injuries are still not healed, so you don't need to sit up, just lie down!"

"After the doctor's treatment, I am much better now." Fang Jingtang said.

Then, with the help of Lao Qi who came up, he sat up and leaned his back against the head of the bed. Then, his gaze fell on Liu Qizhi who was silently looking at him without speaking.

"How did you go about what I told you to do?" Fang Jingtang asked.

"It's done. After the other party takes our money, they promise to settle the matter in a few days." Liu Qizhi replied.

"It's good that it's done, thank you for your hard work." Fang Jingtang couldn't help showing a smile on his pale face when he heard Liu Qizhi say that what he had explained earlier was completed.

"Guangzhu, our gang has suffered such a heavy blow, and it has already been reduced to a second-rate gang.

Is it still necessary to carry out the things you told me to do before? "Liu Qizhi said emotionally, with a distressed expression on his face.

When Fang Jingtang asked him to go to work before, he took a group of younger brothers out, and he was very high-spirited at the time.

As a result, after he successfully completed what Fang Jingtang told him to do and came back, such a terrible disaster happened in the base camp, which was a big blow to him.

"Alas..." Fang Jingtang looked at Liu Qizhi who was agitated and lost his composure, heaved a long sigh, and then said.

"This time we were attacked by that culprit, who killed and injured many brothers, making us fall from a first-rate gang to a second-rate gang. This is an irreversible fact.

Having encountered such a great difficulty, the only thing worth being happy about is that you have successfully completed what I told you to do.

As for what you said, now that our gang has become like this, whether there is any need to carry out the thing I told you to do in the future, this matter will be discussed later.

The first thing we have to consider now is how to deal with that terrible murderer next. "

"What?" Liu Qizhi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and asked suspiciously, "Guangzhu, what do you mean by this? What do we mean by how we should deal with that murderer?"

Lao Qi, the small leader of the Red Blood Gang, also showed the same puzzled expression on his face. He looked at Fang Jingtang, waiting for an explanation.

"..." Fang Jingtang was silent for a few seconds, organized his words, and then explained to the two backbone members of the Red Blood Gang in front of him.

"The murderer who attacked us said when he left that as long as our Scarlet Blood Gang exists for a day, he will not let us be safe, and he will visit us later."

Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi opened their mouths in shock when they heard what Fang Jingtang said.

They didn't expect that after that hateful murderer did such a thing to their gang, he would come to deal with them again.

The ward suddenly fell into silence. Fang Jingtang leaned his back against the head of the bed, closed his eyes, and recalled the scene at that time.

Not far away was a raging fire. The murderer, who was wearing a black hood and couldn't see his face clearly, spoke harshly at the strong man with the initial cultivation of the third stage.

At that time, because he was affected by the explosion fireball, he was seriously injured and fell to the ground, his body was covered in blood, his body was in severe pain, and he might pass out at any time.

After hearing that hateful murderer's extremely arrogant and cruel words, my heart was shaken, I couldn't hold on, and passed out completely.

When he woke up, he found himself lying in the ward of the hospital.

Later, I learned from others that the murderer who attacked the base camp was not taken down by the strong man with the initial cultivation of the third stage.

Now the murderer is missing, recalling the cruel words he heard from the other party before he fell into a coma, Fang Jingtang's heart was full of horror.

A murderer with a second-order peak cultivation base, who was able to escape from the hands of a practitioner at the beginning of the third stage, and also uttered cruel words, vowing not to stop until the Red Blood Gang was brought down.

Facing such a terrifying enemy, Fang Jingtang didn't know what to do even though he was resourceful.

Now he told Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi what the murderer said, and he also wanted to know how many people knew about it, and see if he could come up with a good way to deal with the next challenge.

What a pity!After the two people heard the cruel words from the murderer that Fang Jingtang said, they all kept silent, their faces were shocked, and there was an unconcealable panic in their eyes, as if they didn't know what to do. .

As time went by, more and more people became aware of the details of the battle that took place at the Red Blood Clan's base camp last night.

The most shocking thing is that the murderer who attacked the Scarlet Blood Gang turned out to be a cultivator with a second-order peak cultivation base, who had the ability to transform his body into elements.

Moreover, it can be said that such a murderer with a second-level peak cultivation base can escape calmly after a battle with a practitioner with a third-level initial cultivation base. This can be said to let many people know about this matter. People are amazed.

The vast majority of ordinary people, after hearing the story of this incident, only superficially feel that the murderer is very powerful.

And those practitioners with cultivation bases, especially second-level practitioners, practitioners at their stage, have a very deep understanding that the further they go, each time a practitioner breaks through, the increase in strength is very huge.

It can be said that it is extremely difficult for second-level practitioners, even the peak second-level practitioners, to successfully escape from the hands of early-level third-level practitioners.

However, during the entire incident of the Red Blood Gang, the murderer actually managed to escape, and it was quite easy. So far, it is not known how he escaped.

However, one thing is known, the murderer with the second-order peak cultivation base, his strength can be said to be the top existence among practitioners of the same level, and it is difficult to be defeated.

Some practitioners who also have the peak cultivation of the second level even concluded that for a murderer with such strength, it is no easier for the Yamen to arrest him than a wanted criminal with the initial cultivation of the third level.

After all, a wanted criminal in the early stage of the third stage needs to be followed by law enforcement officers with at least the early stage of the third stage before he can be arrested.

And such a murderer, who can be said to be invincible among practitioners of the same level at the peak level of the second level, is impossible for you to let the law enforcement officers at the peak level of the second level catch it!

Doing it like that is tantamount to letting law enforcement officers die in vain.

Therefore, we can only use the attitude of treating a wanted criminal in the early stage of the third stage, and send law enforcement personnel with corresponding strength to arrest him.

"Master, that murderer has said such things, what should we do in the future?" Lao Qi asked with a very pessimistic expression.

Those little bosses who fought with that murderer last night were generally stronger than him. So many people died under the hands of that murderer. If the opponent came to the door again, he would definitely be killed by the opponent face to face.

Thinking about the future, maybe one night, on his way home, a murderer wearing a black hood suddenly fell from the sky and stood in front of him, Lao Qi couldn't stop his heart from trembling.

"..." Although Liu Qizhi who was standing at the side didn't speak, he had the same anxious expression on his face now, obviously he had similar worries as Old Qi.

If it was an enemy of comparable strength and had a chance of successful revenge, then Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi would not react like this.

Now knowing that the enemy has the cultivation base of the second-order peak, for them, it is an invincible existence, and the other party will come to the door again later. They have no intention of revenge at all, and only think about their own personal safety. one.

"Hey..." Seeing Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi like this, Fang Jingtang regretted telling them the cruel words he heard about the murderer before he fell into a coma last night.

After that, it would be fine if these two people kept their mouths shut, otherwise, once they spread the ruthless words of the murderer, the situation that the Red Blood Gang would face would become even worse.

In fact, it's nothing to be known by outsiders, the main thing is to worry about being known by the living members of the Red Blood Gang.

What happened last night has already disturbed the minds of the surviving members of the Red Blood Gang.

If they knew that the murderer had said such cruel words, there was a high probability that they would come to them again in the future.

Fearing that these distraught members of the Scarlet Blood Gang, in order to survive, most of them would immediately pack their bags and go their separate ways.

"Guard master?" Seeing that Fang Jingtang just sighed and didn't answer his own question, Lao Qi hurriedly shouted again.

"At present, I have not thought of a solution to this problem..." Fang Jingtang shook his head helplessly and said.

After all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great. Since no one on the side of the Red Blood Gang can deal with the murderer with the second-order peak cultivation base, it is useless to think of more ways.

"..." Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi heard that the resourceful Fang Jingtang couldn't think of a way to deal with it, and their anxiety grew even worse.

At this time, out of consideration for their own safety, they had the idea of ​​packing up their things and running away.

Once the idea of ​​running away was born, it was like a seed fell into the soil, took root and germinated in a short period of time, and grew rapidly.

In the quiet ward, the three members of the Red Blood Gang were silent, staring at each other with their own thoughts.

Faced with such a predicament, when there is no solution, the thoughts of the three people are actually quite similar. They all think that next time, they should pack up their valuables and leave Dongwu before the terrible murderer comes to visit again. city.

Just as the three members of the Red Blood Gang were thinking about something, there was a sound of steady footsteps from the corridor outside the door.

"Tread, step, step..."

The people in the corridor came to Fang Jingtang's ward and stopped.

"Crack." The person outside the door didn't knock, but directly pushed the door in, which seemed very rude.

The three of Fang Jingtang in the ward looked at the five people who pushed the door and entered. They were originally a little angry because they pushed the door and entered without knocking.

But the next moment, they recognized the identity of the middle-aged man in the lead, and at this moment, the anger in their hearts dissipated immediately.

"Guard Wu, why are you here?" Fang Jingtang said to the leading middle-aged man in surprise.

Wu Xiong looked at Fang Jingtang, who was wrapped in white gauze, and said expressionlessly, "Master, he heard what happened to you last night, and ordered me to come here to see how you are doing."

"Thank you Master Wu for your concern." Fang Jingtang said gratefully.

"When something like this happened, do you know who did it?" Wu Xiong asked.

"At first, I suspected that it was someone from the Feilong Gang who did it, but after thinking about it carefully, with the strength of the Feilong Gang, it is impossible to invite practitioners at the peak of the second order to deal with us. At present, I don't know who did it. " Fang Jingtang said depressingly.

"Tsk... I don't know who did it, it's troublesome." Wu Xiong said, and then he added, "I also know a general idea of ​​the losses suffered by the Red Blood Gang, what are your plans after that? "

When Fang Jingtang heard that Wu Xiong asked the same question as Lao Qi, he couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face.

"Guard Wu, that murderer said before leaving that as long as our Scarlet Blood Gang exists, he will come to visit again...Facing such a murderer, we don't know what to do."

"This person is so arrogant?!

! Hearing this, Wu Xiong frowned immediately. He thought for a while, and then said to the three members of the Red Blood Gang who were looking at him.

"After I go back, I will report this matter to the master, so don't worry.

Now that many people know that the master is your backer, they will certainly not sit idly by.

Fang Jingtang, next, you can rest in peace and recuperate, and wait for me to bring you good news. "

Fang Jingtang, Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi, after hearing what Wu Xiong said, the look of despair on their faces disappeared, and they became full of excitement.

"Thank you, thank you Guard Wu."

"I'm just the master's servant. If you want to thank me, you should also thank my master."

"Thank you, thank you Master Wu."

"Then let's do this first! I'm going back to report the situation to the master now."

"Guard Wu, go slowly, Liu Qizhi, Lao Qi, quickly send Guard Wu for me." Fang Jingtang saw that Wu Xiong was leaving with someone, so he hurriedly said to the two subordinates beside the bed.

"Good helper." Liu Qizhi and Lao Qi hurriedly stepped forward to see them off.

After a while, the two of them sent the distinguished guest out of the hospital and returned to the ward.

"Master, it's all over now, we're saved..." Old Qi said happily.

"As long as that lord is willing to take action, if that hateful murderer dares to trouble us again, he will definitely make him come and go." Liu Qizhi couldn't help but said happily.

Fang Jingtang couldn't stop the smile on his face as he looked at the two emotionally agitated subordinates.

"That murderer made our Scarlet Blood Gang like this, which is tantamount to slapping that lord in the face. The arrival of Guard Wu shows that next, that lord will definitely help us."

Just when the three members of the Red Blood Gang breathed a sigh of relief because of the intervention of a big shot, the terrible murderer they were talking about was playing a mobile game at the moment, and was very angry at the cheating passer-by teammate.


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