Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 375: Terrifying murderer, lingering nightmare

In the photo studio, Su Yue flipped through the two photo albums. After reading them, she nodded with satisfaction, and then put the photo albums into the bag given by the proprietress.

She took out her mobile phone from her pocket, scanned the payment code in the store, and after paying the money, she left with the bag containing the photo album.

The proprietress of the photo studio looked at Su Yue's leaving back and guessed in her heart.

"The young man who took the photo with Teacher Su looks ordinary, so he can't be Teacher Su's boyfriend, right?"

After Su Yue came out of the photo studio, the eyes of passers-by on the street fell on her again.

Su Yue, who was accustomed to it, ignored those eyes looking at her, and came to her white little sheep electric car.

Put away the bag with the photo album in your hand, turn the handle, and drive your electric car to the road, heading towards your home.

"Before I go home, I need to go to the supermarket." Su Yue thought that there was not much ice cream left in the freezer at home, and thought to herself while driving the electric car.


In the dimly lit room, golden sunlight squeezed into the room through the gap between the curtains, providing some light for the room.


Lin Li, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes. He had woken up from hunger.

"very hungry!"

Lin Li lifted the quilt, got up and got out of bed. After leaving the bedroom, he took a quick wash in the bathroom, then walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer of the refrigerator, and took out a lot of quick-frozen food that he bought earlier.

Boil water.

After waiting for a while, after the water boiled, Lin Li put food such as quick-frozen dumplings and quick-frozen meatballs into the pot.

Before the quick-frozen food was cooked, Lin Li, who was so hungry, went to the living room again, went to get some bread and gnawed on it, and first ate two bread mats to cushion his stomach.

"It should be done." After Lin Li ate the last bite of bread, he lifted the lid of the pot and watched the dumplings and meatballs in the boiling water all float up, before turning off the gas stove.

Sprinkle some salt and monosodium glutamate into the pot, adjust the seasoning briefly, and then put all the cooked dumplings and meatballs out.


After eating two pieces of bread, it was obvious that he couldn't suppress his hunger.

He came to Linli in the restaurant with a large bowl of cooked dumplings and meatballs, pulled out his chair and sat down, and immediately began to feast on his own breakfast.


After finishing a large bowl of food, Lin Li let out a long breath when he was full. He patted his stomach and murmured to himself.

"Finally, I'm full. It's really uncomfortable to wake up from hunger. There's only enough beef meat in the refrigerator for another meal. Later, I have to go to the supermarket to buy some meat."

Leaning back in the chair and thinking for a while, Lin Li got up to pack the pots and pans.

After working for a while, I finally got the kitchen clean.

He came to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and saw that the current time was 08:30 in the morning, which was still early, and he was not in a hurry to go to the vegetable market to buy the ingredients needed to make boiled fish at noon.

Lin Li turned on the TV, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and logged into the Beast Hunter communication software.

Click on the communication section, and the content of the popular post is mainly about the suspected new species of lizard that was reported in the news yesterday.

"Recently, there have been many bad things! Just as the herd of alien beasts that appeared in the wilderness of the southern region subsided, another unruly second-order peak alien beast appeared in the wilderness of the eastern region, and it was a new species that had never been discovered before. .”

"Who says it's not! This year is really an eventful year!"

"Everyone should be careful. The second-tier peak alien beast that appeared in the East District is not far from the safe zone. In the near future, everyone should stop hunting in the wilderness of the East District."

"I still know the person who was interviewed by the reporter on the news yesterday!

Not long ago, our team and their team had lunch together in the wilderness. I didn't expect that their team would encounter such a bad thing after a few days. "

"According to common sense, the alien beast at the peak of the second order basically moves about [-] kilometers away from the safe zone. It is so strange that it appears about [-] kilometers away from the safe zone."

"The Alien Beast Hunters Guild has sent a special operations team to deal with this matter, and we'll just wait for the news."

The beast hunters on the communication board were all talking about the red-horned purple scaled lizard. Lin Li looked through several posts and found that they were all useless news, so he quit the communication board.

"Let's play games for a while before going out!" Lin Li, who had nothing to do, clicked on a mobile game called 'All People Shooting' on his phone.


The spiritual world, Dongwu City.

Last night, the base camp of the Red Blood Gang was set on fire by unknown assailants, and more than half of the base camp was burned.

The reason why the masked man who set the fire was called a murderer is because anyone who knows the inside story knows that the Red Blood Gang now has a big backer, and normal people would not dare to do such a thing.

In the end, the masked man who set the fire not only did it, but also did it ruthlessly. This was completely ignoring the big man behind the Red Blood Gang, and he couldn't be called a bold murderer.

Moreover, the murderer who set fire to the base camp of the Red Blood Gang was very arrogant. Facing the new leader of the Red Blood Gang leading people to arrest him, he chose to fight back instead of running away.

In the end, the murderer not only killed many members of the Red Blood Gang, but even the new leader of the Red Blood Gang was seriously injured.

"Fairy Wood"

By now, this matter has spread, and all the gang forces in Dongwu City know about it.

Many people analyzed that the murderer who set fire to the base camp of the Red Blood Gang last night and killed many people had a lot to do with the Feilong Gang. After all, the Feilong Gang and the Red Blood Gang are already in dire straits.

Although the Red Blood Gang has powerful members as their backers, as far as the hatred between the two sides is concerned, the Feilong Gang dare not directly attack the Red Blood Gang on the surface, and it is not afraid to play tricks behind the scenes. It's reasonable to think about it.

As for the members of the Flying Dragon Gang, knowing that the Scarlet Blood Gang had encountered such a disaster last night, they all clapped their hands and cheered. Naturally, they would not admit to being suspected by other gangs that they were not the ones who did it.

He explained to the outside world that if the Flying Dragon Gang could have a relationship with such a strong man, the Red Blood Gang would have been wiped out long ago, so why wait until today.

After listening to the explanation of the members of the Feilong Gang, the various forces in Dongwu City felt that what they said was very reasonable, but the suspicion of the Feilong Gang would not be cleared because of this.

If it is a fight between two gangs, as long as the common people are not hurt, the yamen will not bother to deal with it under normal circumstances.

But now such a big commotion has affected many residents living around the Red Blood Gang, so the yamen has also sent people to investigate what happened last night.

While the people sent by the yamen were conducting the investigation, the people in the yamen also asked people to speak to the gang leaders of the various gangs.

Tell the gang leaders who is the mastermind behind the scenes, and go to the Yamen to surrender as soon as possible. If you voluntarily surrender, you can reduce the punishment.

If the people in the yamen finally found out the results of the investigation first, then the mastermind of the incident and the gangs related to him will be severely punished by the yamen, and it is not ruled out that his gang will be uprooted.

In the beginning, the leaders of the various gangs just watched the Red Blood Gang encounter such disasters with the mentality of eating melons.

Unexpectedly, the development of the matter was beyond their expectations and affected them, making them very depressed.

Although the gang leaders of each gang did not issue an order to set fire to the base camp of the Red Blood Gang, but whoever under Bao Buqi had a brain problem and did such a thing, in order to protect themselves, they began to investigate the inside of the gang.

At this moment, someone who is playing a game in another world is scolding his cheating teammates. He doesn't know what he did last night, which caused all the gangs in Dongwu City to be in a hurry, and they will complain endlessly in the coming days.


Because of a fire last night, and many members of the Red Blood Gang were killed by masked assailants, the dock of the Red Blood Gang stopped operating, and all the cargo ships that were supposed to dock at this dock to unload their cargo went to other docks to dock up.

The area burned by the fire was full of ruins and a mess.

Because the impact of the fire last night was not small, the yamen sent many experienced police officers here to investigate.

At the scene of the area burned by the fire, many police officers from the government office were searching, hoping to find some useful clues.

Not far away, a shed was erected, and many people lined up in front of the shed, waiting for the Yamen's arresters to question them.

Liu Qizhi, who was away on errands, returned to Dongwu City this morning. As the little leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang, he had just returned to Dongwu City when he heard about the disaster that his gang encountered last night.

So he immediately rushed back to the base camp with his younger brother, and Liu Qizhi was dumbfounded by the dilapidated scene that was burned by the fire.

"How could this happen?"

"Liu Qizhi, you're back!" A member of the Scarlet Blood Gang with a tired look at the scene saw Liu Qizhi, walked over and said.

"Old Qi, I just returned to the city, and I heard that last night, we..." Liu Qizhi talked about what happened to the Red Blood Gang last night, which he heard from others on the road.

"Yes, those things did happen last night. Many of our brothers were killed by that murderer." The member of the Red Blood Gang known as Lao Qi said with a heavy face.

He is also a small boss. He was also on the scene when the accident happened last night, but he was responsible for guarding the goods on the pier and did not directly participate in the team to catch the arsonist.

When the raging fire was extinguished by the killing team, Lao Qi came to the scene where the fighting broke out, and saw his brothers who used to drink and eat meat lying on the ground in a mess, lifeless, and his whole body collapsed.

However, when he regained his strength, he felt a sense of gratitude in his heart.

Because Lao Qi looked at the dead brother and thought that if he had not stayed on the pier to take care of the goods, but had joined the team to capture the arsonist, then he would most likely become a cold corpse just like the dead brother .

"How many people died?" Liu Qizhi asked, upon hearing this, Lao Qi read the name of the little boss who died last night, and then briefly said the number of casualties.

"So many people died?!

! "Liu Qizhi was shocked after hearing this, because the number of casualties that Lao Qi said had already exceeded the number of casualties caused by the assassin's attack on Hong Jiu that happened not long ago.

Moreover, the loss this time is not only in terms of the number of people far exceeding that of the last time, the backbone of the casualties, that is, members of the small leader level of the Red Blood Gang, have died a dozen people, which is a huge loss for any gang. It is an extremely heavy loss!

After all, members at the junior level can be recruited again after they die, and it is not difficult to replenish them. However, once the members at the small boss level lose too much, if they want to replenish, they will not be able to do so within three to five years.

Lin Li wanted to crush the Red Blood Gang and make them disintegrate in the shortest possible time. Last night's action, the attack effect can be said to be very good.

After such an incident, with the current strength of the Red Blood Gang, it can be said that it has fallen from the echelon of the first-rate gang, and it can only be said that it can only be said to be barely in the echelon of the second-rate gang.

The Scarlet Blood Gang established by Hong Jiu took him decades of hard work and painstaking efforts, and finally became one of the few first-class gangs in Dongwu City.

Who would have thought that in less than ten days, Hong Jiu, the founder, could not help but be killed, and the Red Blood Gang he founded would not return to its former glory, which is really embarrassing.

"How about helping the master?" Liu Qizhi asked.

"The gang leader was seriously injured and is currently receiving treatment in the hospital," Lao Qi said.

"Take me to see him." Liu Qizhi said, he wanted to meet Fang Jingtang immediately and ask him what the Red Blood Gang should do next.

"Okay, come with me." Lao Qi nodded, and then took Liu Qizhi to the hospital where Fang Jingtang was currently treating injuries.


"No, don't come here, ah..."

In the quiet ward, the patient lying on the bed with white gauze wrapped around his body suddenly let out a scream.

Outside the ward, the doctors who passed by heard the screams coming from the ward, but they ignored them and continued to do their own things.

It's not that these doctors are indifferent and ignore the patients in the ward.

They had such a reaction because the patients in that ward had made such screams more than a dozen times.

At the beginning, the doctors thought that something happened to the patient and they would rush to the ward to check.

It was found that the patient was just talking in his sleep, and then he heard screams in the ward, so everyone didn't pay much attention.


Fang Jingtang, who screamed, panted heavily, and then slowly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand to wipe his forehead and found that it was covered in cold sweat.

He had another nightmare just now. He dreamed that the murderer wearing a black hood burned down the gang's stronghold with a fire, and beheaded almost all of his subordinates very brutally.

That terrifying murderer had already become Fang Jingtang's succubus.


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