Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 374: This world is so barren, I regret coming to this world

blue star.

Xingfu Garden Community, Room [-], Building [-].

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

There was a sound of running water in the bathroom, and it took a while for it to quiet down.

With Kacha's sound, the bathroom door opened, and a slim figure walked out of the steam-filled bathroom.

Su Yue was wrapped in a light blue bath towel, under her neck like a swan's neck, there was a large white collarbone, and continuing down was a full curve that was amazing.

In the process of taking a bath, I washed my hair by the way. The wet hair draped over my shoulders, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Her face is rosy, her skin is as creamy, and under the bright lights, it seems to be shimmering. Su Yue, who just took a bath, exudes amazing charm, but no one can appreciate her delicate appearance now. get.

After taking a hot shower and coming out of the bathroom, I feel a little hot

Walking into the living room, the cold air exhaled by the cabinet air conditioner in the corner made Su Yue feel refreshed all over.

Sitting down on the sofa in the living room, turned on the TV, and tuned to the variety show channel, she picked up the mobile phone on the coffee table, fell sideways, and lay on the sofa.

Unlock the phone screen, and jump like green onion fingers on the phone screen.

Open the chat software, find out the chat window of Lin Li, and send a voice message.

"Lin Li, didn't you say a few days ago that you are going to learn how to cook boiled fish? Come over tomorrow Saturday! I will teach you how to cook boiled fish."

After sending the voice, Su Yue looked at the chat box, her well-proportioned thighs were pressed together, and her calves were restlessly dangling slowly in mid-air.

The small and delicate feet without any horniness drew graceful arcs in midair.


Ping An Garden District.

Ten minutes ago, Lin Li, who was fighting fiercely with enemies at the beginning of the third stage, returned from the spirit world.

After taking a shower, he is currently in the air-conditioned living room. While watching the news program, he is holding half an iced watermelon and eating it with a spoon.

"Next, the reporter from this station is interviewing the survivors of the unstoppable beast hunter team..."

As soon as the beautiful news anchor finished speaking, the director immediately switched the screen.

A wounded man wrapped in white gauze was lying on a hospital bed, and his left arm could be seen missing.

The camera fell on the injured man's face, and he was pale without a trace of blood.

"Mr. Wang, can you describe the beast that attacked you and your teammates, what does it look like?"

The reporter in a white shirt asked the wounded on the hospital bed, saw the latter nodded, and then he passed the microphone in his hand to the other's mouth.

"It's a huge lizard beast with a second-order peak strength and a body length of more than 20 meters.

It is covered in purple scales and has a single red horn just above its head.

When our captain sensed that it was a beast with the peak strength of the second level, he decisively gave the instruction to escape.

But although its size is huge, its speed is very fast.

In addition, the strength crushed our team, so although our captain gave the instruction to escape at the first time, more than half of the people died in the hands of that strange beast. "

When describing the appearance of the alien beast and the situation encountered at that time, the eyes of the alien beast hunter who survived by chance were full of fear.

"I'm very familiar with the Illustrated Book of Alien Beasts. That Alien Beast doesn't exist in the Illustrated Book of Alien Beasts at all. It's a new species." Before ending the reporter's interview, the Alien Beast Hunter who survived by chance added.

The Alien Beast Illustrated Book is produced by the Alien Beast Hunters Association. It is an illustrated book that collects information on various alien beasts. It allows the alien beast hunters to better understand the habits of various alien beasts in the wilderness and where they often appear.

"A new species? It's so strange that such a big strange beast has never been discovered before..." Lin Li watched the reporter interview on TV, and murmured to himself, and then scooped up a large piece of iced watermelon and stuffed it into the mouth middle.

"According to the narration of the surviving Alien Beast Hunter, Mr. Wang, we can know that this Alien Beast is very aggressive, and it is also a new species that has never been seen before.

Because this strange beast has the strength of the second-order peak, and it appeared in the wilderness on the outskirts of the eastern district, not far from the safe zone.

So for the next few days, the general public is requested not to approach the wilderness areas in the Eastern District to avoid life-threatening..."

The beautiful news anchor reminded the audience in front of the TV immediately after the reporter finished interviewing the video of Alien Beast Hunter.

"Not long after the swarm incident in the wilderness on the outskirts of the southern district ended, another incident occurred in the wilderness on the outskirts of the eastern district.

What happened recently?Such rare situations happened one after another. Lin Li thought to himself after reading the news.

"Ding Dong."

The mobile phone placed aside suddenly rang. Lin Li looked to the side after hearing the sound, and found that it was Su Yue who had sent him a voice message.

He put the half of the watermelon in his hand on the coffee table, picked up the mobile phone beside him, unlocked the screen, opened the social software, and Su Yue's melodious voice came out of the receiver.

"Lin Li, didn't you say a few days ago that you are going to learn how to cook boiled fish? Come over tomorrow Saturday! I will teach you how to cook boiled fish."

After listening to the voice message from Su Yue, Lin Li thought about it and replied.

"Okay! I'll go to the vegetable market to buy the ingredients I need, and I'll go to your house at noon. By the way... let's also teach pickled fish and pickled vegetables! Tomorrow I will go to the vegetable market to buy two grass carp."

Wrapped in a light blue bath towel, Su Yue, who was lying on the sofa with her calves swinging up and down restlessly, heard Lin Li's reply, and she smiled and sent another voice to him.

"Yes! Actually, you don't need to buy two grass carp, just buy a bigger one. Then one fish will make two dishes."

If he hadn't eaten the miraculous fruit recently, Lin Li would have followed Su Yue's suggestion and just bought a bigger grass carp.

"One is not enough!"

"That's it! That's fine, then you can buy two tomorrow!"

"By the way, after I bought the fish, should I ask the stall owner to handle the fish directly? Ask him to cut all the fish into fillets?"

"Yes! When the stall owner cuts the fish fillets, you tell him not to cut the fish fillets too thin." Su Yue reminded.

"Okay, I'll make a note of it. I'll see how the fish stall owner slices the fish first! If it's thin, I'll ask him to cut it thicker." Like Su Yue, she likes to eat thicker fish Lined with fillets, replied.

The two chatted for a while, and because Su Yue was going to blow-dry her hair, the chat ended.

Putting the phone aside, Lin Li hugged half of the iced watermelon again, picked up a spoon and ate it.

While Lin Li was eating watermelon and watching the news on TV, a black car was parked on the street outside Ping An Garden Community.

In the driver's seat, Zhu Daqi, who had dyed golden hair and earrings on his ears, looked at the little red dot displayed on the mobile phone software and said to himself.

"That guy hasn't been out of the house all day, why is he so home?"

The 'that guy' that Zhu Daqi said naturally refers to the target Lin Li who is being followed by him.

Originally, I wanted to install a tracker on the target's van, and then I could monitor the target's movement very efficiently.

As a result, after installing the tracker this morning, the target didn't go out all day, and he didn't know what he was doing at home?

"Drip ring..."

A call came in, and the name displayed on the caller ID was Liu Menglong.

Seeing that it was his elder brother calling in, Zhu Daqi answered it quickly.


"Is there any movement toward the target today?" Liu Menglong sat under the big tree in his yard with a bottle of beer in his hand, and asked immediately when he saw the phone call.

"The Age of Rebirth"

"Brother, the target is staying at home all day today." Zhu Daqi reported truthfully.

"Oh, that's it! That's fine, you continue to monitor, and if the other party has the movements I told you before, call me immediately." Liu Menglong said.


After hanging up the phone, Zhu Daqi looked towards Building No. [-] of Ping'an Garden Community, and his eyes fell on the house where Lin Li lived.

The light shines from the room, imagine that the target may be sitting leisurely on the sofa in the living room at this moment, blowing on the air conditioner, eating iced watermelon and watching TV programs at the same time.

"It's getting late, that's all for today! I'll go home and rest first, and I'll monitor that guy tomorrow." Zhu Daqi said, then started the car, turned around, and drove in the direction of his home.

After Zhu Daqi drove away, a figure stepped out from under the tree by the side of the road in the distance.

With a cigarette dangling from his mouth, Li Ying saw Zhu Daqi driving and disappearing at a distant street corner, and then looked at the Ping'an Garden Community beside him.

Like Zhu Daqi did before, he looked at the house where Lin Li lived.

"That man named Lin Li didn't go out all day today! Logically speaking, as long as the beast hunter is not injured, he would go to the suburbs every day to hunt strange beasts. This man is different."

Li Ying threw the unfinished cigarette on the ground in a very uncivilized way, and then turned and left.


It was late at night, and in the wilderness on the outskirts of the Eastern District, a bright full moon hung high in the sky, surrounded by stars twinkling, as if they were guarding it.

More than 20 kilometers away from the safety zone, there is a swamp the size of several football fields.

For a long time, a group of crocodiles lived in this muddy swamp.

But today, a huge strange beast with a body length of more than 20 meters, covered with purple scales, and a sharp red horn growing directly above its head came.

It drives away all the crocodiles and beasts living in the swamp, and takes the swamp as its own.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The huge red-horned purple-scaled lizard took a muddy bath in the swamp, then it lay down in the swamp, raised its head, looked at the moon in the sky that was smaller than its original world, and let out a depressed roar.


Some strange beasts living around were trembling with fright when they heard the roar, and then began to flee away from the swamp.

"Hey... The psionic energy content in this world is so low, it's really barren. I want to go home... Hey, how should I go home?"

While roaring, the red-horned purple scaled lizard swung its huge tail and slapped the swamp.

If it could be given another chance to choose, it would definitely not enter that space crack and come to this barren world.


The next day, in the quiet room, the rising sun, shining golden sunlight on the earth, fell on the curtains.

The sunlight squeezed into the gap between the curtains, dimly reflecting the room, as if covering the whole room with a golden veil.

On the soft and comfortable big bed, a figure was lying sideways, with white and slender arms stacked up and down, covered with only a thin silk quilt, the curvy figure was undoubtedly prominent.


The eyelashes fluttered a few times, and then with a soft moan, Su Yue slowly opened her eyes.

Because she just woke up, her mind was still groggy. After half a minute, Su Yue took the mobile phone on the bedside table and checked the time.

"It's still early! I'll sleep a little longer."

Putting the phone back on the bedside table, Su Yue pulled the silk quilt over her head, and hid herself in the bed.

About an hour later, after falling asleep, Su Yue, who was wearing an ice silk suspender nightdress, opened the bedroom door sleepily.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

After washing up in the bathroom, Su Yue had breakfast, changed her clothes and went out.


A white electric scooter came out from the corner of the street, and drove towards the photo studio in the distance.

Su Yue drove the electric car to the destination. She parked the car in the parking space, took off the helmet and put it away, and locked the electric car.

When passers-by on the street saw Su Yue, regardless of gender, they immediately focused their eyes on her.

Su Yue is wearing a white shirt, beige cropped trousers, and a pair of low-heeled shoes today, revealing a crystal clear and straight slender calf.

A head of black and smooth hair is casually draped over her shoulders, fluttering slightly as she walks, coupled with her beautiful face without makeup, and her amazing body curve, the whole person exudes a charming temperament .

And some girls who passed by Su Yue's side completely became a foil at the moment, they couldn't help subconsciously speeding up their pace, wanting to stay away from this beautiful woman as soon as possible.

"Mr. Su, you're here!" The proprietress of the photo studio greeted with a smile when she saw the beautiful Su Yue walk into the photo studio.

Su Yue smiled and nodded, "Ma'am, good morning!"

"Mr. Su, all the photos you asked me to edit are here. Take a look." The proprietress took out the two photo albums that had been prepared a long time ago from the cabinet, put them on the table, and called Su Yue to check them out.

Su Yue and Lin Li went to Qiongcheng for a trip before and took a lot of photos. After returning, she found a time to ask the proprietress of the photo studio to help her develop the photos taken by the mobile phone.

Yesterday, the proprietress of the photo studio took all the photos. This morning, after Su Yue had breakfast, she went out to get the photos here.


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