Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 369: The decisive battle until dawn, whoever loves who is the dog


The sudden strong wind caused the raging sea of ​​fire to surge violently, and the fire increased several points in an instant, and immediately engulfed a courtyard that had just been affected by the fire.

"Ta Tata..."

A sound of hurried footsteps came from a distance, and Fang Jingtang led a group of men to the scene of the fire in the north.

He looked at the raging fire in front of him, and the fire quickly spreading to the east, his ashen face was gloomy as if water was about to seep out.

"It's over, it's over, the fire is starting to spread to the east..." the fat little boss said with a sad face.

He is also an old member of the Red Blood Gang, seeing his gang's stronghold being engulfed by raging fires, his heart is bleeding.

"Everyone spread out the search for me. You must find me the guy who set the fire. I will skin him." Fang Jingtang said through gritted teeth, completely losing the appearance of a refined scholar.

"Yes." The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang responded in unison, and then dispersed to find the guy who set the fire.

And at this moment, a flame suddenly appeared on the roof of a two-story log cabin in the distance, and then a fireball the size of a watermelon flew straight from the roof of the log cabin.


"Huh?" Fang Jingtang, who was ashen-faced, sensed the danger approaching, and immediately looked up, and immediately saw a blazing fireball shooting towards him from a distance.

"Everyone, get out of the way." Fang Jingtang reacted very quickly, opened his mouth to remind his subordinates, and then dodged to the side.


The fireball didn't hit the target, it hit the ground and exploded, and the splashing flames scattered to the surroundings. Some members of the Red Blood Gang who heard the warning but didn't respond in time were affected, and their clothes were ignited by the flames.

"Ah..." The clothes on his body were on fire, and the younger brothers of the Red Blood Gang yelled in panic.

"Don't pat the clothes on fire with your hands, lie down and roll." The obese little leader quickly reminded that the panicked little brother was at a loss at the moment. After hearing the reminder, he immediately followed suit and fell to the ground and rolled.

This method of extinguishing the fire was quite effective. After a while, the clothes on his body that were ignited by the flames were extinguished.


The little brother who had spent a lot of energy fighting the fire before, this time his clothes were ignited by the flames. After a lot of tossing, it can be said that they were physically and mentally exhausted. They lay on the ground panting heavily.

"You all stand up for me, the enemy is coming, lie on the ground and wait to die?" the fat little leader reprimanded.

The younger brothers who originally wanted to lie on the ground and rest for a while quickly got up, and looked at the place where everyone was staring at the moment.

A man wearing a black hood with only his eyes exposed and holding a dagger came out of the shadows and stood calmly about ten meters in front of the members of the Red Blood Gang.

"You attacked us just now, right?" Fang Jingtang looked at the man wearing a black hood seriously, and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Lin Li replied looking at the disgraced members of the Red Blood Gang in front of him.

"You also set the fire?" Fang Jingtang asked again.

"Yes." Lin Li said indifferently, as if he had done a trivial thing.

His attitude completely angered all members of the Red Blood Gang who were disgraced by the fire tonight.


All kinds of obscenities erupted from the mouths of the members of the Red Blood Gang. The veins on their foreheads were throbbing, and they wanted to eat Lin Li's meat and drink Lin Li's blood.

As the new leader of the Red Blood Gang, Fang Jingtang is preparing to show his grand plans.

As a result, half of the base camp was now set ablaze, and the losses were extremely heavy.

He suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked Lin Li another question, "Who ordered you to set the fire?"

"No one instructed me to set fire to your home, it was just my whim." Lin Li said, his tone still flat.

"A whim? Just because of your sudden whim, half of our base camp was destroyed...Okay, very good." Fang Jingtang laughed angrily, he felt that the person in front of him was extremely absurd.

The members of the Red Blood Gang didn't believe Lin Li's words at all, and shouted in outrage.

"Boss, this guy was definitely ordered by the Feilong Gang to set the fire on fire. Let's take him down, and when the time comes to torture him, he will naturally confess honestly..."

"After setting the fire, you didn't choose to run away immediately, but you dared to stay and attack us and show up. It seems that you are very confident in your own strength?" Fang Jingtang said sinisterly, and then he winked at his subordinates .

The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang nodded knowingly, and then surrounded Lin Li from the left and right, blocking all of Lin Li's escape routes. This is to catch Lin Li in the urn!

The flames not far away flickered, reflecting the faces of everyone present.

Lin Li glanced at the members of the Red Blood Gang who were blocking his escape route. He didn't care about their actions, and his tone was still very calm, but what he said could make the members of the Red Blood Gang vomit blood angrily.

"My strength is average! But it's still very easy to kill all of you..."

Although not all the members of the Red Blood Gang were present, there were nearly 60 people present, many of whom were backbones.

Such personnel constitute a combat team, and they can be regarded as a force that should not be underestimated when fighting with real knives and guns between gangs.

But now, everyone was underestimated by the masked man alone, and the members of the Red Blood Gang burst out laughing, and mocked, "You sound young, you shouldn't be too old!

Although you have awakened the fire ability, you kid is too arrogant.

Today you cannot escape, you will die in our hands..."

Contrary to his subordinates' disdain for Lin Li, Fang Jingtang, the new head of the Red Blood Gang, immediately became alert after hearing what Lin Li said.

"Guangzhu, don't waste your time with this guy anymore, let's catch him, take off his hood, and see what he looks like."

"This guy turned our base camp into this field. After I catch him, I will torture him severely."

"Let me do it! Torturing people, I'm much better than you."

The members of the Red Blood Gang who could not suppress the anger in their hearts, you said some extremely vicious words one after another.

If ordinary people were surrounded by such vicious guys, listening to their vicious words, they would be so frightened that they would collapse on the ground and beg for mercy.

It's a pity that Lin Li is not an ordinary person. Facing the vicious words of these members of the Scarlet Blood Gang, he didn't feel nervous at all. On the contrary, he became more determined to wipe out these scumbags.

Originally, Fang Jingtang wanted to capture the arsonist in front of him alive, and then tortured him to find out who was behind the scenes.

But when he heard what Lin Li said just now that he could kill them, he became very vigilant, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​capturing Lin Li alive, and directly ordered his subordinates to do their best.

"Do it, don't show mercy, if you can kill this guy directly, just kill him."

"Guild leader? Don't plan to capture this guy alive, and then torture him to find out the master messenger behind the scenes?" The members of the Red Blood Gang were a little puzzled by the order issued by Fang Jingtang.

"There's no need to torture him, this guy must be from the Feilong Gang." Fang Jingtang said casually.

The members of the Red Blood Gang nodded approvingly. It is actually quite reasonable to have such an idea.

Because of the fight between gangs, although there is no clear regulation, people cannot be ordered to burn the base camp of hostile forces, but doing such a thing is an act of endless death.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule among the gangs. If the two sides are not at the point of death, they cannot let the people under their hands set fire to the base camp of the hostile forces.

As for the Flying Dragon Gang, which is hostile to the Red Blood Gang, their hatred has grown deeper and deeper over the years, and it has almost reached the point of endless death.

So now that someone came to set fire to the base camp of the Red Blood Gang, anyone who knew the grudge between the two gangs would take it for granted that the person who set the fire was instigated by the other party.

"Give it to me..." Fang Jingtang ordered again.

The members of the Red Blood Gang who had waited impatiently for a long time and whose anger was almost uncontrollable no longer had any hesitation, pulled out all kinds of weapons they carried with them, shouted and surrounded Lin Li, ready to slash There are many dead.


Lin Li unhurriedly raised his left hand, snapped his fingers, and the sparks from his fingertips flew around, growing rapidly in the air.

In an instant, more than a dozen watermelon-sized fireballs formed in the air, surrounding Lin Li's body.

The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang who wanted to surround Lin Li and hacked him to death, but because of the dozen or so fireballs surrounding Lin Li's body, they couldn't approach and had to stop.

Lin Li looked at the members of the Red Blood Gang who couldn't get close to him because of the fireball, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and then he stepped on the ground with both feet.

"Be careful." Fang Jingtang immediately reminded his subordinates the moment he saw Lin Li's knees slightly bent.

The moment Lin Li stepped on the ground, the fireballs surrounding his body immediately shot out in all directions.

The members of the Red Blood Gang who were about to hack Lin Li to death saw the fireball flying towards them, and immediately scattered in panic.

And at this time, Lin Li, who was on the ground with both feet on the ground, burst out and rushed straight to the panicked members of the Red Blood Gang.





Lin Li, who was holding a spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura, walked quickly through the crowd. Every time he passed by a member of the Red Blood Gang, someone would scream and fall down.

In just a short while, seven members of the Scarlet Blood Gang were killed by Lin Li.

"He only has the strength of the early stage of the second stage. Don't panic, attack him together and chop him into a pulp..." A little leader of the Red Blood Gang sensed the fluctuation of the early stage of the second stage of psionic energy emanating from Lin Li, and shouted road.

After Lin Li killed another young man, he immediately turned around and rushed towards the little leader of the Red Blood Gang who was yelling that he would chop himself into flesh.

"Made, die to me..." The little leader who called out saw Lin Li rushing towards him, then raised the ax in his hand, and smashed it at Lin Li's head.


The spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura collided with the hacking axe, making a crisp sound.

Lin Li exerted strength with his wrist, pushed the ax away, and then kicked the little leader of the Red Blood Gang in the chest.


The incomparably huge burst of strength instantly kicked the little leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang's sternum into pieces, and a scream came out of his mouth.


Because there is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides, and after eating the magical fruit, Lin Li's strength has been strengthened again and again, so he just kicked the little leader of the Red Blood Gang with pure strength, and beat him up. become seriously injured.

"help me."

The little leader of the Red Blood Gang who fell to the ground vomited blood, his body was so painful that he couldn't move. Seeing the terrifying enemy walking towards him, he hurriedly called for help from his companions.

"Stop it quickly." Seeing this, the other little leaders of the Red Blood Gang shouted and rushed over, trying to save the companion whose breastbone had been kicked to pieces from Lin Li's hands.


It's a pity that Lin Li's speed was too fast, and he directly stabbed the target's heart.

The spiritual weapon dagger with pale golden aura pierced through the heart, ending the life of the little boss whose sternum was kicked into pieces.

"You... how dare you do this?" The little bosses present saw their comrades die at the hands of Lin Li, because the dead were comrades of the same level, so they were more angry than other dead little ones.

"Idiot, it's all like this, why don't you dare?" Lin Li flicked the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand, shaking off the blood stained on it, and then cursed at the little leaders of the Red Blood Gang who were looking at him .

"I'm going to peel off your skin and drink your blood." A bald little boss roared with scarlet eyes.

The spiritual energy fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage emanating from him rose rapidly, and all his strength exploded.

The reason why this bald boss was more angry than the others was because the guy who was killed by Lin Li was his life and death friend.

Over the years, they fought against other gangs and survived intact.

It was originally agreed to live together until the day when the golden basin washes his hands, but the friend left first, how could he not be angry?

"Take your life!!!"

The bald little boss shouted at Lin Li with a ferocious face, while waving the scimitar in his hand, he rushed over ferociously.

"Die, die, die... die for me!

! ”

One knife after another, the light of the knife flickered, and the bald little leader waved a machete and hacked at the forest continuously, with such a fierce momentum that it was frightening.

Even practitioners of the same level, faced with such a fierce attack by the bald boss whose strength exploded, would probably be hacked a few times and suffer serious injuries.

The members of the Scarlet Blood Gang thought at this moment that Lin Li was a practitioner with a cultivation level of the first stage of the second stage, so they took it for granted that Lin Li would be hacked by the bald little boss who had exploded in strength.

But the facts made everyone dumbfounded and shocked, because the bald little boss who had been attacking for more than ten seconds and chopped dozens of knives didn't even touch Lin Li's clothes.

"It's too slow, too slow... With your attack speed, even if I give you an hour, you still can't kill me." Lin Li moved his feet, dodging the hideous bald boss with ease, time and time again Attacked, and said sarcastically.


The continuous ferocious attack did not even touch the corner of the enemy's clothes, and he was ridiculed by the opponent in front of everyone, which made the furious bald leader roar angrily.

He paused suddenly, then swung the scimitar in his hand, and slashed towards Lin Li's head with all his might.


This time Lin Li didn't dodge, he raised the spiritual weapon dagger with a faint golden aura in his hand, easily blocked the scimitar that was slashing at his head, and then quickly bullied him with a wave of his arm.


The angry little bald head stopped suddenly, and then he let go of the scimitar in his hand, covering his painful neck with both hands.

Blood flowed from between the fingers, and the strength in his body was leaving him quickly.

Kneeling on the ground, shaking his body from side to side, the sight in front of him was like a lake.


He gasped for breath, but couldn't breathe.


His eyes went dark, his face was down, and he fell to the ground.

Lin Li easily dealt with a mad enemy, and swung the spiritual weapon dagger in his hand again to shake off the blood stained on it.

Then, he looked around and looked at the stunned and shocked members of the Scarlet Blood Gang, and said in an indifferent tone.

"Why are you all standing still? Come on, hurry up and continue, tonight is still long! I have enough time to play with you, whoever loves who is a dog."


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