Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 370: Obstacles Falling from the Sky




The screams were endless, and members of the Red Blood Gang fell to the ground one after another, their bodies twitched, and they never got up again.

The fierce battle continued, and a large group of people besieged a masked man.

Although the Red Blood Gang has an absolute advantage in numbers, no matter how they attack, they just cannot take down the enemy in front of them.

As time went by, more and more members of the Red Blood Gang fell down, and blood flowed everywhere on the ground.

Unknowingly, after a fierce siege, the enemy was not only unscathed, but also killed more than half of the members of the Red Blood Gang.

"This guy is a monster, we can't beat this monster..." A younger brother of the Red Blood Gang looked around and saw his companion lying on the ground without a sound. He was trembling with fright and shouted in panic shouted.


There was a sound of panting, and the little leader of the Red Blood Gang who was still alive was more or less injured at the moment. Hearing the yelling of the younger brother, their attacking momentum stopped, and the fear in their hearts was in an instant. rapid spread.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

During the previous battle, many of their companions were counter-killed. Their blood surged, and with a fierce force, they did not flinch and besieged Lin Li frantically.

At this moment, he paused, and the ferocity in his heart was exhausted, and he no longer had the courage to attack the enemy before.

After all, in the face of an invincible enemy, if you continue to attack, there is only one dead end. No one is willing to sacrifice their lives in vain.


! "The members of the Red Blood Gang who were still alive, fixed their eyes on the enemy that made them fear, and shouted to the backbone behind them.

They were asking Fang Jingtang what to do next, and whether he had any countermeasures against the invincible enemy in front of him.

"Why is this so, so many people can't take him down? He's obviously only a practitioner at the beginning of the second stage!"

Fang Jingtang, who had just broken through to the early stage of the second stage, sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from Lin Li's body again and again, and determined that the spiritual energy fluctuations on the opponent's body were always at the intensity of the early stage of the second stage.

My spiritual perception is infallible, and the masked enemy in front of me is just a practitioner at the beginning of the second stage.

However, practitioners at the beginning of the second level faced a dozen opponents of the same level, and dozens of first-level practitioners attacked, why couldn't they win?This is simply counterintuitive.

"Retreat, retreat." Fang Jingtang thought for a while, and shouted to his subordinates with a serious face,

The decision to retreat is not only for the sake of the subordinates who are still alive, but also for their own safety.

After all, if the fight continued, everyone present would probably die at the hands of this masked enemy.

However, the moment he made such a decision and opened his mouth to give instructions to his subordinates to retreat, the morale of the members of the Red Blood Gang who were already in awe of Lin Li immediately collapsed.

"Hurry up and run away!" A panic-stricken member of the Red Blood Gang yelled out of composure, turning around and fleeing into the distance.

Seeing this, the others were also driven to shout, each chose a direction, and fled in all directions.

"It's really disappointing that I was defeated so quickly." Lin Li muttered as he looked at the members of the Red Blood Gang who had fled.

Then, he stepped on the ground with both feet, and shot out instantly, and began to hunt down the fleeing members of the Scarlet Blood Gang.


In the process of running away, a member of the Scarlet Blood Gang didn't notice a puddle of blood under his feet. After stepping on it, he slipped and Shen fell to the ground.

When he got up from the ground, a sharp dagger was on his neck.

"Don't kill me, I surrender..."



The little brother of the Red Blood Gang who had been stabbed was clutching the wound on his neck, the scalding blood couldn't stop overflowing from between his fingers, he struggled to continue to escape, but just after taking a few steps, he fell down. land,


He couldn't breathe, his mind was dizzy, his eyes widened, he looked at the enemy who gave him a knife, and caught up with one of his companions, and then that companion also suffered the same fate as himself.


The screams continued to come from behind, and the little leaders of the Red Blood Gang who fled were scared out of their wits, and they didn't dare to look back to check the situation behind them.

"Master, help me." The cries for help continued to reach the ears of Fang Jingtang who was running away.

As the leader of the gang, facing this situation, he should have taken the initiative to stay and lead everyone to defend against the enemy, but after he had seen the invincible side of that terrible enemy, he did not dare to fight against that terrible enemy at all. Thoughts of war.

It wasn't long after he broke through to the early stage of the second stage, and those little bosses who broke through to the early stage of the second stage a few years earlier than him and were stronger than him were no match for that terrifying enemy.

If he dared to stop and confront that terrifying enemy head-on, he might be killed within four or five rounds.

"I can't stop, I just became the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang, I can't just die here." Fang Jingtang shouted in his heart while desperately running away with a pale face.

Suddenly, a figure jumped down from the roof ahead, blocking his way of escape.

Fang Jingtang hurriedly stopped, and the little bosses who followed him to escape also stopped. Everyone stared at the figure blocking the way, their bodies trembling slightly, their hearts pounding, and they remained silent without saying a word.

There was a crackling sound from the fire field beside me, and the rolling heat waves came with the occasional wind, making people extremely hot, sweating uncontrollably, and the clothes on their bodies were wet.

"Tread, step, step..."

There was a sound of intensive footsteps in the distance, and a large group of strong men in uniforms pushed water trucks to the scene of the fire.

"The water in the waterwheel will run out in a short time. Hurry up and connect the water pipe to the river over there."

After the captain of the fire extinguishing team arrived at the scene of the fire with his subordinates, he looked solemnly at the raging fire in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he began to direct his subordinates to carry out fire-fighting operations.

Some of them sprayed water on the fierce fire in front of them with nozzles, while the other followed the instructions and ran to the river in the distance with water pipes.

"Captain, there are some people over there." A firefighter who was spraying water on the fire with a nozzle saw some people standing on the edge of the fire in the distance, and then said to the captain who was directing his subordinates to put out the fire.

"What are those people doing! The fire is so big, how dare they stand on the edge of the fire?

It's too dangerous now, you go to someone, tell them, stay away from the fire immediately, don't hinder us from putting out the fire..."

The captain of the firefighting team looked at the huge fire in front of him, feeling very anxious. Hearing the reminder from his subordinates, he glanced at a few people who were staying at the edge of the fire in the distance, and then gave an order.

"I went to tell them to leave." Just as a firefighter was about to go to the front to persuade those people to stay away from the fire.

I saw those people fighting suddenly, and a fierce battle broke out. From time to time, a flash of light flashed over them, which stunned the firefighters present.

Looking at Lin Li who was blocking the way, Fang Jingtang and his group knew that there was only one battle left.

Although they were unwilling to fight this terrifying enemy, but now that the distance between the two sides is so close, if they want to turn around and run away, and expose their backs to the enemy, they may die immediately.

"Made, we're fighting him..." Fang Jingtang yelled, and the little bosses erupted with spiritual power immediately. A total of five members of the Red Blood Gang who had cultivated at the beginning of the second stage marched forward together, wanting to fight the hateful enemy to the death.

"Clang clang..."

The weapons collided, making a crisp sound, and sparks shot out from the collision.

Five members of the Scarlet Blood Gang with the cultivation base of the early stage of the second stage launched a fierce attack on Lin Li.

However, no matter how tricky their attacks were, they would always be dodged by Lin Li very easily.


A small leader of the Red Blood Gang who had exhausted more than half of his physical strength had no time to dodge, and was kicked in the stomach by Lin Li. He immediately let out a scream, and then flew upside down.

Because the place of the battle was on the edge of the fire, this unlucky guy who was kicked in the stomach by Lin Li fell directly into the burning fire.


The little leader of the Red Blood Gang who fell into the fire was burned by the flames, struggling and shouting, and after a while, there was no movement.

"Captain, this..." A firefighter swallowed in fright as he saw someone kicked into the fire and then burned to death.

"Those people are practitioners..." said the captain of the fire fighting team.

Because the members of this fire fighting team are just ordinary people, and now there are practitioners fighting on the edge of the fire scene, and they also killed people.

They were actually quite scared in their hearts, worried that they would be involved in the battle of practitioners, and then take their lives.

"What should we do? Those practitioners are moving towards us..." The fire fighters couldn't help becoming anxious when they saw the practitioners who were fighting while fighting towards them.

"Let's retreat back." The captain of the fire fighting team ordered decisively, and then they packed up the water tanker and retreated tens of meters.

It is their duty to extinguish the fire. It is obviously wrong to choose to evacuate now, but when you think about it seriously, no one can make irresponsible remarks about the choice they made.

It is their duty to extinguish the fire. If unfortunately they are swallowed by the fire during the fire extinguishing process, they will not have any complaints.

But now there are practitioners fighting on the fire scene, if they are unfortunately affected and die, this will make them very unwilling.

"There should be patrolling guards nearby. Go find them quickly and tell them that there are practitioners making trouble here." After withdrawing a certain distance, the captain of the fire fighting team said to a subordinate. The latter nodded and left the fire scene immediately. Go find the guards patrolling nearby.

While the members of the fire extinguishing team were waiting for their companions to find the guards and arrest the practitioners who prevented them from extinguishing the fire, a new change occurred in the distant battle situation.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

With a figure of one against four, Lin Li swayed, and punched several times in succession, knocking all four of Fang Jingtang's besiegers into the air.


Blood spurted out from the mouth, and the four of Fang Jingtang were seriously injured.

"After playing with you for so long, it's time to end." Lin Li said, looking at the four of Fang Jingtang who fell on the ground.

Then, he walked straight towards Fang Jingtang. After all, Fang Jingtang is the leader of the Red Blood Gang, so get rid of him as the scumbag leader first, and then deal with the others.

"Master, run away!

! Seeing Lin Li walking towards Fang Jingtang, the three little leaders of the Red Blood Gang shouted anxiously.

Among the four, Fang Jingtang, who was the weakest, was more seriously injured than the others.

"Hoo... hiss..." Every time he took a breath, he felt a pain in his chest, as if being stabbed by a needle.

Seeing that terrifying enemy walking towards him, he struggled to get up from the ground.

But when he just stood up, his feet went limp and he fell to the ground again.

"As long as you are willing to let us go, everything is negotiable." Fang Jingtang knew his current physical condition, and it was impossible to struggle anymore. Seeing the terrifying enemy constantly approaching him, he quickly said.

"Let you go? I heard that you have done a lot of bad things in normal times. You didn't let those who were harmed by you go. Why do you have the face to say this to me now?" Lin Li said indifferently, with a terrified look on his face. Fang Jingtang said.

"We can give you a lot of money..." Fang Jingtang said anxiously, wanting to buy his life with money.

"A gentleman loves money, and he gets it in a proper way. If you want to bribe me with dirty money, save it!

You have done a lot of evil things over the years, and now that I have killed you, don't feel resigned, and go on your way with peace of mind! "

Lin Li didn't want to talk nonsense with this scumbag anymore, he took a few steps forward, came to Fang Jingtang, raised his right hand holding the spiritual weapon dagger, and prepared to stab this scumbag.


! "The little leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang shouted as he watched the terrifying enemy raise his hand, about to stab Fang Jingtang.

"Ah..." Fang Jingtang closed his eyes when death was about to come, and screamed in horror and unwillingness.


! Lin Li, who was about to finish off the scumbag leader, suddenly felt alarm bells in his heart. Without any hesitation, he leaned back and jumped back quickly.

After landing, he looked up to the sky, and saw a tall, middle-aged man in black clothes with a knife hanging from his waist, quickly descending from the sky, and landed in front of the scumbag leader. He looked at himself with piercing eyes.

"Tier three?!

! Lin Li sensed the extremely powerful psionic fluctuations emanating from the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist, his face was serious, and he whispered to himself.

Fang Jingtang originally thought he was going to die, but it didn't take long for the other party to make a move. He was puzzled and opened his eyes quietly.

As a result, he saw a middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist standing in front of him, which made him stunned for a moment, thinking, "What happened? Why did such a person suddenly appear?"

Immediately afterwards, he sensed that the psionic energy fluctuations emanating from this middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist were extremely powerful, and he immediately widened his eyes and opened his mouth in shock.

"It is very clear in the city that practitioners are prohibited from fighting in public places, and those who violate it will be fined.

If casualties are caused by fighting, the participants will have to be sent to the Yamen for trial, and the sentence will depend on the severity of the situation... All of you will come back to the Yamen with me. "

Liu Yuancheng spoke calmly to the five practitioners present, his words also indirectly revealed his identity.

"My lord, we are innocent! This thief not only set fire to our residence tonight, but also killed many of our companions. You have to decide for us!"

The little leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang knew that Liu Yuancheng was a member of the official family, and he was also a Tier [-] practitioner. This made them hopeless, and then they cried loudly about what happened to them tonight. Tears and snot flowed out uncontrollably. It looked extremely miserable.

These little bosses of the Red Blood Gang who are usually majestic and oppressive are crying like three-year-old children at this moment.

If they were seen by porters and ordinary people who were usually abused and bullied by them, they would be stunned.

If you use one sentence to evaluate these guys, you can only say that they are a bunch of scumbags who bully the weak and fear the hard.

Earlier, Liu Yuancheng took his soldiers out of the city to Bibo Lake to solve the centipede swarm.

After killing the most difficult giant centipede, he handed over the rest to the soldiers under his command, and came back alone.

When he returned to Dongwu City, he was going to fly directly to his mansion, but unfortunately, when passing by the sky above this area, he found a large building below was on fire.

So he lowered the flying altitude, ready to check the situation, and if the firefighting team present needed his help, he was ready to help.

And when he landed to a certain height, he immediately found a place around the fire scene where many practitioners were fighting.

As one of the personnel who guarded the stability of Dongwu City, when he saw practitioners making trouble in public, he naturally wanted to stop them, so the scene that happened just now happened.

"Quiet, I will explain all the reasons after you return to the Yamen." Liu Yuancheng didn't want to know the specific grievances between the two parties, he thought, as long as he took the person back and handed it over to someone who specializes in handling such matters.

But there was one thing that aroused his strong interest.

That was the man in front of him who was wearing a black hood and couldn't see his face clearly. His body only exuded the spiritual energy fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage.

With such strength, he was able to single out enemies who were several times stronger than him alone, and the strength of these enemies was still comparable to him.

You must know that he has met many practitioners at the beginning of the second stage, among them there are many disciples from aristocratic families with excellent cultivation talents.

Even those aristocratic disciples, when faced with the siege of opponents of the same level that are several times their own, can't defeat them all without getting hurt.

But now, the man in the black hood in front of him has done it.


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