Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 368: The Flame Candle Sky



A gust of wind blew into the courtyard, and a large tree with luxuriant branches and leaves in the courtyard was shaken by the wind, making a burst of noise.

Although Fang Jingtang became the new leader of the Red Blood Gang, he did not move to the magnificent mansion built by the dead Hong Jiu, and then lived in his original courtyard.

The study room was brightly lit, and Fang Jingtang was looking through the accounts of the past few days.

Now that he has promised to that great man, after taking over the Red Blood Gang, the business of the Red Blood Gang will be improved to a higher level, so Fang Jingtang must make some achievements in the shortest possible time.

This also led to him letting the members of the Red Blood Gang under his hand to further squeeze the porters on the pier, and trying to find all the daughters of those who couldn't pay back the money.

"The income in the past few days has increased a lot compared to the past. With this income, I will soon be able to fulfill the promise I made to that adult." Fang Jingtang, who finished reading the accounts in his hand, nodded very satisfied, and then Laughing to himself.

When he closed the account, put it aside, took a sip of tea from the teacup in front of him, and was about to get up and go to the pier for inspection.

A figure hurriedly ran into his residence, and then, without knocking on the door, pushed open the door of the study and ran in.

Fang Jingtang frowned when he saw his subordinates pushing the door in so impolitely.

He put down the teacup in his hand, and was about to reprimand him as the leader of the gang.

In the end, before he could open his mouth, the member of the Red Blood Gang who rushed into the study in a hurry said something that stunned Fang Jingtang.

"Master, it's not good, there's a fire in our residence."

"Don't panic when something happens. If there is a fire, just ask someone to carry water to put it out."

"It can't be extinguished! The fire is too strong."

"What? Too much fire?"

Hearing this, Fang Jingtang immediately walked out of the study and looked up into the distance.

In the distance, orange-red flames filled the sky, and black smoke billowed straight into the sky. It was completely different from the sudden fire he imagined, where the fire was limited to a corner of a certain courtyard.

"What's going on? Why is there such a big fire?"

"I don't know! When we discovered the fire, it was just a small area, but after a while, it became so big."

"..." Fang Jingtang squinted his eyes, and his scholarly demeanor changed, making people feel very cold.

Regarding this rapidly spreading fire, if you think about it, you will find that something is very wrong. Fang Jingtang immediately came to a conclusion.

"Someone deliberately set fire to our house!"

"Master, I think we should immediately ask the porters on the pier to stop their work and go to the scene of the fire to put out the fire."

Fang Jingtang nodded to his subordinate's proposal, and the latter rushed out of his residence and ran to the distant pier.

"Did someone from the Feilong Gang do it?" Fang Jingtang looked at the growing flames in the distance, and immediately suspected the person who deliberately set the fire on their rival Feilong Gang.


"Clang clang clang..."

The sound of the gong rang on the pier, and the porters who were carrying the goods from the cargo ship were immediately attracted by the sound, and all looked at the member of the Red Blood Gang who was beating the gong.

The members of the Red Blood Gang who rang the gong saw that the attention of the porters was attracted, and immediately stopped beating the gong, pointed at the place where the fire was burning in the distance, and shouted at the porters.

"Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and took buckets to put out the fire over there."

The porters looked into the distance, and many of them exclaimed.

"My God, it's on fire over there."

"It looks like the fire is quite big!"

"It's very dangerous to go to the scene of such a big fire!"

"Yeah! If you're not careful, you might end up in a sea of ​​flames..."

The member of the Red Blood Gang with a gong in his hand saw that the porters on the pier did not go to the fire scene to put out the fire. His face suddenly darkened.

"Hurry up and put out the fire for me. If you stand still, you don't want to get your wages today, and you don't want to come to our dock to work in the future."

A simple threatening word hit the porters on the pier directly.

Without jobs, many people's sources of income at home have been cut off. In order to keep this job, the porters who are unwilling to put out the fire have moved.

Everyone went to the place where the buckets were stored to get the buckets, and after fetching water from the bank of the river, they rushed towards the place where the fire broke out.

"What a bunch of bastards..." The member of the Red Blood Gang, holding a gong in his hand, looked at the porters who were going to put out the fire, and cursed with disdain.

"Should we also go to put out the fire?" asked the overseers on the pier holding whips.

The member of the Red Blood Gang with the gong in his hand thought about it, shook his head and said.

"You keep an eye on the goods on the pier, in case some cheap skins take advantage of the troubled waters to fish and steal our things."

"Okay." The supervisors with whips nodded, and then watched the member of the Red Blood Gang who rushed to the scene of the fire with a gong in his hand.


In front of the quiet courtyard.


Lin Li snapped his fingers, and sparks shot out from his fingertips. The flying sparks did not go out in mid-air, but immediately grew in size. In the blink of an eye, they turned into fireballs the size of watermelons.

With the movement of his thoughts, the condensed watermelon-sized flaming fireballs immediately spread around and flew towards those quiet courtyards.


The fireball fell into the quiet courtyard and hit the roof or doors and windows, and the bursting sparks ignited these wooden houses.

After a while, the area where Lin Li was located immediately turned into a sea of ​​flames, connecting with the sea of ​​flames in the area he had ignited earlier.

"The fire of this scale is almost done now, and the next step is to wait for the targets to appear..." Lin Li whispered to himself, with his back to the burning sea of ​​flames, he walked into a dark alley in the distance.

"Clang clang clang..."

The ear-piercing sound of gongs was ringing one after another at the scene of the fire. If you observe carefully, you will find that there are several members of the Red Blood Gang holding gongs at the scene of the fire. Porters.

"The fire here is getting bigger and bigger. Come and put some people here to put out the fire."

"Come here, come here quickly, I need people here."

"Made, come quickly! My house is going to be set on fire."

The porters carrying the buckets were directed by these members of the Red Blood Gang with their own ideas to run around here and there, like headless flies, which did not help control the fire at all.

Because there was no clear command, this kind of clueless fire extinguishing did not show any signs of weakening the already massive fire. On the contrary, it felt like it was getting bigger and bigger.

"The Guard is Here"

"It's over, my house is on fire."

"Oops! My house is on fire too, and the expensive set of furniture I just bought is still in the house!"

"Damn it, why is the fire getting bigger and bigger? It won't work if it goes on like this!"

Some members of the Red Blood Gang only cared about their own interests in this situation, while others were worried that the fire would completely burn down the base camp of the Red Blood Gang.

However, one thing is the same, no matter what kind of thinking people are facing the raging fire in front of them, they are very anxious, and they all hope that the flames can be extinguished as soon as possible.

"Stop beating the gong, and listen to my command..." Fang Jingtang who rushed to the scene yelled, and then the members of the Red Blood Gang who were beating the gong to give directions stopped immediately.

"Thirty people over there to put out the fire." Fang Jingtang said, pointing to a place where the fire was on fire, and then pointed to another place where the fire was on fire and gave another order, "Go over there and fifty people to put out the fire."

After the two waves of people went to put out the fire according to his instructions, he said to the remaining porters, "You deal with the burning area in front of you."

The porters nodded, and then began to put out the fire. At this time, Fang Jingtang said to the members of the Red Blood Gang who were standing still.

"Don't just stand there stupidly and just watch them put out the fire. If you don't want all of our belongings to be burned down by the fire, you all bring buckets of water to put out the fire for me."

"Yes, gang leader." The gang leader spoke, and the members of the Red Blood Gang naturally couldn't continue to stand aside as spectators, and they all went to the place where the buckets were stored, and used the buckets to carry water to put out the fire.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Bucket after bucket of water was poured into the fire scene. Under the suppression of the crowd, the massive fire was controlled from spreading, but it was still a long way from the fire being extinguished.

An obese little leader of the Red Blood Gang poured a bucket of water into the fire, wiped the sweat from his forehead due to the roiling heat, and said to Fang Jingtang with a serious face.

"Master, this is not going to work! Although we have controlled the spread of the fire, when our physical strength is exhausted, the fire will quickly spread to other places that are not on fire..."

As the commander-in-chief, Fang Jingtang didn't know about this situation, and he immediately replied when he heard what the little boss said.

"I know, I didn't think that we could put out this fire with our own strength alone."

"Guild Leader, what do you mean by that, we are putting out the fire now purely to hold the fire down and wait for the firefighting team in the city to arrive?" said the fat little leader.

"Yes." Fang Jingtang said, and then he said to the porters who were called to put out the fire.

"Those who participated in the fire fighting tonight, as long as they did their best to help our Red Blood Gang put out the fire, each of you will be rewarded with a month's wages tomorrow."

Facing the burning sea of ​​fire, the porters who were worried about being burned by the fire did not try their best to put out the fire.

Hearing Fang Jingtang's promise at this time, each of them seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and the action of putting out the fire was much faster.

"Well, it turns out that these people didn't do much work just now, they are really a bunch of scumbags..." The fat little leader of the Red Blood Gang saw that the movements of the porters became much more agile, and immediately knew what was going on. What happened, he immediately cursed.

"Okay, stop scolding, we need them now, and after the fire is extinguished, we will find a chance to deal with these scumbags." Fang Jingtang raised his hand, signaling the little boss not to talk too much.

After all, it is the most important thing to control the fire now, and not let the fire burn down the base camp of the Red Blood Gang.

Just when the fire was controlled by everyone and stopped spreading to other places.

Suddenly, a member of the Red Blood Gang saw flames appearing to the north of the Red Blood Gang base camp, and after a while, a large area formed, and immediately screamed. "It's not good, it's on fire again."

"What?" The people present were stunned when they heard the scream, and then looked in the direction pointed by the member of the Scarlet Blood Gang.


"I'm Nima."


"What a..."

Fang Jingtang has always felt that he is a scholar, so he shouldn't swear like those very rude members of the Red Blood Gang who haven't read much.

However, when he saw a fire on the north side of the base camp, he was still the same as other members of the Red Blood Gang, and immediately burst into foul language.

The fire from the north of the base camp spread quickly, connecting with the sea of ​​flames to the west. The fire suddenly became bigger and bigger, and it was beyond the control of them.

"Master, the fire in the north is very strange. It was just a little light before, but it burned a large area after a while. Someone must be arson." Said the member of the Red Blood Gang who first discovered the fire in the north.

"Bastard..." Fang Jingtang cursed with a livid face, and then said to the people present, "The workers stay and continue to control the fire. The others follow me to the north to catch the guy who set the fire."

"Yes." The members of the Red Blood Gang gritted their teeth and agreed, and then followed the ashen-faced Fang Jingtang to the north.

After all the members of the Red Blood Gang left, a young man shouted among the porters who were putting out the fire.

"Okay, everyone, stop trying to put out the fire. Now that the fire is huge, let's not put our lives on it."

Hearing the young man's yell, the porters froze for a moment in putting out the fire. We were all not fools. After a little thought, we knew that what the young man said was correct.

Although the leader of the Scarlet Blood Gang said that as long as you try your best to put out the fire, you will be rewarded with a month's wages after the fire subsides, but the premise is that you put your own life in it when you don't put out the fire.

And now the members of the Scarlet Blood Gang have left to catch the so-called arsonist. Without their presence, everyone just acts casually, and no one knows anyway.

Because of the young man's shouting, the porters immediately changed their attitude of desperately putting out the fire, and began to slowly carry water to put out the fire.

"Hey, you can do it! One sentence will make everyone stop trying their best to put out the fire." The friend of the young man who called out said in a low voice.

"Because what I said is right! Now the fire from the north is connected with the fire from the west. Even if we try our best to raise water to kill the dead, it will not help.

And now that there is such a big fire, if we go all out to put out the fire, it is very likely that we will lose our lives... A month's wages is very tempting, but we also have to live to receive the money! "The young man responded.

"That's true, but you must have other thoughts when you shout like this, right?" the young man's friend said in a low voice.

"Hey..." The young man nodded and responded in a low voice.

"In the past, the members of the Red Blood Gang had to let us finish our work before we could have dinner, and now my stomach is growling with hunger.

Now that the fire has burned their base camp, it can be regarded as their retribution. I can't wait for the fire to burn more and more. "

"Actually, I also have the same thought in my heart. I don't hate the person who set fire to the Red Blood Gang's base camp at all." The young man's friend laughed softly.

Just when these two people were gloating, an older porter shouted loudly to the two young men.

"Hey, what are you two whispering over there? Why don't you hurry up and stay away from the fire?

Didn't you see the fire constantly jumping outside?If it gets burned, some of you will cry..."


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