Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 367: Tonight's good show just kicked off

As night fell, in the brightly lit villa and in the restaurant on the first floor, Qin Muqing was orderly clearing away the bowls on the table.

"I'm going out later, so I won't be sleeping at home tonight. You should lock the door and rest early." Lin Li stood up after eating and drinking, and said to Qin Muqing, who was packing the dishes quickly.

"En." Qin Muqing nodded lightly, and quickly brought the packed bowl to the kitchen. At this moment, Lin Li said to her again, "Wait a minute..."

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?" Qin Muqing stopped, turned to look at Lin Li, and asked.

"The rice you cooked tonight is delicious..." Lin Li praised, and at the same time added in his heart, "However, compared with Su Yue, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the taste of the food."

Hearing Lin Li's praise, Qin Muqing's eyes lit up, and she said with a bright smile, "Thank you Mr. Lin for your praise, I will work harder."

"What? Work harder?" Lin Li was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qin Muqing meant, but he didn't ask any further questions, then turned around and left the restaurant, and went out directly.

When Qin Muqing was alone at home, Qin Muqing, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, said to himself while washing the dishes, "Mr. Big sister is studying hard."

"I didn't expect that! Mr. Lin doesn't look particularly strong, he doesn't look like a person who can eat, but in fact he has a surprisingly large appetite..."

Qin Muqing recalled that when Lin Li ate bowl after bowl of rice, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his ordinary face.

After washing the dishes, Qin Muqing locked the doors of the house and went back to the bedroom on the second floor.

After a while, the ordinary appearance disappeared, and Qin Muqing, who had creamy skin and a beautiful face, came out of the bedroom with a light pajamas in his hand.

With her red lips slightly parted, she hummed a familiar song, and walked towards the bathroom with a swaying figure.

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom, and the faint sound of singing could be heard.


The pier of the Red Blood Gang was brightly lit. Under the urging of the supervisor, the porters worked hard to remove boxes of goods from the cargo ship docked on the pier and transported them to the warehouse not far away.

"I'm so hungry! It's already dark, can't you let us eat before we go to work?" A young man in his 20s put a box of goods in the warehouse and patted his hungry pout The growling stomach yelled to the friend on the side.

"Hurry up and work! You can eat when you're done..." The young man's friend responded.

"What are you two dawdling about? Hurry up and move the goods for me." The member of the Red Blood Gang, holding a whip in his hand, saw two porters put the goods into the warehouse and dawdled loudly. scolded.

"Yes, yes, we are going to move the goods." The two porters who were reprimanded saw the members of the Red Blood Gang waving whips in their hands, trembling in fright, nodded in response, and then quickly left the warehouse. Run to the cargo ship in the distance.

"As long as you don't pay attention, you will find an opportunity to be lazy. These guys are really a bunch of lazy people." The members of the Red Blood Gang looked at the two porters who ran away, and said cursing.

In a dark corner not far away, a pair of eyes had a panoramic view of this scene.

"The newly-appointed leader of the Scarlet Blood Sect seems to be even more inhumane! The previous leader would work after dinner, but this one is good. He has to finish all the work before eating. Be human!"

Lin Li withdrew his gaze, then turned around and ran towards the distant wall. When he came to the wall, he jumped and easily climbed over the wall.


After landing, by coincidence, he stepped on a dead branch on the grass and made a noise.

In such a quiet environment, the sound was particularly clear.

What was even more unlucky was that not far away, there happened to be two members of the Scarlet Blood Gang who were patrolling here, and rushed over immediately after hearing the noise.

"Who the hell are you?"

When two members of the Red Blood Gang rushed to the scene, they saw a man in linen clothes standing in front of the wall.

Because there was no light in the corner, they couldn't see the man's face clearly. At this moment, they heard the voice of the man who was obviously not their brother talking to himself.

"Tsk, I'm a bit unlucky today! I just sneaked in and was discovered."

sneak into?Find?

When the two members of the Scarlet Blood Gang heard this, they were startled, and immediately raised their hands to pull out the weapons hanging from their waists.

The next moment, a figure flashed between the two of them.

Hearing two puchi puchi, he reached out to pull out the two members of the Red Blood Gang whose weapons were hanging on their waists, but the movements of their hands stopped immediately.

Then, their bodies fell straight, their eyes widened as they stared at the dark night sky, and their bodies lost the breath of life.

After taking care of the two young men casually, Lin Li shook his hands to dispel the cold air from his hands, and then quickly walked to a certain place in the headquarters of the Red Blood Gang.

His eyes shifted to the two killed young men, and his eyes fell on the bottom of their heads. It could be seen that two sharp ice picks pierced their necks.

Blood continued to flow out, quickly forming a pool of blood under their bodies.


In a dark courtyard, the only source of light came from a dim yellow light from a room.


Familiar crying sounds came from the house. Unlike before, the courtyard used to detain girls was not guarded.

Since the new gang leader took office, he has arranged for a strong member of the Red Blood Gang to stay here to keep a close watch on the imprisoned girls.

A man in his thirties was lying on a bamboo recliner in the yard with his eyes closed, drinking some wine and humming a colorful tune.

In such an environment, this strong and strong man can still sing in such a leisurely way, he must be a cruel person.

"Dong Dongdong..."

The door of the courtyard was knocked suddenly, and the man lying on the recliner heard someone knocking on the door, still closed his eyes, and shouted leisurely, "The door is not closed, come in by yourself."


A figure pushed the door and entered. First, he took a look at the dimly lit room where weeping could be heard from time to time, and then walked towards the man lying on the couch without haste.

"Tread, step, step..."

The sound of footsteps sounded in this quiet courtyard, which was extraordinarily clear.

"Come here at night, do you want to have fun?

I have to tell you that today is different from the past. The girls in the house are going to sell for a good price, so they can't move.

You want to have fun and go out and pay for it yourself. "The man lying on the recliner closed his eyes and said calmly.

"Tread, step, step..."

The footsteps were getting closer, and the man lying on the recliner saw that the other party didn't speak, and felt something was wrong, so he opened his eyes immediately.

"Gene Era"

The moment he opened his eyes, what he saw was not his brother at all, but a young man in sackcloth.

Just as he was about to get up, he opened his mouth to question who the other party was, but he didn't get up, and before he could say anything, a sharp ice pick shot at him.

At such a close distance, this member of the Scarlet Blood Gang couldn't dodge at all.


With both hands holding the ice pick that pierced his neck, his eyes were full of horror, and he lost his life in an instant.

In Lin Li's view, the members of the Red Blood Gang were all scum.

To wipe out these scumbags casually is to avenge the hatred he forged before, and he is also eliminating harm for the people, so there will be no waves in his heart.

After killing the guard casually, Lin Li came to the room where the crying sound came from, and stretched out his hand to push open the door.

Compared to the last time he came, there were several more girls in the room.

The girl who was caught here because her family could not afford the money owed to the Red Blood Gang, was shocked when she saw Lin Li who pushed the door open, and thought it was someone from the Red Blood Gang, so she stopped immediately Stop crying.

The new girl looked at Lin Li with a look of fear, and kept shrinking back, fearing that the person who opened the door would do something wrong to them.

The girls who had seen Lin Li before had a look of surprise on their faces. They didn't expect the young man who persuaded them to leave before to come again.

"Get out of this place quickly..." Lin Li said to the girls in the room.

"..." There was silence in response to Lin Li. Although the girls in the room really wanted to go home, they all knew why they were arrested here.

Rather than being caught and beaten after going back, it is better to stay here honestly.

"There will be a fire here soon, if you stay here any longer, you will be burned to death..." Lin Li said.

"Fire?" When the girls heard what Lin Li said, they all had puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Let's go quickly! Leave this yard, go out and turn right, go straight ahead, there is a back door, you can leave from there.

Don't worry about leaving here, after running home, people from the Red Blood Gang will come to the door again.

Because for a long time to come, they won't have extra thoughts to deal with your affairs, and in the future, there is a high probability that they won't go to you again..." Lin Li said.

"..." The girls looked at each other, completely disbelieving what Lin Li said.

It's normal for them to have such a reaction. After all, we are not acquaintances. Lin Li's words can't be believed by the other party.

Lin Li knew that he could not make the other party act according to his own words, so he decided to use actions to make the girls in the room move.


Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the dantian, a pale golden aura flashed across Lin Li's palm, and an orange fireball the size of an apple appeared in his hand.

The girls stared wide-eyed at the fireball that suddenly appeared in the hands of the stranger in front of them.

They knew that this stranger was a practitioner, but they didn't know what he wanted to do.

Although the girls didn't trust Lin Li, they knew in their hearts that the stranger in front of them was at least a good person after Lin Li persuaded them to leave.

Therefore, they were not afraid of the fireball that suddenly appeared in Lin Li's hands, but were full of doubts.

Lin Li didn't confuse the girls in the room for a long time. After gathering the fireball, he immediately showed them the function of the fireball.

Under the puzzled eyes of the girls, they saw Lin Li shake off his hand and throw the orange fireball in his hand towards the wooden table in the room.


When the girls saw this scene, they screamed in surprise, because the wooden table hit by the fireball immediately burst into flames.

At first, the fireball only ignited a corner of the table, but soon, the whole table was set ablaze.

"Leave quickly! If you stay here any longer, the whole house will be set on fire later, and you won't be able to leave." Lin Li looked at the girls who were staring at him dumbfounded, and persuaded them with a smile. .

"..." At this moment, the girls understood what the stranger in front of them said earlier, that there was going to be a fire here, and what happened.

The girls in the house wanted to go home very much, but they didn't dare to go back because they were afraid that the Red Blood Gang would find them again and arrest them.

Now that Lin Li set fire to their house, it was equivalent to giving them a reason to go home in disguise. This made the girls who wanted to go home very much get up immediately and quickly ran out of the house where the fire was spreading.

What Lin Li said before, the girls kept in their minds. After escaping from the house and the gate of the yard, they immediately turned to the right and ran straight forward. wooden door.

The leading girl opened the wooden door and walked out first. Seeing this, the other girls also walked out without any hesitation.

"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh..."

Lin Li, who came out of the house, created several fireballs one after another, completely igniting the gloomy courtyard where the girls were imprisoned.

The dreadful burning flames became extremely lovely at this moment, it swallowed everything that could be burned, and the flames began to spread to other courtyards.

"Tonight's good show has just kicked off." Lin Li whispered while looking at the ever-growing sea of ​​flames in front of him, and then a thought flashed in his mind, and a black bandit hat appeared in his hand.

"It's a big fire!" The escaped girls ran all the way, and one of the short-haired girls looked back and found that the base camp of the Red Blood Gang was full of flames in the distance, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Is he going to burn down all the base camp of the Red Blood Gang?" The girls looked at the base camp of the Red Blood Gang that was full of flames in the distance, and they couldn't help but have similar thoughts in their hearts.

At this time, they also completely understood why that kind stranger told them that in the next period of time, the members of the Red Blood Gang had no intentions to trouble them again.

After all, if the base camp of the Red Blood Gang was completely burned down by a fire, and such a major event happened, the members of the Red Blood Gang would not have the time and thought to deal with them, who escaped in the chaos, and who were not so conspicuous!

"Let's get out of here quickly!" A girl with a ponytail reminded the companions in the base camp of the Red Blood Gang who were staring blankly at the fire in the distance.

"Yeah." The girls came back to their senses, nodded one after another, and then continued to flee away from the base camp of the Red Blood Gang.

"Is that person going to be okay?"

"Probably not. He has been here once before, and he will definitely be able to leave safely this time."

Under the night, in the breeze, there are occasional whispers of escaped girls.


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