Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 366: The situation after the desperate situation is the same as fire and water

The majestic voice that suddenly sounded over the battlefield made everyone on the battlefield stunned for a moment, and everyone raised their heads to look above their heads.

I saw a tall, middle-aged man in black clothes with a knife hanging from his waist, standing in mid-air.


The giant centipede screamed at the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist, as if threatening the sudden appearance of a human practitioner, telling him to get out and stop meddling in his own business.

"Huh, you don't know how to live or die." The middle-aged man with the knife hanging from his waist snorted coldly, and then swooped down, so fast that he came in front of the giant centipede in the blink of an eye.


With a flying kick, it hit the head of the giant centipede beast, kicked it backwards, and hit the ground with a bang.

"That is a strange beast that is about to break through to the peak of the second order! It was kicked down?!

! "A guard shouted in surprise.

"Hahaha...we are saved." The bald bandit Zhen suddenly laughed.

The guards and robbers who were already in despair were retreating after being killed by the alienated giant centipede.

Seeing the sudden appearance of this middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist kicking down the most terrifying and invincible beast, their dull eyes suddenly burst into intense brilliance.


After being kicked by the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist, and hitting the giant centipede on the ground heavily, he felt his head was about to explode.

It let out a painful roar, and then quickly got up from the ground, commanding those big black centipedes alienated by his ability to attack the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist.

The alienated centipede, which surrounded the caravan group and the robber gang, immediately turned around after receiving the order, and rushed towards the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist.

Facing the alienated giant centipede coming continuously like a wave from the bee pupae, the expression of the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist did not change at all.

He stretched out his hand and pulled out the saber at his waist, and a powerful wave of spiritual energy emanated from him, which surprised everyone present.

"Third order...?!

! "The captain of the guard and the bandit chief exclaimed at the moment when they sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist.

After hearing the exclamation of the captain of the guard and the bandit leader, the people without perception ability all widened their eyes and looked at the middle-aged man holding a long knife in shock.

Although everyone speculated based on the fact that the middle-aged man with the knife hanging from his waist stood in mid-air just now, and could be kicked down with one kick, and was about to break through to the second-order peak alien beast.

Knowing that he is likely to be a powerful practitioner with a third-level cultivation base, but when it was confirmed that he was a third-level practitioner, everyone was inevitably shocked.

After all, Tier [-] practitioners are relatively rare, and it was the first time for everyone present to see such a powerful practitioner.

At the same time, everyone had already felt that they would definitely die today, but now that such a powerful practitioner entered the arena, a feeling of joy of being saved filled their hearts.


The giant centipede animal saw its younger brother, stunned by the powerful psychic fluctuations emanating from the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist, and stopped in shock. It immediately urged the younger brothers to continue attacking.

At the same time, the strange beast was filled with fear, and it moved back slowly, as if it was going to turn around and run away.

Knowing that the enemy who suddenly appeared in front of him is such a powerful practitioner, and knowing that he can't beat him, running away must be the first choice, which is not shameful.

"Hehe..." The middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist sneered as he looked at the giant centipede that kept retreating, looking for a chance to escape.

Mobilize the spiritual energy in the dantian and inject it into the long sword in his hand, and the golden aura blooms on the sharp blade of the long sword.

"Roar..." The giant centipede beast saw the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist, and the spiritual weapon long knife in his hand was shining with a faint golden aura, and the alarm bell in his heart rang loudly, reminding him to run away quickly.

So it roared immediately, telling its younger brothers to quickly attack the middle-aged man with the knife hanging from his waist.

It wants to use its younger brother to launch an attack so that the other party has no time to take care of itself, and then it can take advantage of the chaos and slip away.

The middle-aged man with rich combat experience and a knife hanging from his waist is naturally clear about the thoughts of giant centipedes and alien beasts. When the other party was roaring wildly and urging his little brother to attack, he took the lead in launching the attack. attacked.


With both feet on the ground, a pit appeared on the flat ground, and the figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Everyone who was staring at the middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist felt a blur in front of his eyes, seeing him disappear first, and then appear behind the giant centipede in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw a middle-aged man with a knife hanging from his waist. The light of the spiritual tool long knife blooming with faint golden aura in his hand disappeared, and he put the spiritual tool long knife back into the scabbard.

"Isn't the strange beast still dead? Why did he put away his weapon?"

Just when doubts arose in everyone's hearts, they saw the vicious and majestic giant centipede remained motionless, and then with a sound of Kacha, the body split from the middle and split into two.


The body of the giant centipede and alien beast crashed to the ground. It could be seen that the incision was very smooth, and a viscous and foul-smelling liquid was flowing all over the place.


Seeing that their boss was killed, the alienated pitch-black centipedes let out a burst of mourning, and then their bodies began to change back to their original appearance.

It is normal for this to happen. After all, the giant centipede beast that used the ability to alienate them is dead, and the effect of the ability on them will naturally be invalid.

"Did it just like that? That's a strange beast that is about to break through to the peak of the second order!

! "The crowd murmured dumbfounded.

"Tread, step, step..."

A few seconds after the death of the giant centipede, a burst of footsteps came from a distance, and soon, more than 300 heavily armed soldiers appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing that they were wearing uniform standard armor, one could tell at a glance that these heavily armed soldiers came from Dongwu City and were well-trained regular troops.

"Master Commander, you are flying too fast, can't you wait for us?" The soldier captain who led the team came to his superior and said helplessly.

Not long ago, the soldiers received an order to follow Commander Liu to a valley around Bibo Lake to wipe out the centipede swarm.

As a result, after everyone left the city, they walked all the way for more than ten kilometers. As the commander, Commander Liu thought the soldiers were marching too slowly, so he took the lead to go to Bibo Lake, saying that he wanted to check the situation first.

Seeing that Liu Tong flew away one step ahead, what could the soldier captain do, he could only call his brothers to speed up the march and rush to the destination.

They were quite tired after galloping fast and galloping along the way.

Facing the helpless subordinate, Liu Yuancheng just smiled, and then he looked back at the big black centipede that had lost its power effect and turned back to its original appearance, and said to the soldier captain.

"I've already killed the culprit, and I'll leave the rest to you. I have other things to do, so I'll go back first."

"Yes, Commander Liu, don't worry! We will deal with the remaining guys..." the soldier captain said.

Then, everyone present saw Liu Yuancheng soaring into the sky, flying towards the dark night in the distance, and disappeared after a while.

"Hey, why did he leave? There are still so many big black centipedes that haven't been dealt with!" Some people shouted when they saw Liu Yuancheng leave.

But soon, their worries disappeared, because the heavily armed soldiers who stayed at the scene immediately wiped out the centipede group present after Liu Yuancheng left.

These well-armed and well-equipped soldiers, through daily training, cooperated with each other tacitly, and wiped out the centipede swarms present.

Logically speaking, when these heavily armed soldiers in Dongwu City started to wipe out the centipede swarm on the scene.

The group of people who were surrounded by centipede swarms and almost desperate should cooperate with the soldiers to wipe out the centipede swarms, but at this moment, they stood motionless.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the two parties who originally abandoned the previous suspicions and defended against the enemy together are staring at each other closely at this moment, looking completely on guard.

Thinking about it, it's quite reasonable that it would become like this. Before facing the threat of death, everyone could put aside their past suspicions and defend against the enemy together. Now that the danger is lifted, sharp contradictions are immediately in front of them.

"Brother, what should we do now?" The bald bandit asked the bandit leader beside him.

"What else can we do? We have to get out of here before the soldiers of Dongwu City finish clearing up the centipede swarm, otherwise we won't be able to escape when they finish their work." The bandit leader said in a heavy tone.

In the fight just now, more than half of his physical strength and spiritual energy were consumed, and the situation of his younger brothers was even worse than him.

In their heyday, their gang of robbers was no match for the heavily armed soldiers of Dongwu City, let alone the current bad state.

However, even though they wanted to escape before the soldiers of Dongwu City wiped out the centipede swarm, there was a premise that the caravan guards in front of them would not come to obstruct them.

"Captain, those robbers seem to be planning to run away when the soldiers in the East City have no time to deal with them..." A guard with some injuries to his left arm said in a low voice.

Hearing this, the captain of the guard nodded slightly, then stared intently at the bandit leader.

"Hey, anyway, we fought side by side just now, when we leave later, don't pester us, okay?" The bandit leader begged the silent captain of the guard.

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on the captain of the guard. As long as he nodded and agreed, the bandit gang could leave safely, otherwise, there would be another fight.

Facing the bandit leader's request, the captain of the guard was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head.

Seeing the guard captain's reaction, the faces of the bandit leader and his younger brother sank.

"If we hadn't helped you resist the attack of those centipede swarms just now, you would have been completely finished," said the bandit leader.

"In that case, if you don't defend against those centipede swarms together, everyone will die together, so you should save us what you say to help us!" The guard captain shot back.

"Made..." Seeing that the guard captain was determined not to let them leave safely, the bandit leader cursed loudly.

"Brother, we have to hurry up. Those soldiers wiped out the centipede swarm so fast. After a while, we really have no chance to escape."

The bald bandit looked at the soldiers who were divided into groups and killed the centipedes in the distance, and said anxiously.

The bandit leader also knew that it was not good to waste time at this time, and he didn't care about being entangled by the guards when he retreated.

Immediately, he gave the order to retreat to the wounded and tired younger brothers, "Brothers, let's go..."

"Don't let these robbers escape." The captain of the guard saw that the robber group was about to escape, so he wanted to lead his men to catch up with them and entangle them.

But at this moment, their employer spoke up and shouted to the guards who were about to chase after the snatched gang.

"Captain Wang, forget it! Now there are centipedes running around, if you go after those robbers, our lives may be in danger."

A group of guards who were about to chase down the fleeing bandit gang stopped when they heard the voice of the caravan shopkeeper.

As a caravan guard, protecting the safety of the employer and his party is the top priority.

Just as the caravan manager said, if they chased the fleeing bandit gang, the employer and his party might be in danger of life, so they immediately gave up the idea of ​​chasing the bandit gang and stayed in place to guard.

Without the entanglement of the guards, the bandit gang escaped very smoothly.

Although they escaped successfully, the robbery this time also suffered heavy losses, almost half of the members were lost. In the next period of time, they need to recuperate.

It took some time, and except for a few big black centipedes who escaped, most of them were beheaded by the soldiers of Dongwu City.

There was a viscous and foul-smelling liquid flowing on the ground at the scene. If there hadn't been a sudden wind blowing away the unpleasant smell, the humans still staying at the scene might not be able to stay for a moment.

After clearing out this huge group of centipedes, which numbered more than ten thousand, the mission of the soldiers was considered complete. Next, they had to return to Dongwu City.

"Above the Sky"

At this time, the shopkeeper of the caravan brought the captain of the guard to the soldier captain who was about to return to Dongwu City.

"Are you a caravan going to Dongwu City?" the soldier captain asked.

"Yes, we encountered such a catastrophe tonight, but fortunately the adults arrived in time, we were able to survive.

This is my little thought, I hope you will not refuse. "The shopkeeper of the caravan presented a small linen bag with both hands.

After the soldier captain took it, he opened it and took a look, his eyes lit up immediately, because there was a stack of cash in the burlap pouch.

"Business Manager Wu, you're welcome, this is what we should do..." The soldier captain accepted the care and said with a smile.

The shopkeeper of the caravan saw that the soldier captain accepted his benefits, and then he quickly made a small request.

"My lord, could it be convenient for us to follow you back to Dongwu City."

"Let's drop by and go back together, of course it's okay, you pack up quickly, and we'll start our return journey..." The soldier captain, who had accepted the benefits, naturally wouldn't refuse this small request.

The caravan shopkeeper and guard captain who got the permission were very happy, and then they immediately called their companions to organize the caravan.

It would be very dangerous for the caravan to be in the wild at night if they were attacked by strange beasts.

But at this time, it is another matter to have a fully armed and experienced army counterpart.

After waiting for a while, the caravan and his party settled down, and then started to follow the returning Dongwucheng soldiers.

After everyone left the battlefield, the battlefield under the moonlight was dead silent, but this situation did not last long.

Because there are scavengers, they found this place by smelling the smell, and started their gluttonous feast.


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