Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 365: Strange Ability, Alienation of All Members

Under the hazy night, the area illuminated by white light balls.

A huge alien beast looked down at the humans present, watching the besieged prey with great interest in their dying struggles.

The more desperate the human being, the happier it is.

"Shopkeeper Wu, are we going to die here today?" The grooms gathered around the gorgeous carriage cried and asked the pale-faced shopkeeper of the caravan standing on the carriage.

In the face of raids by bandits, the caravan master can also cheer everyone up, convincing the frightened grooms that the guards will repel the raiders.

But now everyone is facing a group of terrifying centipedes. Surrounded by groups, there are even more terrifying alien beasts staring at them. This makes the caravan manager unable to say any more words to boost everyone's morale.

After all, even he himself felt that facing such a desperate situation, everyone no longer had any hope of surviving.

Inside the circular fortifications, the guards and robbers who were still in the same situation a moment ago, now completely lost the look of tit-for-tat and endless death.

The personnel on both sides clenched their weapons tightly, looking nervously at the centipede swarm that was ready to attack and would surge up at any moment to drown them.

And a little farther away, although the terrifying beast didn't take an offensive posture, the strong sense of oppression it exuded made the guards and robbers hiding inside the fortifications feel breathless .

At this moment of life and death, neither the guards nor the robbers need to talk about the truce and cooperation in detail.

If you want to survive, then take action and do your best to resist the next attack!

The IQ of most of the strange beasts will increase with the improvement of their cultivation, and a large part of them will become more and more ferocious.

What the guards and robbers were facing at this moment, this giant centipede beast that was about to break through to the peak of the second order, happened to be the kind of terrifying beast whose strength increased, its IQ also increased, and its ferocity was further enhanced.


After appreciating for a while, the giant centipede and strange animal gave the order to attack the little brother under his command after admiring the sad appearance of its prey dying and struggling.

Following its order, the group of centipedes that surrounded the circular fortification immediately began to charge.


A large centipede with a pitch-black body and a body length of 1.2 meters made a scalp-numbing cry.

They swarmed up, flocking towards the pale, desperate humans like a tide.

"Brother, they are here, we..." The bald bandit shouted in horror when he saw the big black centipede rushing towards him.

At this time, before he could fully utter his cry, he was interrupted by the bandit leader.

"Shut up for me, and I will resign myself to fate. If you want to survive, then fight with all your strength!"

And just as the robber leader's voice fell, the captain of the guard on the other end also said to his companions, "In this situation, only one battle, even death, can't satisfy that beast. "

"Kill..." the guards yelled in unison. Although their faces were pale, no one had the idea of ​​escaping for the time being.

After all, they are now surrounded by groups, and there is no way to escape. As the captain of the guard said, in this case, there is only one battle.

A large pitch-black centipede climbed onto the carriage, ready to enter the human fortifications, but as soon as it emerged, a mace tore through the air and slammed on its head.


He was hit by a big pitch-black centipede with a mace, his head was smashed to pieces on the spot, and viscous and foul-smelling liquid splattered.

After the guard with the mace got the first kill, his other companions also successively killed the big black centipedes that climbed over the carriage and were about to enter the human fortifications.

The guards began to face the fierce attack of the pitch-black centipede, and the robbers followed closely, and began to face the crazy attack of the pitch-black centipede.

The circular fortifications are now divided into two parts. The guards guard the east, and the robbers guard the west. The two sides have a very tacit understanding.

At this moment, no one doubts that the other party will work without any effort, because at this time, if you still dare to work without any effort and passively resist the surging black centipede, then the final result will be that everyone will be killed in advance.

In the face of a life-and-death crisis, although everyone does not have too much hope for survival, as long as they can survive for a second, no one is willing to give up resistance and wait for death.



The pitch-black centipede, who is not afraid of death at all, keeps charging the humans hiding in the circular fortifications.

Soon, many pitch-black corpses of giant centipedes piled up in front of the fortifications. The sticky and foul-smelling liquid flowed all over the ground, and many people's clothes were also stained a lot.

If it is normal, many people will feel nauseous and retching if they are contaminated with such a liquid, and they can't wait to find a water source to wash it immediately.

However, facing the desperate situation of life and death, everyone who resisted the attack of the pitch-black centipede did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Consciously shielded the dirty liquid sticking to the body, ignoring the disgusting smell they emitted.

The development of the battle was beyond the expectations of both sides. The giant centipede and alien beast originally thought that its little brother could easily break through the defenses of these dying humans in front of them.

Unexpectedly, these weak human beings were not defeated after being hit for more than ten minutes, which surprised him.

The guards and robbers who were very desperate at first, after more than ten minutes of resistance, saw that the endless swarm of centipedes surrounding them could not shake the line of defense, and their confidence increased greatly.

It is not surprising that this happens. After all, there are more than 300 guards and robbers, and more than half of them are practitioners.

With the help of fortifications, despite facing such a desperate situation, under the stimulation of everyone's strong desire to survive.

As long as everyone resists with all their strength, those pitch-black centipedes that are just ordinary creatures can withstand their impact like a rock.

If there is no giant centipede beast that is about to break through to the peak of the second order, in order to survive, these human beings who are struggling to resist will be able to win the final victory.

It's a pity that reality is reality, and there are no ifs.

The giant centipede, who had been watching from the sidelines, was quite annoyed when he saw that his little brother couldn't attack the human defense for a long time.

It feels that these little brothers of its own are really useless, such weak human beings can't handle it, it really hurts its face.

However, if you continue to watch from the sidelines like this, your losses will increase. No matter how much you call them useless, these little brothers are our own people after all.


The giant centipede that had been watching from the sidelines came to an end. It didn't rush forward and attack the humans who were desperately resisting, but stood still and let out a roar that hurt people's eardrums.

A pale golden aura flashed across the eyes of this terrifying beast, and invisible energy fluctuations emanated from it and spread around.

A shocking scene happened. The big black centipedes around the giant centipede beast began to mutate after being swept by invisible energy fluctuations.

The bodies of the 1.2-meter-long centipedes were pitch-black, and their bodies swelled rapidly. In just a few seconds, their bodies grew to two meters, and the black armor on their backs became thicker and thicker.

A guard waved a mace in his hand, and slammed it heavily on a big black centipede that had been alienated by supernatural powers.


The mace, which could have knocked the pitch-black centipede to death with just one blow, failed to kill the opponent.

After the black armor was hit with a mace, there were only many cracks.

"Trough, this guy has become stronger." The guard who used the mace let out a scream.

The big pitch-black centipede struck by him immediately rushed over, biting his head with its huge mouth full of sharp teeth.


The quick-response guard quickly waved his arm, used the mace to open the alienated centipede that was biting him, and then followed closely. Before the overturned alienated centipede turned over, he slammed his head.

"Bang bang bang..."


The guard with a mace attacked with all his strength more than a dozen times, and the alienated giant centipede was finally blown out of his head by him.


Although he killed the alienated centipede, the guard holding the mace was exhausted and out of breath. He was not happy about killing the alienated centipede.

Because killing a large alienated centipede now requires more stamina than before, this is a desperate news for humans who are resisting the attack.

The situation is just as the guard who swung the mace and killed the alienated centipede thought. Humans who had confidence in resisting the attack of the centipede group, after discovering that the defense of the alienated centipede had increased, everyone's morale suffered a major blow. hit.

"Damn it, these big alienated centipedes are so hard to kill!" A bandit shouted in pain after killing a big alienated centipede with great effort.

As soon as the words fell, someone beside him reminded him loudly, "Be careful behind you."

The robber who yelled in pain turned around to look, only to see a dark figure rushing towards him, it was a giant alienated centipede quietly circling behind.


Facing the sneak attack of the alienated centipede, the robber who was already a little physically weak couldn't dodge it. He was immediately thrown to the ground by the fierce alienated centipede.

The alienated giant centipede with its heavy armor was very heavy, far exceeding the weight of an adult. After it knocked down the robber, it opened its huge mouth and bit the opponent's head.

The robber quickly turned his head to avoid being bitten on the head by the other party, but his shoulder was bitten.

The centipede's venom was injected into the robber's body along the wound. The robber who wanted to struggle was quickly eroded by the venom, and a sense of powerlessness spread all over his body. His hands that were pressing on the alienated centipede fell to the ground powerlessly.


Seeing that the prey could no longer resist, the alienated centipede let out a happy cry, then opened its huge mouth, and bit the head of the defenseless robber.


The bandit leader killed a giant alienated centipede with a sword, and when he saw a younger brother being thrown to the ground, he immediately cursed, rushed over, and then stabbed the giant alienated centipede to death with his sword.


Kicked the alienated giant centipede that was stabbed to death with one kick, and looked at the younger brother who was bitten, his eyes were dull, white foam was constantly spitting out his mouth, and the skin of his whole body was black, which was caused by the venom of the centipede eroding his whole body. As a result, it was obviously impossible to survive.

Looking around, the advantage of the human side was reversed in an instant due to the addition of the Alienated Centipede on the entire battlefield.


The screams gradually increased, and not only the robbers were killed by the alienated centipede, but also the guards began to suffer casualties.

"Retreat, retreat quickly..." Seeing the increase in casualties, the guard captain and the bandit leader shouted in unison.

Upon hearing the order, everyone immediately shrunk their defenses and retreated while fighting.

And in this process, the despair and fear in the hearts of every person on the human side are rapidly permeating.

Everyone knows what retreat means. Next, facing countless alienated centipedes, they won't survive for long.


The ordinary people clustered around the caravan manager's carriage, seeing the retreating guards and robbers who were being killed, knew that their death was approaching, and the fear that had been suppressed for a long time broke out completely, and they let go of loud crying.

The shopkeeper of the caravan reprimanded these grooms earlier, telling them not to cry, so as not to affect the personnel fighting in front, at this moment she no longer opened her mouth to reprimand everyone.

"Master, we, we are going to end now..." The servant who had followed the caravan manager for many years said tremblingly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to come out this time, and it would be the last time I run a business in this life." Facing the impending collapse of the war situation, the pale-faced shopkeeper of the caravan, at this moment, was not as frightened as before, his tone Said calmly.

"Brother, help me." A bald bandit was thrown to the ground by the alienated giant centipede, and quickly shouted to the bandit leader.

"Get out of here." Hearing the younger brother's cry for help, the bald bandit rushed over immediately, and quickly killed several giant alienated centipedes that were about to tear the bald bandit apart.

The rescued bald bandit hurriedly got up from the ground, but when he saw the alienated giant centipedes that had crossed the circular fortification around him, he didn't feel the joy of being rescued, but said in despair. "Brother, we are dead."

"Ma De, I should read the almanac when I go out today..." the bandit leader said expressionlessly.

At this moment, he regretted bringing people out to rob today. If they hadn't acted today, they wouldn't have fallen into such a desperate situation.

"Hurry up and retreat..." The captain of the guard carried a companion who was bitten by a giant alienated centipede and couldn't exert his strength on his shoulders, then kicked a giant alienated centipede that flew up, and turned his head to face Lianzhan. cried the companion.

"We have nowhere to go. We're going to die anyway. Let me tell you, it's better to fight them." A war-loving guard shouted in despair.

Then he swung the ax in his hand and slashed vigorously on the back of a giant alienated centipede.

After a great battle and continuous slashing, the blade of the ax has been rolled up, and its power is far less than before. Therefore, the alienated giant centipede that was cut just let out a painful cry, and continued to move without any serious problems. attack.

"Well, I knew a long time ago that in this line of work, one day I would face this kind of situation, but I never thought that this day would come so soon..."

The captain of the guard, carrying his companion who had been poisoned by the centipede on his shoulder, silently watched the desperate scene unfolding in front of him.


"I don't want to die yet, I'm still young."

"My wife is still waiting for me!"

"My baby was just born last month. If I die, what will the two of them do?"

"Shopkeeper Wu, think of a way! You must have a way to get us out of here..."

The grooms huddling around the caravan shopkeeper cried out, but in this situation, the caravan shopkeeper has nothing to do, he himself is already waiting to die.

Just when all the humans at the scene felt that they were bound to die, a majestic voice suddenly sounded over the chaotic battlefield, echoing in everyone's ears.

"You are so brave, you dare to get so close to our Dongwu City..."


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