Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 364: Twists and turns, an unexpected scene

"Made, there are so many people!" A guard saw a figure in the grass, his eyes widened and he yelled in surprise.

"Archery." The captain of the guard did not hesitate, made a decisive decision, and immediately issued an attack command to his companions.

The guards with crossbows in their hands immediately aimed at the grass in the distance, and pulled the trigger one after another.




The shot arrows tore through the air, making piercing noises, and instantly enveloped a large area.




A dense arrow pierced into the grass and missed the target, and a shrill cry came from the thick grass.


"Fight me back." The thick voice overwhelmed the screams from the grass, and then a series of subtle sounds sounded in the grass.

"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh..."

I saw the same rain of arrows shooting out of the grass, hitting the guards hiding in the circular fortification.

"The robbers have counterattacked, everyone pay attention to dodging, fill up the arrows, wait for my order, and attack them..." The captain of the guard, who was in command, saw the robbers in the grass fighting back, and immediately shouted to his companions.

The guards who heard the reminder immediately squatted down, began to take out arrows from the quiver beside them, and loaded them on the crossbow.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

At this time, the advantages of connecting the carriages end to end to form a circular fortification are reflected. The guards hiding behind the carriages were not hit by the robbers in the grass. The dense arrow rain all fell on the carriage.

"Illumination." A deep voice in the grass shouted, and then a group of white light balls flew out of the grass, hanging in mid-air at a height of tens of meters, illuminating a large area like daytime.


The caravan manager hiding in the carriage checked the situation outside through the car window, and found dozens of white light balls floating in the sky, clearly illuminating the situation in the camp, his face turned pale , Pale for a while.

And the grooms huddled around the carriage of the caravan shopkeeper, seeing this kind of battle, were also frightened and went limp, screaming again and again.

"Shopkeeper Wu, what should we do?"

"Are we going to die here?"

"No! I don't want to die."

"I would have known that this trip to Dongwu City would encounter such danger, and I wouldn't come out if I was killed."

"Father, mother, I'm sorry, the child is not filial, and I can't take care of you until the end of your life."

The caravan shopkeeper hiding in the carriage, he was very scared at first, but after hearing the cries from outside, the fear in his heart was reduced a lot. He got out of the carriage with a serious face and looked at the crowd. The people around the carriage said.

"You all shut up and be quiet. Didn't you see Captain Wang leading his brothers to help us fend off the robbers? You are disturbing the morale of the army by crying like this.

At that time, if Captain Wang and the others are defeated by the robbers because of your crying and crying, none of us will survive. "

"Hmm..." After hearing the reprimand from the caravan master, the weeping grooms immediately raised their hands to cover their mouths, so as not to let their cries affect the guards who were defending against the robbers.

"Don't worry everyone, nothing will happen to us, Captain Wang and the others will definitely be able to defeat the raiding robbers..." Seeing that the crowd stopped crying loudly, the shopkeeper of the caravan encouraged the terrified crowd.

The situation was just as the caravan shopkeeper said, the guards who were defending against the thieves were disturbed when they heard the cries from behind.

Suddenly hearing the cries from behind disappear, their disturbed mood immediately calmed down, and then they concentrated on following the command of the captain of the guard and attacked the incoming robbers.

"Listen to my instructions... release the arrows." Seeing that his companions had filled the arrows, the captain of the guard immediately gave the order to attack.




The dense sound of piercing the air sounded again, covering the robbers hiding in the grass.

"Raise the shield, quickly raise the shield..."

"Fight back, shoot them for me..."

A deep voice sounded, and the robbers hiding in the grass raised their round shields to resist the rain of arrows.

At the same time, they also used their few bows and crossbows to counterattack the attacking guards.

"Brother, the opponent has prepared enough arrows, it's impossible to continue to consume them like this!" A hoarse voice sounded from the grass.

When the caravan shopkeeper came out this time, he specially set aside a carriage to hold arrows. He did this because he was afraid that if he encountered robbers on the road, he would not have enough arrows to fight back.

At the beginning, everyone felt that it was unnecessary for the shopkeeper of the caravan to do this. After all, a carriage was specially set aside for loading arrows instead of goods, and the loss was not small.

Now, as the shopkeeper of the caravan was worried about, they encountered robbers. At this time, everyone had enough arrows to attack the robbers. Everyone couldn't help admiring the decision of the shopkeeper of the caravan.

"You Mad, why did this caravan lose so many arrows, it seems like they can't finish shooting..." After a wave of arrow rain, a thick voice cursed.

"Brother, we don't have many shields. If we continue to stay where we are and let them consume us with arrow rain, we will lose a lot of people. In my opinion, let's go directly!" said a hoarse voice.

"Okay, after the next wave of arrow rain, we will launch an attack immediately." The thick voice responded.

Then, he issued a preparation order to his little brothers, "Brothers, pay attention, after the next wave of arrow rain, everyone will charge with me."

"Okay, big brother." The robber boys hiding in the grass replied one after another.

A guard with a pale golden aura appeared in his ears, listening to the conversation in the grass in the distance.

Although it was a long distance away, he used the awakening ability to strengthen his hearing, and he was able to hear the conversation between the robbers clearly.

"Captain, those bandits are going to charge after our next wave of arrow rain passes."

When the captain of the guard heard the information provided by his companion, his eyes froze for a moment, and then he said to the other companions who were waiting solemnly.

"Everyone pay attention, after the next wave of arrows rains out, the bandits will charge us, everyone is ready to fight."

The guards who escorted the caravan, as the captain of the guard said to the caravan master, they are all experienced professionals.

Facing the gang of robbers whose number was nearly twice as large as them, although everyone looked solemn, they did not show any signs of timidity.

"Mad, damned robber, come on!"

"My ax is hungry and thirsty."

"I'd like to see if it's the bandits' celestial spirits that are hard, or my mace."

The guards learned that after the next wave of arrow rain was shot, the robbers would charge, and everyone was gearing up for a big fight.

At this moment, under the hazy night, a large group of dark creatures are rapidly approaching the battlefield on the shore of the lake, and the humans who are fighting are not aware of this situation.

"Shoot the arrows..." Following the order of the captain of the guard, a wave of arrows shot towards the grass in the distance again, shooting down many unlucky robbers to the ground.


The robber who was not directly shot by the arrow fell to the ground, clutching the shot part, screaming in pain.

"Brothers, follow me..."

After a wave of arrow rain, the bandit leader ignored the younger brothers who were missed by the arrows, fell to the ground and could be rescued, raised the spiritual weapon long sword in his hand, shouted, and then took the lead and rushed out of the grass go out.

"Kill, kill, kill..."

The robber brothers saw that their eldest brother had rushed out first, and immediately rushed out of the grass with shouts.

All of a sudden, the killing sound shook the sky, the momentum was like a rainbow, and he looked unstoppable.

"Everyone follow me to meet the enemy..." The captain of the guard saw all the robbers in the grass swarming out, and gave the order to fight. He jumped out of the fortification first, and the guards followed after seeing this.

The reason why I didn't choose to hide in the fortifications and wait for the enemy to rush in was because there were many useless personnel hiding in the fortifications.

If the guards choose to stay inside the fortifications to meet the enemy, it is easy to accidentally injure them.

In the business of escorting caravans, the primary task is to protect the personal safety of the caravans.

If the guards defeated the incoming robbers and all the caravan died, then their escort mission this time would also fail.

Such a failure will damage their reputation, and no caravan will dare to hire them as escorts in the future, so they must go out to fight and protect the safety of the caravan personnel.

The white light balls hanging in the sky clearly showed the battle that was about to break out.

With their backs to the carriage behind them, the guards with weapons looked at the group of robbers who were attacking fast with their eyes like torches.

The leading bandit leader was a 1.8-meter-five-foot-tall man with big arms and a round waist. He exuded mid-level second-level psionic energy fluctuations.

There are a total of ten small bandit bosses who are one step behind him, and each of them has the spiritual energy fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage.

There are more than a hundred robbers in the future, twenty or thirty of them have cultivation bases from the beginning of the first stage to the peak of the first stage, and the rest are ordinary people.

Such a gang of robbers with more than 40 practitioners as the backbone and nearly 200 people should not be underestimated.

100 meters, 80 meters, 60 meters...

The gang of robbers who launched the charge kept closing the distance between them and the guards who were ready to fight.

When the distance between the two parties was shortened to 50 meters, a sharp animal roar that made people cover their ears suddenly sounded.


The guards and robbers who were about to fight were stunned when they heard the sudden roar of the beast.

The bandit group that launched the charge stopped in their tracks, turned their heads to look in the direction of the roar of the beast, and the guards who were about to meet the enemy also looked over.


In the thick grass not far away, there was a sound. Under the illumination of the light balls in the sky, everyone saw an extremely huge figure moving in the grass.

"Slot, what a big guy." A bald bandit had better eyesight and could see the huge creature in the grass more clearly than others. In an instant, he let out a terrified cry.

As soon as the words fell, a huge creature crawled out from the grass. It was a super giant centipede with a body length of 25 meters.

If you want to use something to describe this centipede, you can use the green leather train on the blue star as an analogy.

A section of the body is connected together, just like the carriages of a train.

After the giant centipede crawled out of the grass, it raised its body and looked down at the humans present, exuding powerful spiritual energy fluctuations from its body.

"Oh my god! Second-level high-level, no, this is a strange beast with a second-level high-level cultivation that is about to break through to the second-level peak."

Practitioners present with Tier [-] cultivation base spread out their perceptions, and immediately detected the huge centipede in front of them, and the incomparably powerful spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from it.

An ordinary beast with a second-level high-level cultivation base is already extremely terrifying, and this second-level high-level strange beast that is about to break through is even more irresistible.

At this moment, the guards and robbers, who were about to fight fiercely with each other, lost all thought of fighting, and the same idea appeared in their minds... to escape, to escape with all their strength.

It is normal for everyone present to have such thoughts of running away.

Because even if the total number of human beings present is nearly 350, when everyone faces such a strange beast that is about to break through to the peak of the second order, even if they abandon their previous suspicions and work together, it is impossible to be its opponent.

Therefore, decisively choosing to escape is the most correct choice at the moment.

"Brothers, let's retreat..." The bandit leader turned around and shouted to his little brothers.

"Die! Run away." The gang of robbers, who had been aggressive before, changed their previous appearance at this moment, and ran away in horror.

"Captain, what should we do?" A guard asked the captain of the guard in a trembling voice, his palms constantly sweating.

"Let's go, I can't take care of the goods. Let's take Shopkeeper Wang and the others and leave here quickly." The captain of the guard, who has a mid-level second-level cultivation, decisively issued an order for all members to retreat like a bandit leader.

And when all the guards and robbers chose to flee, the human looking down at the scene, the giant centipede beast that was about to break through to the second-order peak, let out a sharp animal roar that hurt people's eardrums again.


Following the sharp roar of the beast, the grass around the battlefield shook and there was a rustling sound.

Immediately afterwards, one after another was black, 1.2 meters long, with two long tentacles growing on its head, each segment of its body, and each segment had a pair of legs. Surrounded by humans who were about to flee.

Centipedes, lots of big black centipedes.

Under the light of the white light spheres in the sky, looking around, it feels like there are pitch-black giant centipedes all over the mountains and plains, and there are at least ten thousand of them.

"We are surrounded by centipede swarms, we are doomed now..." The fleeing robbers saw that all escape routes were blocked, and they wailed in despair with miserable faces.

"Brother, what should we do now?" The bald bandit looked at the pitch-black centipede that was approaching, and shouted to the bandit leader in a crying voice.

"Back, all back." Faced with such a situation, the bandit leader was at a loss, and he shouted to his younger brothers in a panic.

Then, an unexpected scene happened. The guards and thieves, who were in dire straits and wanted to fight to the death, unexpectedly got together.

Everyone hid in the circular fortification formed by the carriage, and together resisted the centipede swarm that surrounded them.


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