Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 361: Things are not as simple as imagined, the crisis hidden behind

On the uneven dirt road, a caravan consisting of a dozen or so carriages headed for Dongwu City in an orderly manner.

A carriage in the middle of the caravan, the curtains were opened.

A bloated, middle-aged man in his 50s, wearing an officer's cap, asked the butler who was riding a horse beside the carriage, "How long will it take us to reach Dongwu City?"

"Master, we have to walk for another hour before we can reach Dongwu City." The housekeeper estimated the time and replied.

"This broken road is so bumpy that it will kill you, and you have to walk for another hour. It's really fatal!" the shopkeeper of the caravan muttered.

When the butler heard what his master said, he secretly complained in his heart.

"If you are willing to spend more money, sir, to buy a carriage with a better shock absorption device, you won't have to suffer from such bumps. After all, you are still reluctant to spend money!"

The shopkeeper of the caravan chatted with his butler, and just as he was about to put down the curtains, he suddenly heard a loud roar behind him.


Caravans running outside, in addition to guarding against the attacks of alien beasts, also guard against the robbery of those thieves with evil intentions.

The shopkeeper of the caravan had never heard such a rumbling sound before, which made him immediately vigilant, shouting to his guards to be careful, and to guard against possible accidents on the embankment.

The butler looked in the direction of the sound, and he saw a young man riding a vehicle he had never seen before, driving towards the location of their caravan, and immediately reported to the trembling caravan manager.

"Master, don't worry, it's not a beast or a bandit... just a young man riding a strange vehicle."

The shopkeeper of the caravan heard the butler say that it was a young man who made the noise, and the other party was riding a strange vehicle.

So he got out of the car curiously, stood on the car, and looked into the distance.

Lin Li rode an off-road motorcycle and drove towards Dongwu City quickly. After driving for more than ten minutes, he saw a caravan appearing on the road ahead.

At this moment, the caravan stopped, and the guards protecting the caravan held weapons in their hands and looked at themselves cautiously.

"These people are wary of me! But it's normal to think about it. After all, in this wilderness, when you meet strangers, these caravans carrying goods on carriages will definitely be wary..."

Lin Li glanced at the members of the caravan, then turned the handle of the motorcycle, slightly increased the speed, and passed the caravan quickly.

The off-road motorcycle was driving fast on the dirt road, and the smoke and dust raised obscured the vision of the caravan personnel.

When the smoke dissipated, everyone saw that young man riding a strange vehicle turned into a small black dot and quickly disappeared into the distance.

There was no attack, and the caravan members were relieved.

"Master, you seem to be very interested in that young man who left!" the butler asked, looking at the caravan manager standing on the carriage.

"Actually, I'm interested in the strange vehicle used by that young man," said the shopkeeper of the caravan.

"We have come all the way and passed through several cities, but we have never seen such a means of transportation.

Looking at the direction the young man was going, he was going to Dongwu City just like us. Could it be that this strange means of transportation was produced in Dongwu City? " said the butler.

"After you arrive in Dongwu City, go and inquire. If you can find a place that sells this strange means of transportation, we will buy some at that time and transport them to other cities for sale." The shopkeeper of the caravan felt that he had found a Business opportunity, said with a smile, and then got back into the carriage again.

Because Lin Li passed by this time, the entire caravan stopped, and after he left, the caravan started again.


The caravan's groom flicked the reins in his hand, and the horses pulling the carriage immediately stepped forward and continued to head towards Dongwu City in an orderly manner.


When outside the city, in the wilderness, it is rare to meet living people, and even if you do, it is very difficult to meet again after you separate.

Therefore, it doesn't matter even if people on the road see Lin Li's off-road motorcycle from the Blue Star that people who use this world outside the city have never seen.

However, after entering the city, there were a lot of people on the road. If he rode an off-road motorcycle on the street again, he might be stared at by pedestrians passing by on the street. This was not what Lin Li wanted.

Therefore, when Lin Li was about to arrive at Dongwu City on his off-road motorcycle, he chose a relatively flat place to stop.

After collecting the off-road motorcycles into the mysterious island, the next road is on foot.

The closer you get to Dongwu City, you will find that there are more and more pedestrians on the road, most of them are caravans that Lin Li met on the road when he was riding a dirt bike.

Caravans traveling between various cities are very vigilant for safety reasons when operating in the wild.

"First Evolution"

And when everyone saw the huge Dongwu City gate appearing in front of them, they could finally relax their tense nerves.

The caravan staff who lived in the wind and slept in the open chatted and laughed, chatting about their plans after entering Dongwu City.

Due to the large number of caravans, the caravans need to line up to enter Dongwu City.

Of course, pedestrians walking on foot do not have to queue behind the caravan, because there are special sidewalks for pedestrians to enter the city directly.

Lin Li entered Dongwu City through the sidewalk, and looked back at the driveway for carriages entering Dongwu City, and found that there were still many motorcades lined up.

He thought to himself, if he had just rode a dirt bike into town, he would still be queuing in the driveway!

After entering the city, Lin Li stopped a carriage carrying passengers on the side of the road.

"Guest, where are you going?" the driver asked Lin Li.

"Take me to a store that sells spirit stones." Lin Li said, he was going to a store that sold spirit stones, and exchanged the spirit stone mines he got for spirit stones.

In fact, when you return to Blue Star, you can also go to a shop that sells spirit stones to do this kind of thing.

However, on Blue Star, if people exchange spirit stone mines for spirit stones, they need to explain where the spirit stone mines come from and show their ID cards for registration.

This practice is mandated by the government, because where people pick up spirit stone mines, there may be spirit stone veins nearby.

After the government collects the information, it will send a professional team to carry out prospecting. If the spirit stone veins are found, the government will give the provider a lot of rewards through the registered identity information.

Lin Li's Lingshi mines were obtained in another world, so naturally there is no way to provide information.

Although he can make up nonsense information, just say an address in the wilderness.

But think about it, if you do this yourself, the prospecting team sent by the government will go to the mine based on the false address you provided, and you will definitely find nothing in the end.

To waste the government's manpower and material resources in vain would make his conscience uneasy, so Lin Li canceled the spirit stone mine obtained by going back to Blue Star for disposal.

The processing of the Lingshi mine here in Dongwu City is not as complicated as it is on the Blue Star, and it can be done directly here.

"Guest, I know there is a shop selling spirit stones nearby. If you go there, you need fifteen copper coins..." The coachman quoted a price after hearing Lin Li's description of where he was going.

"Okay." Lin Li nodded, then boarded the carriage, and then the coachman drove the carriage to the shop that sold spirit stones he mentioned.

About an hour after Lin Li left in a carriage from the city gate, the soldiers on duty at the city gate saw many practitioners returning to the city.

Such a dense group of practitioners appeared together, and the soldiers in charge of the city gate also saw some familiar faces. They immediately knew that these people were the group of practitioners who went to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasure.

There were still several hours before dark, yet so many practitioners returned to Dongwu City.

The soldiers on duty took it for granted that it was because someone had already found the white-scaled gopher's nest, that's why these treasure hunting teams who had left the city returned to the city early.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, are you returning to the city so early today because someone has already found the den of the white-scaled gopher?" A middle-aged man in his 40s among the soldiers on duty greeted an acquaintance .

"Captain Zhang." Xiao Wang saw the soldier captain on duty greeting him, he whispered a few words to his companions, then left the team, came to the soldier captain, and said, "Hey, we are so unlucky today gone."

"What happened?" the soldier captain on duty asked curiously.

"We went to Bibo Lake to look for the white-scaled gopher's nest. After spending a lot of time, we finally found the white-scaled gopher and the cave where its nest is suspected to be." Xiao Wang said.

"Isn't this great? Finding the white scaled hamster's nest will make a lot of money..." The soldier captain on duty laughed.

"Listen to me! The next situation will get worse. You know Li Bu, right? He is the guy who has become the son of the young master of the Zhao family." Xiao Wang said.

"I know, I've heard a lot of people mention him, saying that that guy is hugging Master Zhao's thigh now, he's arrogant and arrogant..." The soldier captain on duty also looked down on this kind of guy in his heart, and nodded.

"That's right, that guy is a bully, and he is extremely arrogant now." Xiao Wang agreed with deep conviction, and then continued what he said just now.

"That guy, Li Bu, and his team monopolized the den of the suspected white-scaled gopher. They should have had a share in it, but he moved out of the young master of the Zhao family, and then we had to give up."

The captain of the soldiers on duty thought that Li Bu had finally succeeded in obtaining the spirit stone mine in the white-scaled gopher's nest, and was astounded.

"Tsk... This kind of guy who relies on people's power has made a lot of money. Thinking about it, it really makes people feel a little uncomfortable!"

But at this time, Xiao Wang smiled and shook his head, "That bitch is not what he wants."

"What's wrong? What happened again?" asked the soldier captain on duty.

"Hey." Xiao Wang said with a smile, "Just as Li Bu and his party were about to enter the cave where the white-scaled gopher's nest was suspected to be, suddenly a young man ran out of the cave, and then..."

Xiao Wang told the soldier captain on duty what happened in detail. After the latter heard this, all the smiles on his face disappeared immediately, and he became very serious.

"Li Bu's group didn't get anything this time, and even lost a lot of people, it can be said to be a heavy loss!

If someone brought up this matter in front of him in the future, he would be so embarrassed that he wanted to find a hole to get in. "Xiao Wang recalled the scene he had personally experienced before, and said gloatingly.

At this time, he noticed that the soldier captain on duty had no smile on his face, and his face became very serious. He couldn't help but restrain his smile, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with what I said? "

"You said that in a valley near Bibo Lake, there is a group of centipedes with a number of over ten thousand?" asked the soldier captain on duty.

"Yes." Xiao Wang said in a firm tone. After all, this is something he has personally experienced. Before the centipedes swarmed all over the mountains and plains, people almost disappeared. Now thinking about it, I still feel scared for a while.

"This is not a small matter! I have to report it to my superiors as soon as possible." The soldier captain on duty said after reconfirming.

Xiao Wang suddenly heard that the captain of the soldier on duty said that he wanted to report the situation to his superiors, and asked with some doubts.

"I have to report to the superior? Although there are a lot of centipedes, they are all ordinary creatures, and they don't go out of the valley. As long as you don't go to the valley to provoke them, you can actually ignore them..."

The soldier captain on duty explained, "You don't know about this, there are more than a thousand centipedes in an ordinary group, which is already considered a large group.

If everything you said is true, a group of centipedes with more than [-] individuals is beyond common sense, and there must be the intervention of alien beasts behind this situation.

Bibo Lake is not too far away from our Dongwu City. Now that an unknown alien beast has created such a group of centipedes with a number of over ten thousand, it may have evil intentions. We need to take precautions in advance. "

After listening to the explanation of the soldier captain on duty, Xiao Wang's face became serious. He didn't expect that the centipede swarm he and his companions encountered might be involved in more serious matters.

"Okay, don't talk about it, you go home quickly! This time you have encountered such a thing, go home and spend more time with your family... I am going to report this to my superiors now." Said the soldier captain on duty, and then turned around leave.

Xiao Wang watched his neighbor leave in a hurry, and thought to himself, after the neighbor got off work tonight, he would ask about the follow-up of this matter, and then he turned and went home.


The afternoon sun was a bit hot, but there were still many pedestrians on the street.

In some places where stalls are allowed, many small vendors are trying their best to yell at passers-by under the scorching sun.

A carriage drove out from the corner at the end of the street, and then drove towards a shop selling spirit stones on the far side of the street.


Pulling the rein in his hand, the horses pulling the carriage stopped.

When the carriage stopped on the side of the street, the driver turned to the passengers in the carriage and said, "Guest, we're here."

Lin Li got out of the air-conditioned compartment, handed over the fare he had prepared in advance to the driver, and then jumped off the car.

In front of me is a small shop with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

And there seemed to be no customers in the store. Looking inside from the door, you could see a clerk sitting at the counter dozing off.


The coachman who collected the fare shook the reins in his hand and drove the carriage away.

Lin Li stepped forward and walked into the shop selling spirit stones in front of him.


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