Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 360: Hate so much, vow to make him regret coming to this world

"Boy, why did you come out of this cave?" Li Buan asked Lin Li sullenly.

The members of the treasure hunting team speculated that Lin Li ran into the cave to pick up leaks during the confusion just now, and Li Bu naturally had the same idea.

Lin Li glanced at Li Bu, who was questioning him, and didn't bother to talk to him, then he stepped forward.

At a speed that Li Bu and his group could not react to at all, they quickly ran past them and ran towards the exit of the valley.

"What a speed!

! "The members of the treasure hunting team who watched the excitement said in surprise.

And Li Bu and his group were stunned by Lin Li's speed, and they didn't expect that the young man in front of them would dare to run away in front of them.

"Brother, that kid has escaped." A younger brother turned around, looked at Lin Li who was running farther and farther away, and was about to disappear, and shouted loudly.

"Ma De, this kid is really fast enough. Forget it, the business is important. Let's go to the cave to find the Lingshi mine first." Li Bu said, he didn't intend to chase Lin Li who had left.

"Brother, that guy came out of the cave just now, could he have stolen the Lingshi mine?" A younger brother guessed.

"Recall, his hands are empty, and his pockets don't look like they have anything in them, so he probably didn't steal the Lingshi Mine..." Li Bu analyzed.

It was also because he judged that Lin Li hadn't stolen the Lingshi mine in the cave, so he didn't have the idea of ​​chasing Lin Li.

The younger brothers recalled Lin Li's appearance just now, and it was indeed as his elder brother said, not as if he had taken the Lingshi Mine.

Although Li Bu and his party felt a little regretful that they didn't keep that young man and taught that arrogant guy a lesson, they also knew that things should be prioritized, and that finishing what the young master of the Zhao family had told them was their top priority.

"Okay, let's go into the cave." Li Bu greeted his little brother to come back to his senses, and then took the first step to enter the cave.

But at this moment, a strange sound came from the cave where you couldn't see your fingers.


Li Bu and his party stopped when they heard a strange sound coming from the cave.

"Brother, there seem to be mice in the cave." A younger brother heard a strange sound coming from the cave where he couldn't see his fingers. He thought of the mice he occasionally encountered when he got up at night when he was at home.

"Although the cry sounds like a mouse, it's still a bit different..." Another younger brother listened attentively and came to a different conclusion.

After Li Bu listened to what the two younger brothers said, he remained silent, looking seriously at the cave in front of him that was making strange noises.

Soon, the mystery of what was making the sound in the cave was revealed.

"Trough, it's a group of centipedes..." Li Buizuo saw more than a dozen big black centipedes running out of the cave where he couldn't see his fingers. He immediately knew what was going on, and immediately shouted to his little brothers , "Everyone run away quickly."

The younger brother, who reacted a little slower, was stunned when he saw the huge centipede running out of the cave. They really didn't expect that the screaming thing turned out to be such a creature.

After hearing the reminder from their elder brother, the younger brothers immediately shuddered, then turned around and ran away.

Originally, these pitch-black centipedes were going to hunt and kill Lin Li, but they never expected that Lin Li would be so fast that he would throw them away in one fell swoop, escape from the cave quickly, and run away without a trace. up.

But fortunately, they didn't give up immediately, but continued to chase them to the outside of the cave.

Although the target to be hunted was gone at first, the pitch-black centipede found that there were many delicious prey outside the cave, and immediately changed its target.

"Oh my god! It's a group of centipedes, and the scale is not small, everyone run away!"

The members of the treasure hunting team who were standing not far away watching the excitement, when they saw a lot of big centipedes pouring out of the cave, they were all terrified and shouted in horror.

At this moment, the reaction of these people seemed to be much stronger than when they encountered the green-backed toad strange beast before.

It's actually quite normal when you think about it. When human beings face this kind of terrifying reptiles that seem to overwhelm the sky and rush towards them, they will become more frightened in their hearts.

"Go to Nima, get the hell out of here, don't get in my way." The escaped Li Bu and his party yelled at the treasure hunting team who were blocking the way.

At this critical moment, when their own lives are at stake, the members of the treasure hunting team will naturally not give way to Li Bu and his party.

Even if he threatened them with the young master of the Zhao family at this time, it would not work.


When a little boy was running away, he accidentally tripped over a stone on the ground and fell to the ground.

Although the fall hurt him very much, he also knew that the situation was very critical, so he endured the pain and immediately got up from the ground, wanting to continue to escape.

But this accidental fall caused an irreparable disaster, and he no longer had a chance to escape to heaven.

The pitch-black giant centipede was crawling very fast. Just as he got up from the ground, the younger brother who wanted to escape was surrounded by chasing centipedes before he could speed up.

"Brother, save me." The little brother who couldn't escape, facing the pitch-black centipede one after another, attacking him frantically, shouted to Li Bu who was fleeing in horror.

Li Bu heard his younger brother calling for help, and looked back.

The terrifying scene that caught his eyes accelerated the speed of his feet.

I saw the little brother who was surrounded by the big black centipede waved the weapon in his hand, slashing at the big black centipede that kept coming up to attack him.

Although he tried his best to resist, he couldn't stand the huge number of centipedes. No matter how many he killed, there would always be more big black centipedes rushing up to attack him.

Ever since, he was overwhelmed by the endless black centipede.


The big pitch-black centipede bit the little brother who was thrown down, biting his body into a bloody lake.

The centipede, as we all know, is poisonous, so the little brother who was bitten was soon poisoned, and then his body began to go numb, gradually losing consciousness, and his struggling movements became weaker and weaker.

"Ah... brother, help me! I don't want to die."

The little brother who was being bitten by the big black centipede constantly, although his body was numb and unconscious due to the poison of the centipede, his strong desire to survive made him not want to give up.

In the case of a weak consciousness, he used his last strength to call for help from his companions.

Looking at his younger brother's miserable condition, Li Bu felt his scalp go numb, although he heard his younger brother calling for help, but facing such a swarm of centipedes, he had no way to rescue him.

Some younger brothers heard the desperate cry for help from their companions, subconsciously slowed down their escape speed, and wanted to stop to rescue him, but at this time, Li Bu reminded loudly.

"Don't look back, don't stop..."


! "After all, we usually drink and eat meat together, and do some bad things together. The relationship is very deep, and the younger brothers can't bear it.

"If you want to die, stop, I remind you, this group of centipedes will not give you a chance to go back on your word." Li Mi said seriously.

The younger brothers heard their elder brother's warning, and their hearts trembled. The so-called deep feelings were immediately forgotten by them, and everyone picked up the slowed down speed again, scrambling to escape forward.

"Ah..." The shrill cry of the younger brother who was bitten by the big centipede became weaker and weaker until it disappeared completely, and his whole body was covered by the big black centipede.

Under the bright sunshine, in a beautiful valley, a group of human beings fled in embarrassment. Behind them was a large group of densely packed pitch-black giant centipedes.

As time went by, some humans ran very fast, widening the distance from the centipede swarm that was chasing after them, while some humans were constantly shortened by the centipede swarm.


"Brother, help!"

A few more humans were chased by the centipede swarm. If you observe carefully, you will find that the chased person is actually Li Bu's younger brother.

There is actually a reason for this to happen, because the group of them used up a lot of physical and spiritual energy fighting the white phosphorus gophers before, and their condition is far inferior to those members of the treasure hunting team who have been reduced to eating melons.

Now facing the pursuit of the fast-moving centipede swarm, the ones who are most likely to lose the chain are naturally Li Bu and his party who are not in good condition.

"Brother, I can't run anymore." Some younger brothers who were running desperately heard the screams of their companions who were overtaken by the centipedes behind them, their legs were a little weak in fright, and they cried to Li Bu.

"If you don't want to die, just hold on, in a while, we will leave this valley.

As long as we leave this valley, the centipedes behind us should give up chasing us.

Persistence is victory, don't give up. Facing the younger brother's cries, Li Bu, who had a very ugly face, shouted loudly.



The pitch-black giant centipede caught its prey again and let out a cry of excitement. The screams of the human beings thrown to the ground were quickly covered by the screams of the big centipede.

At this moment, in the valley, there are pitch-black giant centipedes all over the mountains and plains, and it is impossible to count the exact number.

Roughly estimated, far more than the thousand or so estimated by Lin Li in the cave, at least [-] as a base.

It is unimaginable that such a group of centipedes with more than [-] individuals live in this beautiful valley.

The escaped Li Bu and his party and the members of the treasure hunting team were complaining in their hearts at this moment, secretly thinking that it was unlucky for them to run into such a thing.

At the same time, they couldn't help but blame the young man who escaped first.

Looking back at the beginning, seeing the young man running out of the cave, we can know that these centipede swarms living in the cave were obviously startled by the young man and chased him out of the cave.

If it wasn't for the young man who led the centipede swarm out of the cave, they wouldn't have to suffer such a disaster now.

These people put all the reasons for their suffering in this disaster on Lin Li's head.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, even if Lin Li didn't enter that cave, the result would not change.

Because Li Bu and his party will also enter the cave, and then find the Lingshi mine, which will attract the attention of the centipede swarm living in the cave.

And waiting outside the cave, wanting to see how many Lingshi mines Li Bui and his party can harvest, the members of the treasure hunting team must eventually be unavoidable. Group attack.



After paying the lives of a few more people, the fleeing people finally managed to escape from this deadly valley.

And the situation was exactly as what Li Bui had said to his little brother, these centipede swarms chasing them saw their prey escaped from the valley, they stopped chasing at the exit of the valley, and then began to return to their old nest.

Judging from this situation, the centipede group should have drawn this valley as their own territory.

After seeing the prey leave the territory, they have no intention of continuing the pursuit.


The escaped crowd was panting and sweating profusely. While wiping the sweat from their foreheads with their hands, they watched the terrifying swarm of centipedes recede like a tide.

When the terrifying centipede swarm disappeared completely, everyone's tense nerves could finally be relaxed. Many people's legs softened and they slumped on the grass.

"Made, you scared me to death."

"Yeah! I was scared to death too, I thought I was going to explain it here today!"

"After returning to Dongwu City, I will go home and have a good rest for a while."

"This time I survived a catastrophe, I'm going to Hualou to enjoy myself for a few days and relax..."

"You're going to play in the flower house! That will cost a lot of money! Do you have that money?"

"Yes, I saved a lot of money this year..."

The members of the treasure hunting team chatted relaxedly, telling their plans after returning to the city.

But at this moment, the surviving Li Bu and his party formed a sharp contrast with the members of the treasure hunting team.

Originally, Li Bu and his party went out of the city this time to carry out the task assigned by the young master of the Zhao family. There were more than [-] people who left the city, but now there are only a dozen people left.

Not to mention that the mission was not completed this time, and many companions died. It can be said that it was a crushing defeat. How can I face the young master of the Zhao family after returning!

Moreover, at this moment, their minds are still echoing the cries for help of those companions who were chased by the centipede swarm and finally died without a place to bury them.

It is conceivable how ugly the faces of Li Bu and his party are now.

"Brother." The younger brothers looked at the livid Li Bu with miserable expressions.

"All of this today is caused by that bastard. No matter where he is, I will find him and make him regret coming to this world..." Li Bu's face was ferocious, the veins on his forehead twitched violently, and he gritted his teeth. roared.

He blamed Lin Li for his complete failure this time.

At this moment, Lin Li, who was constantly being cursed in his heart, was riding his off-road motorcycle, leisurely driving towards the location of Dongwu City.


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