Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 362: Be careful sailing for thousands of years, there is nothing wrong with being cautious

"Tread, step, step..."

Slight footsteps sounded on the street, and Lin Li walked into a shop selling spirit stones.

Just as he thought standing outside the store at the beginning, the store selling spirit stones was quiet, except for the dozing clerk, there was no one else.

Looking inside the counter, with his right hand propping his cheek, his eyes closed, his head shaking, Lin Li thought to himself of the clerk who looked like he was going to sleep on the table at any time.

"This clerk is really big-hearted, and he is not afraid that thieves will take the opportunity to slip in and steal things."

Lin Li walked forward, came to the counter, stretched out his right hand, and knocked on the counter.

"Dong Dongdong..."

With the sound of knocking on the counter, the clerk who was dozing off with his eyes closed was startled and opened his eyes immediately.


"Hi, sir, what do you need?"

The clerk who woke up quickly rubbed his eye sockets, then stood up from the chair and greeted Lin Li.

The clerk in front of him is actually not very old, he looks only fourteen or fifteen years old at most, and he is not tall, only 1.6 meters.

Lin Li looked down at the young clerk, then he reached into his pocket and took out a fist-sized Lingshi mine and put it on the counter.

"I have some spirit stone mines of this quality. I want to exchange them for spirit stones. Do you accept them here?"

The young clerk didn't reach out to touch Lin Li's Lingshi mine on the counter, he nodded and said, "Please wait a moment."

After speaking, the young clerk left the counter and ran to the door of a room in the store.

Lin Li saw the clerk reach out and knock on the door, and then said, "Uncle, there is a customer who wants to exchange some spirit stone mines for spirit stones."

Uncle?It turned out that this young clerk was a relative of the store manager!No wonder he dared to doze off while sitting at the counter at work.

After all, if it was someone else, I wouldn't dare to sit and doze off during working hours, because if found out, I would be fired...

Lin Li understood the relationship between the young clerk and the store manager through the young clerk's words. Then, he saw the door opened, and a middle-aged man in his fifties with thinning hair came from Come out of the room.

"Hello, guest officer." Under the guidance of his nephew, the shopkeeper came to Lin Li and greeted him with a smile.

"Hello." Lin Li responded with a nod, and then saw the other party pick up the spirit stone mine he put on the counter.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of spiritual energy emanated from the shopkeeper.

At the beginning of the second stage, Lin Li sensed the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the shopkeeper, and made some judgments about his cultivation in his heart.

"Guest officer, the quality of your spirit stone mine is not bad..." After checking the quality of the spirit stone mine in his hand, the shopkeeper said with a smile.

"How many spirit stones can this spirit stone mine be exchanged for?" Lin Li asked.

The shopkeeper weighed the Lingshi mine in his hand and said, "You can exchange seven."

The fist-sized spirit stone mine can be exchanged for seven pigeon egg-sized spirit stones. The shopkeeper is quite honest in his business, and he has no black heart to lower the price. Lin Li nodded in satisfaction.

Then, with a thought in his mind, he took out all the more than 30 spirit stone mines of different sizes that he had obtained in the cave before from the mysterious island, and put them on the counter in front of him.

The shopkeeper and his nephew widened their eyes in shock after seeing Lin Li's operation.

"With empty hands, so many spirit stone mines appeared out of thin air with just a wave of the hand. This guest is a practitioner who has awakened the ability of storage space!"

After Lin Li took out all the spirit stone mines on the mysterious island, he said to the shopkeeper who stared at him with wide eyes.

"Shopkeeper, please help me replace all these spirit stone mines with spirit stones."

The shopkeeper who came back to his senses immediately responded with a smile, "Okay officer, please wait a moment, I will help you calculate how many spirit stones these spirit stone mines can be exchanged for."

Afterwards, through some calculations by the shopkeeper, Lin Li obtained dozens of spirit stones of different sizes from this treasure hunt, which can be exchanged for a total of 320 spirit stones.

Originally, Lin Li estimated that these spirit stone mines he obtained could be exchanged for 320 to [-] spirit stones, but now the number of [-] spirit stones is also within the range he estimated.

After the shopkeeper calculated the result, Lin Li didn't say anything more, and asked the other party to exchange it for Lingshi.

"Guest officer, where did you get so many spirit stone mines?" At this time, the shopkeeper subconsciously asked.

Later, he felt that it was impolite for him to ask such a question, so he quickly added another sentence, "Sorry, if it's not convenient for you to say it, you don't need to answer it."

Lin Li didn't expect that the shopkeeper would ask where the Lingshi Mine came from, but the other party started to ask, and it was nothing to talk about casually, since this is not Blue Star anyway.

"I accidentally picked up these spirit stone mines outside the city..."

"Guest officer, your luck is really good...Xiao Ke, you put away these spirit stone mines, and I will get the spirit stones for the guests."

The store manager naturally didn't believe Lin Li's words. After all, if you said that you accidentally picked up a piece or two of spirit stones outside the city, it would be considered normal. Picking up so many at once is obviously impossible.

The shopkeeper asked casually, Lin Li answered casually, and the two sides stopped discussing this topic.

Afterwards, he ordered his nephew to pack up the many Lingshi mines, and then he entered the room he came out of earlier.

When the young clerk saw his uncle leaving, he immediately took out a burlap bag from the cabinet under the counter, and put the Lingshi mines on the table into the burlap bag one by one.

When he put all the spirit stone mines into the burlap bag, the shopkeeper who had left came out of the room again. At this time, he was holding a wooden box in his hand.

"Guest officer, all your 320 spirit stones are here, please check them out."

The shopkeeper put the wooden box in his hand on the counter, and then he opened the box, and saw many crystal clear spirit stones the size of pigeon eggs piled up in the wooden box.

Since it was the first time to trade with this store, the trust level of both parties was not high, so Lin Li followed the other party's instructions and began to check whether the spirit stones in the wooden box were genuine.

It took a few minutes to check all the spiritual stones in the wooden box, and found that there was no problem. Lin Li then put the wooden box containing the spiritual stones into the mysterious island.

The shopkeeper had no objection to the fact that Lin Li also took the wooden box, because even the Lingshi brought the box, which was meant to be given to Lin Li.

"It's a happy cooperation. If I still have the Lingshi mine in the future, I will come to you again..." Lin Li said to the store manager with a smile.

Then, he left the shop selling spirit stones under the warm greeting of the other party.

"Uncle, this is the first time I've seen a practitioner who has awakened the ability of the storage space." The young clerk looked at Lin Li who stopped a carriage by the side of the road and left in the carriage.

"Don't say it's you, it's also the first time I've seen him, and I just felt that he exudes the spiritual energy fluctuations of the early stage of the second stage." The shopkeeper said with emotion.

"Early stage of the second stage? Uncle, are you right? This customer doesn't look very old! He is so young, so he has already cultivated to the early stage of the second stage." The young clerk said in surprise.

"I won't make a mistake. I sense it at such a close distance. If I still make a mistake, my shop has been open for so many years." The shopkeeper said.

Then, he withdrew his gaze from the carriage leaving in the distance, turned back to the counter, picked up the burlap bag containing the spirit stone mine, and entered the room where he was before.

The young clerk saw the shopkeeper enter the room, so he went back to the chair behind the counter and sat down.

Then, propping his cheek with his right hand, he looked at the passers-by on the street outside the shop, recalled the young guest he had just entertained, and muttered to himself.

"At the beginning of the second stage, if I can cultivate to the beginning of the second stage before the age of 30, I will burn the incense."

The carriage drove towards the destination in an orderly manner. Sitting in the carriage, Lin Li looked at the busy street scene outside the window, and the thoughts in his mind spread outward.

"This time I went to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasure, and finally got 320 spirit stones, which is 600 million if converted into cash.

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It took half a day to earn 600 million. Before doing it, I didn't even dare to think about it. There are so many opportunities to make a fortune in the spiritual world! "

Next, Lin Li will take a carriage to a restaurant that sells oysters. According to the plan he conceived during lunch, he is going to buy a batch of pearls for emergencies.


The sun is slanting westward, and in more than an hour, night will fall.

The bright red sunset crossed the high mountains in the sky, and painted the back of the peaks with a layer of gorgeous colors.

Most of the world is now dyed red by the setting sun, the tired birds return to the forest, and groups of birds return to their residences under the setting sun.

Caravans walking in the wilderness, seeing that the sky is about to darken, and caravans that are closer to the city will choose to speed up to the city, thinking about entering the city before dark.

The caravan was still far away from the city, and even if it was faster, the caravan could not enter the city before dark, so they began to look for places with gentle terrain, set up camps peacefully, and prepared to spend the night in the wild.

On the shore of Bibo Lake, at a flat location, a large caravan consisting of dozens of carriages stopped.

Because it was too late to reach Dongwu City before dark, the caravan chose to set up camp here.

The carriages were connected end to end to form a huge circular defensive offensive, and then the caravan personnel set up tents in the circle. After the residence was completed, everyone started preparing to light a fire and cook.

Large pots were set up on the bonfires one by one, and the water from Bibo Lake was poured into the pot. After boiling, the chef with ordinary skills began to pour noodles into the pot.

A middle-aged man full of energy and extraordinary temperament sat in front of a small round table. He picked up the tea poured for him by his servant, took a sip, and said to the captain of the guard standing in front of him.

"Captain Wang, it's going to be dark soon, have you arranged all the people in charge of night security?"

The captain of the guard who was in charge of the caravan's security was a strong man with a mid-level second-level cultivation. When he heard his employer ask about the security at night, he immediately replied.

"Shopkeeper Wu, we escorted your caravan all the way to Dongwu City, as you have seen, we are professionals, so don't worry about it!"

"Captain Wang, I recognize your professionalism, but be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

After dawn tomorrow, I will be able to reach Dongwu City after half a day's journey. Seeing that this trip is about to reach the end, I don't want to make mistakes at this last moment.

Please remind your people, let everyone cheer up 12 points tonight, and don't make any mistakes.

When I get to Dongwu City, I will find a restaurant and treat everyone to a feast. "The shopkeeper of the caravan said sincerely.

The reason why he was still so vigilant when he was about to arrive in Dongwu City was because he had encountered a similar lesson before.

When he was young, he once took a caravan. The night before he was about to arrive at the destination, everyone let down his vigilance. As a result, the caravan was successfully attacked by strange beasts that night, causing a lot of casualties and goods. Loss.

Since that time, the shopkeeper of the caravan has never dared to relax his vigilance. Every time he runs a business outside, after nightfall, he will give thousands of instructions to the guards escorting the caravan.

The captain of the guard heard what the employer said, nodded and said, "Okay, I will remind my brothers later."

The caravan manager smiled in satisfaction, and then he glanced at his servant, who understood, took out an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to the captain of the guard with both hands.

The captain of the guard took the envelope handed over by the servant, opened it and took a look, there was a wad of cash inside.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then he put the cash into his arms, and then immediately turned and left. It seemed that he was going to go to his brothers and explain what he was guarding tonight.

"I hope everything goes well tonight. We can survive tonight. We will leave after dawn tomorrow and arrive at Dongwu City at noon." The shopkeeper of the caravan leaned back on his chair, looked up at the bright red sunset in the sky, and muttered to himself. road.


Under the bright red sunset, a carriage was running fast on the stone road.


The coachman driving the carriage pulled the rein in his hand to signal the horse to stop.

The horse immediately slowed down after receiving the signal, and the carriage stopped at the door of a villa.

"Guest officer, we're here." The coachman turned his head and said to the passengers in the carriage.

"Okay." Lin Li came out of the carriage, handed the fare to the driver, and jumped off the carriage.

Just now he went to a restaurant that sells oysters to buy pearls. Because the shopkeeper of the restaurant is the same as last time, he has not come back from a long trip to do business, so the person who entertained him this time is still Liu Yun, the assistant of the shopkeeper.

We are old acquaintances, and the process of purchasing pearls went very smoothly.

Because Lin Li had just bought a large number of pearls not long ago, Liu Yun was very curious, but she didn't ask.

After trading the pearls, Liu Yun enthusiastically persuaded Lin Li to stay, and wanted to invite him to have dinner at the restaurant.

It's a pity that Lin Li had already made arrangements, so he declined Liu Yun's kindness.

The last time she failed to keep Lin Li for dinner, she still failed this time. For this, Liu Yun wanted to make up for it.

So, she asked the hotel kitchen to pack a lot of food for Lin Li and let him take it away.

The kindness is hard to turn down, and it can be taken into the mysterious island, and it won't take up much space, so Lin Li accepted the other party's kindness with a smile.


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