Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 356: The Abnormality in the Valley



Another gust of wind blew up on the surface of Bibo Lake, and this gust of wind blowing ashore made the trees on the shore of the lake make noises.

In the shade of a big tree with luxuriant branches, the hanging pot hanging on the bonfire was shaken from side to side by the strong wind blowing ashore, making creaking sounds.

Lin Li, who was sitting on the pony, patted his stomach. He was [-]% full from the lunch at noon.

After taking out a paper towel and wiping his mouth, Lin Li got up and cleaned up the bowl quickly, and took the packed tableware to the shore of the lake for cleaning.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Squeeze some dishwashing liquid, clean up the oil stains on the tableware, and then rinse with cool lake water.

White foam appeared in the Bibo Lake, floating along the ups and downs of the lake to the distance.

On the big tree on the shore of the lake, some ordinary birds stood on the branches, watching the humans who were cleaning the dishes, their eyes fell on the white foam, and they chirped.

It took some time to clean up all the tableware. After finishing, Lin Li began to put all his camping equipment into the mysterious island.

In the distance, three people were drinking sliced ​​meat soup and eating pancakes.

From the moment Lin Li finished his lunch and began to clean up the tableware, he secretly observed his actions.

The three wanted to see how this young man packed so many things.

Soon, they saw a scene that left them dumbfounded.

Items disappeared one after another. After a while, the table, chairs, hanging pots and other camping supplies that seemed very cumbersome to the three of them disappeared completely.

After Lin Li put all his things into the mysterious island, he extinguished the bonfire, and then he was ready to continue to search for the white-scaled gopher's nest.

"This young man has a storage artifact!

! "The short man and the tall man exclaimed in unison.

The middle-aged man with a calm personality shook his head and said to his two companions, "No, it's not a storage tool, it should be a storage space ability."

"Brother, why do you think it's a storage space ability?" the short man asked.

"Storage artifacts are not only rare in number, but also expensive. People who can afford storage artifacts don't need to go to Bibo Lake to hunt for treasures." The middle-aged man with a calm personality explained.

"Brother is right, if this young man has a spiritual artifact, how can he act alone in the wilderness.

And even use such a precious and rare spirit weapon in front of us as if no one was there. "The tall man reacted belatedly and added.

The short man nodded, looked at Lin Li who was leaving in the distance, and said enviously, "I didn't expect this young man to have awakened the rare ability of storage space, so lucky!"

"That's right! I don't expect to awaken the rare storage space ability like this young man. As long as the ability can be awakened, any ability can be used. It's a pity that I don't have such a life!" The tall man said regretfully.

Although the three people present were all practitioners, none of them had awakened powers. Now that they saw Lin Li using his powers, and the rare storage space power, they were all envious.

Lin Li, who was walking in the distance, heard the exclamation of the three strangers behind him, so he didn't stop, but continued to walk forward.

The middle-aged man with a calm personality saw the direction Lin Li was heading for. He frowned, thought quickly in his mind, then stood up and shouted loudly to Lin Li who was leaving, "Little brother, wait a minute, first don't go..."

When Lin Li heard the stranger behind him calling him to stop, he stopped and turned around to look at him, full of doubts.

Like Lin Li, the two companions of the middle-aged man with a calm personality were also puzzled as to why his elder brother called out to each other.

"Little brother, I suggest you not to go any further in that direction." The middle-aged man with a calm personality said.

The short man and the tall man heard their elder brother's suggestion to Lin Li, thought about it, and immediately knew the reason. They felt that their elder brother was still kind-hearted!

"Brother, why do you say that? Is it because there are some very dangerous beasts ahead?" Lin Li asked politely.

The middle-aged man with a calm personality explained, "It's like this, there is a group of people in front who are very domineering, and a large area in that direction has been designated as a no-entry area by them.

If you go over now, if you bump into them, you will be humiliated and driven away by them, and if there is a conflict, you may lose your life. "

Lin Li was stunned for a moment after hearing the explanation of the middle-aged man with a calm personality, then he frowned and said.

"This wild place does not belong to anyone. Logically speaking, everyone is free to go to any place. Is the group of people you mentioned doing things so unreasonable?"

The short man, who was humiliated by Li Bu before, appeared at this time and said, "That group of people are very despicable and shameless, but after becoming the lackeys of the rich and powerful, they acted even more unreasonably and unscrupulously.

Little brother, you are alone, it is best not to provoke them.

Looking at you, you came to this Bibo Lake for the same purpose as us, to find the nest of the white phosphorous gopher. Don't go ahead, look for it in another direction! "

"The group of people you mentioned set the front as a no-entry area, is it because there is a relatively high probability of finding a white-scaled gopher's nest in that area?" Lin Li asked.

"Yes, it is said that someone found traces of Bai Lingzhuang's gopher activities in that area this morning." The middle-aged man with a calm personality nodded, but he then added something.

"Although it is said that traces of the white-scaled gopher's activities have been found, it does not mean that its nest must be in that area.

Now that group of people is occupying that area, there is no need to risk their lives to force their way in, and search in other directions, and Bao Buqi found the white-scaled gopher's nest elsewhere. "

The tall man also echoed his elder brother's words at this time, persuading Lin Li.

"Little brother, those people still have scruples in the city, but in this desolate wilderness where no one governs, they have no lower limit.

If you offend them, there is a high probability that you will lose your life, so don't act impulsively! "

Lin Li looked at the three kind-hearted strangers and nodded with a smile, "Thank you for your advice, I will take it down.

But I still plan to keep going, if I unfortunately meet the group of guys you mentioned who have no lower limit, and they tell me to leave, I will leave immediately..."

After speaking, he turned and left, continuing to move in the chosen direction.

"Ah..." The middle-aged man with a calm personality sighed when he saw that Lin Li hadn't changed his mind after listening to his persuasion.

"Brother, don't take this matter too seriously. Young people are like this. When we were young, didn't we not listen to the persuasion of some old seniors?" The tall man comforted his elder brother. arrive.

At this time, the short man took a sip of the sliced ​​meat soup, and said casually, "I can only wish that little brother good luck, if he meets that bastard Li Bu, as long as he doesn't provoke him, the problem is actually not too big. "


The endless blue waves of the lake are rippling, and there is a valley of weeds and wives on the shore of the lake.

At this moment, at the entrance of the valley, there was a man in purple clothes stationed. This man unreasonably blocked the treasure hunting teams who wanted to enter the valley to hunt for treasure one by one.

"It's forbidden to enter here. If you want to hunt for treasure, go elsewhere." The man in purple said arrogantly.

"..." All the treasure hunting teams who were blocked outside the valley dared not speak out.

It's not that they can't beat this man in purple clothes standing guard at the entrance of the valley.

It's just because he has scruples about the people who support him, so it's inconvenient to make a move.

After all, if things become a big deal, their treasure-hunting teams with no background will not be able to withstand the other party's revenge.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

"Let's go..." The treasure hunting team turned and left, preparing to search for the white-scaled gopher's nest elsewhere, but at this time, a young man came out of the thick grass in the distance.

The young man was empty-handed and had no other teammates. He passed by the leaving treasure hunting team and walked straight to the entrance of the valley ahead.

The treasure hunting team that was leaving didn't pay much attention to this young man.

However, after about ten seconds, they heard a loud noise behind them, so they stopped and turned to look towards the entrance of the valley.

"Boy, it's forbidden to enter here." The man in purple leaned his back against a big tree, and when he saw that Lin Li was about to walk into the valley, he shouted in a bad tone.

Lin Li cast a glance at the other party, ignored him, and continued walking into the valley.


"You have a problem with your ears, right? I said it's forbidden to enter here, why are you still going forward?"

The man in purple who was in charge of guarding the entrance of the valley saw Lin Li continue to walk into the valley. He cursed and rushed over, reaching out to grab Lin Li's neck.


Lin Li saw the man in purple attacking him. Naturally, he couldn't sit still and let the man grab his neck.

Immediately, he raised his kick and kicked the opponent in the stomach, directly kicking the man in purple into the air.


The kicked man in purple hit the trunk of the big tree he was leaning against earlier, knocking off a lot of leaves.

After landing, he covered the spot where Lin Li kicked with his hands, his face turned pale, and he let out a miserable scream.

"Bastard, how dare you kick me, you are finished, my elder brother will not let you go... Hey, it hurts me to death."

The man in purple screamed a few times, then endured the severe pain in his body, and shouted at Lin Li who continued to walk into the valley.

In the distance, the treasure hunting team saw Lin Li kicking away the man in purple clothes with background without hesitation, their eyes widened in surprise.

"Is that young man crazy?"

"How dare he take action against Li Bu's people, isn't he afraid that Li Bu will come to his door for revenge afterward?"

"Young people act impulsively, and the price they pay for acting recklessly like this will be very painful..."

All the members of the treasure hunting team shook their heads and sighed. Then they looked at the man in purple clothes who was kicked by Lin Li and fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Their eyes flickered a few times, and everyone turned towards the entrance of the valley in unison. go.

"Hey, you are not allowed to go in...Made!

!Are all ears deaf? "

The man in purple wanted to stand up and stop the treasure-hunting teams walking into the valley.

It's a pity that the kick that Lin Li kicked him just now caused him to be severely injured. He couldn't stand up for a while, and could only watch helplessly as all the treasure hunting teams entered the valley.

Following behind Lin Li, all the treasure hunting teams walking into the valley were also excellent.

It was not easy for them to force their way into the valley because of the men in purple clothes blocking them.

From their point of view, there was a stunned young man who knocked down the person who was in the way. Without any obstacles, they would naturally not let this opportunity go, and they all walked in swaggeringly.

If they encountered Li Bu in the valley, their treasure hunting team would have some excuses, and they could blame the stunned young man for everything.


After entering the valley, Lin Li found that the scenery inside the valley was quite different from the outside.

Outside the valley, the shore of Bibo Lake is mainly dominated by woods and bushes, while in the valley there are not many trees, overgrown with weeds, and many flowers of different colors grow on the cliffs.

After walking in the valley for six or seven minutes, the long and narrow mouth of the valley gradually opened up. Looking into the distance, you can see a waterfall in the distance.

Although separated by a long distance, the roar of the waterfall can still be heard.

Just when Lin Li stopped to look at the waterfall in the distance, those treasure hunting teams who followed Lin Li into the valley walked past Lin Li noisily.

When the members of the treasure hunting team passed by Lin Li, they gave this stunned Qing a meaningful look.

"What's the matter with these people, looking at me like this?" Lin Li muttered in his heart with some doubts.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, and then he continued to walk deep into the valley while admiring the scenery in the valley.

All the treasure hunting teams were moving much faster than Lin Li. Within a few minutes, each treasure hunting team disappeared into the thick grass in the distance.

"There are so many flowers of different colors growing on the cliff, giving people the feeling of visiting a flower exhibition. If I can bring Su Yue to this place to play, she will be very happy to see the flowers all over the mountains and plains here."

While admiring the beautiful scenery along the way in the valley, Lin Li spread his thoughts. Unknowingly, he found that he was not far from the waterfall he saw at the beginning.

The sound of the water falling from the sky hitting the water surface was very loud.

The water vapor filled the air, obscuring a large area in front of the waterfall, as if there was a cloud covering the area.

In the valley, in front of the waterfall, it is almost at the end.

Although Lin Li didn't find the white-scaled gopher's nest along the way, but he reaped the beautiful scenery along the way, and it was a worthwhile trip.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave the valley, a beast roar suddenly came from the misty mist in front of the waterfall.


Hearing the roar of the beast, Lin Li listened sideways, and found that besides the roar of the beast, there could also be vague sounds of fighting.

After thinking for a while, Lin Li decided to go to the front to see what happened.

So, he walked into the area shrouded in misty water mist, and walked quickly along the place where the roar of beasts and the sound of fighting came from.


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