Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 355: No harm without comparison

Under the scorching sun, there were three strong men wearing linen clothes and carrying weapons on their backs, walking forward among the disordered grass.

"It's obvious that we arrived at that place first, but he drove us away outright. It's really deceiving." The short man said angrily.

"Oh, we are weak, there is nothing we can do about it." The tall man said with a sigh.

"A bullying dog, it's really disgusting to see him licking his face and flattering the Zhao family just now..." The short man recalled what happened just now, especially the guy who humiliated him in public. scolded.

"That guy Li Bu is purely a despicable person, it's already well known, you don't have to get angry with that disgusting guy..." Although the tall man was feeling aggrieved, he still consoled him patiently. own companion.

"I can't swallow this breath! As long as I think of Li Bu's smug face, I feel uncomfortable for a while." The short man said angrily.

The middle-aged man who walked in the front and opened the way was the strongest among the three. He had a cultivation base of the early stage of the second stage, and he didn't say much during this journey.

Hearing his companion talking endlessly about what happened just now, he frowned and said.

"That guy Li Bu is now fawning over the Zhao family, and with our current strength, there is absolutely nothing we can do about him.

If you are really unwilling to be humiliated by him, you should turn this anger into motivation, practice hard in the future, and strive to break through to the third level as soon as possible. "

"Brother, how can it be so easy to break through the third level? With my talent in cultivation, if I can cultivate to the middle of the second level in this life, I will burn the incense." The short man said.

He is 33 years old this year, and he has only cultivated to the peak of the first level. This kind of cultivation talent is not bad on the Blue Star, but in this spirit world where the concentration of psionic energy is many times higher than that of the Blue Star, this kind of cultivation talent is not good enough. shit.

"After all, the Zhao family is a powerful family. Now that Li Bu has wooed the Zhao family and used the Zhao family as his backing, he has become someone from ordinary people that we can't afford to mess with.

As I said just now, unless we have cultivated to the third level, otherwise, don't provoke him again, so as not to cause death. "The middle-aged man with a calm personality said to his companion.

"Brother is right! You have to remember, let's just scold that Li Bu behind his back, and don't provoke him in front of him." The tall man said.

"I..." The angry short man opened his mouth. He wanted to say, 'I'm not afraid of him. If he dares to humiliate me in the future, I'll scold him in front of him...'

But when he thought that if he did this, he would incur the revenge of that despicable person, and at that time, he would implicate his companions.

It would be fine if he was only revenged by Li Bu, but if he hurt his companions because of himself, it would be unacceptable for him.

So, the harsh words that the short man wanted to say were swallowed back by him.

"This is the way of the world, we ordinary people face the rich and powerful, unless you are successful in cultivation and have strong strength yourself, you don't have to fear their revenge.

Otherwise, even in the face of the dogs who cling to them, we still have to keep our heads down. You have to keep this truth in mind.

Even if you don't want to, when facing their humiliation, when you can't help but yell at those people, think about your parents at home, this should calm you down. "The middle-aged man with a calm personality said quietly.

The short man and the tall man fell silent after hearing what their elder brother said.

Although the words of the middle-aged man with a calm personality are not pleasant to hear, they are indeed the unspoken rules for the survival of ordinary people in the current world.

After being silent for a few minutes, the three men walking among the lush grass suddenly smelled a seductive fragrance from a distance, which made the three men who hadn't eaten lunch even hungrier.

"Strange, where does the fragrance come from?" the tall man said.

The short man shrugged his nose, sniffed the tempting fragrance in the air seriously, and guessed, "It seems to smell like barbecue."

The middle-aged man with a calm personality said with a smile, "It should be that other treasure hunting teams are camping ahead and eating lunch!"

"Brother, we've been here all morning for treasure hunting. It's getting late and we're hungry. Let's find a place to have lunch!" The tall man suggested.

"Let's continue walking forward and find a place to settle around those people who are grilling." The middle-aged man with a calm personality said.

The reason why he made this decision was because in this wilderness where strange beasts infested, it was easy to attract hungry strange beasts to come to him when eating.

Therefore, if you encounter a stranger who is eating nearby, you can choose to settle near the other person, so that if something happens during the meal, everyone can defend against the enemy together.

"En." The tall man and the short man nodded in response, then followed their elder brother to quicken their pace and walked towards the place where the smell of barbecue wafted ahead.


Sitting on the pony, Lin Li, who had just rolled a large piece of barbecue off a stainless steel skewer, was about to rate his own barbecue when he suddenly heard a sound of shaking from the thick grass in the distance.

He stopped eating, and stared at the location of the sound with vigilance.

Soon, three men wearing linen clothes and carrying weapons on their backs quickly walked out from the thick grass.

After the three middle-aged men with calm personalities walked out of the thick grass, they looked around, and soon found Lin Li who was eating lunch under a big leafy tree on the shore of Bibo Lake. .

"It's not a strange beast, it's fine..." Lin Li, who was growling with hunger, relaxed his vigilance a little after seeing the three men, and then continued to eat the kebab in his hand.

The three men originally thought that there was a treasure hunting team eating here, but unexpectedly, after finding each other, they found that the other party was not a team at all, but only one person.

In the spirit world, it is not uncommon to act alone in the wilderness.

Unlike on the blue star, those who went to the wilderness, except for some ordinary people who are not good at brains and like to die, and newcomers who are fledgling, self-righteous, and feel that their strength is not bad.

Under normal circumstances, it is rare to see people traveling alone into the wilderness.

This may also be related to the government's vigorous propaganda. The social consensus is that earning money is important, but one's own personal safety is more important.

Although acting alone can earn more money, it is easier to lose one's life. It is best to form a team to hunt wild animals in the wilderness.

In this regard, the spirit world doesn't have the kind of publicity on the Blue Star.

However, in the spiritual world, most of the people who act alone in the wilderness are practitioners over 40 years old.

Because practitioners of this age have rich experience in living in the wild, and they all have a certain ability to protect their own safety.

Now, the middle-aged man with a calm personality and his two companions saw that Lin Li was young, only in his twenties, and they had never met such a "lone ranger".

And the three of them noticed that this young man's skin was tender and fleshy, which was quite different from the rough appearance of those of them who lived in the wild.

At the same time, the three people also discovered that the cooking utensils used by this young man were of a style they had never seen on the market.

"In this wilderness, why did this young man bring a table and chairs!" The tall man looked at Lin Li who was eating lunch, and whispered to his companion.

"That's right, you just bring a small pot and some rice to cook and eat, but it's too ridiculous to bring a table and chairs!" The short man responded in a low voice. After so many years of living in the wilderness, It was the first time I met such a person.

"..." The middle-aged man with a calm personality listened to what his two companions said, and observed Lin Li who was eating lunch as if nothing had happened.

He saw the calm and calm appearance of the other party. If Lin Li was a middle-aged man in his 50s or [-]s, the middle-aged man with a calm personality would definitely think that Lin Li must be a practitioner with a high level of cultivation.

But Lin Li was young, not much different from his own daughter who had a first-stage cultivation, which made him puzzled.

After all, these three people had never seen a young man in his early 20s who already had a peak second-order cultivation, so it was normal for them to feel puzzled.

Of course, when we meet by chance, we love to go out into the wild by ourselves, and bring cumbersome tables and chairs. That is their own business, and no one can control them.

As for the doubts in my heart, out of politeness, it is enough to whisper in private, and there is no need to say it out loud in front of the other party.

"Okay, don't say any more, it would be impolite to be heard by him, let's have lunch too!" The middle-aged man with a calm personality said to his two companions.

The short man and the tall man stopped talking about Lin Li after hearing what their elder brother said.

The three of them also found a big leafy tree not far from Linli as a foothold, and began to prepare their own lunch.

Not far away, there are tables, chairs, pots and pans, and all kinds of tableware.

In this wilderness where strange beasts infested, the set of tableware used by Lin Li was considered luxurious, while the cooking utensils used by the three middle-aged men with calm personalities were much simpler.

They took out a pot with a very small diameter from their rucksack, and then three small metal bowls. Apart from these four things, there was no other tableware.

I picked up some completely dry firewood that had been exposed to the sun and lit it, and put a very small-caliber pot on the pile of firewood.

Open the water bag and pour water into the pot, then take out a piece of dried bacon and cut it into slices with a dagger... This is the sliced ​​meat soup!

The meat slices in the pot will be cooked for a while, and the three middle-aged men with calm personalities took out some pancakes from their rucksacks, each skewered the pancakes with shaved branches, and put them on the fire to bake.

When the three middle-aged men with calm personalities squatted in front of the fire and baked pancakes, they involuntarily looked at Lin Li who was eating a hearty lunch in the distance again.

A large plate of fragrant kebabs, plus a large bowl of delicious seafood soup, the richness of this lunch, at least nine blocks away from them.

"First Evolution"

"This young man can really eat!" The tall man said in a low voice as he watched Lin Li eat five skewers of kebabs that were full of weight and had an attractive aroma.

"There's still a lot! He probably can't finish it." The short man said, seeing that there were still a lot of kebabs left in Lin Li's plates.

"What? If he can't finish those kebabs, do you still want to buy some from him later?" The middle-aged man with a calm personality said with a smile after hearing what the short man said.

The short man nodded frankly, "Yes, I have this idea, and it's not something to be ashamed of.

Those kebabs of his look very delicious. If he can't finish them, I will spend some money to find him to buy a few kebabs later. "

These people who live in the wilderness, sometimes when they are preparing to eat, they meet other colleagues who have hunted and killed strange beasts. They think about extra meals when they eat, and they will spend some money to buy a few pieces of fresh food from their colleagues. This is relatively common.

The three middle-aged men with calm personalities obviously underestimated Lin Li's appetite.

They thought that Lin Li would not be able to finish the big plate of kebabs enough to feed five adults.

With this in mind, when they saw Lin Li eating up a large plate of kebabs without any leftovers, they were all stunned. They were shocked to see that their bodies were not strong, but their appetites were much different from those of Lin Li. There are many ordinary people.

The short man couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Lin Li clean up the big plate of barbecue and finish the big bowl of seafood soup in front of him, and then got up to fill the pot with a bowl of seafood soup.

"Damn it, this young man is really good at eating!

! ”

The tall man couldn't help sighing, "You really don't look like you!"

Lin Li put the second bowl of seafood soup on the table, and when he sat down and was about to continue, he suddenly heard exclamation from not far away, and looked up at them.

"Keep your voice down, that young man is looking towards us..." The middle-aged man with a calm personality glanced at the cooking on his firewood and said, "The pork slice soup is ready, we can have lunch now."

Lin Li saw the three men remove the very small pot from the pile of firewood, then poured three bowls of broth into the bowls, and started eating the pancakes with the broth with relish.

He looked down at the large plate with kebabs that had been swept away, and the delicious seafood soup with rich ingredients, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"If it weren't for the fact that the mysterious island allows me to take and put a lot of things at will, I should be the same as those three people, eating very simple..."


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