Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 357: Disappointing, what a mob

A waterfall flew straight down from the top of the mountain, and the spray splashed on the cliff was like smoke and mist.

Under the sunshine, a gorgeous rainbow appeared in the mist, hanging on the mountainside.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Because of the waterfall, a bottomless pool was formed at the foot of the mountain.

The waterfall that flew straight down fell on the pool, and the sound it made was deafening, like the shouts of thousands of troops and horses.

And around the pool filled with the roar of the waterfall, a large group of humans were besieging a fat beast.

This is a strange beast that is two meters long, with two front teeth protruding from its lips.

The body is stout, oval in shape, with a long tail and covered with white scales.

"Roar..." The strange beast with many wounds let out an angry roar at the humans who besieged it.

This strange beast knew that the ultimate goal of these humans besieging him was to snatch the spirit stone mines in his den.

"The psychic fluctuations of this white-scaled gopher are weakening, and it is almost unable to hold on anymore. If you work harder, you can kill it."

"The Guard is Here"

The person who shouted was a 35-year-old man, who was 1.5 meters tall, short in stature, and looked like a monkey with a sharp mouth.

"Brother, there are many people walking towards us..." A younger brother heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind, turned his head, and said to Li Bu who was directing the battle.

Hearing the younger brother's shout, Li Bu turned his head and looked behind him. He saw a group of treasure hunting teams entering the valley.

"It's the white-scaled gopher!

! ”

"I didn't expect that this strange beast was really in this valley."

"Look there, there is a cave next to the pool..."

"That cave should be the den of the white-scaled gopher. There must be a lot of spirit stone mines in it."

A group of treasure hunting teams who entered the valley saw the white-scaled gophers besieged by Li Bui and his team.

They looked around for a while, and soon found the white-scaled gopher's nest, and their eyes immediately lit up.

As we all know, as long as you find the nest of the white phosphorous gopher, you will definitely find the spirit stone mine it usually collects in its nest.

The opportunity to make a fortune is right in front of you, as long as you rush into the den of the white-scaled gopher, you can find a lot of spirit stone mines.

Then you can get a lot of wealth, which makes these members of the treasure hunting team who are living in the wild not be tempted.

The members of the treasure hunting team stared closely at the cave next to the water pool, their eyes full of greed.

Li Bu looked gloomy at the greedy members of the treasure hunting team, and cursed at the man in purple in his heart.

"Made, I asked that guy Wang Gouzi to guard the entrance of the valley for me, and no one is allowed to come in. Now that so many people come here, how does he do things?"

In order to guard its nest, the white-scaled gopher fought fiercely with Li Bu and his party. Now that it saw a large group of humans coming again, it suddenly felt desperate.

It was a bit powerless to deal with Li Bu and his group. Now that there was such a large group of humans, it knew that it was impossible to keep its nest, so it gave up the idea of ​​continuing to hold on.


I saw the white-scaled gopher let out a resentful roar, and then a golden aura appeared on its body, and then everyone present saw the white-scaled gopher jump up and hit the ground with its head.

If you choke on the ground with your head, under normal circumstances, there will be a scene of bloody head.

But the white-scaled gopher with pale golden aura floated on its body, the moment its head touched the ground, since it merged into the ground, its whole body disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It's a supernatural power. The awakened supernatural power of this white-scaled gopher gave it the ability to escape from the ground.

The practitioners present with a second-level cultivation base could sense a creature emitting spiritual energy fluctuations a few meters deep underground, moving quickly to a position away from the crowd.

Everyone didn't chase the fleeing white-scaled gopher. One reason was that everyone present had no means to attack the white-scaled gopher that had already escaped several meters underground.

The second is because everyone will come here this time, mainly for the spirit stone mine in the white-scaled squirrel's nest. It kills.

Although the problem of the alien beast has been solved now, there are new problems.

Everyone present knew that in the cave next to the water pool not far away, there was a huge fortune, and everyone wanted to own it alone, or share a piece of it.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The endlessly rushing waterfall kept making deafening noises. The members of the treasure hunting team and Li Bu and his party stared at each other silently.

A little farther away, under a big tree with luxuriant branches, a young man watched the scene in front of him with great interest.

"Tsk... I don't know if these people will fight?" Lin Li muttered, then took out a pack of dried fish from the mysterious island, ate it with relish, and waited for the good show to start.

Earlier, when he heard the roaring and fighting sounds of alien beasts, he ran over to see what happened. When he got there, he saw such an interesting scene.

The silent confrontation didn't last forever. Li Bu, who was short in stature and had the appearance of a monkey with a sharp mouth, spoke to the members of the treasure hunting team who were shining with greedy eyes.

"We were the first to find the Bailing gopher and its nest. The spirit stone mine and other things in its nest belong to us?"

"..." After hearing what Li Bu said, the members of the treasure hunting team all squinted their eyes and did not answer.

Li Bu saw this reaction from the members of the treasure hunting team, and his heart sank suddenly, because they obviously didn't plan to leave and wanted to get a share of the pie.

So he took out his trump card and said to the treasure hunting team.

"We came here to look for the lair of Bai Lingzure. We came here on the orders of the young master of the Zhao family... If the young master of the Zhao family knows that you are making trouble, he will be very unhappy."

Li Bu's trump card was quite effective. The treasure hunting team, who had been silent and wanted to get a share of the pie, heard him mentioning the young master of the Zhao family, and there was some commotion.

"I don't think so!"

"If you offend the young master of the Zhao family, it will be a disaster if he troubles us afterwards."

"The young master of the Zhao family is a very cautious person. I heard that someone provoked him before, and then his family was ruined by him."

Li Bu's backer, the young master of the Zhao family, really had a bad reputation. Some members of the treasure hunting team, both old and young, immediately flinched for the safety of their own families.

However, there are some exceptions who raised objections.

"There are so many people present, even if we don't give face to the young master of the Zhao family this time, and insist on taking a share of the pie, it is impossible for the young master of the Zhao family to take revenge on all of us afterwards!"

"That's right, there are so many of us, so if the Zhao family's young master wants to take revenge on us, he should think carefully about it.

And we have been busy for so long, and finally found the den of the white-scaled gopher, and we could be assigned to the Lingshi mine, so we were dismissed by Li Bu with a few words, and then the word spread, we will be in Dongwu City from now on How do you mess around? "

The voices of support and opposition are in a mess, and no one can convince anyone.

Seeing this scene, Li Bu couldn't help showing a smile on his face. Although his rhetoric just now didn't make all the treasure hunting teams leave, but now they are arguing, which can be regarded as effectively dividing their strength.

In the absence of unanimity, their side can be said to have a huge advantage.

Next, go to the den of the white-scaled gopher to look for the spirit stone mine. There are treasure hunting teams who want to stand up and get a share of the pie, but they dare not stand up when they are weak.

"Let's go, go to the den of the white-scaled gopher and see how many spirit stone mines it has collected." Li Bu said to his younger brothers looking at the noisy treasure hunting team.

"Brother, I think there should be a lot of spirit stone mines in the den of the white phosphorous squirrel." A younger brother said.

"Why do you think so?" Li Bu asked with a smile.

"Because the white phosphorus gopher resisted us so stubbornly just now, if there are not many spirit stone mines in the nest, it doesn't have to do that." The younger brother analyzed.

"What you said is quite reasonable..." Li Bu said, and then he took his little brother and walked to the cave next to the water pool.

A group of treasure hunting teams who were arguing in the distance stopped their quarrel immediately when they saw Li Bu and his group walking towards Bai Ling's gopher's den.

But at this time, none of the treasure hunting teams took the initiative to follow.

It is reasonable for the treasure hunting team who supported giving up, not to offend the young master of the Zhao family not to follow up, but it was a bit surprising that the treasure hunting team who opposed it and wanted a piece of the pie did not follow up.

"Didn't you just object? Now that Li Bu and his party are going to Bai Ling's den, why don't you follow?"

A treasure hunting team who supported giving up and chose not to offend the young master of the Zhao family asked another treasure hunting team who opposed it.

"If you cooperate with us, we can go up and argue and let them share a piece of the pie with us.

Now relying on our strength alone, it is almost impossible to follow up and get a share of the pie from them, and if we fight, we will not get any benefits. "The members of the treasure hunting team who disagreed said gloomily.

Under the big tree in the distance, Lin Li, who was eating small dried fish and watching a show, saw the treasure hunting team that followed him into the valley, the number of them was several times that of the opponent, and the strength was not weaker than the opponent , unexpectedly made such a result.

He couldn't help shaking his head, and said disappointedly, "It's really a mob, so many people have been blind for nothing..."

If this treasure hunt took place on Blue Star, other beast hunters would discover the white-scaled gopher's nest first, following the first-come, first-served rule, Lin Li, who was a latecomer, would naturally not be able to fight for it.

But now in the spirit world, people in this world obviously belong to whoever has the biggest fist, and they also bully others. If this is the case, Lin Li naturally chooses to do as the Romans do.

Moreover, he couldn't understand that guy named Li Bu very much. If the other party relied on his own strength to overwhelm other people, and then occupied the nest of the found white phosphorus gopher alone, then Lin Li would not hate him in his heart.

Bullying, this kind of vile behavior, is what Lin Li dislikes the most.

The sound of the waterfall was rushing, and Li Bu took his little brother talking and laughing, and walked to the cave next to the waterfall, preparing for a big harvest.

All the members of the treasure hunting team looked at Li Bu and his party unwillingly, but none of them dared to go up and argue with each other, they were extremely useless.

According to the normal development of the situation, in the end, the bullying Li Bu and his party will harvest a pile of spirit stone mines, return to Dongwu City as victors, and be appreciated and rewarded by the young master of the Zhao family they are talking about.

But the fact is... just when the treasure hunting team members were looking at Li Bu and his party with unwilling faces, and were about to become the final victors, a figure walked past them and greeted Li Bu and his group. go.

"???" The treasure hunting team present all looked at the young figure with doubts on their faces, and soon, they found that this young figure was the stunned young man from before.

"What is that young man doing?"

"Can't you understand that?"

"You mean to say that he's going to have a fight with Li Bu's group, and wants to get a piece of the action from them?"

"For sure! He dared to kick away the person Li Bu placed at the entrance of the valley before. Now he follows up and argues with the other party, saying that it is normal for him to get a share of the pie."

"Normal size! There was only one person at the entrance of the valley before, but now Li Bu and his party have more than twenty people!

He went up alone to find the other party to break up, wanting to share a piece of the pie, isn't this courting death? "

"This stunned young man wants to die! I'll stop him in the past." A member of the treasure hunting team had good intentions and wanted to go forward to stop Lin Li.

"Don't make trouble for yourself." The kind-hearted man just took a step forward when he was pulled back by his companion.

The overall strength of their treasure hunting team is not strong. If their companions with good intentions stepped forward to stop Lin Li, they might be involved in it and angered Li Bu and his party. But it was a disaster.

Under the persuasion of his companions, the kind-hearted man gave up the idea of ​​going forward to stop Lin Li.

After all, what his companions said was right, there were old and young in his family, if he got involved because he stopped a stranger from seeking death, then he would be irresponsible to his family.

Therefore, all the treasure hunting teams at the scene focused all their attention on Lin Li, wanting to see what would happen to this stunned young man next.

One of Li Bu's younger brothers glanced behind him and saw a young man walking towards them. He immediately stopped and shouted to his elder brother, "Brother, a guy with no eyes is following up." .”

Hearing his younger brother's yelling, Li Bu stopped, turned around and looked behind him, and found that a young man was walking towards them as his younger brother had said.

The others also stopped, turned around, and saw the same scene.

Some grumpy younger brothers yelled to go forward and kill this ignorant young man, but because there was no order from Li Bu, everyone endured and did not do it immediately.

Lin Li took his time and came to the place four or five meters in front of Li Bu's group, stopped, and looked calmly at the group in front of him who were glaring at him.


ps: Thanks to "krius" for the 100 points

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